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Warframe 1999 - Add-on content is nice, but I'd have preferred core Warframe to be the main focus


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12 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

The only thing I can tell from the demo is Durivi is gonna be cast aside and forgotten like many new content came before it.

You do know that Warframe updates in chapters, right? They cannot develop fast enough to tell the whole story in an instant. Every faction has their role to play and the updates try to deliver those lore updates as quickly as humanly possible. It's Deimos's turn and it's been long awaited too. Just try to enjoy the ride dude 

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i am very much looking forward to it , cause if you didnt see the actual demo the "hayden tenno" part was not too different from core gameplay and was a small part of it , just a different skin, i dont expect it to be too different from what we know and not for a prolonged period,

I am curious how that will translate for other frames as we only saw Excalibur/Arthur (the naming is so subtle).

Really curious of what loid can tell us too.


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I hated this portion as well. Even if it has core warframe elements, it won't be warframe, but I guess we'll have to see what it looks like. I suspect it will be as Kahl : a side activity they will cram the newest augments/improvements there so you feel you HAVE to do it, but ultimately most of the playerbase hates it.

For me, Warframe's main interest is that it's sci fi, far in the future, with an unclear history that you find out gradually, and then the addition of the Man in the Wall was pretty great for lovecraftian vibes. And all of a sudden, we'll be playing Counter Strike. Cool, I don't care. In my opinion, if Warframe 1999 is not Wally #*!%ing with us for a short period of the story quest, that will heavily narrow down Warframe's lore, tying it to real-life "current" era is too weird for me.

Even if this portion has elements of warframe's core combat as said by other posters above (slide, some abilities, jumps), it will be lacking the main one : Warframes. You can make Arthur wear Excalibur-like stuff, he's not Excalibur. More importantly, this dude won't be all 50+ warframes.

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From what I gathered, and I maybe overshooting this, this is the story of how warframe came be with the ending showing the laugh of the man in the wall. I wanted it to be Hayden so badly but its arthur now. Either way Steve said a long time ago he wanted to do hayden but because of licensing issues he can't. And we should get all the lore we can to understand what happened and why things are the way it is. If Warframe 1999 gives us more lore about warframes and there tenno along with the man in the wall, then I don't see anything wrong. My only issue is that this lore content needs to come faster/often.


I see people saying it isn't warframe. Yes that is still a warframe. They aren't bulletjumping and blowing things up with onshots. They are trying to showcase a story. Who the hell wants to see a new trailer thats over in 2 mins because you gotta go fast. Settle the f down.


The only reason I may not make it through the telling of this storyline is the predatory practices with the heirloom stuff.



Edited by megastorm
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New Lore regarding MITW, New Faction with new enemies, new weapon type (and I'm sure they will bring other weapons with this update plus Echoes updates as well), new warframe (wouldn't surprise me me #55 comes along with the Whispers In The Wall update), new procedural map, hints at maybe some kind of Titan fight (transference into what was described as "Vessels" during the showcase), Hydroid rework, Pet rework, something with Stalker as well.

So Abyss of Dagath, Whispers In The Wall, Warframe 1999, some QOL updates they mentioned, plus whatever else they have in store for us in the September devstream...no need to be complaining about lack of "core warframe" when they are improving, iterating and adding to the game continually and have previously said they have the next 5 years of story planned out. At some point some of you are going to realize those complaints about "core warframe" are utterly tired and redundant, the level of misery on these forums baffles me at times considering all of this is free.

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9 hours ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:

As I've said before, DE could do another 20 updates that aren't "core warframe" and 90% of the game would still likely be that content everyone loves. Just because they're adding some variation doesn't mean the game isn't mostly warframe warframe. To me personally the variety is what has kept me interested in Warframe for so many years, being able to take a break from bullet-jumping to extraction as fast as possible for the 100th time today so I can go fishing, skateboarding, piloting a mech, taking a space ship for a cruise, playing as a slower paced military character like Kahl, or the drifter. I appreciate all the effort that goes into those side activities because they're what keeps the game fresh and interesting. If the game was just race to extraction and nothing else, I'd have uninstalled ages ago and to anyone that only wants that content, then don't play the new stuff.

ah, but that only works if they're add-on extras theat you can do in between the core gameplay. If they were the sole activity then you'd be playing something else very quickly.

this is the concern, the more they put in that's not core space ninja gameplay, the more it becomes something else (and no new ninja stuff means no reason to come back). Nobody logs in to grind Kahl. Nobody thinks "yay, its Sunday, a day of k-drive racing here I come". If the core gameplay is diluted too much then warframe becomes a mess of nothing. This especially applies if they do it in the usual half-heared fashion. When was the last time you fought Narmer, or even some railjack? There are content bits they put in that they quickly forget as they move to the next shiny. Drifter was it, now I think even that will be pushed aside for the next shiny squirrel.

