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(PC) Ember & Vauban Revisited Feedback


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I want to preface this by saying this new Vauban feels great to play. However, some of the frame’s core issues have carried over to the rework, leaving him in a comparatively weak position in endgame content.  Only the ultimate addresses his issue with survivability, and does so in a manner that is outclassed by most other survivability tools. The midair cast animations are beautiful and I absolutely want them to stay, but they leave Vauban in a vulnerable position during the cast. Speeding them up, or providing damage reduction/evasion  during the animation would help keep Vauban alive in those dangerous moments. Ultimately, I want to use him in late game missions, but he needs too many mods for survivability, sacrificing the effective use of his kit.




1.  Tesla Nervos

This ability shines with it’s augment, though the nervo’s AI leaves something to be desired. They are easily left behind in the fast-paced nature of warframe, leaving their role as defensive CC a bit haphazard. Their low energy cost does counterbalance this, but I’d like if they teleported back to Vauban after a set distance. I could see this ability as a viable means for survivability if he gained damage reduction or an armor buff for each active nervo. As it stands, I love the playstyle they create when the augment comes into play, but their original purpose could be strengthened.


2. Minelayer

    Conflicted on this one. I understand the individual components of this ability need to be weaker considering their nature as a 4-in-1, but many of these pieces fall short of being useful. There was an opportunity here to get some form of survivability (like a heathpack or deployable shield) that I can’t help but miss.

    Tether coil I find strong. The enemy cap issue is negated by a low energy cost and the reattach mecanique. Throwing out a few of these in a pinch is a good way to lock down a room and get the damage buff from his passive. Plus, it’s fun to turn your teammates into mobile CC magnets.

    Flechette is weak. The range is nice, but the damage is to low to justify being its only function. A disarm chance that others have recommended would do wonders.

    Overdrive is strong, if a bit basic. The duration is too low to upkeep, but it seems more of an on-demand damage buff. Feels appropriate given minelayers Swiss-army knife nature.

    Vector pad is seeing more use out of me than I thought, but remains a highly situational ability. Launching oneself across the map is finicky with both the nature of the tilesets and the abilities launch angle and cast time. Other speed abilities are just to strong for it to compete, and its CC use is only viable in a handful of locations (such as corridors and cliffs) Removing the abilities duration and giving it a max count (akin to wisp motes) could see Vauban constructing speed lanes from defense point to defense point. Perhaps it could change if cast in Bastille, becoming a health pack or temporary shield. Just ideas from an armchair developer, but for me the kits need for some sort of survivability makes this ability feel out of place


3 Photon Strike

    My only issue with this ability is the cast time. Again, I love the feel of that aerial attack, but that animation coupled with the detonation time leaves you vulnerable and your teammates in a position to murder everything before the augment can come into play. Perhaps the detonation time can coincide with the cast animation, or (as highlighted earlier) Vauban could gain some damage reduction during the cast.


4. Bastille

    Powerful, fun to use, combos with photon strike and easily the strongest part of his kit at the moment. The cast time issue carries over here, but to a lesser degree given the abilities activation time. My point of contention is the armor buff. Temporary armor on other frames is often higher than the max Vauban gets here, and those frames often have other survivability tools (Wukong, Atlas, etc). Vauban also has a ramp-up time, another window of vulnerability for his squishy frame. It doesn’t seem broken to me if the armor he gained had a long duration, or even stayed until the next cast of Bastille. 




Edited by Ubermacho
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Photon Strike is fine IMO. I'm not having any trouble killing enemies with even in squads. To be very blunt (and I'm aware that I'm gonna get flak for this), I suspect that people aren't getting that you're supposed to use it pre-emptively and are only throwing it out when all the enemies are already caught in the Vortex.

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3 hours ago, MrFrog9 said:

Photon Strike is fine IMO. I'm not having any trouble killing enemies with even in squads. To be very blunt (and I'm aware that I'm gonna get flak for this), I suspect that people aren't getting that you're supposed to use it pre-emptively and are only throwing it out when all the enemies are already caught in the Vortex.

