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Revenant Themed Warframe "Vlad" Feedback and Discussion


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1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Infested Mesa.


1 hour ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Didn't he breed the strain from her tho? Wasn't the whole point of stopping infested mesa stopping his experiments?

We were trying to stop Alad V because he developed a Technocyte strain that could infect everything. Thats why we destroyed the ships, the hives and his lab.

He never tried to create an "infested Warframe". He tried to create a new "race" of infested, called mutalist, from EVERYTHING, including Warframes.


Infested Mesa was just a normal Warframe controled by a infested ring that was controled by Alad V. It wasn't an infested Warframe like Nidus is.

In the end, the Tenno objective wasn't save Mesa or prevent the creation of an infested Warframe. It was save the origin system from the new strain that could infect everything.

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Just now, Morthal said:

I'm filthy rich, build my own Master Race rigs, retired and sometimes buy the really stupid, heavy grind/RNG warframes. Khora collection was worth it, especially after seeing the laughable drop rates. Even though I have no issues running Warframe, or buying plat, I agree with the OP here. Obtaining parts is becoming a hassle, on top of the time it takes to bake them. This has nothing to do with plat sales either, since even platinum can be obtained freely through trade.

Your +9 trolling is comical but unhealthy and not helping the issue.


i said the day sanctuary onslaught released, and still maintain the opinion today, that khora's droprates are not at all unreasonable, players are just used to killing a boss three times and then warframe now plz, nothing is unreasonable about farming any frame... not ivara, or nidus, or harrow

besides, of all the gameplay mechanics, eidolon hunting? the stigma that you need a riven'd sniper to take one down is absurd, you can go up to garry with a lanka no riven by yourself provided you bring the right frame like oberon or trinity, even easier if you have a team together

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Trade a prime warframe for plat, buy vlad from the market afterwards.

I do hope vlad parts aren't necessary to progress a quest and that the parts aren't in the plains or worse, in the eidolons itself, mainly because of crashes and my problems running the plains, let alone the eidolons.

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1 hour ago, Urlan said:

You are missing the point of the statement you quoted; the Eidolon Sentient - the original organism didn't make its beeline to 'Er' to destroy towers until Hunhow's plan for us to kill the majority of the Orokin Elite had occurred. The point is that the Shards - normal Sentient - as you pointed out are in fact Hunhow, who does not display the same energy elements with his Shards and their construction as Eidolon Sentients. All the Plains Sentient are from that Eidolon Sentient which focused on destroying the Earth based Towers. None of those Eidolon based Sentient shards or fragments would have existed to be adapted into a warframe timeline wise as it happened after the fall. This leaking Sentient energy is indicative of the Eidolons as said in the devstream so that is another point for how this doesn't work as a warframe that could have been made by the Orokin as they wouldn't have had the Eidolon's in their time period. Does this point make sense now?

I'm not talking about Hunhow OR the PoE Eidolon.  I'm saying it's likely from ANOTHER Sentient Eidolon we've yet to see, probably on PoV.  That is what I said.

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1 hour ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

The most likely way we'll have to acquire Vlad's parts is from hunting Eidolons. As someone who would rather play Starchart than hunt Eidolons for 15 hours just to get one warframe part, can we please not make him an Eidolon drop? I'd rather be able to obtain him in normal gameplay. DE is seemingly starting a trend of making the more recent frames harder and harder to get because it boosts plat sales, which is a business practice I can't agree with.

Well, it is a business after all LOL. I say that respectfully. They have families to feed and bills to pay just like tons of us. All those folks at DE get a paycheck for all the hard work they do and that money has to come from somewhere. I feel what you're say'n to a certain degree but it is what it is. They arent working for free LOL.

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If you give him different name and we don't have quest for him then we will not know if he is a dracula-vampire.And if you give him name vampire or something like that then its not that original...so in the end Vlad is the best choice.

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6 minutes ago, LightningsVengance said:

Maybe instead of Teralyst he could drop from the Sentients that spawn on Lua? I mean Battalyst, Conculyst. It wouldn't be a terrible stretch on DE's part and even if you don't get quite what you want the first 2 Sentients that spawn it's still a somewhat rewarding endeavor.

