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Did they really listen to feedback?


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Enemy scaling, rewards, endgame, enemy spawn rates, difficulty and so on. That are not things that are new or something. We talk about this for a long time now. I have the feeling DE knows exactly what players want but refuse to answer the questions that are thrown around for a long time now. Its nothing new and its still a topic. We get this kind of requests every freaking day but do we get answers on dev streams or the forum? No. I dont know why? So many people have given brilliant ideas and nothing is even mentions somewhere. Why should we give feedback if the problems that really need to be addressed are never answered? They ask us what they could do better and the answers are the same every time and sill they just pick up random cosmetic question that is really not important.

I love DE. I really love the game. I want to make it better and also a lot of other people. please give us the answers we want. If not why even give feedback. Again the list that is constanly ask for and where exist a lot of good ideas:

1. Enemy scaling

2. Rewards

3. Something for vets to do (endgame)

4. Enemy spawn rates

5. Difficult content (higher level, new enemies)

6. a lot more


Thank you for reading. I really hope that we get answers at Tennocon or the next devstream.

Edited by DerGreif2
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They do. But that doesn't mean all feedback is a good idea in the bigger picture. Also, there's a limited staff number for all the ideas, including the gazillion of repeated ones, going around in all social media platforms. They're not perfect but they have no ill intent either. 

Besides many times answering a question means commitment to some, and players get aggressive over it. So DE rather thread carefully and only adress stuff when they are relevant, or when they actually have something concrete to say about them. Then you must consider the "dead-horse" topics, which not only breed toxicity, but have already been answered multiple times and yet, somehow, people refuse to listen.

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

They do. But that doesn't mean all feedback is a good idea in the bigger picture. Also, there's a limited staff number for all the ideas, including the gazillion of repeated ones, going around in all social media platforms. They're not perfect but they have no ill intent either. 

Besides many times answering a question means commitment to some, and players get aggressive over it. So DE rather thread carefully and only adress stuff when they are relevant, or when they actually have something concrete to say about them. Then you must consider the "dead-horse" topics, which not only breed toxicity, but have already been answered multiple times and yet, somehow, people refuse to listen.

They are not random ideas. They are really big problems. Not all feedback is good but most of them are. I would agree when it would be some random things that pop up and then never seen again. But this flowing around for months if not YEARS! So its not fitting at all.We find it everywhere! They HAVE to address it or give us answers.

Edited by DerGreif2
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13 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

They are not random ideas. They are really big problems. Not all feedback is good but most of them are. I would agree when it would be some random things that pop up and then never seen again. But this flowing around for months if not YEARS! So its not fitting at all.We find it everywhere! They HAVE to address it or give us answers.

And really big problems require careful solutions. They already said they are going to address some of the problems problems this year.

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Listening. But they have long since abandoned the veterans. It's very simple: DE is monetized mainly from the contributions of new players. Think about it: from the perspective of a new player, Warframe is a whole "universe" to be discovered. There are a thousand "different" things to do. There is a long road that separates the "new player" from the "veteran", and in that margin the new player is very motivated to spend money.

Therefore, the new player invests a few dollars in Warframe, until he reaches the level of "veterans" where he discovers (to his sadness) that DE left him. There is nothing here for him. This veteran player leaves the game (or complains in the forums) and another new player arrives who will spend money in the game. And the cycle repeats itself.

In other words: designing new content for veterans is not economically profitable.

Warframe is designed for "noobs". Veterans are not profitable for DE.

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1 hour ago, DerGreif2 said:

They are not random ideas. They are really big problems. Not all feedback is good but most of them are. I would agree when it would be some random things that pop up and then never seen again. But this flowing around for months if not YEARS! So its not fitting at all.We find it everywhere! They HAVE to address it or give us answers.

Really big problems? I have no issues with any of these. And "these" (plural) are just one single problem by different names to make it seem like a list of different problems: All those problems are called "Endgame". Because all of them end up in the old "I'm a veteran and I'm bored with my cheese builds". So a matter of opinion and not objective problems.