It even gets sucked into the Vortex itself, and is the strongest burst damage ability in the game so far without a build up.
The scaling just still slightly falls short. It's almost there.

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On Vauban.

I agree with the majority of comments here regarding his rework. It's nice on the core, but lacks the playability required in a fast paced game for now.

I love it (even posted this exact suggestion on the day they announced a rework for Vauban, let me have this, I'm old ^^). It's just lacking polish. Not enough reliability on high level because of their movement.

Mine layer.
Didn't find any situation where I thought "This is what I need to change the tide of that battle". 

Photon strike.
Great ability, just too slow to deploy and lacking in damage without prior debuffs. On high levels you have to throw a debuffing bastille first (or go with weapon debuffs, aka kill them), wait for said debuffs, pack them by folding your bastille into a nice vortex, cast, wait and then voilà! Takes ten seconds. I don't mind photon strike doing explosive damage, but it needs an extra oomph to live up to its great visuals.

Nothing much to say except it's base range and number of suspended enemies should be slightly up (maybe 15 enemies and 2-3 more meters).

Vauban is a nightmare to build if you want a decent build. Because of his lack of survivability on higher level, you can't really enjoy the whole kit with an evenly spread modding. Range build for larger control and you loose on strength to capture enemies, meaning going back to Repelling Bastille and tactics we've seen before rework for ages. Strength build for damage/buff/debuff and you're toast on energy or duration (which means almost the same for a need to recast). Duration build can be done without much penalties but you'll need more slots and loose again on either, power modifying mods or survival mods.
Casting animations aren't the only penalties here. Throwing, travel time, wait for the grenade to hit, wait for the power to deploy. This would be easier if either, grenades deploy time was instant or if the powers were a little bit more efficient in return for waiting. And yes, he needs some love on survival. He could live up to Vauban's name with some armor.

Great rework but needs tweaks. Nervos clunky, Mine Layer forgettable, Photon Strike lacks something, Bastille could enjoy a 10% buff, frame too 

Final comment, don't get me wrong, I love it. There's just room for improvement so that Vauban can be enjoyable on high level difficulty.

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As a Vauban Main, I can sum this rework down to two words..."Ruined Potential". I dunno what happened here, but clearly this rework is poor.

First off, you guys NERFED THE THROWING VELOCITY. WHY?! Everything comes out exceptionally slower now, prompting the use of Natural Talent. However, even that doesn't fix the abysmal throw velocity on every ability. It's like you took that one thing that made Vauban somewhat useful and threw it in the bin. Now I run faster than my grenades deploy, so I can't preemptively throw them ahead of me to close off areas. I wouldn't be surprised if the ability to One-handed cast was also taken away because "Reasons".

Two, Animations are too long. Some animations are way too long, like the Airborne casting animation. It's like he goes into a self-imposed bullet time every single airborne cast, long enough so you can hover. Cool, it adds flavor, but the flavor comes at a cost of usability in a hectic environment. Again, use of Natural Talent is required.

Three, Modding is absolute hell now. So, he needs Duration and Range for most of his important abilities. Plus some Power Strength and Efficiency to keep abilities useful and easily accessible. Not to mention Survival mods, like Vitality or Absorption. Now he has a Mandatory Natural Talent need as well to keep his Animation speed up. So I ask...HOW am I going to fit all this in under the modding system? Dedicate him to one or two stats, not everything. Make things scale off of those stats.



1. Tesla Nervos (Taser Balls are fun)

Interesting ability, but fundamentally flawed. I had fun for the first few minutes of using the ability, it has great damage potential with the Augment, but The AI in control of the things are ROCK STUPID. When all four of the suckers go for a SINGULAR target and then take several seconds to even have the idea to jump the poor sod, it makes me question who decided to give the AI on these things a pass. Give them a max cap on targets of two per target or give Vauban the ability to mark targets, and fix it so they attach instantly upon reaching their designated target or have it so Vauban can hit a target and have it attach instantly.

