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[Spoiler] Dev Workshop: New Mods Part 1!


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Okay, first, the weapon it's for should be the weapon you equip it onto while it's still vaild.

So if I put it on my Grakata, it will be for the grakata, and not something else.

It should also gain effects similar to the effects your other equipped mods have.

So, have some corrupt mods on? Their negatives would have a higher chance of being on the ravin mod.

Also, a ravin mod should always have three effects, only one of which is a always bad effect.

That way you don't get something that gives -damage, -accuracy and -something else.

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Hey DE, I think the Riven system is amazing but my one and only complaint is the restriction of only 15 Riven mods. Will this ever be increased? What will happen if you get a riven reward while at max? I feel this may lead to people getting 15 Riven rifle mods and then never getting around when the rotation swaps.

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If DE wants me to try a negative 70% Mutlishot or negative 90% dmg penalty instead of rerolling they are out of their mind XD

Optimizing is fun, thats what I will keep trying to do until I quit. And i will do exactly that on the Weapons I enjoy the most. I like Soma, why do I have to play Gorgon now all of a sudden? Especially when Catalysts, lenses and Forma are limited Resources.

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again, some people with plat will get rage of the updates, why change after put in live, why don't you devs create a beta testers or something, a lot of people trade the mods, god, don't change this or a lot of people will rage, why just don't make a un-official servers to test things? now all the people that spend plat buying and selling mods, for nothing, time wasted, money wasted, wtf DE wtf.... 

edit: so PC users will always get burn for updates, meanwhile consoles are playing with no bugs, why, why why, and this is how you devs want the people keep playing after changing all that stuff?

Edited by --I-.Zylux.-I--
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My only hope with this new system (outside of what Rebecca put in her post) is that we do get some additional way to obtain a Riven mod (even if it's a weekly mission from Teshin) and that we do get a way increase our Riven Mod Capacity. As a player that would love to sit and forma the old weapons out and see if I can push them to end-game/Sortie levels of power having a Riven mod for each would be amazing. Not that I'm expecting the capacity to ever reach that height (especially when the other categories get added), but just some way to increase the capacity past 15 would be great (whether it's buying slots with Plat or something tied with MR)

Other than those little personal gripes I'm enjoying the new mod system and can't wait to see what the future of Riven Mods hold. Keep up the great and amazing work DE!

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last.

It's the price PC tenno pay for being in a perpetual beta.

Content is subject to change.

yeah so is nice,why make the mods tradeable? when they don't know, you don't know the people will lose interest if they spend plat on something that at the future don't have any value, i wonder if DE thinks this, all the people will want a refund for the plat spent, now they will never get that, more people will leave, i just want to help thje game, but wtf, why DE always do this, only more players leave this game is going to die badly

Edited by --I-.Zylux.-I--
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The only thing I don't like so far is the limit. Yes, these mods can be useful and even very helpful for the sentinel weapons, but then I have to choose whether or not it would be worth keeping certain mods...and sentinel weapon mods probably wouldn't make the cut. In fact, probably a large selection of weapon mods won't appeal to me because it would be more worthwhile to just stick to a few weapons I like. That isn't "encouraging creativity", it's encouraging players to choose to make the already preferred options better and stick with what they know. Even if the mod stats for the popular weapons are reduced, they would still probably be the most desired mods for a large group of people. Some people will still seek out mods to buff the weaker or "less desirable" weapons, but will it really be a huge number of people that does this? Do people even care about the sentinel weapon Riven mods? Wouldn't it be better to have a per-weapon or per-loadout limit rather than a total cap?

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DE want to revisit old weapons and last 3 or so days, they trade with those riven mods, but u forgot something, they trade / use only weapons that already overpowered like Dread, Tonkor and etc. The more power those OP weapons gain, less people play the true old weapons.

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Always sad to see the community freak out about new systems. Even the some of the loud voices of the community expressed their feelings about this in a bad way. Its DE's game, they will implement new systems and tweak those systems until they are working fine. I never saw a problem with the system, yes the meta weapons can get massive boosts, but so can the non meta weapons now, you can finnaly use those weapons you always wanted to use but didn't because they weren't 'meta'. It also doesn't harm anyone rly that someone has a good riven mod on their soma prime. That being said, ty for the post about the riven mod system, and great job on the new quest, I loved it and it makes me hopeful for the future.