I agree with this idea. I didn't mean to make it sound like I don't care about the game or anything, but doing 80 mnute fights for a CHANCE at a drop seems excessive, since that's likely what they'll do.

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I've been playing Warframe for a little over four years. I know DE is working hard to keep the game fresh so here are my two cents to hopefully help further that objective. Let's be real, players are here for the Warframes. There's nothing better than finding a frame that speaks to your heart, a frame that makes you feel like a tenno really using transferences. The variety of looks and personalities are wonderful, no complaints there. However, their powers I feel are lacking in that department. Lately, the newest frame abilities seem like reused variants of past frames. I was excited when I heard there was going to be an Eidolon type frame but when I saw their abilities, I won't lie, I was disappointed. Here I am, night after night fighting against the Terralyst, Gauntlyst and Hydrolyst. Excited at the thought of how cool a Warframe version of those sentients would be. I felt that this could be what Warframe needed to really hit the fans with some fan service, give us a frame that would really switch things up and add a breath of fresh air to the lineup. A frame that could tap into the abilities of the Eidolons. For instance, depending on how he's colored, He would draw from a different Eidolon's powers: Bluish would be aligned with the Terralyst, Orangish would be aligned with the Gauntlyst and Greenish would be aligned with the Hydrolyst. Even if it wasn't this in depth, just using a frame in general that applied any variation of the Eidolon's abilities without a doubt would bring so much joy to the fans of this series, in my opinion. Do we really need another Nyx/Wukong type? We loved Nidus because his abilities were so unique to him. There's a REAL opportunity to do that here with the Eidolon Warframe. He could be a standout and fun to play with. I appreciate the effort of giving us new Warframes on a regular basis, but I'd rather wait if that means getting a Warframe that is not only incomparable in looks to other frames but their powers as well.         

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11 minutes ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

I agree with this idea. I didn't mean to make it sound like I don't care about the game or anything, but doing 80 mnute fights for a CHANCE at a drop seems excessive, since that's likely what they'll do.

Nah, you're fine (at least I think so) grinding is becoming a bit more... Tedious, to say the least and I really, really don't want to fight the Eidolon either. I am currently unable to load into PoE squads and can't kill the Eidolon alone so... RIP.

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I doubt they will change the idea of Vlad's power when they have already set them. The most is tweaks. I highly doubt Vlad will be using any of the Eidolons' power in the final build.

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It's afflicted with sentient energy more than it is a warframe-sentient hybrid. Who's to say the original frame didn't have it's own powers before it got corrupted by the sentients? Whatever powers it once had is now replaced to spread the same affliction.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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9 minutes ago, (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv said:

I think the main problem is the frame is trying to be too much at the same time.Do a Sentient themed frame. Do a vampire themed frame. At the same time, however, the theme gets muddled and lost.

The flipside of that is: if they hadn't directly told us that his look was Eidolon inspired, would you know?

I wouldn't have.

I saw more of an undead/Nekros delux/Dracula armor vibe.

I think them letting us peak behind the curtain at his look's inspiration is what's creating the bad taste in everyone's mouth.

If they wouldn't have mentioned Eidolons I think we would just be able to enjoy him for what he is.

Too late now though. Cats out of the bag.

Hopefully, we don't end up with another Khora on our hands.

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I had an idea that could potentially 'fix' this frame, keeping in mind that the abilities we were shown are only placeholders, and are being completely reworked.
Unfortunately, I have to scrap the vampire aspect of the frame to keep the Sentient design ideal, and I really don't think it fits his current aesthetic at all, so I'm comfortable with losing it... besides, the other vampire design that's been mentioned is much better.

I was in a conversation with a fellow lore nerd when an idea occured to me that could solve the lore contradiction;

The Cetus Wisps;
"Strange stone lifeforms that call the Plains home. They are a rare find, clustering together, floating above a patch of ground they've taken inexplicable interest in. They are an enigma. "

Meanwhile, their aesthetic is Sentient, they can only spawn where Sentient energy can be, and more of them spawn at night.

Theory; Wisps are thus mud, stone, and Sentient fragments that have been charged with Sentient energy, and took on a pseudo-life of their own... not particularly smart, likely not having much purpose of their own, but they hover over areas full of Sentient energy like bugs over a puddle of sugar-water.