2. Minelayer (AKA, why do we need 4 garbage abilities?)

Short Answer: Trash.

Longer Answer: I give this ability a 1.5 out of 4, nice effort but not terribly useful.

  • Tether Coil: Needs to be affected by Power Strength to increase the enemies affected. Otherwise, Good and somewhat useful.
  • Overdrive: Cool, nice damage booster. Should be like a short duration mine, throw on ground, instantly detonates, spreads the buff around a small radius.
  • Flechette Mine: About as useful as a wet fart. Have it be an instant detonation debuff with a proximity detonation, giving a puncture proc to everything in an area (like the old Shred mine).
  • Vector Pad: Throw it in the bin. It's a bad ability. Who signed off on this?

(Question, do we need four abilities on Minelayer? Can we have 3 or 2 good abilities instead?)

3. Photon Strike (Useless, and here's why...)

It would of been good, BUT THEY NERFED THE THROWING VELOCITY and on top of that it has a high wind-up time to fire. So throwing it as any preemptive strike is pointless because a frame moves faster than it deploys. Fix the Throwing Velocity and we'd be golden.

4. Bastille/Vortex (Old Reliable)

This ability was quite good. No problems here, exactly like the old Vauban with some new flavor thrown in. No qualms here.

Overall, this rework was poor. Absolutely poor. But I knew this would happen since nobody can make a clear distinction of what Vauban should be. Not even DE.

Edited by Dojutrek
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I just read on the wiki that the armor bonus from Bastille only works if enemies have armor to strip. That would mean no armor bonus against Corpus (except maybe a few units) and Infested, so absolutely no defensive skill against these factions.

Even worse, if I build for high strength to get rid quickly of enemy armor, that means allies entering the Bastille after seconds won't get any armor bonus cause enemies are already stripped of theirs.

This is another reason for making Bastille defense buff a DR and not armor. It should work against any faction, and for the full duration of Bastille

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I'll give my two cents on Ember rework. Thank you, as someone who played her both before and after rework. I've been thoroughly enjoying it, it's not without downsides but it's a pleasure lich hunting with a durable, armor stripping frame that can deal a solid amount of damage even at high levels (speaking above sortie level, 130s). I'll just say what I feel could be changed:

1)Energy costs/drain - the ramp up of Immolate's energy drain is waaay too big. The tooltip doesn't even inform you the drain ramps up. Either slow down the ramp up or remove it altogether. And the cost of her 3, which is a pretty vital ability, should be reduced. Ember could use a base energy increase as well.

2) The angle at which her 4th ability hits seems inconsistent. I'd be pretty happy if the angle at which it hits was listed in the tooltip and perhaps it should be increased by range. Or make it hit all around altogether, even if you were to remove a little bit of the base range. But I personally don't mind the LoS too much, I feel it's a good balancing point.

3) Her 3 is bit too affected by terrain being uneven or obstacles occuring all around. It's a solid ability aside from that. I think obstacles are fine (after all, a wave's force would be dispersed by an obstacle) but slopes should not affect the ability.

Edited by Rylatar
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For ember...I really do not like the exponential growth of her immolation. It just ramps up faster and faster over  time, where I have to then either turn it off, or spam her fire blast to bring it back down to a reasonable growth rate. Beyond that, she feels...good. Armor stripping is great for heat damage, at most i'd give her inferno the ability to scale off enemy level somehow. Beyond that...she feels...energy hungry? Specially with Immolation, she chews through her energy now like no tomarrow...while I like the heat bar mechanic, I think it might be best to remove it and just give her a energy drain per second instead and just buff up her other powers as if she was always at 'max immolation stack', this way she gets DR and you throw rage on to deal with energy issues. I mean, if Gara can have what..90% DR with a flat duration that you can refresh by casting another power...why can't Ember? Or, hell, Gauss has a DR power that gives him energy even...

