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Coming Soon: Devstream #115!


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Thank you DE for continuing to support Warframe. Thank you DE for listening to players. 


1. Can double resource weekends be announced in advance like acolytes or plague star, and can we have more per year?

2. Can Valkyr get a health boost? I've tried Valkyr Prime after Hysteria was changed, and she still doesn't compare to Inaros as far as tankiness. With Mesa, Trinity, Nova, etc. having high DMG reduction, I think it is fair for Valkyr to have a larger health pool as an alternative to turning hysteria on and off repeatedly.  

3. Titania often dies abruptly when trying to melee enemies while in her 4th. Is there a way to give her some mitigation/reaction time to encourage melee?

4. Can we change Ember's world on fire augment to GREATLY REDUCE DAMAGE in exchange for keeping her previous range, energy drain and knockdown. Even a second augment that does this will be extremely welcome. All ember players are not trying to kill everything before we see it. Some of us like the CC it provides, and allow our primaries to do damage. Please give us this option since it will not steal kills from newer players, nor nuke everything. Thank you very much.   

5. New relics are constantly added to the game. Can we please identify vaulted relics and organize relics for mission selection into some kind of folder/relic bag system?  

6. Can we trade Fieldrons for desirable items/resources in Fortuna? It will maintain value of current resources and make new content more accessible to all.  

Thank you.  

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As time has passed, with less endless missions past Rotation C and with the removal of raids, we've seen lower level enemies across the board. Due to this issue, CC has become less prevalent in the meta as there's no need for it when you can kill easily instead. Will you guys consider a difficulty selection for higher rewards but more challenging enemies, or perhaps higher level mission nodes than what we have currently.

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A few things on my mind...

1. With The New War approaching next year, I can't wait to see what sort of plot twists occur within that quest. However, I hope that doesn't detract from smaller quests taking the focus, such as the remaining syndicate quests for Arbiters of Hexis & Steel Meridian. We seriously lack any knowledge about the Arbiters' intentions. These quests are also renown for introducing interesting frames, so I anxiously await for anything syndicate-oriented. Seriously, now would be the PERFECT time to explore the history & ideals of the Arbiters!

2. Kingpin system/Syndicate assassination...I know you've got A LOT on your plate, but we've been in the dark for too long.

3. Vauban's "Rework" hasn't addressed the issue that is Minelayer, and Tesla still feels like it should have been tacked onto Minelayer. All you need to do is search across the forums to see how many people are concerned about him, and you'll also find plenty of suggestions pertaining to how to improve him. *Wink, wink*

4. Melee 3.0 seems to be progressing nicely, but I hope you guys also take your time to address machetes, probably one of the worst weapon classes in terms of performance. Even daggers have Covert Lethality working in their favor. Please don't forget about machetes...

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Hey there, 🙂

i guess it's way to early to tell, but will there be cross(-platform) play for the Nintendo Switch and PC / other consoles?

That might just be the the final argument for me to buy a Switch 😏


Thanks and keep being awesome!! 🙂 

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9 hours ago, MysteriousTenno said:

When bird eidolon will come out?

I'd also like to know if we're getting the flying Eidolon you showed off a while back! It looked huge and awesome and I'd love to know what the status on it is, is it coming to the Plains or to Orb Vallis in the foreseeable future?
Also, are there any plans for an Arbiters of Hexis syndicate quest perhaps, in the vein of Glast Gambit, Octavia's Anthem and so on? 🙂

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Looking forward to fortunata and Operation: Railjack.

just a question regarding the “Moa Pets” in one of the previous dev streams, will it be possible to have “Tar Mutalist” moa pets (i.e. Using a fully matured cyst while creating a moa from scratch to create a tar mutalist moa.) considering the fact the Helminth could have pathogenically evolved the techniques needed from the particular strain of infestation used by one, Mutalist Alad V to be able to biomechanically fuse with moas? (it’s still a good idea on pen and paper.)

More importantly: When is there going to be infested Decorations and possibly rooms for the Dojo? I am just dying to make my dojo Horrifying.

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I know most fashion folks are interested in Tennogen round 13, but could we have more of the old items and skins added to the console builds? There’s definitely a bigger-than-you-think list of items we’ve been waiting for since February 2016, and a dedicated thread to the cause in the forums:

Also, Tonbo Prime pls. <3

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will there ever be hunting and other additions on Cetus?

will we ever be able to dive in water with our archwing on cetus or other world places?

Will there ever be more Archwing missions in space instead of missions where you only use it in a water area or small place?

Will we ever be able to use our archwing weapons instead of out tenno weapons on Cetus?

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Hey guys!

1.) What prompted you to rework the gas city tileset instead of one of the older ones like the Astroid or Corpus outpost ones?

2.) Are there plans to give every warframe the ability to become sentient when transferred out of? You mentioned tag team moves between operator and warframe during Tennocon 2017, and I was wondering if you're going to stick to that.

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Can we have ClanAlliance Emblems as Glyphs too?
So that we can represent our clans/alliance when we feel like it? 
Can we also put them on our Operators and Orbiters?

I think it will be awesome when Railjack comes and we have better looking and higher quality Clan/Alliance Emblems on them too! 

Think of it like a power rangers thing LOL

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