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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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1 hour ago, NightmareT12 said:

That's perhaps what's irking me the most. I bought the pack anyways because I prefer these looks to the current Primes and need the Plat and Regal Aya anyways for a couple rotating accessories, but for the love of god why repeat the Founder's mistake? Even if it's just a cosmetic, every single Prime Access afterwards has had them return for this very reason. Why make this now again? Why not make it available for a couple months and make it come back every year or something?


EDIT: And just to note, since for whatever reasonb my Forum account is not reflecting my Founder status, this comes from an Excalibur Prime owner. I hate that it's unavailable because of everything that it entails. This is no different to me.

They might weasel it with "well we said the *collection* was going away at the end of the year, that doesn't mean we can't bring the skins back to sell individually!" (Copium I know)

This along with the push of thr mobile client is sounding so many alarm bells for me.

Yes, it's scummy. And I echo your sentiment, a decade is long enough for me as a founder, idgaf if people can get Excal Prime. Nothing should be locked out of someone being able to get just because they started later.

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I regularly buy plat and Regal Aya and thus don't mind the pricing; seems reasonably as a bundle considering the cost of the rest as stand-alone items.

That said I can see why some people are upset at this. Even if they were offered a bundled without Raya and Plat they would not accept not being able to use the plat they've farmed for cosmetics.

Ignoring the FOMO, would those people be more open if the bundled had been titled Primed Heirloom Collection as it would have signaled the expectation of a direct cash transaction (As opposed to plat) as with each and every single Prime accessory?

Edited by Jarriaga
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4 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Precisely my goal. Scorn those who do buy it.
They're a setback. Nothing more than an obstacle.

I've always been pretty blunt with how I say things, since apparently it's not enough to say it nicely.
People may think it's a small blip in the radar, but as someone who has enjoyed Video Games for well over 20 years?

I am SICK of this. It's been happening everywehere.
One game does it, others slowly follow and it spreads like an actual plague.
It's an insult to me and human intelligence as a whole. Regardless of the game.
I shouldn't have to consider the "lesser of two evils" for EVERY. DAMN. GAME.

It shouldn't be mentally taxing to see what comes out next.
Game of the Year shouldn't have it's top game be the only one who DARED to finish a proper product.


My thoughts exactly. Clearly the skins and skin packs haven't been selling that well, so now DE's trying to create a sense of urgency to make people buy stuff. Disgusting.

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The best way to ensure this sort of thing doesn't happen again (and potentially fix it this timr) is likely to be demonstrating that it lost money overall, and at any non-zero rate that's guaranteed to happen eventually with FOMO-based microtransactions, so if you decide against making a purchase in WARFRAME for any reason resulting from this change in monetization style, so please respond with it in the following form, it is set to not collect email addresses or any other irrelevant data.


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And for any moderators who happen upon this, this is meant to provide a way to see when DE has lost money (A time-exclusive microtransaction inherently can't be financially beneficial long-term unless it causes no lasting loss of reputation) from the change in community opinion that's already happened without it, and provide it as fast as possible, for your benefit and ours;

Edited by Tyfyter2002
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5 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

Ignoring the FOMO, would those people be more open if the bundled had been titled Primed Heirloom Collection as it would have signaled the expectation of a direct cash transaction (As opposed to plat) as with each and every single Prime accessory?

Why would they be? You can put different lipstick on it but if it's the same pig then the same concerns will apply. Calling them Primed instead of Heirloom doesn't change that they're time limited exclusive skins and items "celebrating" 10 years of the game behind a cash-only paywall.

9 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

I regularly buy plat and Regal Aya

As do I. Which is why I very much do mind the pricing, because when I buy these premium currencies I'd kind of like to be able to spend them on things.

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This is the same strategy DE has used before for Deluxe skins and Prime Accessories: Locking single items in a bundle to make you spend more money. However, there are 2 issues that combine together to make this instance particularly scummy:

1. This costs real money, not platinum. If people could buy this for $100 worth of platinum, they probably would. Deluxe skins get away with bundle-exclusive cosmetics because we aren't losing real cash.

2. Most of the price comes from Regal Aya, which isn't very valuable to most people. We all put up with extremely expensive Prime Accessories because the platinum that comes with it is undoubtedly valuable to basically everyone. We don't want Regal Aya, but we all want Platinum.

Should we push for the ideal pro-consumer world of buying each item individually for the fair price at which it is valued? Sure, but that's not realistic; companies are going to use tactics to get more money, and you can't do anything to change that. The best you can do is tolerate the practices that are only slightly bad, and get mad when companies do the thing that is really bad. This bundle is one of the really bad things.

Realistically, if DE decides to do anything about this (which they probably won't do), they'll probably add more platinum to the bundles to make them worth buying, while keeping the prices the same. In the mean time, continue to complain, and spend your money elsewhere. In case you've been living under a rock, Baldur's Gate 3 is fantastic, and would be my recommendation instead of buying this nonsense.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Itz2Cat said:

I will defend DE a tiny bit here. Because its a free to play game i feel like its completely fair to place skins behind pay walls. If done so, the skins should be fairly priced. That is not what they did here. The bundle nor the price is okay.

I got armored core 6 for cheaper lol.

