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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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There are multiple issues with those bundles. The price is for a bunch of people, the aya situation (DE forces you to buy something you don’t need), the FOMO and the currency. 

Mine in particular is the currency. I’m pretty sure that, at some point in time, if we don’t report the scam, DE will try to implement the model for all type of cosmetics leaving the platinum system only for, let’s say, the slots (warframes, weapons, companions, etc.)

They can keep the bundles as they are for the people who already bought one AND give access to the skin individually in the in game shop with platinums. And if I’m correct, they already did it in the past with the support Namer Bundle purchasable with real currency and skins alone with plat.

One more thing: this is definitely not the same story with the Excalibur Prime precedent. Exca P. was a way for DE to survive until next updates hopping for better times. After 10 years, we can argue without a doubt, that the longevity of the game is acquired and DE doesn’t need predatory behavior to succeed.

Some people here are playing for 10 or 9 years, there surely are more supporters that those who are buying those bundles after one or two years in game. Seems to me that DE is saying: “Warframe is a FTP game but only for rich players.”

Edited by (PSN)HeartCoreGamer
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7 minutes ago, ZabaYaga said:

Considering this is literally just putting deluxe skins behind a Paywall, on a event that costs them a lot, where they donate 200k to charity, give 10k for funsies to a cosplay contest and then also are developing 3 separate games you need to ask yourself how much of this is still supporting devs. They wouldn't do all that if they didn't already have the funds to do so.

They're still the ones who made Warframe. It wouldn't be supporting the devs if I had strict requirements over where that money ends up being spent. Imagine if someone gave you a tenner as a birthday 'gift' but then told you that you can only use that money to buy them a gift in return, would you consider that a good birthday present?

8 minutes ago, ZabaYaga said:

I've said it in another thread. Be aware that if you start being okay now with these deluxe skins to be sold behind a paywall, be prepared to do it every time from now on. Why would they give you the opportunity to make it obtainable for plat if they can just get you to open your wallet for 'support'.

I get what you are going for, and the slippery slope is definitely something to watch out for. But DE is also the ONLY company where I would say it does not apply. They abolished prior monetisation schemes because they were extortionate, and they've set Prime Access price points in accordance with the community's voices. DE =/= EA. 

That said, don't think I don't have this precedent function in the back of my head anyway. But it's not the price point that bothers me, or the fact that it's paid directly. Both of these already HAVE precedents and have been staples of Warframe's monetisation for ages via Prime Access. Which, IIRC, is also the primary means by which they've been able to produce the funds you mentioned before. 

It's the marriage of goods that is bothering me about this, and it's also what this topic is about. Kindly don't derail.

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6 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

I have no problem with folks voicing their rational disappointment with something. Thats not whats going on here though.

Whole thing started with a misunderstanding of the price, thinking it was $130+, and then when that excuse left the room its basically been a very strange and probably deliberate mix of misinformation and conspiracy theories.

Talk of "FOMO" being used as a tactic, despite it being available for another 120+ days. Conspiracies of "this is how it starts" despite there being zero confirmation there'll even be a second Heirloom Pack. Terms thrown around like it's a "backstab" while they conveniently forget that theres No Subscription, No Battle Passes, No DLC Expansion costs, No "pay X to unlock the option to use Weapon Y", No PS+ requirement, No Guaranteed Paywall in front of both New Warframes or Prime Warframes.

What's the only thing this game has ever asked anyone to pay for? Cosmetics, a truly optional purchase, and something most people wish that "Game X" would only charge for. Instead of a rational conversation though we got multiple threads full of scaremongering and folks who never asked themselves if they've ever spent more than $20 per month on the game in Tennogen/Plat purchases bouncing nonsense and theories and the factually unprovable back and forth.

The only failure that's happened here is the occurance of mob mentality, and a lot of folks not noticing it.

