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Which frames need better passives?

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Baruuk, Chroma, Khora, Limbo, because their passives are not passives but mechanics.

Inaros, because it activates on death, which Inaros doesn't usually do. When he does, however, it's a hindrance.


Edited by Genitive
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There are so many passives that are dumb, unique, unhelpful, or oddly niche-specific.  

Oberon's passive, I don't even know why he is associated with pets.

Excalibur's passive is "ok", but completely inferior to Ash.  It makes no sense at all that Excalibur doesn't get a boost with weapons like Sword & Shield, as if he suddenly loses his proficiency when you put a shield in his left hand.  

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6 minutes ago, Critiamat said:

Baruuk's passive is literally up to 50%damage reduction, how is that bad? :^|

I never said it was bad, it's just not a passive ability, it's a part of the restraint mechanic. Same as Atlas that has additional armor from rubble, but he also has a passive that makes him immune to knockdown.


11 minutes ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

Wait....it is?

I was wrong about that. He has other passive related to the plains, and I mistook that for his actual passive. The knockdown works (at least it does in simulacrum), but has rather short range

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Mesa, I like these options: 

+10% fire rate with dual wielded sidearms.

+20% reload speed for one handed sidearms

but this part seems pointless. 50 health is negligible. I'd rather not have that 50 additional health and have a melee equipped instead.

+50 health when a melee weapon is not equipped.

Edited by --Brandt--
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I'd argue Frost, since... 10% chance to freeze a Melee attacker? Usually most Melee enemies don't get close enough, or when they do, a feeble 10% chance doesn't really help with shaking the horde off. Maybe if that was a 100% chance, or if it was more a chilling aura AOE around him that scaled with ability mods, or... just something that actually felt impactful.

I'd also concur that some passives are just mechanics and could actually be put off in their own classification. Limbo having different stats when in/out the Rift, Chroma getting some passive buff when hit by his respective damage type... These could be a lot better and just have more *impact*, since right now it feels like passive abilities aren't affected by mods, or are so small that if they are, it's difficult to tell. 

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a lot of them need looking at:

- Chroma needs to ditch the Energy colour gimmick and get another passive. we have exalted weapons in the Arsenal now so we should instead be able to change our element there, rather than have to use specific energy colours; nothing should impede fashionframe!

- Ember's is completely counter-intuitive: a passive that requires taking damage has no place on a squishy caster frame with low armor. of course, the rest of her kit needs looking at as well, and soon(tm) it will be, as they confirmed her rework is coming.

- Equinox's passive Equilibrium is far too weak, it's barely noticeable. a rank 5 equilibrium passive would be much better, without essentially giving the mod for free.

- Loki's is pointless, nobody uses wall latch and the only Spy Mission that makes good use of it is Pavlov, Lua, and nobody really runs Pavlov regularly. not sure what else would suit Loki though.

- Rhino's Passive also sucks, Heavy Impact is about as effective as flatulence. as a Rhino lover first and foremost I would love him to have a passive where the longer you sprint, the faster you get, and running into enemies knocks them down, dealing impact damage. maybe also allow him to break objects just by running into them.

- Vauban's armour buff seems to be negligible, thankfully he's up on the chopping block too.

there's probably a few other, but those ones stand out to me as being some of the most worthless.

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

- Rhino's Passive also sucks, Heavy Impact is about as effective as flatulence. as a Rhino lover first and foremost I would love him to have a passive where the longer you sprint, the faster you get, and running into enemies knocks them down, dealing impact damage. maybe also allow him to break objects just by running into them.

Doesn't rhino have one of the lower speed stats?

Minus the ability to increase how fast you run, I can get behind this. Being able to knock down enemies and do impact damage would be a good boon and still keep him the hulking tank he's suppose to be.

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3 hours ago, Genitive said:

Inaros, because it activates on death, which Inaros doesn't usually do. When he does, however, it's a hindrance.


His hidden passive of gaining life (most likely proportionate to your max HP) on most finishers (and pocket sand opens enemies to finishers) is much more valuable since Inaros shouldn't even die in the first place with right builds.

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hace 3 minutos, Vortuna dijo:

His hidden passive of gaining life (most likely proportionate to your max HP) on most finishers (and pocket sand opens enemies to finishers) is much more valuable since Inaros shouldn't even die in the first place with right builds.

Yeah, it really sucks that i have to kill myself just to have fun with his passive

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4 hours ago, Genitive said:

Baruuk, Chroma, Khora, Limbo, because their passives are not passives but mechanics.

Inaros, because it activates on death, which Inaros doesn't usually do. When he does, however, it's a hindrance.


I honestly prefer frames who’s passives are more like mechanics. It gives another layer of gameplay to the frame and makes them more interesting to play.

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4 hours ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

Revenant and nova have basically the same passive that knocks down enemies but the range is so short that it never hits any thing and I'm convinced Revenant's doen't even work.

Take a self damage weapon with Revenant, activate his 2 and take away your shields while near enemies. I don't think this is how it's intended to work, but its the only way I've been able to get it to be even slightly somewhat useful. The shields don't need to fully recharge btw, any amount of shield that gets completely taken away triggers the passive.


1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

- Vauban's armour buff seems to be negligible, thankfully he's up on the chopping block too.

They removed that quite some time ago, but his new passive isn't much better. 



Would like to add: 

Frosts passive

Trinity's passive (which just needs a buff tbh)

Mags passive

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4 hours ago, Genitive said:

Baruuk, Chroma, Khora, Limbo, because their passives are not passives but mechanics.


Limbo's actual passive is that he gets 10 energy per rifted enemy killed (while being in the rift) apparently, didn't know that until I looked it up just now.

I agree with the others tho.

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Passives are so wildly different in power that I can't understand their design philosophy.

Ash has an amazing passive. It's seriously good. Saryn has a similarly useful one.

Then you have poor Rhino who has the special power to make a loud noise when he falls.

Some powerful frames have great passives and some weaker ones have useless ones. So, they aren't a balancing factor either.

They most definitely need a rework with a strong design philosophy behind them to keep them consistently useful.

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