Vauban...where to start...first, I LOVE his power 1! Tesla servos is SO fun, great CC! My complaint is...the cap on servos allow and their...well they don't really follow vauban around? If I could have out more than just 4 them not following would be fine, but yeah I can be clear across the map and my servos will be somewhere else...so I have to cast servos again, a minor annoyance, maybe making them be a energy drain per second instead? Let the player choose how many they want out, manage their energy, and they *really* need to stick closer to vauban.

Next up, mine layer...oh boy. Like...okay, we have tethers that grab...2 enemies and can grab no more nor no less...and it does slash damage. So it's...vortex mini + slash? I don't like it. Then flechette orb, aoe puncture damage...looks cool but is...very meh. Vectorpad....why? It's a speed boost from a racing game, why is...why? the speed boost it gives stops half a second after it's thrust me forward, it's a mobility power and nothing else...Overdriver, just 25% damage increase? Like...if that's AFTER all mods and stuff, kinda cool, his most useful out of these. But as a whole...minelayer isn't that great. He only has ONE power that most people are going to use, Overdriver...so you might as well merge that into the Tesla Nervos, make it so they can latch onto team mates and buff their damage by 25% electricity? Could be a cool augment for em if nothing else.
He needs a whole new power 2, i've run into lots of people who are tired of the big 4 gear wheel of his, specifically HIS, because so much of his stuff is just not used. Even Ivara doesn't get this much dislike for her gear wheel, and vauban already has so much utility in his other powers that there isn't anything else to cram into mine layer, not really anyway. What Vauban needs is survivability that does not require enemies to have armor.

See, Vauban's bastille drains armor and buffs him with up to 1k armor, buuut it only works if enemies have armor, so against corpus/infested? Well infested work if a swarm mutalist is around...so yeah. How about we give vauban a passive sentinel? Don't even give it a gun, just have it be tanky, make it heal vauban/team, maybe give ammo? In my head I'm thinking a mobile "TF 2 Engineer Dispenser", heals a bit, gives out ammo, is generally cute and adorable.

Alternatively if we have to keep minelayer as it is and fix it...if I had to keep everything exactly as it was now and just "buff" it...Tether coil needs a complete rework, it's just a cheaper vortex(Which having 'powers that do the same thing' was why bastille and vortex got merged, yeah?), Give him back his concussion grenade(Confuses enemies, makes them shoot each other) Or even a Flashbang to blind enemies, a corrosive grenade to strip armor in chunks...any of these, but there is no way I can see Tether coil being 'buffed' to be useful because it will just end up being "Cheaper vortex/bastille" all over again.
Flechette orb...change to impact damage and give it 100% proc chance so it can be a AoE stagger.
Vector pad...please just remove this and replace it with one of the above mentioned utility grenades...but sigh if it has to stay make it buff ALL speed for the power's duration(Base 25), and by ALL speed I mean sprint speed, fire rate, melee speed, parkour velocity, hell PROJECTILE SPEED, CASTING ANIMATIONS TOO, just to make it USEFUL.
Overdriver...it just gives damage boost, I'd suggest making the damage boost an augment for tesla nervos and make Overdriver massively boost shield regen speed or make it give shields per enemy killed? And make it easier to target, i've had issues where I throw it at a team mate and it goes to their companion...lemme target my friendly and cast it, or target an enemy to make them "overheat" or something, where if they are damaged they get a heat proc. Or make it a AoE buff thing(Friendlies get shield regen/shield on enemy kill, enemies get heat proc on damage)

Photon strike...make it scale more off enemy level. I know it does this already but photon strike does almost 0 damage vs high level enemies. Other than that...synergy with other powers maybe? Bonus damage for enemies in vortex? Armor stripping?

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Vauban rework feedback  only:

Like all of us already knew from the first time they've shown his revisited abilities,this rework wasn't gonna address his 2 main issues properly:  Survivability & CC kit redundancy

So,let's begin.