The price is still ridiculous though, because of what's in the bundle. It's not the actual number that's a problem to me (And many that I've seen voice frustration), it's that you're forced into buying stuff you might not actually want that is regularly available outside the pack (AND to make it worse, the people who've supported DE the most have the least value out of regal aya) 

There is huge FOMO considering come 2024 these will NEVER BE AVAILABLE EVER AGAIN. If you do not get them during this time you will NEVER GET THEM. That is some pretty strong FOMO right there if you want these skins because they will NEVER BE AVAILABLE EVER AGAIN. One of the reasons why people are so disappointed in DE for doing this is because it's a step backwards from what we've come to love about them over the years, we thought they were better than this to put it bluntly because in the past they've shown us they were better than this, but now people are starting to doubt that. 

And a lot of people don't even have a problem with the cosmetics costing $, it's the whole value of the pack being forcefully inflated far beyond the actual value of the skins and unique goodies which are obviously the only things people really want from the pack because they can get platinum and regal aya any time they want at the amount that they want. Remove the regal aya from the pack and it's value decreases dramatically, making the purchase justified to many more people. 

I think your comment is a failure to realize how much there is wrong that people have valid criticism about. It's not just some mob mentality. 

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Yeah, no, look...

With all the arguing back and forth between players about who can and can't afford it, the basics of this is simple:

DE has really gone heavy with the costing on this one. And they've done it in a way that goes against their previous stand on monetisation.

They want you to buy the skins, true, but they know that everyone doesn't have Frost and Mag, so they put Regal Aya in there and changed Varzia to stock Mag and Frost Prime so you can buy the frames outright and use the skins on them.

In somebody's mind, that was a great idea.

They have not, in any way, considered that people who have Frost and Mag will want the skins but not the Regal Aya, and the price tag shouldn't reflect that. Sure, the top-of-the-range one with Regal Aya, Platinum and all the extra cosmetics? Maybe that's justifiable in some space, somewhere, for the Whale players.

But the base version of this pack should not be the useless little Sigils only.

The base version of this pack should be just the Skins, Signas and the Accolade. They could make that cost something like 20 bucks if they wanted, it would still be expensive for what it is, but it would be something players would buy. Nearly everyone would be tempted at that point.

It even makes sense from a money-hungry point of view. Leave the expensive bundles as expensive bundles, throw the Regal Aya in, throw the Platinum in. Whales would buy them because exclusive little bits of content like Emotes and Sigils are Whale bait.

But the number of people that would shovel 20 bucks/pounds/euros into the game for those skins? Incredible amounts. So many players.

Supply cheaper, but to many, many more people and you get more profit. If people have the choice not to buy your product, then this is basic sales strategy.

And as for this sentiment:

2 hours ago, Binket_ said:

A free game still needs to pay the bills.
Guess how that gets done, here's a hint: It's monetization.

This is genuinely absolute blindness at this point.

DE can afford to host a yearly Convention. DE can afford to drop 200k on a Charity at the same time as dropping 10k on a damn Cosplay Contest. DE can afford to make an entire separate game. DE can afford to farm out their resources and servers to Wayfinder. DE have been bought and invested in and sponsored in such huge amounts that they can afford to sponsor other companies to market for them.

DE are not short of money. They are not just paying the bills, they're paying other people's bills.

Monetisation is something DE are good at, something they were, for a decade, smart at.

This is not smart monetisation. This is not good monetisation.

This is a disappointment, not because it's any worse than what other games do all the time, but because DE haven't done this to their players before.

This is a disappointment because players will pay money for Warframe premium currency and cosmetics, and now DE are showing poor choices and greed based on it.

DE have been better than this, they should still be.

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The amount of people blindly defending DE is crazy, they're not in desperate need of money like how they were during the founder program, they just donated 200K DOLLARS it's just a predatory cash grab and people are falling for it

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2 hours ago, Binket_ said:

A free game still needs to pay the bills.
Guess how that gets done, here's a hint: It's monetization.