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11 hours ago, Silligoose said:

Are others excited for Warframe 1999? Do they like that more time and effort is spent on add-ons instead of actual Warframe? What are your impressions?

But it uhm is actual WF. Practically WF1999 goes back to the roots of the game by the looks of it, with some later editions in it aswell like the parkour system (the 1999 gameplay uses bullet jump). Which is one of the most brilliant ideas they can go with in order to provide players with a more balanced WF experience without removing the "powah fantsi!" so many people wanna keep as is. In the end it really depends what they wanna use WF1999 for. Will it be a platform for a new balanced "star chart"? Or just some one off content piece? Who knows.

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If you look at the gameplay, it is core Warframe content wrapped in a different skin.


Bullet jumping, instant weapon swap. It's literally just regular Warframe content, likely with its own set of weapons. Probably intending to be 'Warframe, but like it was when you first logged in before you got all the infinity +1 swords'.

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9 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

If you look at the gameplay, it is core Warframe content wrapped in a different skin.


Bullet jumping, instant weapon swap. It's literally just regular Warframe content, likely with its own set of weapons. Probably intending to be 'Warframe, but like it was when you first logged in before you got all the infinity +1 swords'.

So, you are telling me its NOT Warframe? 


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39 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

But it uhm is actual WF. Practically WF1999 goes back to the roots of the game by the looks of it, with some later editions in it aswell like the parkour system (the 1999 gameplay uses bullet jump). Which is one of the most brilliant ideas they can go with

Do you know why they've changed the "roots of the game" ? Because it sucked and they wanted to do better. Going back to a more annoying version of Warframe is not a "brilliant idea".

I don't know what WF99 is made of, but you have it backward. Nostalgia can only go up to a certain point, but some elements were changed for a good reason.

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11 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:

I agree with OP, I'd really appreciate core gameplay love instead of content island #861. If we got an overhaul of what we play every day instead of what we burn through, I'd be much more excited.

Unfortunately I think that an overhaul of any sort of gameplay is a pipe dream for a game that is a decade old. The way the game functions likely won't change in any significant way. I'd love touch ups to old mission types and tile sets and the like, but unfortunately its new content that brings player back and keeps people around.

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14 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I like that they go against expectations. Because we always expect more of the same

I don't know about that. While I couldn't have predicted the theme of "1999", content islands aren't exactly new. 

14 hours ago, Atsia said:

I'm absolutely excited for WF 1999. DE is going whole hog into the ramifications of alternate timelines and I'm here for wherever the story may go. It's all still Warframe content.

14 hours ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

That pretty much explains the rest of what you wrote. Expecting a full gameplay balance rework of Warframe 10 years in is completely unrealistic and a forum pipe dream for the 6 years I've been on these forums. 

In terms of core gameplay they also showed a new warframe, an entirely new tileset and a new weapon class. 

Personally, I'm hyped for 1999. Duviri was pretty cool for me and the lovecraftian vibes of this upcoming update are amazing. 


Thanks for the input. Like Duviri (Drifter) and Kahl, I give it a try, but as with those options, it may just end up not being for me. We'll see. Early days yet.

14 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Depends on how it's done. If it's just part of the quest and we play as proto-proto-Excal for a bit while being expositioned at then I'm not concerned. If it's yet another disconnected game-within-a-game like Duviri... Eh. Guess it'd be more of the same.

Agreed it depends on how it is done. Given DE's modus operandi, my concern is something akin to Duviri in another alternate reality.

11 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I have no idea what are getting at. 1999 looked exactly like Warframe content, gameplay and direction. Honestly, and this isn't a dig, I think you really don't get what this game is and what it's doing. I mean, DE has been expanding and experimenting with this game's world for 9 of those 10 years. The only reason it never looked that way to some is because tech and development wasn't up to par yet. 