Instead of improving and prolonging his lifespan on the battlefield, they've actually managed to downgrade it.
This  was achieved in such manner by animation locking during casting,which leaves him open for enemy fire and instant death.
Sure,Bastille does strip armor from enemies and gives it everybody standing within,but it's very energy dependant to maintain and the duration when out of Bastille's reach is underwhelming.
Besides,it only benefits from armored enemies,what about shielded enemies,fleshy enemies like infested?
Let's get the argument of "Crowd controlled enemies can't kill you." because it is easily nullified by the argument "Crowd control immune enemies say hi."

This problem should've been addressed beforehand,much longer before:"This is the rework,give us feedback on it." I say this because I doubt they will dismiss the whole Minelayer and give him a proper defensive mechanism,that would benefit the squadmates aswell.

But,if this were to happen,by who knows what kind of miracle,something along the  lines of Oberon's renewal would do the trick,in this case it's meant for shields.


Vauban deploys a grenade that releases a pulse granting additional shields buff  and an interruptible shield regen.Also provides status and/or knockdown immunity.

Additional  shield -  300     (affected by power strength mods)
Shield regen/s  -  45           (affected by power strength mods)
Duration -  25 sec               (affected by duration mods)
Range - 10 m                       (affected by range mods)

Augment: Irradiating Reinforce  - upon shield depletion,radiation pulse is emmited and proccing confusion in a 8 m radius. Shield continues to recharge after 1 sec delay.

2. CC kit redundancy:

Scott mentioned he wanted to reduce Vauban's kit redundancy but fails to do so with his Minelayer.

Tether coil - inferior to Bastille
Flechette orb - inferior to  Photon strike/Tesla Bank augment
Boost pad -  it's just Bounce with a new coat of paint
Overdriver - only one worth mentioning,providing straghtforward even though bland damage buff 

I'm not gonna provide a feedback to an ability that has bad design in the first place.Many more have done that already.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by Phaeronimus
Typos ofc..
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On 2019-11-01 at 10:31 AM, BlackVortex said:

ergo saryn > ember so ember is going in the closet

I think the same. The Game is for fun not math calculations some people are trying to do: how the powers should look like, how much drain energy.

After current change Ember powers change look quite pity. Ember was my favorite warframe, now castrasted.

I also used Ember to exterminate crowd, "without wasting too much time" as You said,  especialy with Firequake mod, now stolen by DE. I was very surprised when after the update I tried to use the fourth power od Ember first time: instead of "hell on earth" I only got a fart.

BTW. New animation of "flaming comet" of Ember much more fits to Atlas warframe, imho. Too much stones.

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Bugs to be fixed...

  1. Tether Coils on corpses still visible.
  2. Overdriver being difficult to apply on ally players, rather than their companions and the mission objective nearby.
  3. Photon Strike not properly attracted to Bastille vortexes in range.
  4. Bastille armor strip per second only apply to enemies that are lifted up, rather than those already targeted by the containment field but CC-ed by other things like procs or ability effects.
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I have a few suggestions for vauban rework.

Vauban suffers from 1 main problem: the lack of survivability and defense, and also the lack of dps.

so, here are my ideas:

1st ability: Tesla: Stop using charge. We don't have time to charge up our abilities in the middle of the fight. And please make it guarantee proc (it's a tesla grenade, it literally shoots out electricity to stun enemies.)

2nd ability: Minelayer: Aside from overdriver? Please rethink the rest of the abilities.

- we already have Bastille (merged with vortext) for tether coil

- flechette orb is not really useful in most situations

- vector pad is not what we want. We already have enough speed as it is. Another "agility" ability isn't going to help

Ideas? Keep overdriver, and scrap the idea of using "mines"

- change flechette orb into a sentry gun, like the corpus ones or the ones ordis deploys when we have the xiphos dropship equipped. Deployable sentry guns are already in the game, namely the wardens in fortuna/orb vallis when you do a rescue mission of the bounty.

