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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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I would very much like to see separate nodes set aside for farming "Railjack Resources" that do not require a crew at all, and can be done at our leisure. The current "kill everything in the fun part of Railjack" followed by "go resource collecting for half an hour more-or-less", which is the efficient way to do this, creates obvious problems in the flow of the game mode.

People get "stuck" or "held hostage" when they don't want to do the resource collecting part, with their only way out, being a loss of everything gained during the combat portion of the mission. (I like to collect resources, so I'd not be one of the complaining people... but some are much less patient.)

Combining the resource hunting part of the game where you collect what you need to supply and upgrade your ship, with the resource draining part of the game that consumes many of those same resources, can lead to near zero-sum instances and depletions, at least when it comes to certain consumables that are obvious. We can already farm these consumables in non-railjack ways, like mining on Earth/Venus, and killing eximus units on shipyard/wreck tilesets, but a non-combat railjack version would be nice.




A related issue is the visibility of drops, and the tedium of trying to strain ones eyes and attempt to backtrack your way through where you THINK you fought enemy ships in the hopes of finding everything every last ship dropped, unless you hunt down every single drop as you kill enemies, leading to taking a lot more damage during the fight as you're not optimally taking down targets as you go... and I've solo'd plenty to know how this goes. The backtracking hunt for barely visible drops adds to the downtime after the action packed battle nodes, which is why this is a related point.


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From the perspective of the mighty hindsight.
I personally am happy, that you released what u had ready for railjack before holydays. I was hyped for it and was shaking to put my fingers on it.
And I wasn't disappointed because what we get was kinda what I was expecting at that point, NOOOT sure if that's a good thing, but it's like that.
You must have big confidence in your community, because from a standard PR perspective, the release of railjack as we get it was suicide. Let's hope there are more players like me, who are curious about what you will be able to do with railjack concept and if you will be able to put all now disconnected parts of the game together under the flagship of traveling around in your own spaceship.
I like the idea of game desinged on the run. Its totally coconuts concept, but for some reason u were able to pulled it. But the downwards is that no one knows where the things are heading to. OK, we got a very barebone skeleton of railjack. As it stands now, it cannot cut it. Its tedious, repetitive, zero interesting rewards after two weeks of gameplay.
1.) Cryophons are good, apocs and carcinox if you got a good roll from a good house. Everything else is waste of loadout space.
2.) Drop chances on resources after the hotfix is too high. I got too many resources and zero use for them. Yea that's right, the public cry out about the tedious grind was partially misleading. The only thing that needed boost was titanium. I got dozens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of those new resources and nowhere to put them, again. Replace it with another chance for relic or wreckage.
3.) Drop chance from mission rewards for wreckage parts needs to be much higher if we got random stats on those items. Random stats are good if you got a ton of loot through with you can rummage and check for those sweat numbers, not when u drop two parts from mission rewards in one week. I was lucky so I got all I need already... others weren't, but my luckiness also means I have no more to look for, maybe some little boon to stats but not much more than I already have.
4.) Intrinsics. To fast. We will be done in a few more days. I am purposely doing it slowly and not really doing any specific farm, but everyone will have it done in few more weeks and now you will not be able to reverse this process so sadly its gg there.
5.) Avionics. Now I will probably look like a madman, but thanks god that some of those drops are so rare and drops only from specific enemies coz at least I got something to farm after I finished my railjack equipment in 5-7 days.
6.) Level design. Enemies are spawning in patterns near the position of players so the majority of the level is unused.
7.) Missions that get out with release are repetitive. You see all the mode can offer in 2 days max.
8.) Damage, armor scaling of enemies. Dn, can't talk about it from perspective of other people. I got pimped jack and frames so the only thing I care about is that enemies are doing more dmg to me then normal 100lvls do. I got zekti hyperstrike so my guns do dmg. Without it, fighting enemies with railjack guns is too tedious in the veil, which led to the current meta of not using railjack at all. Good squad with two gunners can make it through even without bonus dmg avionics but that would need a loooot of enthusiasm.
9.) Secret bonus rewards from infested derelicts. If the drop tables that went public are true than those things are wasted potential. Why the hell are not rare avionics and wreckage parts there? Finally, something interesting and new is introduced into skirmish mode and then you realized there is nothing there. I found few and I have a feeling that once I saw Vidar engines there but that might have been just a mission reward.
10.) Bugs, but that doesn't count (at least for me), bugs are eternal. I know you will fix most of them.
If you will be able to realize that idea of connecting the game together.  Raljack missions doesn't have to be that much repetitive. I can imagine getting into the sector, drop a player into the galleon to do the capture mission, then do the 5-minute defense on missile battery, exterminate on another one. Then do one of those archwing pursuit mission, because the enemy ship with intel is trying to escape the sector, but if squad fail, it needs to go to another sector to do a spy mission on galleon to get the data there! You got all the pieces in-game already.
Dream... not of what you are... but of what you want to be...
The potential is great. Now show us what u can do with it. Make me proud to spend time on this mess of the game😋