They dropped 200K dollars on charity and started working on a new game while having multiple games active and thriving, that doesn't sound like a small indie company desperate for any money to stay alive THEY LITERALLY GAVE AWAY 200K DOLLARS

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Tanta Cinta said:

I mean you're all whining over a high price and FOMO. If you played Destiny you wouldn't be new to this. Let DE dabble a bit into the FOMO market, I think they deserve to just this once.

What kind of take is this? Should we all be playing Diablo Immortal too? 

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34 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Talk of "FOMO" being used as a tactic, despite it being available for another 120+ days.

After those 120 days it's gone though so people's concerns over that aspect is justified, it doesn't matter how big the time to get a product is if it's time limited then it creates the fear of missing out.

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2 hours ago, Xsoskeleton said:

Also nothing like the whales trying to justify their spending by calling out others who dont spend like they do. Completely missing the point that Regal Aya is responsible for around half of the bundle price alone.

It's worse because they're advocating for the game to monetize in a way that "recruits" and converts players into whales. 

I'm a whale. I've been to 3 TennoCons, I've purchased most Prime Accessories and Supporter Packs, and there's a good chance I'll pick this up. However, I'll still read the room and say that this isn't a good call.

Its actually comical, because if you're actually a whale, then Regal Aya really doesn't offer much value, because you already own all that you want from Varzia if you're whaling. That's why a major reason why I dislike the pricing and Regal Aya inclusion. I just don't need it or want it.

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I dont see the problem with the prices. They are collector items and intended to be supporter packs. Of course the price wont be the same as regular cosmetics in the game. And people bickering about the bonus items inside and setting their own rules based on personal purchase habbits is beyond silly to me. Sure some that buy these will be whales that dont need the regal aya, but not everyone falls under that category and may have use for the regal aya. They are in the end likely just bonus items thrown in without any actual impact on the price of the pack.

The price set is very likely based on the collector value i.e designed by an old artist coming back just to do those, aswell as being intended as supporter packs. At which point not everything will be of a 1:1 value. It is like that in practically any game that has packs aimed to be supporter packs i.e you buy them to support the game even if they might be of a higher price than normal items of the category i.e cosmetics.

If these were game changing items etc. then yeah I'd totally get the complaints. But these are optional collector items.

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21 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

It's the marriage of goods that is bothering me about this, and it's also what this topic is about. Kindly don't derail.

Fair, I'll leave it be! 
The specific sentence I commented on bothered me because it's very easy for a business to start abusing the good will they've built. It would set the precedent that they could start putting anything behind a paywall as long as they can spin it on 'support'. Why not make full fledged $200 exclusive wailing skins, after all they're just supporting the game for buying a $200 skin and it's just cosmetic.
I felt that even while discussing the further contents it's important to keep in mind what's happening at the core here.

Because that same logic can be used to defend the point you're making.
Someone could argue that the marriage of goods is not important, because it is a pack to cover the cost of a full-fledged game, so look at it like 'paying for a full game' that you CAN pay for if you want. It's simply a pack designed for those who wish to pay this amount and the contents + skins are just a trophy and goodies of this specific level of support. So all is fine and nothing should be separated. They just give you something nice for your support after all. If you don't want to pay for all, are you truly supporting after all or just entitled and greedy for wanting their support-exclusive items for cheap/free?
(Note, I don't think like this, unfortunately a friend of mine does haha)

Prime Access also is just accessories, not a fullfledged overhaul of the model of a frame. They don't carry the same weight at all. Even with operators, Warframes always are the star of the show.
They're not comparable and prime access imo is a pretty elegant supporter solution.

Debate on! :)
I'll leave this thread to it's true purpose. I just wanted to explain why I commented on this in particular.

