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youtube video claims it's for the majority of users but since I have no soapbox I can't refute it


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12 minutes ago, Zyga21 said:

I don't want to ignore it because he has a louder voice than me and by that has more of an influence, I feel like it's important for me to nitpick what he's saying so that de doesn't just go off and believe him.

I think it's a mix of two things:

1) These content creators make a living out of this game (many do anyways, and iflynn is one of those), they play the game daily as if it was their job (because it is). Ofc that's gonna lead to burnout,there's no denying that. When they try to play other games, they don't get as many clicks and $$, so they stick with WF, which is what they built their channel around. There's no amount of content that's ever gonna satisfy people like content creators that dump so much time into this game. BUT... there's also:

2) It's true that WF's development steers more towards making content as accessible for as many people as possible than trying to come up with hardcore stuff that a core of grizzled veterans with thousands of hours and all the most optimized gear would enjoy. I'm not gonna judge this here, I've done so in other threads, but this fact can't be denied. Other games have more sustainable endgame content like well structured raids that have the potential to hold veteran's interest for longer (but not forever mind you). So the lack of endgame and sustainable content coupled with some ppl playing this game religiously as if it was their second job creates this situation of "content droughts", "WF is dying" and "bla bla". 

I think that guy made some good points, in particular about the lack of coop content in WF, but honestly no single game can be your entire career, hobby and passion all at once. 


2 minutes ago, Sloan441 said:


When you get down to it, anyone on YT is just some guy uploading stuff to the 'net. He's not of any significance. 


Sadly you are wrong in saying they're of no significance. I agree with you in that he's just some random guy with decent video editing skills and maybe took a couple classes on how to speak for an audience. But otherwise the vast majority of these youtubers are just dudes with no special insight or knowledge on the matter at hand (in this case a game), just average players that took the time (and usually spent the marketing money) to grow their channels and become influencers.

But they are of huge significance to the industry at this point, whether we want to admit it or not. Before when a game launched they just spent their marketing money on the big official publications like IGN or w/e, but nowdays a huge chunk on their marketing money goes to get twitch "celebrities" to stream their games on the first few weeks just so their game goes to the top of the twitch page, they sponsor big youtubers to make vids on their games, they send them free copies for reviews, etc. The community kinda follows them as well, from copy pasting builds all the way to parroting what they say on a daily basis. They are pretty much what the term implies, influencers, and they have a lot of sway on the community. DE knows this, a large part of their community efforts revolve around these content creators. 

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6 minutes ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

2) It's true that WF's development steers more towards making content as accessible for as many people as possible than trying to come up with hardcore stuff that a core of grizzled veterans with thousands of hours and all the most optimized gear would enjoy. I'm not gonna judge this here, I've done so in other threads, but this fact can't be denied. Other games have more sustainable endgame content like well structured raids that have the potential to hold veteran's interest for longer (but not forever mind you). So the lack of endgame and sustainable content coupled with some ppl playing this game religiously as if it was their second job creates this situation of "content droughts", "WF is dying" and "bla bla". 

I think that guy made some good points, in particular about the lack of coop content in WF, but honestly no single game can be your entire career, hobby and passion all at once. 

Yeah you're completely right. I'd only argue with the point that we need raids for content just because there are so many different things that can bring the "endless" game experience to someone.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

I don't really pay attention to Youtubers, and the one's I always hear about have the most absurd view points with a completely backwards perspective of the game, like this dude and that Rio guy.

same, the only youtuber i've heard about tried to create drama and acted awfully towards the devs : \ i've even heard of youtubers who make beginner builds for people being doxxed... l the heck

Edited by AugustFestival
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1 minute ago, AugustFestival said:

can you clarify what you mean with 13:00 is he saying Vauban release was better because Vauban got a cinematic? thats kinda silly... 

I did post the video, you can go to 13:00 to see what he said exactly if you need, here's a link in case you're having embed issues https://youtu.be/CX6fultMM44?t=776

but basically yes.


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Ah, you've found out one of the WF divas who thinks they have the solution for everything... What else is new?

