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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited Part 2


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Ember changes are insufficient. She lacks massively in terms of survivability and even worse so from the World on Fire range decrease, causing her Firequake augment to drop in usefulness. 

With the change to World on Fire's damage to increase over time, this makes Fireball somewhat useless in terms of dealing damage.

Fireblasts' buff is extremely niche use and outclassed by her Accelerant augment. 

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The Ash improvements look great, that’s solid!


On the other hand...guys, you know you’re nerfing Ember past the point of it being justified. The gimmicks you’re adding to her (1) and (2) are just gimmicks and really do not in any way come close to restoring the survivability she loses through the loss of her crowd control. Please take a good long, hard look at what you’re doing to Ember, while bearing in mind the fact that Octavia exists. I truly do not get it. I do not understand the underlying design philosophy here. I can only assume that there is such an underlying philosophy.

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17 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

When interacting with nullifiers, power-created avatars (Atlas’ Rumblers, Nekros’ Shadows, etc) will have their health drained, instead of instantly disappearing.

This would be a great change to add to Frost's Snow Globe. 

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vor 13 Minuten schrieb [DE]Connor:


  • Vex Armor can now be recast to preserve accumulated buffs.


Its nice that atleast Chroma is able to recast this ability,

but it seems that you didn´t read the comments of the people closely...

Beacuse of the little EHP he will have, he will be dead so damn fast that it doesn´t no matter if its recastable or not.

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Pretty amazing changes. 


Volt still needs to be an alternative to gunplay tho, having a dps ult that even though we don't know how it performs on armored endgame since Reb tested against leech eximi aka "not even peacemaker kill those on a few hits" is the right way to go, but what about shock? 

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23 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

When interacting with nullifiers, power-created avatars (Atlas’ Rumblers, Nekros’ Shadows, etc) will have their health drained, instead of instantly disappearing.

Inaros Scarab Swarm too?

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Rasmus_ep88 said:

Recastable vex armor is nice, but I am still afraid to find out how much his survivability is affected :/

the survivability buff VA gave is unchanged, just the damage buff, which will still be very powerful

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Whoo! I like most of the changes, but I feel like some are not going far enough.


  • Your proposed World on Fire changes are bad!

You will push Ember into the exact same situation Ash was in until now! You make WoF way more clunky, while the buff to it is laughably insiginficant. At best, that change will force Ember players to recast WoF every 5 seconds, but nothing else will change. At worst, Ember will be shelved by most players, just like Ash got shelved after you made Bladestorm more clunky.

  • Fireball still has an underwhelming mechanic

I'd assume that charging Fireball wont increase its damage to godlike levels, so that anyone would ever feel the need to use that ability. I think that the change to Fireball will be too insignificant to warrant even using the ability, let alone increasing Ember's usability

  • The Fire Blast does not incorporate well with the ability or Ember as a whole

While there is nothing wrong with extra damage, I feel like the proposed Fire Blast changes do nothing to help Ember, especially after she gets nerfed. Ignoring the fact that Fire Blast's VFX is most of the time way too intrusive to properly aim through it, Ember is meant to be a caster frame, standing still and aiming with a weapon does not exactly fit her playstyle. Also, Ember has very little survivability, even less after her nerf, so this change will do nothing for her in that regard.

  • The Passive is still subpar

The passive should just get replaced with something more useful, for example an Overheat mechanic, which could give Ember a stacking damage reduction and a Power Strength buff when consecutively casting abilities, at the expense of higher energy costs.


While Volt will surely be fine after these changes, I'd still like to strongly suggest giving him further love in a few areas

  • Static Discharge: Soft cap instead of hard cap. If the stored damage exceeds 1000, it will decay back to 1000, the higher it is stacked, the faster it decays

Just as the arbitrary limitation on Discharge, Static Discharge is also arbitrarily capped. This could be changed into a soft cap without any bad side effects.