As for the "Endgame" problem itself, again, what is endgame? How do you propose we bring it to a game where people yearn for challenging content, but also cry when something is not obtainable on day 1 of release? (Really, just wait for Jovian Concord, and see what'll happen around Ropalolyst - some will claim it's too easy, some will claim it's too hard and unnecessarily locked behind the Chimera Prologue, calling it now) 

How will you do it when this game has tons of players, each with different playstyles and needs? As I said, DE avoids this topic because it's been debated to death. And yet they still try update after update, to come up with these new modes (Beefy Wolf, Arbitrations, ESO, Battlepass system, and so much more) and every single time people complain both that it's too hard and that it's too boring.

But the best answer by DE I've ever seen (video below) on this issue is when DE_Steve himself, who is very careful with his words, was actually sarcastic (which seems to speak volumes about how done he might be with the whole matter) about it and saying something like: "Endgame... We've googled it... We're still trying to figure out what that is.". Hilarious and to the point, because everyone has a different definition of it and it's impossible to do it in a way that pleases everyone. Yet they're trying, and people act like they're the only ones in the game and it should cater to them specifically.

As if Warframe didn't have bigger concerns such as new player experience, coming up with actual content and not content just to appease to a specific loud group, or even fixing and reworking old systems to bring them to the level of the current-day vision of Warframe. I'm not saying challenging content is not important, I'm saying it's a very subjective topic, and that there are other more pressing matters than it.


Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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They do but not all issues are as simple to fix as they might seem. The game isn't played by a single group of people and any system that could affect multiple groups (which would be most or all of the ones you listed) can do more harm than good.


Just consider the chain of issues that come from trying to give us endgame: every time we've gotten endgame content we've just power creeped past it. Endgame is supposed to be difficult and somehow rewarding, if it isn't rewarding enough then players won't do it, a lot of players view rewards as bad if they don't make you more powerful, thus endgame content, and content released around it, has constantly made us more powerful than the endgame itself.

So us getting any endgame that lasts longer than a patch or two (if even that) requires it to be rewarding enough to play while also not giving rewards that ruin the mode. It would also eventually require balancing to deal with any content that does make us more powerful or else the mode is also ruined. But the problem with balancing this game is that so many players refuse to accept nerfing us as a acceptable solution and the alternative of buffing enemies makes the game worse for more casual players (which there are a lot of) and they don't want to be locked out of content because it's too difficult.


Eventually we will end up with yet another endgame mode (current expectation is Railjack) but without many other long term considerations to the game and player mentalities we'll be right back at square one where players feel that there is no endgame period.


Plus there is the other issue entirely of this is a game and DE is a company and DE needs to bring in new players and their money regularly or else there won't be a game in the first place.

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52 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

Enemy scaling, rewards, endgame, enemy spawn rates, difficulty and so on. That are not things that are new or something. We talk about this for a long time now. I have the feeling DE knows exactly what players want but refuse to answer the questions that are thrown around for a long time now. Its nothing new and its still a topic. We get this kind of requests every freaking day but do we get answers on dev streams or the forum? No. I dont know why? So many people have given brilliant ideas and nothing is even mentions somewhere. Why should we give feedback if the problems that really need to be addressed are never answered? They ask us what they could do better and the answers are the same every time and sill they just pick up random cosmetic question that is really not important.

I love DE. I really love the game. I want to make it better and also a lot of other people. please give us the answers we want. If not why even give feedback. Again the list that is constanly ask for and where exist a lot of good ideas:

1. Enemy scaling

2. Rewards

3. Something for vets to do (endgame)

4. Enemy spawn rates

5. Difficult content (higher level, new enemies)

6. a lot more


Thank you for reading. I really hope that we get answers at Tennocon or the next devstream.

1- How to fix enemy scaling if it is now the only thing that gives some difficulty to the game?

2- How to give rewards if people want power and we already are overpowered?

3- Endgame is useless without difficulty and rewards, but now we don't have both because we are overpowered.

4- Throw more enemies on the screen means nothing because we are overpowered. 10 enemies is the same as 100 enemies. Any Warframe can kill them with 1 skill.

5- We are already receiving new enemies, and that means nothing because we are overpowered. Increasing level will make people complain because of enemy scaling and lack of rewards.

6- However, DE can't nerf us. Because a nerf will make the community angry, including said people that want 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

So, yes, they listen to feedback. That means they will find a solution 1 week later and implement in the game? No. The problem is a lot more complex. It's not easy to fix as you think.