Edit: Ah, it's IFlynn, just looked at the actual video link. Well, I don't actually follow him, and not all of his content is bad imo, but oh well. Divas gon' be divas. Just thought it was going to be one of the more glaring ones that actually make a living out of what seems to be exclusively whiny content and polemic subjects, like Mog's of LoR.

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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> Reads title

> Scrolls down

> Meta-slave mainstream youtuber Icon in video thumbnail and clickbait title


Welcome to 2019, where being a somewhat successful youtuber equals being a god.

Allow me to quote myself:


"You know what the problem with youtubers is these days?

They think they're better than anyone else and people actually believe them.


In today's day and age, having a lot of subscribers equals being worshipped as a god. And you know what kind of stupid things people do for something they believe in.

And if one of those Youtubers says something sucks, everyone suddenly agrees, because obviously that keyboard warrior knows better."

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As someone who quit a game he played for 12 years (WoW) to get into warframe, playing any game hardcore nolife is the dumbest thing you can do.  It’s how you become jaded, burned out and bitter.  Like the YouTuber.  

Warframe is great in that while there is a meta, it’s not so rigid to hold you back.  Yeah I may be a mr 11 noob, but it’s nice not getting screamed at because I’m not playing the current fotm frame and can enjoy myself playing Frost wayyyy too much.  Take it from me the ex wow player, this community is a giant hug party compared to elsewhere.  


Edited by OmegaDonut
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8 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

> Reads title

> Scrolls down

> Meta-slave mainstream youtuber Icon in video thumbnail and clickbait title


Welcome to 2019, where being a somewhat successful youtuber equals being a god.

Allow me to quote myself:


"You know what the problem with youtubers is these days?

They think they're better than anyone else and people actually believe them.


In today's day and age, having a lot of subscribers equals being worshipped as a god. And you know what kind of stupid things people do for something they believe in.

And if one of those Youtubers says something sucks, everyone suddenly agrees, because obviously that keyboard warrior knows better."

*cough* pie man *cough*

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Personally, I have no real attachment to that creator one way or the other.  But I generally only play solo.  I don't know anyone who plays Warframe.  (The only person I ever invited to try it who didn't quit in less than a month died in a house fire close to a couple of years ago now.)  I despise being teamed with "sprintframes" who are only interested in finishing the mission "as efficiently as possible" and extracting without even bothering to shoot at enemies if they have a chance.

I never tried the Trials.  Not once.  I hate "raid" type content.  Nor do I do the Eidolons or Orb Mothers.  I ignore Interception and Excavation missions because they scale terribly as solo missions.

The youtuber might not speak for everyone.

But neither do you.

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DE don't just go blindly accepting critique; it doesn't matter how loud the voice is.
Trust me, you can ask a partner; many will tell you they don't feel any more heard than you do here on the forums.


That being said, while I love critique and how much detail you went to, is this a fair 2-way conversation when the person who made the video can't respond to your concerns? Someone gave their input on how THEY feel about the game and you disagree, but the forums is almost innately against any "YouTuber's" critique, so not sure what will come of this discussion here. You could have just left a comment.

With that being said, he does not and cannot speak for everyone. He knows that, and the video doesn't imply that he's talking for everyone. But because his message has been heard and you disagree, you may feel that way.

 Even-though I can play Warframe for 6000 hours straight with no burnout doesn't mean there's no merit to the critique he presents, even if I disagree (not saying I do or don't, just saying there's merit to both sides).


45 minutes ago, Zyga21 said:

13:35 he starts listing things that "nobody" asked for implying they also don't want it. I can't tell you how hyped I am for railjack and how much I love the plains/fortuna for shaking up the warframe gameplay loop, piss off with your brushing these under the rug and pretending nobody likes or wants this content. YOU don't, YOU are not everyone. Side note archwing was a failure, but it was also an attempt and I can respect that. It seemed cool when it first came out, but then it just didn't really work out for most players.

There is a bias to consider where you are in the game vs others.

Correct, just because no one asked doesn't mean that people aren't excited about it or want it; however, he notes that "it feels specifically that DE are neglecting VETERAN players to achieve their goals"


It seems like only half of the message is being dissected. 