My concern is the majority of resources being spent on another content island and the core Warframe experience being neglected as a result: The resources spent on these content islands could instead have been spent on new mission types, new maps, new planets, Infested Liches coming out sooner, bug fixes, remapping of out of bounds areas, improvement of balancing etc.

11 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

The only thing I can tell from the demo is Durivi is gonna be cast aside and forgotten like many new content came before it.

That appears to be the case.

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3 minutes ago, Silligoose said:

I don't know about that. While I couldn't have predicted the theme of "1999", content islands aren't exactly new. 

Thanks for the input. Like Duviri (Drifter) and Kahl, I give it a try, but as with those options, it may just end up not being for me. We'll see. Early days yet.

Agreed it depends on how it is done. Given DE's modus operandi, my concern is something akin to Duviri in another alternate reality.

My concern is the majority of resources being spent on another content island and the core Warframe experience being neglected as a result: The resources spent on these content islands could instead have been spent on new mission types, new maps, new planets, Infested Liches coming out sooner, bug fixes, remapping of out of bounds areas, improvement of balancing etc.

That appears to be the case.

"Content island" is such a low effort critique. It's more gameplay, I don't care that it doesn't tie into everything I've done for the last 10 years. I play it, enjoy it and move on. I'm glad I don't NEED to revisit every single piece of content they've made to stay relevant. 

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3 hours ago, Chewarette said:

Do you know why they've changed the "roots of the game" ? Because it sucked and they wanted to do better. Going back to a more annoying version of Warframe is not a "brilliant idea".

I don't know what WF99 is made of, but you have it backward. Nostalgia can only go up to a certain point, but some elements were changed for a good reason.

I would agree if it wasnt for the fact that the mode will incorporate improvements we've recieved over the years and practically only removes the pointless power creep. Smooth weapon swapping, parkour, gunplay etc. is all up to date in it, you just wont rely on AoE 24/7 and face onehundredandfiftyeleven mobs at a time covered up by damage numbers. I'm looking forward to maybe have a reason to care about what is happening on the screen in the engagements.

18 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

"Content island" is such a low effort critique. It's more gameplay, I don't care that it doesn't tie into everything I've done for the last 10 years. I play it, enjoy it and move on. I'm glad I don't NEED to revisit every single piece of content they've made to stay relevant. 

Not only is it low effort, it is also silly when they throw in Duviri as an example for content island. A mode that pretty much uses nearly everything you've obtained so far in the game in one way or another while providing rewards to improve you further, both in Duviri and outside of it.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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5 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

I think it is important to note that the next two updates are core-Warframe focused.

Also 1999 seems to have full Warframe movement and abilities (to some degree).

While true, it looks like yet another game segment where we have no control of our weapon loadout or Warframe... being locked into a pre-set new non-warframe character with its own unique weapons and abilities that we have to learn/adapt to on the fly and then use to complete the story segment (I highly doubt we'll be using Arthur outside of that quest once it's done.) One of the KEY elements of Warframe that has kept me here, is my choice in Warframe and weapons... without those, I find the game not fun... and they insist on ripping my things away from me, along with what makes the game fun... just to present story sections that, in other games, would simply be cut-scenes, because they diverge so much from the core of the original game.

This is the sort of "mini-game" that I despise. And they're always throwing these big change-ups into the core story progression, rather than being side activities that we can opt to do or not... it's becoming quite off-putting, to put it mildly.

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34 minutes ago, (PSN)AyinDygra said:

While true, it looks like yet another game segment where we have no control of our weapon loadout or Warframe... being locked into a pre-set new non-warframe character with its own unique weapons and abilities that we have to learn/adapt to on the fly and then use to complete the story segment (I highly doubt we'll be using Arthur outside of that quest once it's done.) One of the KEY elements of Warframe that has kept me here, is my choice in Warframe and weapons... without those, I find the game not fun... and they insist on ripping my things away from me, along with what makes the game fun... just to present story sections that, in other games, would simply be cut-scenes, because they diverge so much from the core of the original game.

That's a lot of assumptions about an update that is probably the biggest wild-card the game has ever seen. I won't say you're wrong, I have no idea what to expect in terms of gameplay, but it is your choice to assume what it is like that at this point. I don't see the point in being pessimistic about something we know so little about.