Edited by -OP-NerevarCM
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48 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

1. Enemy scaling

2. Rewards

3. Something for vets to do (endgame)

4. Enemy spawn rates

5. Difficult content (higher level, new enemies)

6. a lot more

1) So this has been touched on a few times and the simple point of it is players tend to be too powerful. With the right mods and frames everything can be cheesed and their isn't really a way to fix this to satisfaction. If you change one or two things the meta will counter. Changing things might temporarily resolve the issue but its like putting a bandaid on a stab wound. Sure it hides the issue for a few seconds but the general set up of the game means the problem will come right back.

2) Rewards fall into another touchy category. Should we make the rare items more rare? Ephemeras show that a lot of players really aren't that fond of cosmetic grind. They will do it but they tend to complain a lot while doing so. Should there be more rewards? More options? That is an idea but then it will still take a while to get them build and assign them a drop place and drop rate.

3) Again tough subject. Lots of content recently has been rolled out with vets in mind. Eidolon, Orbs, Arbitrations, etc. The down side is that we are too good at what we do. A vet knows the game and knows how to break it. They may not mean to but as of this moment vets get what they want from the new content then go back to saying their is nothing to do. It kind of happens in all MMO's the down side with warframe though is while in say WoW you can start a new character and go back threw with a different build and make different choices. In warframe you kind of cant. This has lead to a sort of stagnation. New content drops, its played to all hell for a month then its content drought again. To put it simply things just aren't coming out fast enough.

4) not much to say on this

5) Again see point's 1,2 and 3. Again they have tried to do this to an extent. Nothing seams to start higher then lvl 50 but then (I think its steve?) have said they don't want to encourage that kind of enemy scaling because the game isn't build to handle it. (just because you can kill lvl 200+ doesn't mean it was designed for you to). Eidolons, Orb and soon flydolon were all ment to be challenges and difficult encounters but with a bit of time people have figured out how to cheese them. Anything that comes out will be given a small grace period where it might be hard but then given enough time people will learn how to optimize the run and kill the big baddy easy.

Now there have been a lot of great suggestions in the forums that's true. Maybe behind the scenes DE has chosen to implement a few of them but sadly the time we want these changes to happen and the reality of making them so isn't really feasible. Changes people want are more then just changing one or two lines of code and DE doesn't really want to dedicate all their time to fixing these issues. They are still issues though and need to be addressed but fixes for them aren't as cut and dry as we all like to think they are.

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DE likes to stress, that they listened to feedback back when the game was first launched years ago, but those days are sadly long gone.

The god awful no fun grindy nightwave system, that is still in the game is all the evidence you will ever need.

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1 hour ago, Shadow-Spawn said:

The god awful no fun grindy nightwave system, that is still in the game is all the evidence you will ever need.

It's impossible you could be wrong, it's DE that is wrong.

Perhaps the evidence is actually you should not play a game you so clearly hate, as evidenced by you writing this verbatim in any thread you deign to answer in.

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3 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:


3. Something for vets to do (endgame)


5. Difficult content (higher level, new enemies)

Are you a veteran yourself? I'm gonna go ahead and assume you consider yourself to be one since you're mentioning it, otherwise nevermind this post. If so, you should know by now that enemy scaling/level (higher level content) does not equal to difficulty. To do so, they would have to change the entire game mechanics and warframes, because at certain levesl, which is not even high, enemies can start 1-shoting you and it all comes down to stopping the enemy before the enemy stops you, which can be easily done with frame mechanics of cheesing any enemy level, up the point you get tired of it after spending hours in a mission, and not because it's difficult.

In terms of 'changing the game mechanics', you could say they're kinda working towards that with the new endless mode. It's like a better optimized version of defense/mobile defense and they're letting the players pick the pace of progression, efficiency for rewards and more paying attention to what you're doing with those new console 1shot threats instead of just afk cheesing mindlessly.

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4 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

1. Enemy scaling

Is in the process of being addressed with a full damage 3.0 (not the 2.5 from last year) - finally. Steve's indicated that he will be implementing a trial run for a rework with Railjack (aka - Railjack runs off the new system), so we'll probably have to wait until nearer to that for scaling change information to materialise.

Took them long enough but... better late than never.