45 minutes ago, Zyga21 said:

"why would I grind for a new mod with useless stats" because they're not useless you're just locked into your thinking about how you want to play the game. Expand your horizons, amalgam serration is the best. Using an aura forma is the best, just because you're locked into one way of playing doesn't mean everyone else is.

Like here, amalgam serration can be pretty useful, but AURA FORMA, you can just use <= 4 extra forma to make your build more flexible by modding for common denominators TBH



I think you've ironically done what you've felt this video has done with this post. Like this big bad content creator is out there whispering in DE's ear... Your summary and post somewhat skews the message his video presents because you disagree. He literally says at one point that the video will have zero impact and that his voice doesn't matter. He also notes he wasn't trying to bash and that it seems as though he's coming across sour...

1 hour ago, Zyga21 said:

18:25 "if you don't have X you can't play with us because I'm being an elitist" noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, why would you do this to yourself, you shot yourself in the foot and are blaming DE

Watching the video, he's noting the disconnect between Warframe now and how Warframe used to be.
I.E: You didn't neeeeed the key to farm for parts, but Rad shares tend to be pretty prevalent due to the RNG of acquiring relics.

I just....
How can we grow if anyone looking for change and growth is shot down because everything is okay as it is and they have a problem so they should go play something else and keep their critique to themselves because they're burned out what they say doesn't matter. They're a content creator so they're dev bashing or just out for money and views.

Again, you raise some decent counter points, it's near shadowed in your bias and interpretation against the source material so it comes off more as a meta complaint than what you could have had: A discussion about the state of Warframe.

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16 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

"You know what the problem with youtubers is these days?

They think they're better than anyone else and people actually believe them.


In today's day and age, having a lot of subscribers equals being worshipped as a god. And you know what kind of stupid things people do for something they believe in.

And if one of those Youtubers says something sucks, everyone suddenly agrees, because obviously that keyboard warrior knows better."

Preach... I dread whenever I see any thread in these forums with a title of "This youtuber is right! Grab your pitchforks!". And then discord ensues without need. Because a youtuber was too bored, too burned out and frustrated or was sick with a case of the "light wallet".

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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24 minutes ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

Sadly you are wrong in saying they're of no significance. 

Actually, I'm not. 

Keep in mind this is from the perspective of someone that just plays WF. I don't know what DE thinks of all this. Their outlook might be any attention is good attention or they just might not care all that much to begin with. I don't know. You don't know. Ultimately, as simply a player it doesn't matter. You can only do what you can do. 

What you can do is ignore these twits. That does affect them. If they're contributing nothing but chaos and they're roundly ignored, they will eventually cease to do whatever they're doing. 

This guy (sorta) under discussion is one that should be ignored. I recall when he first showed up and he hasn't gone anywhere positive since. I remember watching a few vids of his, thinking he had less than nothing to offer about the game, and simply drove on. You all should do likewise; it's what you can do. 

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5 minutes ago, OmegaDonut said:

As someone who quit a game he played for 12 years (WoW) to get into warframe, playing any game hardcore nolife is the dumbest thing you can do.  It’s how you become jaded, burned out and bitter.  Like the YouTuber.  

Warframe is great in that while there is a meta, it’s not so rigid to hold you back.  Yeah I may be a mr 11 noob, but it’s nice not getting screamed at because I’m not playing the current fotm frame and can enjoy myself playing Frost wayyyy too much.  Take it from me the ex wow player, this community is a giant hug party compared to elsewhere.  


I did wow too, and wowo is that game a mess right now, excited for classic at least. The main issue behind wow being a grind though is that it's on a monthly fee, which really gets at me personally, they just suck your money and try to stretch you thin. At least warframe is free and lets you take your own pace.


As a side note I came back to warframe with Frost and trin thanks to twitch prime, and like experiencing the game again was just so much fun. Frost is a really fun frame and now that he doesn't stop void dashing people should complain less about him.... right?

