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To the developers of DE please I’m begging you stop this insanity and stop feeling the need to nerf everything we have ever loved about warframe it makes it impossible to support the project and even more so it makes it feel like no matter what there’s no point in using anything because it will be ultimately destroyed by your developers and its extremely disheartening to the majority or your player base. This being said you have other projects that you are interested in getting us involved in but what’s the point in even trying them knowing how much your team has bullied warframe players in the past few years so I ask not for me but for the entire warframe community STOPP NERFING OF THE USAGE STATS .If people are using something to much it’s because we are having fun with it and if other stuff isn’t getting used it’s because it’s either not fun or it’s just not that good of a weapon or item so instead of being the fun police how about we have a better way of incorporating the balances your team wish to meet by making other’s weapons and equipment better instead of ruining everyone’s time on the game by making war frames unplayable or weapons ultimately useless such as the kuva bramma, kuva zarr,Tigris or whatever else is being in question please and thank sincerely from all Xbox community and everyone else who appreciates this game but dosnt appreciate the constant punishment for enjoying it 

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Infinity Trollz said:

making war frames unplayable or weapons ultimately useless such as the kuva bramma, kuva zarr,Tigris or whatever else is being in question

Don't worry, you still have your obnoxious Titania Thermal Spam

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Popularity is a pretty good way to decide what needs to be nerfed, despite what folks seem to believe. If everyone is using something, it's typically the newest easy mode button. 

Why do you think Rev is on the chopping block?

Edited by Greysmog
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Counterpoint: don't change something just because it isn't popular.  Some people have a nice they're happy in, why ruin it just to make it meta? 

(I miss the days when Pull didn't neatly organize the enemies into a tidy stack at your feet and instead was used to yeet space fashies into the abyss.)

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5 hours ago, (XBOX)Infinity Trollz said:

I ask not for me but for the entire warframe community

And who are you to speak for entire Warframe community?

You dont speak for me.

5 hours ago, (XBOX)Infinity Trollz said:

If people are using something to much it’s because we are having fun with it

Fun is relative, if something is too good then it needs to be toned down.


5 hours ago, (XBOX)Infinity Trollz said:

if other stuff isn’t getting used it’s because it’s either not fun or it’s just not that good of a weapon or item so instead of being the fun police how about we have a better way of incorporating the balances your team wish to meet by making other’s weapons and equipment better instead

The usual "Dont Nerf this, Buff Rest" argument, its a Simple Math problem, is it easier to Nerf 1 or Buff 500?

5 hours ago, (XBOX)Infinity Trollz said:

instead of ruining everyone’s time on the game by making war frames unplayable or weapons ultimately useless

Dont know any frame that was made unplayable, dont know any weapon that got made useless, i know some have always been and even i wouldnt bother asking them for a touch up (Stug).

5 hours ago, (XBOX)Infinity Trollz said:

such as the kuva bramma, kuva zarr,Tigris

And here you shot your self in the foot.

Kuva Bramma / Kuva Zarr == Braindead, zero effort and Low IQ weapons. You complaining about Nerfs and using these as examples just really shows you cant be taken seriously.

As for the Tigris, it didnt get Nerfed, DE changed how Stats chance worked for Shotgun, this changed how Tigris performs but its still strong, also nowdays you got Galvanized mods. Want a better Tigris? Get the Exergis.

5 hours ago, (XBOX)Infinity Trollz said:

thank sincerely from all Xbox community and everyone else who appreciates this game but dosnt appreciate the constant punishment for enjoying it 

XBox doesnt come anywhere near the player count on PC which the game originally came out for and from where most of the game`s statistics are drawn from.


Also, you posted in the Trading Post instead of Feedbacks.

Edited by BiancaRoughfin
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4 minutes ago, Greysmog said:

Why do you think Rev is on the chopping block?

By that logic, he's been on the chopping block for years.  You'd think they would've done something already, but if anything, they instead buffed the main reason why he's so ludicrously strong through the augment made for Mesmer Skin.