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 the timer on which the sentient ship rely on to spawn is very troublesome. each and ever time i have been attempting to work into getting the dang thing there has been nothing but players abandoning the mission because it wasn't there thus leads to host migration most of the time.

i calmed down some more but still i am annoyed at how you get the shedu. on top of the fact when i look at the symbilyst which drops those cursed parts it labled with the copper or bronze colloring of rarity which means its so pose to be a common drop. so why isn't it dropping commonly?!


Edited by maddragonmaster
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Some more Feedback I’d like to share:


Sid Meier's 10 Rules of Game Design

1. Choose a topic you have a passion for. Game Design is about creativity.

2. Do research after the game is done. Tap into the player’s brain.

3. Define your axioms, refine your axioms. Prototype, prototype, prototype; sit in all the chairs.

4. Double it or cut it in half. You are more wrong than you think.

5. Make sure the player is having fun, not the designer/computer.

6. Games should be easy to start playing, but hard to stop playing.

7. Simple systems work together to create complexity.

8. Make it ‘Epic’!

9. Most important part of the game is the first and last 15 minutes.

10. Know when to stop, more is not always better and just because we can, doesn’t mean we should.


Print it out for every Employee that they can pin it on to their desks.


Regarding those points with Empyrean:

1. No doubt you had it or tried it

2. Do you feel how unrewarding the Reactor thing is? Scrap all Reactor Houses and let us update it with Dirac or drop only Reactors with a Range of 80-100 within the Void. Reactors are too mandatory to advance with our RJ.

3. You know the Coreplay of Warframe already. 

4. Double Drop Chances (at a minimum) and cut ressource costs by half

5. Sorry I had no fun with Jordas, Liches and Empyrean so far.

6. Iron Out the Curve and Weapons especially for non Dojo Mk3 components at the very first beginning on Earth. And yes those weak RJ feeling is a part of that I dont have fun with it. Especially after seeing the rank 8 Intrinsics? I mean come on necessary Archwing Buffs locked behind Rank 8? Put it to Rank 1 and start all others a Rank later

7. Dirac, Wreckage, Grid, Mod Updating, Lack of Tooltips and a usable RJ Avionics-UI (Really this one sucks really). I dont see any simple systems. Why cant we switch our setup during an Mission? I mean we have already the Arsenal there… Drag and Drop for PC Users anywhere? For example No Mans Sky uses the Middle Mousebutton to wreck items (including a timer where you can cancel those if you didnt hold the button long enough) Why do we have to use separate menus on top of separate menus to wreck things? Just Why?

8. The "Fake" Empyrean Tennocon Trailer was promising as a lot of things you showed us before. I guess you know already that there are some things missing and know the existing problems (hopefully for me as a player) as well…

9. And here Empyrean disappoints completely. Starting with Clunky UI’s, Shredded and near useless Archwings (incl. there weapons), Clunky Flightcontrol, Underpowered RJ Weapons, Stale Mission Design, Massive Glitches and Bugs etc.. And on top of if the “last 15 Minutes” of the Gamemode after you arrive at the Void you recognize locked Story (probably without a RJ you wont see in the future, am I right?), RNG on Reactors which are necessary to progress further and insane costs of building wreckage parts which RNG drop Chances and on top of it RNG Stats as well. Sry Guys. Thats just lazy designwise.