4 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

2. Rewards

Yeah, I suppose the J.C. Penny's effect is in full swing with Warframe. But at this point it's pretty heavily tied to the systems, so I'm not sure what they could do. And whilst it might not be the same kind of dopamine rush as other games, it's not like the present reward system is broken - it's functional, for sure, just suboptimal.

4 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

3. Something for vets to do (endgame)

Can only exist with reworks to all the enemies to make them a better threat to abilities, which sadly there have been no indications of lately. Probably what I'm most bummed about. At least they're trying with some of the newer enemies, even if they do tend to be too far in the other direction (abilities are useless).

4 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

4. Enemy spawn rates

What's the problem here? They spawn just fine for me.

4 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

5. Difficult content (higher level, new enemies)

A point 3 by any other name would smell as sweet (this is basically the same thing as point 3).


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6 hours ago, Awazx said:

Warframe is designed for "noobs". Veterans are not profitable for DE.

Just going to play Devil's Advocate here...
They have not abandoned the Veterans, but you are 100% correct in saying that Veterans are less profitable.
However, veterans also cry a lot more than newbies.

For example...Gravimags
They are Veteran Content, and you can argue designed to get some profit off Veterans.
Look at how Veterans reacted to it. It was extremely negative.
Too many veterans want free new content, easily acquired free weapons, easily acquired free warframes, easily acquired free mods.
Whenever DE adds something where buying it is easier they get massive amounts of vitriol from the veterans.
Harrow, Nidus, Khora, Baruuk, & even Hildryn are prime examples of this.

The Ephemera & Aura Forma, was a bad system admittedly. They need to make all Ephemera come from a combination of Arbitrations & achievements.
Aura Forma should be Arbitration purchased. Make each 20 Vitus Essence. Done deal.
(Althought if DE really wanted money...Aura Forma for plat would make it rain...)

My point...
Of course they aim more at newer players. They aren't as spoiled. (I include myself with the whiny veterans too. I Grineer death moaned in horror when I saw Aura Forma's drop rate, and at Hildryn's BP being behind Vox Solaris. However, I had to remind myself that F2P is designed this way on purpose. Gotta make money somehow.)

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15 hours ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:


But the best answer by DE I've ever seen (video below) on this issue is when DE_Steve himself, who is very careful with his words, was actually sarcastic (which seems to speak volumes about how done he might be with the whole matter) about it and saying something like: "Endgame... We've googled it... We're still trying to figure out what that is.". Hilarious and to the point, because everyone has a different definition of it and it's impossible to do it in a way that pleases everyone. Yet they're trying, and people act like they're the only ones in the game and it should cater to them specifically.

I want to preface this by saying that I don't entirely agree with the OP. I do think DE listens to us far more often than we give them credit for. It's just that they don't always "get it right" in the fine act of balancing content that is supposed to engage veterans while at the same time being more or less accessible for the entire player base (it's a f2p, so they need each content release to be monetized as much as possible). 

However I want to address this specific comment of yours and the quote from Steve. I think this sort of attitude towards endgame is pretty silly and short sighted. Outside of Warframe and in the gaming industry at large, there's zero doubts or controversy regarding what endgame is or should be. This is a Warframe only issue, we shouldn't keep fooling ourselves and perpetuating this myth that endgame is "whatever you want it to be", or that it's impossible to achieve, that's just nonsense. I do agree that WF's power creep over the years, coupled with broken combat mechanics and interactions have cornered the devs against a wall and made it extremely difficult for them to develop engaging and challenging endgame content that can't be cheesed in some form or another. But that's another issue entirely. 

While Steve is on a live devstream making jokes about looking up what endgame is on the wiki, the devs from the Division 2 have just created the most comprehensive and robust endgame experience out of any looter shooter game I've seen so far. 5 world tiers of difficulty, a very dynamic and engaging open world, 3 different modalities of PVP including the (in)famous Dark Zone that integrates with PVE in a meaningful way, an entire endgame faction that invades the map with more challenging and smarter enemy AI once you finish the main campaign and now they just released their first 8-man raid that is said to be very hardcore and challenging. That game may have its own issues with builds, skills or whatever, but it's the perfect example of a game built from the ground up with endgame in mind at its core. So let's stop deluding ourselves that endgame is some kind of mythic concept. 

