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Can someone tell me why you dislike archwing?


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As others have said movement and controls. I like AW in POE and OV and the controls are a LOT more intuitive here. So I use it here a lot. Then I get forced into a space AW mission and the controls are COMPLETELY different. Just as a for instance. In the open worlds if I am floating still, there is a button that just makes me move vertically up and another that makes me move vertically down. In the space missions these buttons accelerate FORWARD. Why should the SAME button do something completely different in the SAME vehicle depending on the map? Not to mention the directional and camera controls behave completely different as well. This makes maneuvering in AW missions and especially in the maze like AW missions quite difficult. I feel more like a pin ball bouncing around from wall to wall. Imagine if when driving your car on a normal road the gas and brake pedals worked normally but then when you went up on a freeway the pedals switched positions and the steering wheel also worked opposite of normal. Fun? Not even a little bit.

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I swapped back to the old flight system, the new one is infuriating. You hit one tiny thing in the tileset and you spin upside down violently out of control with no proper way to accent to the ground. The AI is even more braindead than a normal mission with large groups of enemies getting stuck on things in the tileset, often leading to packs of 10-20 mobs all bunched up. 

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Reviving people is awful. Movement is awful overall, I use an archwing's power as a way to stop in motion because that's the only way I know how to. All the confined spaces in archwing missions.How leveling archwings and their weapons felt like a horrible horrible grind. No real direction, it feels like the only way this will go anywhere is if they have someone who has a vision and goes with it. You can get attack from ANY direction that's the problem with the combat for me. When you're out of an archwing mission you can get your cover if you need it and know where an attack can come from but in archwing? You can find cover but there's just too many openings to account for and with all the enemies, you can't blame people when they downed a lot.

What would I do? Give Archwings suped up sentinels that can do things that revive nearby players for you or offer some sort of defensive capability to make things manageable since warframe likes to have you go get some upgrade rather than change things.

Maybe make it so to revive someone you need to point your gun at them and shoot? Still, that doesn't really help so much since stopping in archwing isn't a good idea unless you can go invisible.

I honestly think it is unsalvageable for all the bad will they allowed it to attract from not touching it.


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I don't dislike Archwing, I actually really like it and it's why Titania is one of if not my main Warframe. 

That said the reason that I feel people don't like it is fairly simple, it is disconnected from the rest of the game.  It starts you back at zero in an attempt to create some horizontal progression but that means it also invalidates everything you've done towards building up your gear to that point. You go from badass level whatever back to squire and people don't want to be getting beat up by the Grineer all over again they want to do the beating. 

The result is contend that they either outright avoid OR just get carried through and never look back. Kinda like people who thing spy vaults are hard and unfortunately that leads to a cycle of content that is ignored by DE because it's being ignored by the players. Which gives players that much more reason not to play it and in kind gives DE that much more reason to ignore it.

Hopefully Emperyon fixes that by integrating it more into the core gameplay loop as apposed to it being set off to the far side of the game with the hope that maybe just maybe people actually bother with it. 

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I hate it because it controls terribly, if I wanted to ricochet off of walls I'd go play Pinball.

Everything about it feels half-assed, getting stuck in geometry is a massive annoyance. Just look at the enemies, a 10ft tall Corpus guy with 4 opticor strapped to his back or an offsprey that's been scaled up don't project an air of quality and attention to detail. It just feels like an unfinished mess, like they had this really ambitious idea and gave up halfway though and rushed it out the door then never bothered to revisit it and fix all the glaring issues.

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hace 12 horas, Firetempest dijo:

This. Is why. It was some of the first island content that didn't help at all with the rest of the game. Parkour and fun movement? No, float around hallways or out in dead open areas. It was Warframe without all the things people expect out of Warframe.

A new mod farm starting from zero again and it only works for that mode.

This sounds a lot like Empyreon, doesn't it?

Look, I hope DE really know what they are doing, but based on the history they have... yeah.

Personally I feel like Empyreon looks worse than Archwing, and I ain't digging that sh@t for farming new resources in actual space, while having a boring (shooting space rocks??) / slow Movement, it just doesn't feel like Warframe, which is a fast paced game (isn't it?).

Also gotta add that I feel poeple are actually more interested in the New War, than Empyreon (or is this only me?), I really don't know why neither, Isn't the New War just a New Quest that will probably last like 30min while expanding the lore of the game (personally not a fan), or is it just the fact that you all just wanna kill the Lotus for what she did? If I am deeply wrong please let me know why the New War is so special, pls.

Really wish that DE know what they are doing, but I am really doubtful, also gotta say that the GameSpot "documentary" is a really cruel joke, and adds to what I previously mentioned.

Gotta add that DE needs to actually listen to it's feedback, it breaks me when people actually invest time in writing a super in-depth feedback in the Megathreads just to be ignored, a good example would be the Arbitrations "Revisited" recently.