  • Shock: Holding the button will make Volt shoot lightning coninuously. Moderate damage with moderate drain
    • If continuously fired at an Electric Shield, the damage it deals to enemies passing throug it will increase, up to a cap. If that cap is reached, enemies will get shocked with an Electricity proc, slowing them down considerably
    • If continuously fired at a Tesla Coil-ed enemy, the damage that enemy deals to himself and others around him will increase linearly. The damage can be increased until either the Tesla Coil effect ends or the enemy dies.

The primary idea here is to give Volt more synergy for Shock, making the ability actually worthwhile to use often even at level 30

  • Speed: Running through an Electric Shield makes that Warframe dash forwards, similar to Excalibur's Slash Dash (without the damage component obviously)

This one is just for fun. And who can say no to fun thing?


  • Dive Bomb should really be aimable

While I appreciate that Dive Bomb can now be slightly aimed, I am still of the opinion that you should be able to aim more than just slightly. Make Dive Bomb activate by holding the button and you wont have problems with players actually Dive Bombing when they really just wanted to use Tail Wind.

  • Air Burst has to be inverted

I can not overstate how much more useful Air Burst would be if it would ragdoll enemies to the center of the ability, instead of ragdolling them away. Zephyr would profit from such a change, most weapons would, and so would all other warframes.

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I still adamantly believe that Chroma's Scorn buff should be left as it is. It is understandable that you're nerfing/fixing Fury because of boss fights being rushed; a 500% increase with proper strength-focused modding is still a strong  buff, especially so with the upcoming weapon reworks. However, dropping his survivability to nearly a fifth of what it is now, even though even the preview video calls him the last one standing on every battlefield, is ridiculous and uncalled for.

EDIT: unless scorn isn't being touched, in which case I'd like someone to post a source that clarifies that.

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22 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:



  • Can cast other abilities while using Spectral Scream.
  • Spectral Scream damage now affected by Vex Armor damage buff.
  • Vex Armor aura range increased (currently 18 meters base range).
  • Vex Armor can now be recast to preserve accumulated buffs.


Can Chroma get an actual passive too now? 

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- Press the key to release a cone aoe blast of fire over 5m that does heavy damage and can be chained multiple times. You know, like a fiery shotgun blast from her fists.

Ember's kit has always lent itself more to a close range magical brawler playstyle. So fireball should actually work as a close range ability that can be spammed to lay down the hurt on small groups of enemies. While also giving it a charge mechanic to grant fireball some much needed utility.

I'm copying this from another thread I posted in. The change to Fireball is great, something I've been advocating for. However it isn't enough in my opinion. The base functionality of Fireball is lackluster. Adding the charge mechanic allows Fireball to have a ranged option but the basic tapping functionality needs to be a more potent cqc option.

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16 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

1) BONUS Gift from the Lotus alerts this weekend with Orokin Reactors!

2) Resonating Quake will only hit enemies once as it expands outward

3) Vex Armor aura range increased (currently 18 meters base range). Vex Armor can now be recast to preserve accumulated buffs.

1) Possible to chose between reactorS or catalystS? High MR players like me has lots of reactors to last for the next few years already. So we would like to have catalysts instead... since there are tons of weapons rebalancing for us to try out. It make sense now, right?

2) The more it will encourage players to spam her 4 to hit enemies more time to kill fast. So the bright energy color (and perhaps the sound of power 4 too) will cause annoyance to other players, just like previous case of nuke Limbo.

3) Chroma vex armor build has no slot for range mod, please consider having longer base range. As for the accumulated buffs... any cap? Or it can go way beyond 600%+?


Can we have the A.B,C slots for Operator too? Fashion frame you know? It's a hassle to have to change every time to match the frame's color.

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12 minutes ago, LuLu_HoHo said:

Nothing Overkill so far... I'm still worried regarding how my flaming girl will do without her CC, but I'm willing to sit and test all the changes before trying this new fire ball on the balance crew LoL


Once the changes are in, there will be no second pass, no changes will be reverted or revisited. Ember is just going to be crippled. Not completely ruined! But crippled.

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