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No Wolf Club


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A simple post with a sad purpose: post how long you go without seeing The Wolf of Saturn, then edit when you see him.


Week 3 of the nightwave, I’ve spent roughly 20 hours each past week, no dice so far. Let’s see how many others can stay in the No Wolf Club for the next 7 weeks!


edit: I guess this is week 4? Alrighty then, make that 4 weeks of depression not 3.


edit 2: Alright folks! Week 5 or 6, I don’t know what timeline we’re on. Regardless, still haven’t seen Wolfie. Wonder if I’ll see him soon...


edit 3: hey all! It’s April fools day! It’s also week (7? 6? There needs to be an in-game tracker...) whatever in the Nightwave, and the biggest trick of all? Thinking the Wolf actually exists. Still haven’t seen hide nor hair of him. 1st thing I’m gonna do when I get the wolf’s armor set from the nightwave? Dress up rhino and pretend.


but seriously. @DE any plans to help people like me who just straight up have never seen the wolf? You say his appearance rates are going to increase, but I want some percentages now. Cuz this is more ridiculous than any April fools joke.


Edit 4, probably my last edit.

Well Folks, I did it. I finished the nightwave, got all the things... and still haven't seen the Wolf. So here's my obligatory picture of trying to make rhino look like what I can see of the Wolf from the little lore clips. Enjoy, and I hope you all are luckier than I am. New boss, never got to fight. Now it's just kindof depressing. I probably won't play until the last nightwave "act" 'cuz maybe I'll see him when he's supposed to show up so often it'll be annoying. Paraphrasing DE Steve, or someone in some devstream. I really don't care anymore, but seriously DE? I would've liked to see him at least once. I'm MR 23.5, and I'd like to be able to enjoy new content, you know? Sighhhhhhh


Edited by Venatorio
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I have found him once so far. In the first couple of days of the Nightwave. So, 2.5 weeks so far with no luck. I have possibly spent more than 20 hours each week playing, but I am not sure.


Edited: I found him three days after this post. But he did not drop anything remotely useful :facepalm:.

Edited by krc473
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At the end of week 1 I heard the audio start as I was looking at the reward window flying away. So technically I have never seen him yet. I play too much to want to put a number down...

Edit March 21: Got my first encounter, Mod drop only.

Edited by Zelmen
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Given that one of the rewards for Nightwave is a Captura of a place we've never been. I'd wager that there will be an proper Wolf boss battle at some point in the not terribly distant future. 

So I wouldn't worry too much about seeing him in a random mission. 

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2 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Havent seen him spawn yet. I have a dozen or so friends who have faced him and told me they had a hard time taking him down, which just gets me more eager to encounter him for the first time. T-T

If you have weapons that depend heavily on status damage then you will not have a great time. I did it with my friend yesterday and we dropped him in maybe 2 or 3 minutes because our weapons were doing straight damage. I had it on the stream which was pretty fast. My friend uses Sandstorm for Octavia.


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2 minutes ago, Creegz said:

If you have weapons that depend heavily on status damage then you will not have a great time. I did it with my friend yesterday and we dropped him in maybe 2 or 3 minutes because our weapons were doing straight damage. I had it on the stream which was pretty fast. My friend uses Sandstorm for Octavia.

My weapons are all Crit based, specially my Zaw Dagger which reaches 494% Crit chance with 3x Combo. 😛

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I saw him twice in the first week: Once on the first day (dropped the Wolf Sledge Head) and again on the second day (Dropped the Wolf Sledge Blueprint). I considered myself pretty lucky since I saw him twice in two days while getting two different weapon parts, but it seems my luck has run dry since I haven't seen him again since, and the longer I go without the Wolf coming after me, the angrier I get that DE put a new weapon on a rarely spawning, time limited miniboss with a 35% chance for him to even drop a weapon part.

I saw on the Warframe Reddit that Pablo said that by the end of Nightwave Series 1 he'd be so common it'd be an "Oh great, it's the Wolf again" situation (looking for the thread as I type this for confirmation), but that doesn't make how rare he is now feel any less frustrating, especially considering if some of us don't get the hammer during this series, who knows how long it'll take for DE to add it as a Cred purchase in another Series?


Found the Reddit talking about Pablo's stream with the important parts from the last hour bulleted:


From the topic: Pablo said that near the end, the Wolf would spawn so often that you would think "GDI this Wolf again???"

Edit 2:

Just finished a PuG Meso Spy and finally fought the Wolf again. Kind of disappointed that even though he dropped a weapon part for the third time in a row for me (I'm starting to feel very lucky with his drops), I'm a tad disappointed he dropped another Sledge Head.

Edited by Fukushu
Wolf finally showed his face again
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Never saw him...
Saw a ton of prisioners, and have done every challenge so far except the kuva one, cause my friends and i had to leave it to little more than one hour to reset because one of us went to visit the family on that weekend, which is when we play the most, and during that, i (playing the desecrate nekros responsible for life support drops) got dcd for a while, which made the life support drop a lot, plus one of our guys also got the glitch where his weapon was gone permanently after it got stolen, so, fun times.
Did everything else besides that. And also play a decent amount besides, and 0 sightings of the wolf.

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