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I can mostly understand the reasons for purchase date cutoff--they're 10th anniversary skins so they can only be purchased in the year of 2023, when the anniversary took place. A lot of games do that for all sorts of commemorative items, paid or no. Warframe already kind of has that with past Tennocon cosmetics, so in the grand scheme of things the time limit isn't all that unreasonable. 

On the other hand I can see why older players would be especially upset by this--yes, whalebait FOMO cosmetics used to be a thing in Warframe for the longest time. When Ember Prime or Rhino Prime Access first came and went, as far as we knew at the time those Prime accessories were gone for the foreseeable future. It wasn't until almost half a decade after the first Prime Access that we became aware DE was considering re-running old Prime Accesses, and it still took some high-profile callouts and community backlash for Prime Vault price model to offer more flexibility. 

We had to go through not-insignificant growing pains to reach a less predatory model. It's something DE should be proud of. But to celebrate the 10th anniversary they're going to sell a bundle that they know to be more predatory than what players would have accepted 5, 10 years ago? It's really not just the price or the time window that people are upset about. 

With all that said I also have to make clear that it's Mag cosmetics so I'll end up buying it eventually. But still I can't help but feel like the bundle is so out of place, it's just not how Warframe has done things, and I say this as someone who has bought at least one Supporter Pack on top of every single Prime Accessories ever since the option became available.

Sure, I have been playing this game for 10 years; I have my biases and my experience and POV on Warframe is probably very different from most of the playerbase at this point. But was it really unreasonable for me to expect a 10th anniversary thing to be something more nostalgic and comforting than the Regal Aya jumpscare??? It's a package meant to celebrate 10 years of Warframe and yet why does it feel so jarring to someone who's actually been playing and whaling for this game for 10 years? 

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37 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

The amount of people blindly defending DE is crazy, they're not in desperate need of money like how they were during the founder program, they just donated 200K DOLLARS it's just a predatory cash grab and people are falling for it

Welcome to WF my dude, you'll meet a lot of these "Defenders"

Small tip, don't upset them.

10 minutes ago, Voltage said:

It's worse because they're advocating for the game to monetize in a way that "recruits" and converts players into whales. 

I'm a whale. I've been to 3 TennoCons, I've purchased most Prime Accessories and Supporter Packs, and there's a good chance I'll pick this up. However, I'll still read the room and say that this isn't a good call.

Its actually comical, because if you're actually a whale, then Regal Aya really doesn't offer much value, because you already own all that you want from Varzia if you're whaling. That's why a major reason why I dislike the pricing and Regal Aya inclusion. I just don't need it or want it.

They are called many things, some that are not as pretty but "WKs" and "Whales" seem to be the common nicknames here. Even tho I don't quite get "Whale" for a nickname.

 However I can't agree more with what you said here, but the fact that you openly admitted to being such and still have an open mind about the room is something that very rarely people have, so I'm glad to see it.

Then you have the other types.

(Dammit, there is a very old pic I found of a Black/White image with Children wearing headbands from WF, but for the life of me I can't find it)

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21 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

They are called many things, some that are not as pretty but "WKs" and "Whales" seem to be the common nicknames here. Even tho I don't quite get "Whale" for a nickname.

I don't know where the term originated from for gaming, but I'm going to have to guess it has something to do with how much value real whales offer in resources for being poached.

21 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

However I can't agree more with what you said here, but the fact that you openly admitted to being such and still have an open mind about the room is something that very rarely people have, so I'm glad to see it.

My enjoyment in this game now is keeping up with releases and owning it all (within reason). I don't mind throwing money at the game when it's monetized in a way that isn't actually wasting my money. The initial way Prime Resurgence and Waverider Support pack worked for example had issues with being wasteful with pricing. I did not buy them at first and waited for the appropriate fixes. Here though, most of the bundle is priced from items that an average player likely doesn't need or want.