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Why would you listen to what he has to say about the game anyways, if you play it you know how it is. I dont watch opinion videos on games I play only things I searched have been builds and some lore and thats about it. Youtubes make money from baiting people to their videos its nothing new and there are many ways to do this, some people just dont know what they are saying at some point so it goes chaos in the comments

You dont need to take any youtuber seriously I mean they are still just a player like you and me, except they have popularity which kinda gives them power as their followers may hear what they have to say, some followers then take that as their opinion and some say whatever and move on. Im not saying that videos like this shouldnt exist but these videos are not to be taken seriously as its their own personal opinion and they dont speak for all the players. I have seen some fans create something like a cult to where they would do anything for their youtuber/streamer and to spread whatever they say and whatever others say that differs they see as false, thats not the case here but if their hardcore fans see the video then they most likely will consider this as their opinon and stop playing/play it differnetly regardless if the information is fully accurate. Youtubers also have the power somewhat to shape how new players react to the game and depending on the video the player may want to play or may not want to play the game, Im not saying the person is correct in this video or wrong its just what they have to say and thats fine but it should be taken seriously or even be taken in consideration at all if you already have your own review of the game.

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I don't watch YouTubers.

Don't understand how our society reached a point we make people playing games famous.

To me video games are for playing, not to just watch someone else play them.

Also, opinions, especially you tube streamers, are like butt holes. Everyone has one and they're usually just as smelly.


Edited by (XB1)Dredd1973
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5 minutes ago, EmberStar said:

Personally, I have no real attachment to that creator one way or the other.  But I generally only play solo.  I don't know anyone who plays Warframe.  (The only person I ever invited to try it who didn't quit in less than a month died in a house fire close to a couple of years ago now.)  I despise being teamed with "sprintframes" who are only interested in finishing the mission "as efficiently as possible" and extracting without even bothering to shoot at enemies if they have a chance.

I never tried the Trials.  Not once.  I hate "raid" type content.  Nor do I do the Eidolons or Orb Mothers.  I ignore Interception and Excavation missions because they scale terribly as solo missions.

The youtuber might not speak for everyone.

But neither do you.

At this, I never said I was speaking for everyone and I personally know how it is to play alone because you want to "play the game". Back when I was newer I'd love spy missions but hate when people would come along and snatch up everything so that all I could do was run to extraction, I have been on that side of it and I totally understand that side of it. HOWEVER after your thousandth spy mission on the corpus tile set it becomes really easy for you to do, your style of play might change over time and because of that I believe the majority of people have over time switched from that new player experience of hating other people stealing all the fun. And for that I totally understand you going into solo mode, there are times when solo play is required and wanted but those times are the exception not the rule. I really hope that you do try to interact with people during your time playing because over time the game does wear thin on single player content. You also don't have to, you can play the game however you want and take breaks when you get bored and there's nothing wrong with that. 


What I'm trying to say about this youtuber is that he has many flawed points, not that my way of playing is the only way. I hope you understand and don't take offence too much.

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1 hour ago, Highresist said:

It is some kind of "forum meta" to bash on Warframe youtubers?

I wouldn't count it as a bash since op didn't say anything bad about him. More or less voiced where his opinion(s) differed. Just by reading the post I can see how op feels about the situation as someone who's bashing is looking for instant gratification rather than voicing an opinion.

Plus, anyone who puts in the time to summarize a video is ok by me.

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All I will say here is that both, Flynn and this post are right, for they are two different yet valid points of view that caters to the different types of players that constitute the whole playerbase.

That and that it seems to me DE has learnt nothing from the War Within, that their dev cycle becomes huger and huger with bigger gaps in between, that this year they have made a number of decisions that truly make no sense, that resources are everytime scarcer for, not only cool, but their own marketing and that all in all, as Steve put it once, they're clearly trying to eat more than they can actually chew. Again.

Design Council members feel less valued as time goes on, the veteran players have less and less reason to do stuff in the game, clans are hardly useful (yes, we're getting a new operation now, but what about the next one?) and at the end of the day, the people who have been supporting the company and the game for years, purchasing regularly Prime Access, offering well thought feedback and helped the game grow (either making videos, being super active on social networks or by making suggestions that make it in) are showing huge, valid concerns for it.

And the same way I won't expect everyone to be unhappy, no one here can expect people to agree on that everything is fine. Because it clearly isn't.