Also... the next two updates are core Warframe. It's not fair to pant a picture of DE moving away from core Warframe, or continually taking us out of Warframe, when they are continually giving us core Warframe.

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17 hours ago, Silligoose said:

I had some pretty lofty, unrealistic hopes for Tennocon. I was hoping for the current decision makers to realize this game they've been given the reins to, to continue building on, is pretty damn good. I was hoping they'd take a look around the landscape of gaming, take a look at top performing games and realize that those games remain successful because they have good foundations people enjoyed, that the devs continue to build on.

Warframe already has those foundations people enjoy. I was hoping devs would announce they will start building on those foundations again. That they'd start working on producing the well-balanced endgame this game deserves and improve balance in other stages of the game, for the diverse spectrum of players cultivated that enjoy different levels of challenge. I was hoping they would retcon the atrocious band-aids they've been implementing in lieu of actual balance, because those band-aids are slowly eroding the excellent foundation this game has. I was hoping they'd get this game in a better state not only for players, but so they don't have to go to the extremes of content islands in order to present some sort of challenge.

What I hoped for was not in line with my expectations.

Earlier this weekend I came across publications regarding the DE team. Given the Creative Director stated: "That's the layer of delicious sauce I wanted." when she first saw the random gear in the Duviri Cave, I got the feeling DE isn't looking to build on the foundations and I was expecting DE's focus to again divert away from actual Warframe towards some add-on content... unfortunately those expectations appear to have been met.

We got a preview of some frame gameplay, which I do look forward to a little (more on that later), but it seems DE is more focussed on building another new, lesser game, inside Warframe. It is early days, but Warframe 1999 reminds me of reskinned Kahl of Duty - a stripped down version of Warframe, inside Warframe. that will simply lack much of the variety, depth and mechanics I log in for.

I don't mind gaming companies working on some filler to add to their game, like Tekken bowling, or K-drives. or Dormizone decoration and many a time it is welcomed (even if I am not particularly drawn to it, like decorations), but it is disconcerting to see how much focus and effort DE seems to be putting into add-on content islands while neglecting the main game.

After seeing the trailer for Warframe 1999, hearing this is where we are going and that that will be the bigger expansion, I was disappointed. It even affects how much I look forward to actual frame content, as it appears DE is more than happy to sacrifice the quality of core Warframe content, in favour of non-frame filler, as was seen with Archon Hunts and even Zariman.

I'll keep enjoying the game for what it is, while I let the fool in me hope DE decides to properly build on the game that hooked so many people and address the issues they've ignored for years.

Are others excited for Warframe 1999? Do they like that more time and effort is spent on add-ons instead of actual Warframe? What are your impressions?

best we wait and see, all things considered.

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I think they made a game (core Warframe) with a wealth of gameplay customisation options, then its players didn’t bother utilising it to its maximum. Maybe DE’ve stopped caring about the part of the game that gets simplified to a few choices by players looking to grind fast for things they won’t use and who’ve convinced themselves that there’s only a few ways worth playing

I still think DE’ll expand our arsenal more horizontally and adjust for the variety of ways we can play with balance passes that a majority of players won’t understand the purpose behind, but players always complain when a new thing doesn’t push them higher and wonder why anything else exists while thinking the point of Warframe is a glorified cookie clicker, so I wouldn’t be surprised if DE gave up on the core game that simply wasn’t being used (something I was not expecting). But as long as they leave the core intact and don’t twist it towards the narrow definition of “Power fantasy” that floats around, I’m not too bothered to explore new things that they try, and to be honest, I think I’ve already got enough stuff to get and use in the core game

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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7 hours ago, Silligoose said:

My concern is the majority of resources being spent on another content island and the core Warframe experience being neglected as a result: The resources spent on these content islands could instead have been spent on new mission types, new maps, new planets, Infested Liches coming out sooner, bug fixes, remapping of out of bounds areas, improvement of balancing etc.

Except so long as it follows the exact same trend as literally every single other thing in the game where some form of gear/progression is going to come out of here into the rest of the game then it's no different from anything else.

If this whole 1999 is a small slice of one-off content and/or only has a few things to grind for then it's no more or less of an "island" as anything else. After all if it was a new planet, tileset, mission type, or new system like Infested Liches then those are all ALSO "islands" the moment you've finished their grinds.


Seriously, if "content islands" exist in Warframe then every single part of it from the very first update is one of these "islands".

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