I have no issue with bundles with tons of extras only if there's an option to buy lower packs. Chinese New Year bundles come to mind here, same with various Support Packs. The only issue I still have with Regal Aya is the "just too short" pricing scheme so you're inclined to buy too much. This Heirloom pack is only predatory because of the bloated nature of it AND being time-limited/marketed with FOMO.

It's akin to how you used to have to buy an entire Vault Pack that you didn't need just to get the cosmetics you wanted. Sure, it took a large Youtuber to call them out on it to get it fixed (which I won't forget), but it was addressed. It's the exact same deal here. If someone needs Frost and Mag Prime with these skins, simply offer the pricing in a way where buying that much Regal Aya is still a value proposition, just don't force everyone to have to buy that Regal Aya. If you're a true supporter for all these years, there's a good chance you own Frost Prime and Mag Prime (and their associated weapons) already.

The way the Accolade works is also concerning. Accolades should only be something you earned recognition for. That's how they've always been. Closed Beta Tester, Founder, Staff, Moderator, Content Creator. It's supposed to be an earned badge, not a purchased one. The only reason Founders get the exception here is because of the circumstances of their purchase.

If they're going to add a "First 10 Supporter" Accolade, they should make it something only deserving accounts would earn recognition for, not a time limited purchase. It's disrespectful to everyone who's built the game and the studio up to make this a purchase and undermines their commitment. 

Here's an idea: rework Design Council. Make Design Council an Accolade that players just qualify for by meeting a set of requirements that shows they're a supporter to the game. That's an earned "Supporter Accolade" system right there, and it includes both free and paying customers who've contributed to the game. The people running a Codex bug report thread for years, my Promocode thread, people writing feedback, people playing iOS beta to give feedback on accessibility/controls/gameplay, Prime Access/Resurgence purchases, those helping other players with questions; these are the people that deserve an Accolade (maybe a different one for different forms of contribution).

I also want to make clear that I have never had a low amount of Platinum in the last 6 or 7 years of playing. With that said though, Platinum is the universal premium currency that has many uses, while Regal Aya is limited. I don't consider the amount of Platinum in a bundle when I purchase one, but it is absolutely a point to consider for an average player. This Heirloom bundle offers far too little for the price.

Edited by Voltage
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22 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

They are in the end likely just bonus items thrown in without any actual impact on the price of the pack.

I highly doubt that considering that the value of the regal aya purchased separately is about half the value of the pack on it's own, and they seem to consistently value packs using everything in the pack. And even if that were the case, valuing a couple skins far beyond that of a bundle that includes a prime warframe, weapons and platinum (over 2k more platinum than this pack, which could get you multiple deluxe skins with leftover platinum on top of this) is still worthy of heavy criticism. 

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20 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

They are called many things, some that are not as pretty but "WKs" and "Whales" seem to be the common nicknames here. Even tho I don't quite get "Whale" for a nickname.

5 minutes ago, Voltage said:

I don't know where the term originated from for gaming, but I'm going to have to guess it has something to do with how much value real whales offer in resources for being poached.

I vaguely remember.

It came from a seminar being held by a mobile game dev that got shared online because of how toxic and money-hungry the speaker was being. He likened the players to 'fish' that they were trying to 'catch', they had to 'hook' them in with their monetisations, get the most amount of them paying, but then pointed out that the real money came from the 'big fish', the ones that could spend more money. He then went on to specifically state that the people they were really after were the biggest fish, the 'whales' that have more money than sense (and this was where it got really, really bad), which includes the compulsive players, the gambling addicts, the ones that spend against their common sense.

It was so very, very predatory that it's been the standard example of just how bad the general game monetisation situation has become in too many places. It was used in the case against loot boxes and other in-game gambling methods. It's a bad look and sounds almost identical, in pitch, to the people that sell predatory lending practices to the elderly.

And yeah, Warframe has a few Whales in its player base, that's for sure...