Also, watching the video it's pretty clear the opening post of the thread dumbs it down to absurd levels. If I had gone by the post alone I would have misinterpreted the whole thing.

And honestly, I can't see the thread evolving into anything constructive.

2 minutes ago, Rhundis said:

Plus, anyone who puts in the time to summarize a video is ok by me.

He hasn't. Watch the full video without a preconceived idea and you will see he doesn't summarize it.

Edited by NightmareT12
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1 minute ago, Zyga21 said:

At this, I never said I was speaking for everyone and I personally know how it is to play alone because you want to "play the game". Back when I was newer I'd love spy missions but hate when people would come along and snatch up everything so that all I could do was run to extraction, I have been on that side of it and I totally understand that side of it. HOWEVER after your thousandth spy mission on the corpus tile set it becomes really easy for you to do, your style of play might change over time and because of that I believe the majority of people have over time switched from that new player experience of hating other people stealing all the fun. And for that I totally understand you going into solo mode, there are times when solo play is required and wanted but those times are the exception not the rule. I really hope that you do try to interact with people during your time playing because over time the game does wear thin on single player content. You also don't have to, you can play the game however you want and take breaks when you get bored and there's nothing wrong with that. 


What I'm trying to say about this youtuber is that he has many flawed points, not that my way of playing is the only way. I hope you understand and don't take offence too much.

I'm a Founder.  I'm not a "first generation" Founder, since I only got a chance to buy in because they extended the program a bit.  But I've been playing Warframe for about as long as it has existed.  I'm not in the "new player experience" stage.  I play Spy missions as Ivara with the "walk right through security" augment *because* I prefer to do them solo, at my own pace, and explore every room and side passage just in case there's an ayatan lying around somewhere.  Sometimes I'll finish a Spy mission without killing anyone.  Sometimes I'll do them with the intent of backstabbing every single enemy.  But if I'm playing them at all, it's because I feel like being slow and sneaky for half an hour.

For me, playing solo is the rule.  I only team if I have essentially no choice (such as to grind Profit Taker enough to complete the Vox Solaris reputation, because I don't have a Chroma build that can solo her and have no interest in making one.)  Generally, if I can't do it easily solo then I ignore it completely.  I hate the Eidolons and Orb Mothers.  Nearly as much as I hate "Raid" content in general.  I already plan to totally ignore the upcoming flying Eidolon boss, and expect that I'll just end up buying two copies of Wisp from the store.  I always buy one to level up and set as a "general use" Warframe.  And recently I've been doing the "get it properly" grind to get a second copy of each that I can build for Umbral mods, because they usually require a different set of polarization to make everything fit.  I have less than zero interest in what I've seen of the new game mode, and less than even that in fighting a new boss that will almost certainly be immune to all Warframe powers and only weak to one specific damage type.  (Ie, bring a lolVex Chroma with a sniper rifle or feel free to get lost.)


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11 minutes ago, Synpai said:

but the forums is almost innately against any "YouTuber's" critique, so not sure what will come of this discussion here

I didn't actually know the forums were so against the youtubers till this post and everyone actually agreeing with me, I was actually expecting a lot of people to argue in the way of the youtuber and to give me solid arguments. The issue with commenting on his video is that he just ignores it and will never talk to me, the best I can do is to try and ask other people who have the same reasons as him.

12 minutes ago, Synpai said:

He knows that, and the video doesn't imply that he's talking for everyone.

he says it multiple times in the video as if he's talking for mostly everyone or everyone. You should watch the video again and take note of what he says regardless of what you think he means.

14 minutes ago, Synpai said:

"it feels specifically that DE are neglecting VETERAN players to achieve their goals"

I don't understand how the new updates neglect veteran players, they are easier for them but they're also new content, could you elaborate on this?

15 minutes ago, Synpai said:

He literally says at one point that the video will have zero impact and that his voice doesn't matter. He also notes he wasn't trying to bash and that it seems as though he's coming across sour...

I really REALLY feel like he's only saying that to cover his own ass, he has an impact and his voice does matter otherwise he wouldnt be a partner or have a bunch of views, just because you say you aren't trying to be X doesnt make you any less X.