Edited by --END--Rikutatis
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17 minutes ago, --END--Rikutatis said:


Huh, interesting.

Although the setting itself isn't really appealing to me, I might have to give that a spin at some point.


Edit: Oh yeah, it's Ubisoft, so it also depends on whether I can jump over my shadow. 😉

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Of course they listen but that doesn't mean that they are going to fix every thing on the spot after every request!Hardly any one here knows how game development works let alone how or why DE does things there way!But its farrrrrrrrrrr better with DE than probably 90% of the rest of the developers,right?!

17 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

5. Difficult content (higher level, new enemies)

Doesn't nightwave qualify as this?Therese a ton of threads of people complaining how hard its to do and its difficulty is compared to a second real life job!

17 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

3. Something for vets to do (endgame)

The only thing that comes to mind here is probably something as a raid type mode.And im not talking about the olds ones that were a total snooze fest of CC the map and finish the mode with total eased!But something that's hard and challenging and cant be cheesed with a meta squad and most op weapons.In a game like waframe this sounds super hard to do doesn't it?!

Edited by Heiven
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41 minutes ago, Kontrollo said:

Huh, interesting.

Although the setting itself isn't really appealing to me, I might have to give that a spin at some point.

Yea, that's been my main issue with Division 2 as well. The setting doesn't hold my interest as much, and the main story is kinda meh. But I've played it, and the gameplay is really good. You gotta think of it as more of a cover based tactical shooter and less of a power fantasy horde shooter. You can check out some reviews on youtube. Obviously the game has flaws, nothing is perfect, but just discussing its approach to endgame here. It's also kinda funny how the Division 1 suffered from very similar problems that WF has, such as broken enemy scaling and armor values, overpowered healing abilities so on.  They revamped the entire combat system to make it work for Div 2 and it really paid off. 


11 minutes ago, Heiven said:

The only thing that comes to mind here is probably something as a raid type mode.And im not talking about the olds ones that were a total snooze fest of CC the map and finish the mode with total eased!But something that's hard and challenging and cant be cheesed with a meta squad and most op weapons.In a game like waframe this sounds super hard to do doesn't it?!

The Jordas Verdict was definitely better than LoR in that regard. Some of the puzzles were kinda "wtf" levels of obscure and arbitrary, but the trial as a whole was pretty cool IMO. If they could make something like that with more streamlined puzzles, a little more focus on non-avoidable combat against high level enemies, expand on the idea of parkour from the elevator part, and add some eidolon-orb like boss fights it could be cool. 

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2 hours ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

I want to preface this by saying that I don't entirely agree with the OP. I do think DE listens to us far more often than we give them credit for. It's just that they don't always "get it right" in the fine act of balancing content that is supposed to engage veterans while at the same time being more or less accessible for the entire player base (it's a f2p, so they need each content release to be monetized as much as possible). 

However I want to address this specific comment of yours and the quote from Steve. I think this sort of attitude towards endgame is pretty silly and short sighted. Outside of Warframe and in the gaming industry at large, there's zero doubts or controversy regarding what endgame is or should be. This is a Warframe only issue, we shouldn't keep fooling ourselves and perpetuating this myth that endgame is "whatever you want it to be", or that it's impossible to achieve, that's just nonsense. I do agree that WF's power creep over the years, coupled with broken combat mechanics and interactions have cornered the devs against a wall and made it extremely difficult for them to develop engaging and challenging endgame content that can't be cheesed in some form or another. But that's another issue entirely. 

While Steve is on a live devstream making jokes about looking up what endgame is on the wiki, the devs from the Division 2 have just created the most comprehensive and robust endgame experience out of any looter shooter game I've seen so far. 5 world tiers of difficulty, a very dynamic and engaging open world, 3 different modalities of PVP including the (in)famous Dark Zone that integrates with PVE in a meaningful way, an entire endgame faction that invades the map with more challenging and smarter enemy AI once you finish the main campaign and now they just released their first 8-man raid that is said to be very hardcore and challenging. That game may have its own issues with builds, skills or whatever, but it's the perfect example of a game built from the ground up with endgame in mind at its core. So let's stop deluding ourselves that endgame is some kind of mythic concept. 