Why is it fair for them to place the skin behind the paywalls, THE PLAT ISNT FREE, someone paid for the platinum, why not let us spend it, there is literally no ground to stand on to defend them in this case. And the unique head ornaments that are added to the pack, you cant get them any other way but like this. But thats alright, now we will be able to sort people via the mark of shame on their profiles in game lol

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12 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

I regularly buy plat and Regal Aya and thus don't mind the pricing; seems reasonably as a bundle considering the cost of the rest as stand-alone items.

That said I can see why some people are upset at this. Even if they were offered a bundled without Raya and Plat they would not accept not being able to use the plat they've farmed for cosmetics.

Ignoring the FOMO, would those people be more open if the bundled had been titled Primed Heirloom Collection as it would have signaled the expectation of a direct cash transaction (As opposed to plat) as with each and every single Prime accessory?

I regularly buy plat/access/accessories. 

The pricing is one issue. 

I dont like how much stuff is "bundled" to bloat the price. 

And most importantly imo is im concerned about this "becoming a thing". 

If this goes well enough for them we might start seeing a lot of other skins for cash only, while also part of a huge bundle only.

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15 minutes ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:

The absurd price aside, its the FOMO that really makes this whole thing reek. If the packs rotated in and out like Primes do, there'd be no problem.

Yeah if it was made clear this would be available later like Prime Accessories sometimes are, I don't think it would be getting near the same amount of heat. Something splurgy, maybe aspirational that you could get someday if you had that kind of money to spend on fashionframe, instead of 'get it now or never.' 

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2 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Companies always try to make more money. They dont reach a certain profit margin and say "welp, no need to become more profitable"

They already have 3 premium skins money making bundles (prima access, Tennogen and Deluxes) Is a fourth more expensive FOMO exclusive one needed too? 

Edited by (XBOX)YoungGunn82
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20 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Why would they be? You can put different lipstick on it but if it's the same pig then the same concerns will apply. Calling them Primed instead of Heirloom doesn't change that they're time limited exclusive skins and items "celebrating" 10 years of the game behind a cash-only paywall.

I do believe it would have changed the context, because I expect for Prime accessories to:

1) Only be acquired via cold hard cash.
2) To be gone for around 4 years if you didn't buy the Prime access on time. This is FOMO. Being celebratory doesn't change it.

Precedents set expectations.

20 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

As do I. Which is why I very much do mind the pricing, because when I buy these premium currencies I'd kind of like to be able to spend them on things.

Such a shame you are on the bleeding edge and thus have nothing to use your resources on. Me on the other hand don't have every single Prime accessory in the game and just returned from a 2-month break while I played other games, so I'll be using plat to get Kullervo and Wisp Prime.

16 minutes ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I regularly buy plat/access/accessories. 

The pricing is one issue. 

I dont like how much stuff is "bundled" to bloat the price. 

And most importantly imo is im concerned about this "becoming a thing". 

If this goes well enough for them we might start seeing a lot of other skins for cash only, while also part of a huge bundle only.

As I mentioned before: I think there should be a bundle without the Plat and Raya for those who don't want it. I just think there's a group who are upset at having to pay with cash rather than using Plat they can farm for free in-game. Those will not be placated by a cheaper bundle and DE shot themselves in the foot by not anticipating this.

Edited by Jarriaga
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You know what? Let’s think about it. Do you really believe the two expansions they shown are the future of Warframe they were talking about weeks before the show? Not even close. The real future from their point of view is the mobile version of the game and the cross saved is just a mean for an end.

When we received the cross play, we were all very pleased. Bbut I always though it wasn’t a gift to the community but a necessity for the longevity of the game, because there is less and less players. The unification was and is a solution to hide this fact.

In this perspective, the mobile version is the new frontier. They hope to replicate the success of Fortnite. And the in game purchases have to be straight forward and in real currency to please Apple. They only talked about iOS version, right?

And I do think they took this decision at the last moment before Tennocon because, if I’m right, the skins are linkable in chat.

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7 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Yeah if it was made clear this would be available later like Prime Accessories sometimes are, I don't think it would be getting near the same amount of heat. Something splurgy, maybe aspirational that you could get someday if you had that kind of money to spend on fashionframe, instead of 'get it now or never.' 

Yep, weaponizing FOMO in a game that is renowned for its player-friendly monetization is unfortunate and on the 10th anniversary TennoCon no less. 😐

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1 minute ago, Jarriaga said:

I do believe it would have changed the context, because I expect for Prime accessories to:

1) Only be acquired via cold hard cash.
2) To be gone for around 4 years if you didn't buy the Prime access on time. This is FOMO. Being celebratory doesn't change it.

Precedents set expectations.



Q: Will these Heirloom Collections return after 2023?

A: The Mag and Frost Heirloom Collections are only available now until December 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m ET. This is your only chance to get these exclusive new Customizations!

So #2 is right out the window from the get-go.

But if you want to talk "precedent", the precedent has been that deluxe skins like these are sold for plat and aren't time limited. Precedent does set expectations. These packs break that precedent.

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All I really want is the skins and the colour palette, for me to buy this pack I'm going to be disregarding most of the bundles worth. 100% think there should be a bundle with no regal aya, even happy for no platinum just to reduce the price/padding, just for all the unique rewards to be available at a much, much, much fairer price. 

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