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How is Garuda


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I'll just bookmark the thread so I can give you a comment when I hit rank 4 on solaris united standing, should be tomorrow or the day after if I've done my sums right... a lot of us on pc are just sitting here waiting too because of the time gating she has..

Edited by LSG501
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Mediocre. She is cool and all her abilities are interesting but they all miss something to make them good.


Effectiveness 5/10

Look 9/10

Feeling 8/10

Sounds 10/10

Usefulness 4/10


Her 1 blob and her 4 so slow...

Edited by DerGreif2
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She's... she needs work. She isn't completely useless but the designed way to play her doesn't seem to find much appeal.

The general idea of the frame was likely to have her play like this:

Receive bunch of damage or cast Bloodletting to make use of her passive.
Cover behind Dread Mirror, which provides complete immunity to damage if put between her and an enemy.
Use Seeking Talons to weaken and CC enemies to some extent, charging it to full potential while safely hidden behind Dread Mirror.

But what's about Blood Altar?

It kinda fits into that, as the healing is % of missing health - the lower your health, the faster you gain it back, that synergizes with her passive.

Unfortunately, given how I play, the Passive is borderline useless as I'm pretty much always at full health - thus receiving no benefits.

Dread Mirror and Blood Altar offer some mobility, if you don't get stuck in "target obstructed" issue.
Dread Mirror only works in a single direction and is effectively a 2D ability, it cannot be aimed up or down.
The duration is ~20s base, which is ok-ish, the animations could be faster and/or provide invulnerability when moving to impale an enemy.
The area of effect of Blood Altar is pretty pitiful at 6m base.

Bloodletting is OK and provides efficiency similar to Rage/Adrenaline if you use Vitality and Primed Flow together (its relative efficiency varies depending on the amount of health and energy pool, the lower the health and the higher energy pool, the more efficient it is compared to mods).

Seeking Talons deal effectively no damage, but seem to be able to track and hit enemies through environment, the area is pretty narrow and charge is lengthy, has plenty of range however.

Her Talons are neat, if a bit inconsistent when it comes to Sortie modifiers - they do not count as Melee for melee-only, but they do for firearm-only, leaving Garuda declawed.

Also the talons and ribbons get in the way during gameplay, obscuring the aimpoint.

My musings:



There could be a few improvements made:

She needs an effective way of staying at low health to benefit from her passive (QT+Adrenaline and Altar kinda get the job done) or a new passive altogether. Receiving buffs from damage to allies? Enemies? Buff dissipating slowly over time instead of being tied directly to her health?

1 and 2 need to provide immortality or huge damage reduction while the player is stuck during the cast animation.

The Dread Mirror shield needs to move far faster or be instead turned into yet another generic DR ability that'd keep her alive. Alternatively the pinned enemies should do something more interesting and maybe draw the aggro away?

Blood Altar could draw enemy aggro (if it doesn't already) for some buffs to it. The ability could also provide additional buffs by default (like status/knockdown/damage resistance) or for capturing different kinds of enemies, alike to Titania's Tribute (as much as people hate Titania).

Seeking Talons should just be faster to use, maybe increase the debuff duration a little.



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She's not a nuke frame even if we all agree her 4th does little to no damage other than starter planets. She's a damage amplifying frame, kinda like Banshee, except tankier and with way more survability. Her ult marks enemies to get hit by all sources of damage transforming the incoming damage into slash procs (ignoring defenses iirc). Her current gameplay issue is that it's really slow compared to other set up frames, even with Natural Talent, which I personally only find it noticeable on her 3rd animation lol. She hasn't been touched yet, most likely this week with hotfixes, and I'm hoping they give her the Mag/Nezha treatment and speed up her animations or make her ult more fluid.

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47 minutes ago, (PS4)ChiefDevilEggs said:

Hello, console player here.... just sitting here..... wondering how Garuda is....waiting....

Funny ..... so am I~

47 minutes ago, (PS4)ChiefDevilEggs said:

but seriously, for you PC players, how is Garuda so far?

Will let you know three days after (or is it four?) when I've finally plowed through the first four tiers of Solaris standing (probably in a day or two?) so I can finally get the blueprint to process the resources required to build her. Buckle your seat belt because Garuda is the living embodiment of "hurry up and wait".

My heart goes out to anyone who is sub MR25.

Edited by Oreades
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She is good against very high level enemies, at least level 150+, because her 4 makes enemies take massively increased damage and scales well.  Against normal content she's useless because by the time you take your time to charge up your 4 and kill the enemies, frames like Saryn or Equinox will have already nuked the map. So nope she's not a good frame unless you plan on going a few hours in endless, in which case there would still be many better options. 