Still a matter of opinion. And I do like Warframe for what it is now, even if it could always improve. Saying "endgame is whatever you like" is not a myth, it's a translation of what I said previously - "Everyone has a different idea of endgame". Trying to say endgame is what "you" personally believe it should be denies all others what they also think it should be.

And not to disagree it's still an issue, and that it should not be solved. But the root proble , imo, is not the lack of endgame per se. It's the people's attitude towards any and all attempts to develop the game, without considering other points of view. Such as:

  • The veteran's point of view (for when newbs ask for easier content)
  • The new player's point of view (for when veterans ask for challenging content)
  • DE's plans as to what the game is headed in their vision
  • DE's business plans and if it's doable financially
  • Influence from outside of the game and how much say DE or us have in it

Then there's the fact that other games are other games, and warframe is warframe. Of course all of them copy each other in some aspects, but they must be still a different product at their core. And there always going to be disagreement about what development should be. Just now some say veterans should be catered towards, others say it should be newbies. DE is doing both and receiving flack from both ends, which should be expected. But anyone crying that DE does not cater towards them is lying. When new players claim DE onoy cares about hardcore modes for veterans I tell them they just had the wolf handed out, all event weapons available, easier versions of the eidolons, much less grind compared to the old days, etc. When veterans compain about DE forgetting them I just point out how the last few updates have been mostly about them with Eidolons, Orbs, ESO, Arbitrations, Ropa!olyst, Kuva, etc.

To which some will tell me those latter examples are still easy and boring for veterans, which I will agree. I will agree until the point that people loved Exploiter for it's engaging mechanics, only to complain it's boring after the first 5 times. In other words people want more interesting fights, but fail to remember this is a grind game. A game where you'll repeat those same fights several times. And then an engaging fight is not desired anymore, but a fast and cheeseable one. So two sides of a coin. And DE must manage all of this, which can be frustrating.


As for why I mentioned DE_Steve's reply on this matter, a bit of context and clarity. It was not because there wasn't any issue regarding Endgame, or that DE thought the same (In fact I think no one disagrees it's a problem). I quoted that comment of his because it looks like he (or DE) was tired of answering the same question over and over, after acknowledging it several times. So short and to the point. If I had to quote another statement, a more serious one, by DE regarding Endgame and challenge I'd use the one they made the Devstream before, by both Steve and Scott, and they say it very well - "We're aware of it, we're trying to work and experiment on it. But we still don't have the silver bullet that will magically solve all of those issues". Because most people ask for it as if it was something solved by a snap of a finger, and forget that DE must implement changes very slowly as to disturb the game as less as possible, and because if a change turns out to be bad they can revert better a small change, than a core and game-breaking change.


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17 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

Enemy scaling, rewards, endgame, enemy spawn rates, difficulty and so on. That are not things that are new or something. We talk about this for a long time now. I have the feeling DE knows exactly what players want but refuse to answer the questions that are thrown around for a long time now. Its nothing new and its still a topic. We get this kind of requests every freaking day but do we get answers on dev streams or the forum? No. I dont know why? So many people have given brilliant ideas and nothing is even mentions somewhere. Why should we give feedback if the problems that really need to be addressed are never answered? They ask us what they could do better and the answers are the same every time and sill they just pick up random cosmetic question that is really not important.

I love DE. I really love the game. I want to make it better and also a lot of other people. please give us the answers we want. If not why even give feedback. Again the list that is constanly ask for and where exist a lot of good ideas:

1. Enemy scaling

2. Rewards

3. Something for vets to do (endgame)

4. Enemy spawn rates

5. Difficult content (higher level, new enemies)

6. a lot more


Thank you for reading. I really hope that we get answers at Tennocon or the next devstream.


You obviously didn't watch the last 2 dev streams, or you would know that they are indeed aware of this issue.

You would also know that it is NOT something they can quickly or easily change, because of how the game is designed.

Progress on this is going to be further slowed because they also have to keep working on new content and the other usual things.


Creating infinite whine threads asking why they haven't done it yet, isn't going to make it happen any faster.


Oh and in case you DID watch the last 2 dev streams...why the hell are you even asking these questions? You already KNOW the answer (i.e. they are looking into it).

Edited by FlusteredFerret
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