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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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1 minute ago, Alpha-Braten said:

Ok my bad. Forgot about that passive… 

But I have to say I always boycotted Umbra because they gave so many advantages about Prime. But thats my personal thing :D

You're lucky you can play Excal P in SP Circuit. I'm stuck with Umbra and it's annoying passive.

I have a normal Excal built too! I wish I could choose him in SP Circuit :(

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This is how you divide the player base, the many that are f2p and the few that spend real money ( and keep the money flowing so the game doesn't shut down) the thing is that these skins in the bundles (had to be bundles to sky rocket the price) are way to exclusive and out of reach for the general player and that's fine if Warframe had that system but it never did, it was always the prime access with limited skins, later came regal aya ,and this is yet another limited exclusive money only thing. I think that the f2p and the not f2p scale is getting a bit off balance, I was disappointed about not having an alternative way to get at least the skins  but I won't be paying for them.


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what a way to celebrate 10 years eh DE?

"oh thank you guys for the 10 years we've spent together, as a treat I'll sell you this overpriced pack containing some nice skins but also stuff you don't even want so I can jack up the price for no reason!"

but on god though, who greenlit this terrible pricing/offering lmao? it really, really sets a bad precedent. doesn't inspire confidence.

I'm hoping some change comes from this.

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29 minutes ago, Ruddertail said:

The big problem is that even if you love Mag and Frost and these new skins you're still forced to buy 6 regal aya to be allowed to buy the skins, which is the part that has me scratching my head.

Was going to get regal aya anyways when some PA stuff i missed shows up in resurgence so it was good bonus for me

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hace 2 minutos, Skoomaseller dijo:

I'm hoping some change comes from this.

Nah, they cannot... if they change it now, they will spit in the face of the whales. And since was real money purchases, doing a refund mean to lose a lot of money in the transference.

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4 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

I did read the entire post, but there's one single part that stood out to me, and to be honest, the entire argument kind of falls apart without it. It was:

"instead of offering us the skins"

To which I would say: 

Yesterday 5 new items were made available to players, not 2. 3 of them everyone everywhere with an Internet connection could get for Free (Dex Suit, Gotva Prime, Gara Prime).

I apologise but I just can't let that fact get swept under the rug so easily. 2 of the 4 new items were absolutely free, unless you count them costing you time. And to top it off you could get 1 Prime Warframe free too. And yes theres obviously the semantic argument of "well theres people who had gara already", but then id simply return with "cool give me 2 mins and ill find someone in chat who didnt" and then we get nowhere, it's a pretty stupid stalemate.

If you've been given 3 out of 5 things absolutely free, (the Dex Suit also running up until an extended date too btw but no arguments about FOMO over that, which is odd considering its "not about $") it doesn't look great to be honest.

Uhh... are you sure you meant to reply to my post? I wasn't talking about the free stuff at all.

Your reply went into a detailed break down of the Heirloom packs, which is what we're currently discussing. And my reply to you was about that.

You even took the phrase 'instead of offering us the skins' out of context.

In context I said that the Heirloom Packs are the first non-Tennogen real money purchase, and that they've not actually offered a pack that is just the Skins, they've packed Regal Aya into the packs.

It wasn't about getting anything for free. It was about the way they've put the packs together to make sure that anyone who actually wants the Skins, instead of the emotes and sigils, has to buy Regal Aya too, which jacks the price up.

As for this person:

3 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

You're still pretending to know far more about their financial situation than you actually do. 

I beg your pardon, who's pretending?

And stop trying to twist the words. I didn't say they don't need the money, I said they don't need the money this way.

We are perfectly willing to pay for the products we want. But DE are not selling us the products we want without artificially increasing the price with products we don't want.

If you can't even understand that basic of a reply to your point, then you're genuinely not in the position to assume that other people are wrong about the basic application of logic to the situation.

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3 minutes ago, Gaxxian said:

It's funny how they would made a WHOLE LOT MORE money if they just sold the skins for 20€.

I'm pretty sure they have someone with a bit more financial expertise to determine these things. 

Besides managing outrage, they've been pretty successful with their pricing model. 

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8 minutes ago, Gaxxian said:

Nah, they cannot... if they change it now, they will spit in the face of the whales. And since was real money purchases, doing a refund mean to lose a lot of money in the transference.

Very few people would actually refund, and although they would not see quite as many sales as they would during the availability window (since people are not being pressured), they would make way more sales in the end over the course of years. Especially if they put it on a rotation like primed accessories.

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I really was happy to see a new Mag skin but it seems they are reserved for the wealthy alone.   For 90 dollars you could buy several triple a games on Steam.  Or a whole cartful of indie games.   And if this insanely high premium is going to be tied to these skins than why are they bundled?  Just let us purchase the one we want.   Its really disappointing but at 90 dollars for a skin we're getting into some sketchy territory.  And before any apologists get in here and say its only a cosmetic.   Need I remind you, fashion frame is end game.   Fashion, style, creativity and art is a big part of the Warframe experience.   It's part of the game play loop just as much as big number go up.   Especially when your favorite frame (Mag) gets a sweet skin that is out of your reach.