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Tbh everything I've read from people just seems wrong to me with people trying to shunt her into the meta, she's a melee frame, and frankly is the best melee frame in the entire game. No other frame can get from enemy to enemy as quickly as she can. 

When you get her, forget the boring meta, forget about trying to find a 'role' for her, she's fun as hell. Lets face it, who needs a 'role' when 90% of the time a single frame can carry everyone else.

Edited by DeMonkey
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2 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Tbh everything I've read from people just seems wrong to me with people trying to shunt her into the meta, she's a melee frame, and frankly is the best melee frame in the entire game. No other frame can get from enemy to enemy as quickly as she can. 

This is probably the only way Garuda works effectively. Considering 1+4 is slow.



Now from what I've seen (Lol max rank grind time) I think she just works. She isn't amazing or anything she just works. 1+4 together work and the 4 works well by itself. The 3 is fine but the 2 is useless because protective dash exists.

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il y a 19 minutes, DeMonkey a dit :

Tbh everything I've read from people just seems wrong to me with people trying to shunt her into the meta, she's a melee frame, and frankly is the best melee frame in the entire game. No other frame can get from enemy to enemy as quickly as she can. 

When you get her, forget the boring meta, forget about trying to find a 'role' for her, she's fun as hell. Lets face it, who needs a 'role' when 90% of the time a single frame can carry everyone else.

I agree. She also has a scaling AoE room clear with no LoS checks which fits right into the actual meta, despite its clunkyness the double scaling (% of enemy HP + multiplied enemy damage) makes it very good for higher leveled content. 

And she's really fun. Like, really really fun. Especially with high range. Nothing like jumping from the ground all the way up to the deck of one of the Corpus transports, rip the guy a new one, melee the others to death, then wreck the ship and leap onto another poor #*!% back down on the ground. She's incredibly cinematic in a good way 😄

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hace 1 hora, DerGreif2 dijo:

Mediocre. She is cool and all her abilities are interesting but they all miss something to make them good.


Effectiveness 5/10

Look 9/10

Feeling 8/10

Sounds 10/10

Usefulness 4/10


Her 1 blob and her 4 so slow...

just that  u rgith 100 %...and alot of ppl agree.. u can find someyoutube videos already who say near same.

need more dmg and range and a touch of sinergy btw skills to be fun and usefull.

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I think she's great because of how her abilities work with each other:

1+4 can can do serious bleed out damage 

2+3 helps with energy

1+2 helps with her gaining health back

But she got slight issues like how much her 1 relies on Accuracy due to it's low blast Radius, her 2 having a healing Radius so you can get killed if you are outside of that Radius, her 1 dosen't give her protection from the side, losing damage buff because of her Passive, and her 2 can't be recasted unless the enemy is dead or you killed it after the healing has stopped. So she got room for improvements but she's in a better spot than Khora and Revenant during their Releases.

Also, Her Claws can be used as another Melee Weapon when you don't have a Melee Weapon equipped which is cool.

Edited by VPrime96
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Garuda is "fine".    But, the only nitch she fills, IMO, is a playstyle (frenetic, frantic).  If you like a build where using all your skills all the time is a "good thing", then Garuda is top notch.  The problem is if I bring her to any sortie mission...she just does not perform and almost forces me to go "weapons only".   

The overall concept of grauda is good enough IMO that DE and Pablo can tweak her to make her "good" to "great".  People and some YT'ers have given decent ideas to move this along, I hope, in good ways.   A few misses are

1. Her blood shield is one sided but the frame is expected to be in the thick of things.

2. Her charge up for her 1 is too long w/o natural talent.

3. Her charge up for her 4 is too long w/o natural talent.

4.  Her heal rate with her 2 is too discrete (it should be a instant pulse + better average hp/sec).

5.  Her range on her #2 is too short for a frame that is meant to be all over the place.

6.  The working with low HP makes mods like quick thinking/rage semi mandatory to play that way

7 .  Her melee "exalted" is not top tier...not even close. It should be on par with the top 10 melee weapons and it is not.  Because of this, why would you ever use it?  if they did something like her "exalted" charged up your 1..that would be amazing.

Overall, I like what I think DE is trying to do with this frame (increase player engaging in the frames skills in terms of APM) 

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38 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

This could be a copy paste of my build other than the fact i used Umbral Intensify and Vitality xD Also try her with Natural Talent somewhere, it makes her SO MUCH BETTER ❤️

Tempting, but I don't really make use of either of the charges.

Why bother weakening enemies with her 4 if her Talons cut them to shreds anyway, and given how rarely I use the 'splosion the times that I do decide to use it it has more than enough charge to kill everything.

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