So... how about making Vlad/Revenant have a sort of advanced wisp as his 'pet'? It would fill the role of a Sentinel, firing a small magnetic beam weapon. Let's just give it its own special quirk that it can use mods for any Sentinel, with the exception of weapons; it has its own. This allows Vlad to have the benefits of two separate sentinels at once, while also as solving the mutual poison problem between the technocyte-based Warframe and the Sentient, as the two won't be interacting directly.

Have Vlad's warframe abilities be about the manipulation of damage through amplification and redirection fields. This way, he can use the Wisp's sentient abilities without causing either it, or himself, undue disruption due to the Flaw and/or the phylaxis.

In this vein;
One; a quick beam attack; Revenant holds up an amp field for his wisp to fire through, amplifying its laser into a deadly beam of energy that lasts x time, and can be aimed to either focus on one target, or spread the damage out by sweeping. Versatile, and relatively powerful.

Two; Defensive area blowback; Revenant forms an unstable field around himself and his Wisp, which detonates outward in a wave of force, dealing relatively little damage, but throwing all enemies within x range away from him. Not the most powerful move, but a great way to gain space and get some quick and dirty cc.

Three; Redirection Field; Revenant channels a stable field ahead of him, catching all incoming fire that strikes it, amplifying it and directing it to where you aim. Power scales with opponents' offense, and directed damage return allows for both a solid tactical defense and the focus of an incoming firing squad on their members one-by-one... also a callback to Hayden's shield in Dark Sector.

Four; Give 'em Hail; Revenant holds a field effect over his head, and his wisp focuses all of its stored energy (see proposed passive) into the field, which in turn launches projectiles that home in on nearby targets. Powerful, homing, but you have to be careful when and where you use it, as the damage depends on your passive, and you're not going to be moving very fast while casting.

Passive; Revenant's invulnerable Wisp follows him about, acting as a second Sentinel, and drawing fire from enemies. Damage inflicted to the Wisp is stored as a resource stack, that scales up its laser damage (also potentially Revenant's 1), and is consumed by Revenant's 4.
Split Passive; Revenant's pet Wisp can equip any Sentinel precept (even sentinel-specific targetting and utility precepts), allowing for greater versatility to make up for the Wisp's fixed weapon.

It's mostly an off-the-cuff brainstorm, and likely needs some refining, but I personally like it, and think it would make for a better 'sentient-frame' that's still lore friendly... also a Wisp pet would be adorable.

EDIT; Even solves the timeline problem, as you have a warframe with abilities that weren't best suited to combat, that when combined with an experimental Wisp-Sentinel thing actually became deadly, so the sentient-themed armor would have been added afterward to fit its newfound functions, though the original warframe inside remains relatively unchanged.

Edited by WolvenEdge
See note.
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The defensive ability should flash into the vombulysts ghost form when it activates.

Mark enemies with lightning strikes, then when they are infected show growth of his beard vine things.

The zombie form should cause the enemies to decay at a slow rate when partially infected and when fully infected much faster.

The sleep 4th ability should only send those partially afflicted to sleep and the fully afflicted should seek out other targets.

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1 hour ago, WolvenEdge said:

I had an idea that could potentially 'fix' this frame, keeping in mind that the abilities we were shown are only placeholders, and are being completely reworked.
Unfortunately, I have to scrap the vampire aspect of the frame to keep the Sentient design ideal, and I really don't think it fits his current aesthetic at all, so I'm comfortable with losing it... besides, the other vampire design that's been mentioned is much better.

I was in a conversation with a fellow lore nerd when an idea occured to me that could solve the lore contradiction;

The Cetus Wisps;
"Strange stone lifeforms that call the Plains home. They are a rare find, clustering together, floating above a patch of ground they've taken inexplicable interest in. They are an enigma. "

Meanwhile, their aesthetic is Sentient, they can only spawn where Sentient energy can be, and more of them spawn at night.

Theory; Wisps are thus mud, stone, and Sentient fragments that have been charged with Sentient energy, and took on a pseudo-life of their own... not particularly smart, likely not having much purpose of their own, but they hover over areas full of Sentient energy like bugs over a puddle of sugar-water.