- change vector pad to a deployable shield, like the ones the corpus uses in jupiter gas city and in fortuna/orb vallis

- keep tether coil or change it to anything except for an "agility boost". we seriously don't need that. Maybe give like an amour boost or something.

3rd ability: Photon strike: honest i love how we can just hammer of dawn enemies now. However, do reduce the delays between deploying the beacon and calling in the strike.

4th ability: Bastille: it's fine as it is, maybe increase the count of enemies trapped in the bastille

Vauban is named after a military engineer and he looks like a corpus no less. I feel like these changes could fit in and actually make vauban more fun to play with instead of constantly dying.

Edited by Enoch0099
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Overall I like both reworks


Tesla nervos. I like it, it's pretty decent first ability especially with the augment. It just doesn't keep up with Vauban if you move fast.

Minelayer. It actually doesn't have any mines, I would liked to be able to place some traps instead just some gimmicks.

  • Tether coil isn't worth the energy, it feels terrible to use. It feels buggy, doesn't grab enemies. Why would I use this when Vauban has so much CC already?
  • Fletchette orb. I find this useful. Actually feels like a trap, you can get some area control. Duration is great and damage is decent (for the cost), synergy with Bastille. I like it.
  • Vector Pad. I would replace this with an actual mine ability, something that deals finisher damage and doesnt get nullified by the bubbles.
  • Overdriver. It's pretty nice for the cost. I would like it to work similar to Motes, so everyone could grab a buff from certain location.

Photon Strike. It looks nice. I like the theme. It costs too much energy for what it does. Way too slow to activate, cannot be used in fast paced combat. I would make it work like a beacon instead, so you can mark a certain area where these Photon Strikes are being casted in certain intervals.

Bastille. I like it, it feels good to use. Vortex should have 75 cost, since it has only some of the skills functionality. Does the Bastille buff give 1000 armor? It doesn't feel like it, even with the full buff Vauban feels squishy (perhaps some host-client shenanigans?). Buff duration is so small that I feel like I have to spam Bastille just to survive, which makes the playstyle little bit tedious and extremely energy hungry (with base duration you have to cast Bastille every 10 seconds to keep it up). Vauban really needs some more survivability if the playstyle revolves around stationary Bastilles since it doesn't stop bullets.



I really enjoy the new Ember, this frame is lots of fun to use. Like Vauban it just seems to struggle with energy management.

Fireball. Hard to aim sometimes. Combo window should be way larger, make the base 5 seconds. Projectile should be homing like with Akarius to make it more player friendly. Otherwise it's really solid base ability.

Immolation. Energy drain is too much, it forces to build Ember around maximum efficiency, which really hurts build diversity. Immolation should buff Embers melee attacks, you are literally on fire so I would think the melee attacks should at least proc heat status effects. Damage reduction is just fine, I really like the effects too.

Fire Blast. Is the base cost too much for a skill that has to be used quite often?

Inferno. Works really well, no complaints.

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Vauban Changes:

  • Hot off the feedback train with more to come as we dive deeper:
  • Increased the casting speed of Vauban’s Tesla Nervos’ and Orbital Strike.

Holy crap! This actually means that the Photon Strike is now INSTANT and that Tesla Nervos move a lot faster. Also the casting speed for Photon/Bastille increased as well.

One "huge" step in the right direction DE! Thanks, and keep it up.

Edited by Judqment8
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For my toughts on Vauban:

1. Vauban needs far more Survivability here is an idea---> Speed Boosting Pad is prettymuch useless (I took it seriously and just cant seem to use it to benefit from it) so switch that out for a mechanic that reduces DMG (for example like Ember's 2nd Ability) why? ---> Vauban is a Warframe who has a treasure trove of gadgets it would fit in the theme that he has something for literally every situation.....sadly he has almost nothing in survivability (1000 armor is not helping much and u have to wait for 8-13 seconds to get it....lethal).