It's really deflating to be honest.   DE could at very least divide the bundle into parts so you can just pick things alacart.  Making it somewhat more affordable for everyone.

Edited by Anmorata_Armitage
+adding something
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There would be no need to change the price, but rather add at least another 600 or so plat to the deal (if not even more) and also give that to everyone who bought it previously. (and maybe a promise to not make bundles like this one again and stick to the ones everyone liked...)

Edited by Ruddertail
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48 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

However, I think that there should be a pack for 20 € that would contain only the skins for people who don't care for the premium currencies.

Damn, if only we figured this out already:

"Thanks to your feedback, this is also the first time we’re offering separate Prime Accessory Packs!"

Edited by Voltage
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35 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

what a way to celebrate 10 years eh DE?

"oh thank you guys for the 10 years we've spent together, as a treat I'll sell you this overpriced pack containing some nice skins but also stuff you don't even want so I can jack up the price for no reason!"

but on god though, who greenlit this terrible pricing/offering lmao? it really, really sets a bad precedent. doesn't inspire confidence.

I'm hoping some change comes from this.

I'm not encouraging spam, but everyone should be bringing up Update 23.1.2 in their feedback. This was the update they added separate accessory packs to Prime Vault. I took the time to dig this up, and I hope players mention this along with their Regal Aya and Founders comparisons:

"Thanks to your feedback, this is also the first time we’re offering separate Prime Accessory Packs!"

People need to bring appropriate evidence to the table that actually teaches newer players that they're being shafted for no good reason past "this doesn't feel right" or just the mention of "this was similar to a past event".

Edited by Voltage
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1 hour ago, Leqesai said:

This makes me want to drop the money and buy the pack. 

You are welcome to, but I doubt it will really do you much good. If you value the cosmetics that highly, go for it! As I said, I'm just a bearer of an opinion here, and disgruntled. However you go about it, I hope it doesn't lead to you feeling buyers remorse in the end, and I hope you continue to enjoy the game. I use frost pretty constantly, as it's my #2 fav to play, so, sure I'd love for it to look cooler(buh-dum-bum), but the price is just too hot for my blood.

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15 minutes ago, Voltage said:

I'm not encouraging spam, but everyone should be bringing up Update 23.1.2 in their feedback. This was the update they added separate accessory packs to Prime Vault. I took the time to dig this up, and I hope players mention this along with their Regal Aya and Founders comparisons:

"Thanks to your feedback, this is also the first time we’re offering separate Prime Accessory Packs!"

People need to bring appropriate evidence to the table that actually teaches newer players that they're being shafted for no good reason past "this doesn't feel right" or just the mention of "this was similar to a past event".

People should also bring up the Prime Resurgence plat. DE wanted the Prime Vault's replacement to not have any plat yet cost the same price, and despite initially saying the usual "but people have already bought it" and "maybe we'll consider it later" and "oh but it was so successful", they walked it back in less than 24 hours.


We are opting to adjust our stance for the benefit of the community at large who weighed in with perspectives and feedback that considered all factors. Those who chose to be toxic will be able to participate in this change thanks solely to the constructive feedback that occurred - toxicity is never tolerated or rewarded.'

Moving forward you will get more value on top of the much-desired flexibility. We apologize for any stress (thanks for those who kept the peace). See you around Varzia, Tenno!

Edit: And I'd invite the typical naysayers who think all is fine and dandy to reflect on the game's past and on how often that mindset has predicted wrongly. This isn't the first time people have defended scummy monetization, and it won't be the first time scummy monetization has been walked back for the benefit of everyone either.

Edited by PublikDomain
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3 hours ago, NecroPed said:

If people want the unique items of the pack and don't want the items that are regularly available outside of the pack they are forced to buy something they don't want to get what they want. And with those extra items inflating the value of the bundle being available already outside of the bundle needing to purchase them alongside these unique items is completely unnecessary. If it were an option with an appropriately valued pack without the inflated value then it wouldnt be a problem.

Yes its great that people who don't have frost or mag prime have access to them with this bundle through regal aya (though theres a glaring issue there that you're ignoring, will touch on it below), but a lot of people who want the cosmetics for them already have the primes. A lot of the people who have the least value in the regal aya are some of the people who've supported the game the most. And the cheaper packs separate the items in a way that deincentivises each of them if you want all the unique items. What they should have done is have a pack with the unique items simply without the regal aya. And it doesn't matter that you MIGHT have use for regal aya at some point, you shouldn't be pushed into buying it for unique items that are never coming back just to have it sitting there to maybe get used one day. I don't want to spend that much money on something I have no idea when I plan to use it, if at all. If I want prime access stuff I tend to just get the prime access so I'm really not in need of regal aya. And it seems like far better value to me.


Im sorry but I think youre just wrong. If it can go away forever it has FOMO, plain and simple. Several months doesn't remove FOMO from an item thats never coming back ever again. If it goes away you literally miss out forever if you didn't get it so there is literally fear of missing out if you don't purchase it. FOMO existing in games is poor justification for it to continue to exist. 