I do partially agree though that usage stats are an easy way of applying nerfs, but I'd expect DE is far more thoughtful about nerfing things since of course they ask why certain things are so popular and use the answer from that to render whatever verdict they may have.  Yes, Revenant is a powerful frame because of one ability, but does that ability interfere with gameplay in the same way that a frame like Dante did being able to thoughtless snuff out entire maps every couple of seconds or be able to have the game play itself to the degree of a frame like Wukong?  No, and that's why Revenant has never been drastically nerfed while frames like Dante and Wukong have.

5 hours ago, (XBOX)Infinity Trollz said:

thank sincerely from all Xbox community and everyone else who appreciates this game but dosnt appreciate the constant punishment for enjoying it 

Something tells me this sounds more like your fault for playing the game on Xbox.

Seriously, I've tried it, and I haven't the foggiest how any sane human being can play this game on controller...

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I think DE is just more interested in seeing players use all of the frames available. Not just Revenant, Wukong, Saryn, Khora and Mesa. Balancing is a good thing. Nerfing serves a good purpose, as does buffing. Though I will say Buffing seems to come less frequently. (and perhaps that is a good thing for a game that re-defined power creep.) Heck I'd like to see Caliban around too, but it's not likely until Pablo addresses the frame.  We're all human beings (in theory.) and often we make mistakes, or sometimes we choose correctly (usually after making mistakes). It's time players realize (if they haven't already) DE has a vested interest in their own company and their jobs. (hint: it's not intentionally making the player base angry with them.) They've gone 11 years on one title, that is an extraordinary accomplishment. How many studios in existence can say that? Cool off, take a breather.

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43 minutes ago, Raarsi said:

By that logic, he's been on the chopping block for years.  You'd think they would've done something already, but if anything, they instead buffed the main reason why he's so ludicrously strong through the augment made for Mesmer Skin.

I do partially agree though that usage stats are an easy way of applying nerfs, but I'd expect DE is far more thoughtful about nerfing things since of course they ask why certain things are so popular and use the answer from that to render whatever verdict they may have.  Yes, Revenant is a powerful frame because of one ability, but does that ability interfere with gameplay in the same way that a frame like Dante did being able to thoughtless snuff out entire maps every couple of seconds or be able to have the game play itself to the degree of a frame like Wukong?  No, and that's why Revenant has never been drastically nerfed while frames like Dante and Wukong have.

Something tells me this sounds more like your fault for playing the game on Xbox.

Seriously, I've tried it, and I haven't the foggiest how any sane human being can play this game on controller...

Uh, no. Rev really wasn't that important to game balance until the Augment came out, so he was ignored. Popularity isn't the literal only thing they look for, it's where they start since it shows a very obvious trend.

Once he was able to give widespread invuln he was going to get targeted faster. 

Edited by Greysmog
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1 hour ago, Greysmog said:

Why do you think Rev is on the chopping block?

Has anyone from DE actually said anything about this?  All I've seen is people fretting, despite the fact that Revenant's usage stats are quite tame compared to where Wukong's were when he was finally nerfed.

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34 minutes ago, Greysmog said:

Uh, no. Rev really wasn't that important to game balance until the Augment came out, so he was ignored. Popularity isn't the literal only thing they look for, it's where they start since it shows a very obvious trend.

Once he was able to give widespread invuln he was going to get targeted faster. 

They buffed Mesmer Skin substantially before Mesmer Shield released a month before Revenant Prime launched:


Revenant’s Mesmer Skin Change: 

  • Now grants 1 second of invulnerability after a charge is consumed.
    • The addition of Overguard affected the efficiency of Mesmer Skin, as rapidfire Overguarded enemies would melt through their Mesmer Skins and remain unaffected by the incoming sleep effect. To bring this ability closer to its original intention, Mesmer Skin will now grant 1 second of invulnerability after a charge is consumed. This gives players time to react to these powerful units before taking their full damage.

They also buffed Reave when Revenant Prime launched:


Revenant’s Reave ability changes:

  • Reave will now scale with sprint speed for both distance traveled and speed while in Reave.
  • Reave can now be interrupted by jumping, which preserves your forward momentum.
    • The above changes were made to allow more movement focused builds!