2. Changing Flechette Orb's Damage Type from puncture to slash would solve the problem with some damage buff as well because Flechett orb is not a bad idea as a skill. (If you DE wanted the Turret idea to exist why not give him a proper animated turret instead of a ball that "summons" needles?----->would be a far more fascinating ability).

3. Vauban's Vortex. I can recommend 3 things here or "Routes" to fix this. 

3.1: Lower Energy Costs (Half is reasonable)--> Repelling Bastille mod: If i want to stack Vortex in one place it takes a maxed Primed Flow and 175% Efficacy to reach the same Vortex durations as before.... and i lose out on other stats hence I have to choose which skill im building for. ----> Problem is with current reworks many frames require to use more skills than 1 alone----> in Vauban's case this means an out of synergy kit.

3.2: Increase base Duration....kinda explains itself: For an energy cost this high its reasonable.

3.3 (Pair this 3.1 or 3.2 and all is well) IN CASE you want Bastille to have a defense mechanism let it stop either all enemies who enter or projectiles. Repelling Bastille augment could have this feature. ---> Vauban becomes tankier/great objective defence option.....currently he has none of it.

4. Photon Strike..... Energy cost is still horrendously large. but thats not the main problem. Energy cost is OK IF the damage it provides is reasonable. (I find it hard to believe that a lvl 110 heavy gunner gets only a tiny scratch in health after being hit by a frickin ORBITAL STRIKE i mean seriously??????? I didnt even notice the change on their healthbar after I hit them 3 TIMES LADIES AND GENTLEMAN ON 260% Ability Strenght!!!!) Fix the damage pump it like Austin Powers did with the Swedish Peepee Pump.

Important Note: Just let Pablo Rework this one.


Edited by MrDangatang
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I'm going to say something about Vauban's skills (Sorry for my bad English) 1 Skill - Not bad, but not enought to use it (To low damage at high levels. It needs to have more stun or something else. I think it must be control skill) 2 Skill - 1) Boost - interesting fun thing, so don't change it. 2) tether coils - its ok, but 2 enemies not enought. Maybe you should make something like (100% strenght - 2-3 enemies, 200% - 4-5 or something else, but it not bad) 3) turret mine - its ok 🙂 4) damage booster - ok

3 skill - ok

4 skill please GIVE MORE ARMOUR MAX LEVEL, Because 1000 not enought at high level.

But Vauban have a great problem with his vitality *Give him defend skill like rhino's 2 skill, or resist 10% for each enemy in bastile *or something like that*

Vauban is my favorite Warframe, but it dies too often to use it comfortable 😞

Please change something! I love warframe and DE 🙂

(Sorry for my bad english again :D)

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Vauban (Hot Fix U26.0.4)

Tesla Nervos

The quicker cast is nice, but the installed AI is still dumb as a rock. Sometimes just sits there sulking, other times has issues connecting with potential loved ones, and even more times lags behind Vauban. Maybe giving the balls sentience was a bad idea...


Photon Strike

It Prematurely detonates in Air before landing when thrown longer distances. I guess it now has an Air Burst? Maybe if it detonates in Air, it could have more range applied? Neat if that's the intention. Otherwise, DE Please Fix.

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Oh for #*!%'s sake

Was making Photon Strike literally instant really necessary? It was fine before. It was cool before. Now it's literally just a generic grenade.

Anytime something genuinely fun or interesting gets added to the game it gets watered down because the community would rather complain than cope.

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3 minutes ago, MrFrog9 said:

Oh for #*!%'s sake

Was making Photon Strike literally instant really necessary? It was fine before. It was cool before. Now it's literally just a generic grenade.

Anytime something genuinely fun or interesting gets added to the game it gets watered down because the community would rather complain than cope.

I think it was to counter the throw speed limiter they put in place, because we can't have Lightning quick balls soaring through the air.

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1 minute ago, Dojutrek said:

I think it was to counter the throw speed limiter they put in place, because we can't have Lightning quick balls soaring through the air.

They could have just as easily sped up the throwing animation. Or barring that simply reduced the charge time rather than eliminating it completely.