I'm not saying everyone doesn't have issue with it costing $ but there is a hell of a lot more being said than that, and by a lot of people. Personally, I don't have a problem with cosmetic packs costing $ as long as they're done fairly.


Yeah the whole value of the pack far exceeds the value of the unique items that will never be available again, so there is FOMO on the bundle that some people don't want parts of. And for less than the cost of this bundle you can get two tiers of prime access, which gives enough platinum to get many more cosmetics than whats available in the bundle and more, a prime warframe and weapons (which the regal aya from the bundle is not enough for either and incentivises buying more regal aya to complete the set which is another problem that ties into a problem with the monetization of regal aya as well). You can get 2 tiers of prime access and get far more value out of your purchase at a slightly lower cost without being pushed into purchasing things you might not want. With this bundle you're basically getting less than a tier 2 prime access for a higher cost, with the minimum amount of regal aya purchasable being 2 aya more than what would give you the entire set from a prime access basically forcing people to buy more than they need if they want to complete the set and don't have a use for excess regal aya. As far as I'm concerned they've distorted the value of their bundles with this pack. 

And I'm not echoing anyone because I never even read a single comment about this before coming to the forums to complain about it. I have my own thoughts about this and it annoys me that you just assume everyone is having mob mentality for sharing a genuinely fair perpsective.

Do you know the only thing that could be taken away from all of this? And its a shame too because it genuinely looks like a lot of effort went into it, just for it to end up being things answered previously and loop-dee-loop points repeating. This:

"regularly available"

It's a term that everyone moaning about this has somehow miraculously shared throughout multiple non-connected posts, yet its not a common phrase. To cut a long explanation short without having to discuss the intricacies of "mirroring", it's being used by multiple people at the same time because each and every one of them is terrified of saying anything that sounds like players may purchase Aya/Plat later, because rightfully so it'd accidentally go against the entire point yous are trying to make. It actually already does of course, it has been noticed, but I thought it would be nice to at least draw attention to the fact that it's known considering my previous mob mentality comment.

Edited by (PSN)MYKK678
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Being forced to buy regal aya and platinum (bloat being used to increase the package price) when you don't even need it is a waste of money. If there was a $50 package with everything else besides the regal aya and platinum I would get it, but being forced to buy $50 worth of a premium currency I don't need just to get some exclusive cosmetics is lame.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


Well I think you have both made a few decent agreeable points, and some points, that I may not personally have agreed with entirely, but thought they were well written and formulated. I also mean agreed with entirely in the sense, I didn't necessarily disagree, I may just have wanted more context or evidence or just lack personal understanding on a reference or point made. 

That being said, I can also sympathise with them, because, and I mean this with kindness and politeness, but you do come off a bit argumentative and insincere at times, and just a touch condescending. Also like... this is a long thread, I don't read every single reply from every single user and follow different conversations and back and forth between users, so I totally get that maybe I missed examples of users treating you in a such a way, as to influence your tone. I myself for example, think I probably come across condescending unintentionally too sometimes. 

In short, I can see why that other user wanted to disengage with you. I think it was a bit of a shame, because I think you both could have continued your conversation, but in a more amicable and friendly way, as such topics can be interesting to read and learn about. When some passive aggression and small barbs find themselves involved though, well many peoples fatigue just sets in too. Cheers. 


So you skip past posts but make judgements about later ones with no real context. I'll keep that in mind, thanks for sharing. 

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3 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

I'm not sure what's more funny to be honest:

- a person who was clearly out of their depth talking about a subject they dont know about, still insisting they do despite not even noticing that they never quoted the post they were replying to, meaning they were essentially talking to themselves

Nobody knows more about FOMO in Warframe than a Founder. Even I can't contest to that. @ShogunGunshowabsolutely knows what they are talking about within the context of this package and Warframe's monetization as a whole.

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1 hour ago, Cerikus said:

While I agree that the bundles are not good, this

is factually wrong.

Zenith pack is 81€.
600 plat is like 25-27 €. (depends on what pack you buy)
6 Regal Aya is 37 €.

81 - 25 - 37 = 19 € 

19 Euro for the two skins, two signas, sigil, glyph, emote, color palette and accolade.
The price is correct.

However, I think that there should be a pack for 20 € that would contain only the skins for people who don't care for the premium currencies.

tl;dr The price is absolutelly correct. There should be 4th pack with the skins only.

I understand that your math makes sense, however I don't agree that things should have such high pricing. This is an opinion, and in either case I still consider the options a bit overpriced, even coming from a background working in digital design where we want to value our work as highly as any other field does. 

You are correct and I agree that an economically priced pack with cosmetics separate from other things would both sell well, and remain affordable for players. I am simply hoping to point out it's all too possible to one day review what you've spent on this game and discover you've shelled out too much. Thanks for replying and posting your views, we need people to keep these discussions going tastefully like this

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Just now, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Yea no way around this one, they need to make the package smaller so people can only buy the skins or make the whole thing cheaper.

Regardless, people shouldn't be pitchforking individuals for spending on it. 

As far as I can tell, the only clowning going on is towards the people talking about their purchase in bad faith towards other individuals. Plenty of good discussion is coming from those who both have, haven't or will buy it.

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