It's pretty obvious why Revenant was made into literally old Wukong by choice, and old Wukong was insanely popular, even if it was boring invincibility through a single ability.

Sure, Mesmer Shield is definitely a massive bonus for Revenant, but even without the augment, his dominance would show, especially when the game is now on iOS (and soon Android) with horrendous controls that don't allow for the insane movement PC and console players are used to for avoiding enemy damage.

Edited by Voltage
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35 minutes ago, UnstarPrime said:

Has anyone from DE actually said anything about this?  All I've seen is people fretting, despite the fact that Revenant's usage stats are quite tame compared to where Wukong's were when he was finally nerfed.

There hasn't been anything from DE specifically mentioning him.  I think the last time there was any word on the buff/nerf front aside from the Dante debacle, it was to overhaul Valkyr's kit, but that was a while ago and before Pablo went "okay fine, we'll work on Inaros".

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7 hours ago, (XBOX)Infinity Trollz said:

If people are using something to much it’s because we are having fun with it

Sadly not actually true. High usage stats are a sign of efficiency, not fun

I assure you, given the choice between a genuine fun frame, and a truly unfun frame that completes missions 15% faster, the unfun frame will have the highest usage stats guaranteed

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2 hours ago, Raarsi said:

Seriously, I've tried it, and I haven't the foggiest how any sane human being can play this game on controller...

I guess it's what we're used to. I've never touched a gaming PC in my life. I know M+K is faster, and probably better in every way once you're practiced with it, but my smol console pleb brain is too smooth to understand. also Xbox controllers are insanely huge and having an offset stick will never not bother me.

- sincerely, a lifetime PS user.


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1 hour ago, UnstarPrime said:

Has anyone from DE actually said anything about this?  All I've seen is people fretting, despite the fact that Revenant's usage stats are quite tame compared to where Wukong's were when he was finally nerfed.

Yeah, he was mentioned on a recent stream after his usage stats were brought up. I'm not surprised considering how his invuln works.The major point is he is the most popular currently, how big the numbers are mostly just affects how fast they'll do something about it.

Everyone and their mother was using Dante since he was super easy to get and was so damn good at everything that you didn't need any other Warframe, while Rev was more of a gradual increase over time as he received buffs and his Prime released. Wukong was invulnerable for a much longer period of time so he got bigger numbers once the community at large realized he was a snooze button. It's not rocket science.

1 hour ago, Voltage said:

They buffed Mesmer Skin substantially before Mesmer Shield released a month before Revenant Prime launched:

They also buffed Reave when Revenant Prime launched:

It's pretty obvious why Revenant was made into literally old Wukong by choice, and old Wukong was insanely popular, even if it was boring invincibility through a single ability.

Sure, Mesmer Shield is definitely a massive bonus for Revenant, but even without the augment, his dominance would show, especially when the game is now on iOS (and soon Android) with horrendous controls that don't allow for the insane movement PC and console players are used to for avoiding enemy damage.

Yes I'm very aware his Mesmer Skin was buffed before his Augment, it's pretty much the whole reason why the Augment ever mattered, and Reave being buffed helped him be more popular as it increased mobility. Add that to his Prime along with mobile and it's no wonder he became a more sought after option.

Him not getting the Augment would just mean it took longer for him to be on DE's radar, but since he can apply it to everyone, he becomes more important and more likely to be changed. DE has stated they don't like options that allow that, and over the years time and time again they've nerfed or changed options that let you be lazy. It's pretty obvious he's going to be addressed at some point considering DE's track record.

Edited by Greysmog
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2 hours ago, Raarsi said:

Seriously, I've tried it, and I haven't the foggiest how any sane human being can play this game on controller...

I've played the game exclusively on controller, on pc, because of wrist problems. and it's fine. It's a lot harder for me to play on keyboard and mouse, just because I'm not used to it.

The game has a pretty huge learning curve and is pretty reliant on muscle memory. Changing input methods completely screws with inputs you normally make on almost complete auto-pilot. And when you can't make the input you want to make, the instant you wanna make it, while barely needing to even think about doing it, it massively slows down everything else you're doing and makes things feel really clunky. And because so much of that is subconscious it feels like it's the input method's fault.