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34 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

The price is still ridiculous though, because of what's in the bundle. It's not the actual number that's a problem to me (And many that I've seen voice frustration), it's that you're forced into buying stuff you might not actually want that is regularly available outside the pack (AND to make it worse, the people who've supported DE the most have the least value out of regal aya) 

There is huge FOMO considering come 2024 these will NEVER BE AVAILABLE EVER AGAIN. If you do not get them during this time you will NEVER GET THEM. That is some pretty strong FOMO right there if you want these skins because they will NEVER BE AVAILABLE EVER AGAIN. One of the reasons why people are so disappointed in DE for doing this is because it's a step backwards from what we've come to love about them over the years, we thought they were better than this to put it bluntly because in the past they've shown us they were better than this, but now people are starting to doubt that. 

And a lot of people don't even have a problem with the cosmetics costing $, it's the whole value of the pack being forcefully inflated far beyond the actual value of the skins and unique goodies which are obviously the only things people really want from the pack because they can get platinum and regal aya any time they want at the amount that they want. Remove the regal aya from the pack and it's value decreases dramatically, making the purchase justified to many more people. 

I think your comment is a failure to realize how much there is wrong that people have valid criticism about. It's not just some mob mentality. 

Very much is a mob mentality. I'll proceed by proving it.


Your post above is basically full of things you haven't really thought about. And I want to be crystal clear about this, that's not an attack on your intelligence, I'm sure you're very intelligent, but that doesn't make you immune to mob mentality. Lets have a look at your main points and see why your post is nothing but an echo chamber for the Irrational:


A) "you're forced into buying stuff you might not actually want"

You probably know what's coming with this one. Nobody is forced to do anything, there's no gun to your head. Outside of that very obvious, albeit cliché, truth, why do you think you'll never need the extras? Is it because you won't use it next week, or next month? What about 6 months time? 12? Most of the folks moaning about the Aya are only thinking short-term. A lot of them didn't even notice that the Aya is there because Frost and Mag were added to Varzias shop yesterday. Varzias shop itself is still basically new, so the assumption that you know you'll never need Aya for anything else is inherently flawed. Even as-is there are many who get their Primes from there now.


B) "There is huge FOMO"

There isn't. As much as I wish there was some middle ground here, there isn't any of that either. 120 days plus what's left of August. Would you like to take a crack at guessing how many limited time events, sales, offers, bonuses or experience boost weeks are going to be taking place in every other MMO worldwide during those 120+ days? Have you ever had a decision in your life you needed 120+ days to make? Also I don't mean to alarm anyone, but every MMO that has ever existed has had a form of FOMO built into it, without the need for money. What do you think Daily/Weekly alerts are? Thats not "predatory" lol, it's good game design. In essence youve only now decided to complain about something you've experienced for decades. Any guesses as to why? Oh and I'm guessing this "you dont get 3 strikes, you only get 1" attitude isn't normally yours either. 


C) "And a lot of people don't even have a problem with the cosmetics costing $"

Oh they absolutely do. In between all the barking is a few subtle "why isn't it platinum" posts.


D) "it's the whole value of the pack"

Yeah about that, let's look at the math here for a second. So just to break down the contents of the Top Pack, which isn't even necessary to get the skins of course but I wanna be fair because the second Pack looks worse for your side of the argument:

- 2 Deluxe Warframe Skins

- Regal Aya x6

- Platinum x600 (PS5)

- Colour Pallette

- Emote

- Glyph

So, deluxe warframe skins usually cost 165 plat alone. Im not going to include the signas in this as that wouldnt be fair nor possible, I have no frame of reference for the cost and im not going to "guess" if its like solo accessories. Emotes are 25 plat each. Colour Pallettes are 75 plat. Glyphs are 10/15/20, so averages 15 plat. And 600 plat is 600 plat. All adds up to 1045 worth of platinum. 1000 platinum (discounted) on the marketplace is €50. So for arguments sake let's say 1045 plat then is €50.25.

