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So let's talk about the upcoming glass frame.

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2 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

I wonder how the tintable glass will look like... and will it also be prevalent in her abilities as well.

the devstream preview tonight will feature her, him, it? can't tell with the giant dingdong codpiece. so we see if there were any improvements or if this is just future mastery fodder till deluxe skin >_> 

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So what do you think guys? Will it be a tanky frame or a dps or a CC?

In my opinion, it would be more fun if it's a tanky frame. Since it's a glass frame, abilities like it can reflect damage or absorb damage or something like that would be fun. I do so hope that it will not be just like every other glass: It breaks easy. :P Don't want another squishy female frame.

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Thinking she'll be a mix, seeing how versatile Nidus, Octavia, and Harrow are for most recent frame designs. If she does indeed wield an exalted hammer, I hope she's tanky enough to go berserker-style... I personally want her to reshape the terrain with glass spikes and barricades as a form of battlefield control.

Here's a kit idea of roughly what I'm looking for:


Edited by PsiWarp
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Would like her to be like oberon a support frame be able to model glass things to help people create walls out of glass that sort of think maybe buff but who knows. Hopefully tomorrow they might show some of her skills off would be nice.

Edited by paul5473
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19 minutes ago, paul5473 said:

Would like her to be like oberon a support frame be able to model glass things to help people create walls out of glass that sort of think maybe buff but who knows. Hopefully tomorrow they might show some of her skills off would be nice.

lol oberon support ? oberon can tank soo great.. also glass frame should be a " class " of tricks and tactycs

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i can imagine that the first skill is gonna be a damage ability, like a glass shard that gives slash proc.
for the others, i like the idea of a personal shield or a shield you can give allies (like warding halo with augment) that allows the shielded to reflect part of the damage taken.
maybe also a glass shards area

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9 hours ago, Deshiel said:

Has it been named yet?

I'd call her Mirra, since glass, female, mirror, warrior

No name yet. The naming post went up on DC about a month ago but no voting poll so far from DE. They night have already picked a name as is the case

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I want her powers to be WEIRD she also looks melee oriented.

Her 1 should pop those rings off her body and make them give 1 buff and move appropriately

1St time you hit 1 it spins around her body reflecting light, blinding close range mobs and bleeding those who get too close scales on power str, dur and range

Pressing 1 again while active makes the glass spin around the melee weapon giving it higher damage, slower attack speed and bleeding bonus damage. Str and dur

Pressing 1 three times makes the discs form a sphere formation and fires discs rapidly until the glass runs out. Range, str and dur

Her 2 should coat her in high pressured glass by pulling some glass off of her 1 lowering 1s effectiveness but boosts her armor and giving balanced damage reduction at the cost to offense (mildly) str, dur.


Her 3 will pull glass from her active 1 and amplify light firing an intense beam with flame thrower level punch through dealing fire and radiation. Str, range 


Her 4 will pull super heated blood from all of her bleeding targets and power up her other 3 abilities resulting in higher strength, less energy used and faster glass rotation resulting in faster bleed procs.

She will have a crimson reflective glow to represent glass tempered in blood.

Her passive should be bleed procs passively healing her or standing in light randomly blinds enemies or gives her passive heat damage.



Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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