The game's pretty good on controller. My only major issue is the lack of ability to map gear hotkeys. Which they could solve if they just allowed you to map them to unused "ability menu" buttons... And how aggressive aim assist can be in the moments I don't want it. I've also done a lot of custom re-mapping for personal preference. Really helps when the button you feel like should be doing the thing you want it to do, actually does that thing. Not something you typically have to do much of on kb&m. I normally all I do for that just always re-map the button to open chat if it's a multiplayer game so it's the same in every game. But on controller I remap a lot of buttons in nearly every game I play with it.

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I don't think it's bullying. It's just lazy.

Usage stats without context or dare I saw math isn't very useful. Esp in a game like Warframe where few players bother to do the math anymore. After all they nerf'd enemy defense scaling so there isn't really a reason to. Their obsession with usage % actually used to work in my favor. For instance. They buffed Torrid not once but twice before it's Incarnon form and it was never a bad weapon. It scaled like a monster. Riven Disposition was 5/5 too. I loved it.

Normal Zarr was straight up better than Kuva Zar for scaling in the previous status system before they junked up the bomblet status rates.

Sometimes I wonder if they stupefied the status and scaling systems so their usage stats would at least be remotely accurate to power.

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vor 15 Stunden schrieb (XBOX)Infinity Trollz:

To the developers of DE please I’m begging you stop this insanity and stop feeling the need to nerf everything we have ever loved about warframe it makes it impossible to support the project and even more so it makes it feel like no matter what there’s no point in using anything because it will be ultimately destroyed by your developers and its extremely disheartening to the majority or your player base. This being said you have other projects that you are interested in getting us involved in but what’s the point in even trying them knowing how much your team has bullied warframe players in the past few years so I ask not for me but for the entire warframe community STOPP NERFING OF THE USAGE STATS .If people are using something to much it’s because we are having fun with it and if other stuff isn’t getting used it’s because it’s either not fun or it’s just not that good of a weapon or item so instead of being the fun police how about we have a better way of incorporating the balances your team wish to meet by making other’s weapons and equipment better instead of ruining everyone’s time on the game by making war frames unplayable or weapons ultimately useless such as the kuva bramma, kuva zarr,Tigris or whatever else is being in question please and thank sincerely from all Xbox community and everyone else who appreciates this game but dosnt appreciate the constant punishment for enjoying it 

they make money this way. Hopefully you don't really believe that they will see the topic and then completely change their business model? If there was another way, they would have done it long ago!


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21 hours ago, (XBOX)Infinity Trollz said:

To the developers of DE please I’m begging you stop this insanity and stop feeling the need to nerf everything we have ever loved about warframe it makes it impossible to support the project and even more so it makes it feel like no matter what there’s no point in using anything because it will be ultimately destroyed by your developers and its extremely disheartening to the majority or your player base. This being said you have other projects that you are interested in getting us involved in but what’s the point in even trying them knowing how much your team has bullied warframe players in the past few years so I ask not for me but for the entire warframe community STOPP NERFING OF THE USAGE STATS .If people are using something to much it’s because we are having fun with it and if other stuff isn’t getting used it’s because it’s either not fun or it’s just not that good of a weapon or item so instead of being the fun police how about we have a better way of incorporating the balances your team wish to meet by making other’s weapons and equipment better instead of ruining everyone’s time on the game by making war frames unplayable or weapons ultimately useless such as the kuva bramma, kuva zarr,Tigris or whatever else is being in question please and thank sincerely from all Xbox community and everyone else who appreciates this game but dosnt appreciate the constant punishment for enjoying it 


Martyr much?

If some changes in a video game upset you this much, just wait until your employer changes your health care insurance.


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23 hours ago, Greysmog said:

Popularity is a pretty good way to decide what needs to be nerfed, despite what folks seem to believe. If everyone is using something, it's typically the newest easy mode button. 

Why do you think Rev is on the chopping block?

Is that why he goes for less than 50 plat on average now?

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