16 minutes ago, Synpai said:

but AURA FORMA, you can just use <= 4 extra forma to make your build more flexible by modding for common denominators TBH

or you can use one aura forma and then forma up other slots as need be for different builds. Aura forma isn't for every frame, but on the frames where it can be useful, it's really nice to be able to swap from CP to growing power to idk, physque. It's a quality of life improvement and it allows for players to have more varying builds with their warframes on the fly.


19 minutes ago, Synpai said:

but Rad shares tend to be pretty prevalent due to the RNG of acquiring relics.

people are CHOOSING to be exclusive, rad shares are marginally better at getting the part you want anyway, and the point im making is that he doesnt have to do any of these things, he's just pulling exmples of being being rude for the sake of saying it's the normal, it's not. you can do these things, you can find people who really want the same thing as you, but it's nowhere near required.


If I did come off as biased I don't know how, I don't know this guy and I don't love everything DE has done, my points are my points alone, they were not influenced by a forum bashing on youtubers.

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I agree with his  "I'd rather play warframe solo because it's more optimized to do so" but likely not for the reasons relates to optimization. I agree with it from the standpoint of a horrible matchmaking system and the host migration issues. But the benefits and fun of a group far outshines those.

The MM system does need an improvement, I'm not OK with it saying "Ping-limit? Wuts that buddy? Here you go! I found a mission for you -zoink-" and you end up in a mission where the ping is 500 even though you set it to the rather high 150.

Aside from that, the guy is a walking talking posterchild for contradictions.

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4 minutes ago, EmberStar said:

I'm a Founder.  I'm not a "first generation" Founder, since I only got a chance to buy in because they extended the program a bit.  But I've been playing Warframe for about as long as it has existed.  I'm not in the "new player experience" stage.  I play Spy missions as Ivara with the "walk right through security" augment *because* I prefer to do them solo, at my own pace, and explore every room and side passage just in case there's an ayatan lying around somewhere.  Sometimes I'll finish a Spy mission without killing anyone.  Sometimes I'll do them with the intent of backstabbing every single enemy.  But if I'm playing them at all, it's because I feel like being slow and sneaky for half an hour.

For me, playing solo is the rule.  I only team if I have essentially no choice (such as to grind Profit Taker enough to complete the Vox Solaris reputation, because I don't have a Chroma build that can solo her and have no interest in making one.)  Generally, if I can't do it easily solo then I ignore it completely.  I hate the Eidolons and Orb Mothers.  Nearly as much as I hate "Raid" content in general.  I already plan to totally ignore the upcoming flying Eidolon boss, and expect that I'll just end up buying two copies of Wisp from the store.  I always buy one to level up and set as a "general use" Warframe.  And recently I've been doing the "get it properly" grind to get a second copy of each that I can build for Umbral mods, because they usually require a different set of polarization to make everything fit.  I have less than zero interest in what I've seen of the new game mode, and less than even that in fighting a new boss that will almost certainly be immune to all Warframe powers and only weak to one specific damage type.  (Ie, bring a lolVex Chroma with a sniper rifle or feel free to get lost.)


I see, but wouldn't it just be better to play like a game that's focused on a single player stealth experience? I understand that warframe has a lot to offer in this area but like it's a game meant for many different styles of playing. I didn't mean to say that you were a new player, just that that was my new player experience. But since this is the way you choose to play the game theres also nothing I can say or would want to say to try and change your opinion on it. I just want to say that I've never said my way of playing is the only way of playing, I said that his opinion should not be taken as everyone's opinion.

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7 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

Also, watching the video it's pretty clear the opening post of the thread dumbs it down to absurd levels. If I had gone by the post alone I would have misinterpreted the whole thing.

I tried only picking out things I had an issue with, with no emotional fluff, I left the video so that people can watch it if they need to understand all of it with the fluff, but for the sake of my argument I only needed to nitpick certain things, there are other things I agree with that I just didn't feel needed to be said.

I didn't mean to summarize the entire video so that other people didn't have to watch it, I meant to pick out issues I had with the video. Sorry that it came across that way.

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