This is a backwards solution. Instead of letting players adapt to how PS works they just adjusted the mechanics very far backwards to the players' skill level immediately, compromising Vauban's characterisation and eliminating some of the sense of mastery involved with learning to play him. It's Gauss all over again.

Also sorry I blew up. This is exactly what I was afraid would happen and I overreacted.

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12 minutes ago, MrFrog9 said:

They could have just as easily sped up the throwing animation. Or barring that simply reduced the charge time rather than eliminating it completely.

This is a backwards solution. Instead of letting players adapt to how PS works they just adjusted the mechanics very far backwards to the players' skill level immediately, compromising Vauban's characterisation and eliminating some of the sense of mastery involved with learning to play him. It's Gauss all over again.

Also sorry I blew up. This is exactly what I was afraid would happen and I overreacted.

Dude, I get you. I'm just as frustrated.

They could of done an Inverse duration with Photon Strike. More Duration, longer fire time. Less Duration, Shorter Fire time. That way both sides are happy. The problem is his modding, with him needing nearly all stats in the green to get the job done. Maybe have Inverted modding to be a design choice by the player, with Duration being his main stat and Power being a Secondary. Range and Efficiency could be considered dump stats depending on the player.

For example, his 1 could focus around Concentration of Charge with Duration being a focus. More Duration, less overall damage per tick. Less Duration, more concentrated damage on tick. His 2 could be modified off of Power. 3 Duration and the inverse. 4 Both.

It doesn't help that his throwing animations and speeds are premium jank right now.

Edited by Dojutrek
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1 minute ago, Dojutrek said:

They could of done an Inverse duration with Photon Strike. More Duration, longer fire time. Less Duration, Shorter Fire time. That way both sides are happy. The problem is his modding, with him needing nearly all stats in the green to get the job done. Maybe have Inverted modding to be a design choice by the player, with Duration being his main stat and Power being a Secondary. Range and Efficiency could be considered dump stats depending on the player.

For example, his 1 could focus around Concentration of Charge with Duration being a focus. More Duration, less overall damage per tick. Less Duration, more concentrated damage on tick. His 2 could be modified off of Power. 3 Duration and the inverse. 4 Both.

Yeah that is something they tried with Gauss that I really thought was cool; higher Duration increased the magnitude of Redline's buffs but also made it harder to upkeep (although that got shot to hell in the end so meh).

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Ember Rework

It's fine, sad to see Flash Accelerant and it's augment go, but oh well.


Vauban Rework 

Vauban is a busy frame. If you try to go all out with his abilities you spend all your time babysitting your deployments. Why bother with all that you can just deploy and manage a few Vortices that out-perform every other ability anyway?

His 1 is fine with the augment, but it doesn't really matter whether you use it or not, because Vortex. I'd keep it as it is.

His 2 is far too busy. Hold to cast, toggling through 4 options, requiring continual refreshment. Why bother when Vortex is just better? Other than being cheaper, this needs an advantage over Vortex like not having to continually refresh them. Make the mines permanent like Wisp's motes (though just 4 mines total, not 4 per type of mine). Also have tether mines target heavies only or something, and acquire new prisoners when the old ones die.

His 3 is pointless, see:



HIs 4. Bastille and Vortex were NOT redundant, but since they now have the same range and cost, ironically the change has made them redundant and you may as well just Vortex everything. 

Edited by schilds
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For the sake of posting something actually constructive instead of whining:
Please bring back Photon Strike's charge time in some capacity, but reduce the charge time from what it was as a compromise. For better or for worse, it was what made the ability unique, and when it's removed what is left is an extremely generic grenade with fancy visuals.
Increase Photon Strike's damage. This will make using it feel more worthwhile.

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Thanks DE for the quick response ! \o/


Now, about that survivability... :-P 

Can we get a base 25 second duration for the buff while out of Bastille ? With a 1500 armor cap like Wukong/Atlas ? Pretty please

Edited by Tatann
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