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16 hours ago, immolator1001 said:

As a mastery rank 22 player who had taken a break for a couple months, these mods really reinvigorated my interest in Warframe and I'm really exited to get Riven mods for my favorite weapons that aren't quite top tier.

There are a few things I think should change:

1. Add a weekly mission with Teshin to get a Riven mod, so that it isn't totally Sortie RNG

2. Don't increase the cost of rerolling mods. The reason people want to reroll a mod is because it is a weapon they like and they want the mod to suit it better, this simply discourages players from rerolling mods for weaker weapons.

3. Add caps to stat changes, -100% on basically any stat can ruin a weapon, if it is damage the weapon basically ceases to work.


Like it so far and can't wait to see it evolve!

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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If it is true and you want to nerf the top weapon Riven Mods and buff the weaker weapons ones, I implore you please make it retroactive. This system has created a new level in inequality in the Warframe Community as it is already. If you do decide to keep the old mods as they are now, you will have created a bunch of super OP mods that will be unobtainable by anyone but the most hardcore elitist players. People will start trading these for insane amounts of plat, just like they're doing with Primed Chamber, a mess you still haven't fixed. Do you really want to make it even worse?

Edited by Virsalus
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If you have read DERebeccas post it addresses this point:

16 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

This modification will also affect existing Riven Mods to reflect our desire to give new life to ‘discarded’ weapons in a unique way, and not increase the power of the top tier ones. Prepare to see a difference in stats of existing Riven Mods in an upcoming hotfix.

(Emphasis mine above)
So yes, this will be a retroactive change.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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2 minutes ago, ashrah said:

and wen they change that all this ppl who are spent 2-3k plat on riven mod will be furious on forum..

It was a new system just patched in last weekend and they knew the mods were overpowered. They should have known better than to spend loads of plat already on a system still as volatile as this. Keeping those mods overpowered just to please the few people who paid insane prices for them would only screw over everyone else in the process.

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So far I really like the Riven mods, now my thoughts:

1. There should never be a Riven mod that only gives positives, that's just boring, they should be more like corrupted mods, trading in one thing for another.

2. There shouldn't be values (positive and negative) for a weapon that doesn't use them. Let's take Gorgon for example, 5% Status Chance, a Riven that gives +100% Status is most likely worthless and has to be rerolled, a Riven that gives -100% Status Chance has a good potential to be op because the Gorgon cannot be built for status, so the negative value doesn't matter at all.

3. Increasing Kuva Values are fine, but in lower increments. I rerolled a quite bad Ogris mod a few times and now it went from 1200 Kuva to 2500 Kuva and has stats that don't effect the weapon at all. (+~100%Crit chance(5%->10%) and +~100%Puncture(0 -> 0), -~50%Flightspeed(40->20)) That's a shame, I would really like to have a reason to use the Ogris, but the values it gives me are just nonsensical for the weapon. How about -damage +multishot and +firerate that would make the Ogris a completely different weapon^^

4. Remove alone challanges, I have a hard time convincing my firend to unvail his two Riven mods, that both have to be done solo, because he only ever plays when I play.

The nerfing of op weapon Rivens is good news, they really don't need a buff, a change in handling might be quite interesting though.

The randomness is cool, but should be better balanced.

I have an interesting Opticor mod, that increases damage dramatically but lowers charge rate by a lot, that is fun to use.

+100% Damage and Crit Chance for Dread is just really booring.


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11 minutes ago, Virsalus said:

It was a new system just patched in last weekend and they knew the mods were overpowered. They should have known better than to spend loads of plat already on a system still as volatile as this. Keeping those mods overpowered just to please the few people who paid insane prices for them would only screw over everyone else in the process.

this is not frist time....they are pay real cash for that.. that is bad for game.... ppl making stuff to be stronger...invaste time and money...u balance stuff before realese not wen ppl  put money in it that will made ppl  pretty mad of course

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