7 Regal Aya costs €36.99. But the pack only gives 6 not 7. So that's €31.71.

€50.25 + €31.71 = €81.96

The Top Heirloom pack we've been referencing costs €80.99.

So without including the brand new customisation option, which given how its a cosmetic will have a price in future iterations, the Heirloom pack without it costs €0.94 less. And you doubt that you may be echoing others saying its about "value"?


Please feel free to double check any numbers, to look up what Fomo in games actually represents, anything you need to do to verify anything above. But the only failure here remains people's inability, or in some cases unwillingness, to see the very clear level of mob mentality going on. Unless you truly are a 1 Strike person of course.

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vor 41 Minuten schrieb Circle_of_Psi:

. Even tho I don't quite get "Whale" for a nickname.

Check out an old video of 'Let's go whaling' from a speech by Torulf Jernström in 2016. Basically he laid down the whole approach of mobile gaming monetization and not only for mobile games.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

After those 120 days it's gone though so people's concerns over that aspect is justified, it doesn't matter how big the time to get a product is if it's time limited then it creates the fear of missing out.

True. What's false though is acting like 120+ days isnt enough time for any rational person to decide if they want something or not. Usually something like that can be done anywhere from 10 mins to 1 day depending on the severity of the outcome of the choice.

By the way, are you, right now this very second, worried that you'll run out of time to get your Xmas presents bought and wrapped?

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17 hours ago, Kymaeraa said:

I really hope this price point isn't a new trend.

Sadly, Nothing about this is new.

This is how exactly how Primes and Prime access were done back 10 years ago.
Players hating it and calling them out repeatedly is why it changed. Actually, that's not even true. They didn't stop it because we complained but because pundits with large followings on Twitter and Youtube complained.

I hated the FOMO marketing then and detest it just as much now.

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31 minutes ago, Prexades said:

Check out an old video of 'Let's go whaling' from a speech by Torulf Jernström in 2016. Basically he laid down the whole approach of mobile gaming monetization and not only for mobile games.


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16 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Sure, it took a large Youtuber to call them out on it to get it fixed

I'm waiting for Brozime to weigh in on this, because, at this point, he usually seems to be the deciding factor on which direction any given whatever goes. I've definitely noticed a lot of his streams lately have been pushing for people to accept DE charging for gameplay, so I already suspected something like this Heirloom fiasco was in the works.

A few facts...

I found Warframe because I was looking for FUN f2p games.

I have spent more money on FREE to play Warframe than I have spent on any other games in my entire gaming life -- an obscene amount that is actually at least doubled, due to "it's a couple's thing."

I even bought Regal Aya.

I have not spent any money since the ammo nerf because although I think, in concept, that nerf was reasonable, I think its execution was unreasonable.

A few opinions...

I love the Heirloom items.

I object to the purchase seemingly only being offered to those with deep pockets.

DE has a habit of either standing firm or going complete washout -- there is no middle grounding ever.

I'm not a fame-ish streamer and I've already admitted I'm not dragging out my debit card for this game currently, so my sentiments don't really matter to DE.

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I'll probably end up buying it anyways because I've been pretty satisfied with WF's direction recently and the skins look gorgeous, but I agree I would definitely prefer a package option that has ONLY the skins and no regal aya or platinum, since I don't particularly need those and they inflate the price. Also it helps that the price isn't as horrible in my own region.. it's still very steep and more than what I normally spend on WF at once, but it's not a direct dollar conversion, so it ends up being a little cheaper than buying a brand new game here. 

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17 hours ago, Wawus said:


This alongside mediocre Deluxe skins (that Yareli reveal was met with... silence) doesn't reinforce my faith in the decisions that have been made.

I prefer fish Sevagoth to "we decided to make it ugly for no reason" skins that they have been making recently. 

Yareli deluxe.... I mean we'll have to see it in game but it honestly looks weird, maybe the hat will be nice? Like idk the body looks a lot bigger than regular Yareli.

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