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13 hours ago, Firetempest said:

This. Is why. It was some of the first island content that didn't help at all with the rest of the game. Parkour and fun movement? No, float around hallways or out in dead open areas. It was Warframe without all the things people expect out of Warframe.

Being honest, they're trying to put the island together by making numerous things that require archwing such as The Limbo Theorem, The War Within, Uranus submersible missions, The Jordas Precept, Profit-Taker with atmospheric archgun and several archwing missions to progress through the star chart so not really an island anymore

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2 hours ago, 844448 said:

Being honest, they're trying to put the island together by making numerous things that require archwing such as The Limbo Theorem, The War Within, Uranus submersible missions, The Jordas Precept, Profit-Taker with atmospheric archgun and several archwing missions to progress through the star chart so not really an island anymore

After the fact. Its still a island and only recently have they tried making better use of the system. Archwing. as in its own system and mission nodes are still underwhelming. When they added it as a taxi system for open roam where its mods and weapons don't matter is when it became desirable. Being required to progress in quests or planet tiles was effort to shoehorn the system into normal play while still requiring players to play the dedicated archwing nodes to try and give the wings better mods.

atmospheric archgun? You mean take the wing system completely out of the equation and just let people just use the weapons in warframe? Yeah, it was ok. Its still lackluster unless you make a boss only weak against it because it needs a use right? Its not like the whole convoluted mess gives you something interesting. Just a function to attack scissors with rock.

Its still a island. They just repurposed parts of archwing into the game at large.

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16 hours ago, 844448 said:

With Empyrean in progress, no doubt archwing will have a considerable part in the gameplay.

But apparently, archwing is considered bad, worse on Uranus submersible so can someone tell me why? I find archwing to be very fun and out of the mainstream gameplay, even the control is smooth enough for me with back roll for fast stop (move backwards + tap shift)

Also, I made a concept that combines atmospheric archgun, submersible archwing, canister throwing, railjack, squad link and armor stripping from ambulas for the third orb to add more spice into the fight because apparently all the fight in warframe is considered boring

(don't kill me pls)

Any objections or reasons why we shouldn't have more archwing in the future?


Warframe = Nascar. 

Archwing = bumper car.

Underwater Archwing = sloth driving deflated bumper car ...

Edited by (XB1)Phantom Clip
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17 hours ago, 844448 said:

With Empyrean in progress, no doubt archwing will have a considerable part in the gameplay.

But apparently, archwing is considered bad, worse on Uranus submersible so can someone tell me why? I find archwing to be very fun and out of the mainstream gameplay, even the control is smooth enough for me with back roll for fast stop (move backwards + tap shift)

Also, I made a concept that combines atmospheric archgun, submersible archwing, canister throwing, railjack, squad link and armor stripping from ambulas for the third orb to add more spice into the fight because apparently all the fight in warframe is considered boring

(don't kill me pls)

Any objections or reasons why we shouldn't have more archwing in the future?

Its the one thing on this planet that I've run into that gives me motion sickness. 

The momentum is annoying. 

The barrel rolling is annoying. 

Seeing loot is impossible on some missions, making it difficult to improve mods because you can't find them in the first place. 

Some maps is simply ping pong simulator with certain hallways. 

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18 hours ago, 844448 said:

With Empyrean in progress, no doubt archwing will have a considerable part in the gameplay.

But apparently, archwing is considered bad, worse on Uranus submersible so can someone tell me why? I find archwing to be very fun and out of the mainstream gameplay, even the control is smooth enough for me with back roll for fast stop (move backwards + tap shift)

I LIKE archwing, and I can't escape the fact that archwing is garbage. It is badly underdeveloped, like a glorified alpha game mode inside the rest of Warframe that ranges from "mid beta" to "nearly finished".

Archwing is like a Star Wars game where all you get shoot are basic TIE fighters. There is a reason the good Star Wars spaceship fighting games (I recommend the Starfighter miniseries) gave you advanced fighters and frigates and bombers to shoot

18 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

underpowered weapons

Underpowered? Archguns are grossly overpowered. They're HMGs with unlimited ammo, shooting at what are basically Oxium Ospreys and ordinary Crewmen

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4 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:


Underpowered? Archguns are grossly overpowered. They're HMGs with unlimited ammo, shooting at what are basically Oxium Ospreys and ordinary Crewmen

They don’t scale as well as normal weapons. Their mods are all worse than the versions for normal weapons, unlimited ammo is nothing new, and it’s not OP.

the Atmosphere Archgun system only helped to show just how weak the Archguns are compared to all the other guns in the game.

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The problem is the controls. When moving slow, you REALLY move slow. And when moving fast, you can't strafe, backpedal, or even move up and down. On top of this, movement is extremely slidey, and even just trying to stop in place is painful.


Most players hate the slidey movement you get on icey terrain in some games like Zelda, because of how awkward it is to control.

Most players also hate water levels, because of how awkward it can be to handle true 3D movement. Especially when dealing with enemies that can be anywhere around you.

Archwing manages to combine both things.

Edited by Gr1mwlf
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