So... how about making Vlad/Revenant have a sort of advanced wisp as his 'pet'? It would fill the role of a Sentinel, firing a small magnetic beam weapon. Let's just give it its own special quirk that it can use mods for any Sentinel, with the exception of weapons; it has its own. This allows Vlad to have the benefits of two separate sentinels at once, while also as solving the mutual poison problem between the technocyte-based Warframe and the Sentient, as the two won't be interacting directly.

Have Vlad's warframe abilities be about the manipulation of damage through amplification and redirection fields. This way, he can use the Wisp's sentient abilities without causing either it, or himself, undue disruption due to the Flaw and/or the phylaxis.

In this vein;
One; a quick beam attack; Revenant holds up an amp field for his wisp to fire through, amplifying its laser into a deadly beam of energy that lasts x time, and can be aimed to either focus on one target, or spread the damage out by sweeping. Versatile, and relatively powerful.

Two; Defensive area blowback; Revenant forms an unstable field around himself and his Wisp, which detonates outward in a wave of force, dealing relatively little damage, but throwing all enemies within x range away from him. Not the most powerful move, but a great way to gain space and get some quick and dirty cc.

Three; Redirection Field; Revenant channels a stable field ahead of him, catching all incoming fire that strikes it, amplifying it and directing it to where you aim. Power scales with opponents' offense, and directed damage return allows for both a solid tactical defense and the focus of an incoming firing squad on their members one-by-one... also a callback to Hayden's shield in Dark Sector.

Four; Give 'em Hail; Revenant holds a field effect over his head, and his wisp focuses all of its stored energy (see proposed passive) into the field, which in turn launches projectiles that home in on nearby targets. Powerful, homing, but you have to be careful when and where you use it, as the damage depends on your passive, and you're not going to be moving very fast while casting.

Passive; Revenant's invulnerable Wisp follows him about, acting as a second Sentinel, and drawing fire from enemies. Damage inflicted to the Wisp is stored as a resource stack, that scales up its laser damage (also potentially Revenant's 1), and is consumed by Revenant's 4.
Split Passive; Revenant's pet Wisp can equip any Sentinel precept (even sentinel-specific targetting and utility precepts), allowing for greater versatility to make up for the Wisp's fixed weapon.

It's mostly an off-the-cuff brainstorm, and likely needs some refining, but I personally like it, and think it would make for a better 'sentient-frame' that's still lore friendly... also a Wisp pet would be adorable.

EDIT; Even solves the timeline problem, as you have a warframe with abilities that weren't best suited to combat, that when combined with an experimental Wisp-Sentinel thing actually became deadly, so the sentient-themed armor would have been added afterward to fit its newfound functions, though the original warframe inside remains relatively unchanged.

Armor integrated into the warframe after the Orokin Elite were mostly dead and no more warframes were being designed?

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4 minutes ago, Urlan said:

Armor integrated into the warframe after the Orokin Elite were mostly dead and no more warframes were being designed?

No. The armor would degrade due to the warframe's own energy if it was integrated, it would have to be surface only.
Void-capable Technocyte and Sentients are literal poisons to each other; Sentients are immune thatnks to Phylaxis, which is poison to infested, and Void energy destroys all but the toughest Sentient material, and renders even that inert.

The lore is very clear on this. For this frame to have actual Sentient influences, they are going to have to remain separate of the warframe proper to be lore-friendly... or DE shows that they don't care about their own lore, thus their own story, and to me at least, thus the game in general... not that they've been giving it very much TLC lately... just what seems to be ham-handed flailing in its general direction while its main team is working on something big in the background.

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I like its powers, he seems like a really good CC.

Also, he's perfect for fashionframe so even if he sucks, he'll have a place on my liset..

i might nail him somewhere near the foundry... mmmhhh right besides the 273 ananas...

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4 hours ago, Yrkul said:

Bear in mind, that not everyone has a rig that can run PoE consistently. And don't try the "just get a better PC" argument, because some of us have mortgage, family, medical expenses, ex-wives, and/or other expenses.

Then why are a playing instead of fixing those problems?


Also, back to the topic, i might have heard wrong but during the devstream didn't reb say that Vlad will come from a quest ? 

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