10. Probably you won’t care about the Feedback as the last 1 ½ years showed it already. So much QoL which needs to be addressed. The Lich System etc. etc.

Edited by ValinorAtani
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Gotta be frank: I feel like this was rushed so that it could get released before the end of 2019. 

  1. Opening Quest and learning the ropes:
    The quest to obtain the railjack is nothing more than a ressource- and time-gateway. Not a single attempt is made to teach the player how to use your railjack in the future. 
    A better approach would have been, to send the player to more or less scripted railjack missions, where they've got to fill a roll on the railjack and then do the defense in the end. 
  2. Mission variety
    It's OK to have "kill all" missions, but being constantly assaulted by swarms in all missions is boring. There could've been large vassal fights or orbit-ground missions (considering you have tilestes outside the flightarea, this should be doable) where the ground team had to set a marker to teleport or destroy a target from orbit. Ironically, the sky is the limit to your imagination.
  3. Squad size
    The traditional four man squad seems like another wasted opportunity. As it currently is, it feels like you lack enough people to dedicate yourself to a role. This probably wasn't done, since the roles themselves aren't meaningful enough. Therefor we're stuck with a weird ressource management game.
  4. Looting
    What has been done wrong in archwing and been ignored for years with companions is even worse in railjack. Nothing floats towards you, unless flying straight into loot it is difficult to anticipate your hitbox and it simply makes no sense to be this much of a hassle. 
    Yes you could add a skill that sucks in the loot or give an aura, but just make the railjack automatically collect loot from anything that it gains affinity. Not only does it not show on your radar, the blue glow from most of the loot may get lost in the stars. Coupled with vision range on loot this is a horrendous praxis. What are we to do? Have Itzal next to the ship and suck in all the loot because you refuse to make looting decent? 
  5. Gunnery
    Gaining the ability to shoot in all directions is great. Can we please get independent angling from the ships rotation?
  6. Cancellation of actions
    I've had to encounter that the following actions get cancelled:
    While you try to craft something (holding LMB on a ressource) the process gets interrupted by obtained ressources. As this is fast, it isn't too much of an issue, but this still creates tedious moments.
    When aiming the forward artillery, the railjacks dodge interrupts your chargeup. 

Please understand that I still enjoy this to a degree and just would like to see this improved.


Edited by ScribbleClash
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I see why [DE]Steve has been really pushing this concept hard for 2 years. I am so stoked to have it, but I must confess I am back to playing the regular game and here is why:

1) its another island with obscene rng and resource grind. Making titanium farmable in the normal star chart would go a long way towards fixing this.

2) loot collection is not okay. I've spent more time collecting loot than playing the mission. Maybe make an auto zone-wide vacuum when the last enemy exits the arena of play?

3) lack of variety with mission types. I have high hopes that expansions to this content will fix this.

4) RJ feeling underpowered, see Brozime's 45 minute rant.

The gameplay itself, even on console without the latest hotfix, is super fun. I am excited to see what more you come up with to add to it DE, and don't let the haters get to you.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)uns4ph3 said:

4) RJ feeling underpowered, see Brozime's 45 minute rant.


Funny reading this while coming out of a pub RJ mission in the Veil that lasted a whole 3 minutes, with the pilot basically mowing through everything and one other guy destroying the crew ships. All I saw was explosions everywhere.

I tried to be helpful, but there was really no point.

If anything, it has become already over powered, to the point that it actually loses a bit of the fun ( to me anyways ). I feel a nerf incoming.

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about crewships:

  • i think the crewships should also have only a limited number of healing spheres/missiles available - or it should have a bigger cooldown. right now they spamming it much that it gets annoying. also, blinding effect when the orbs got destroyed is a bit too much (or was this an intended flashbang effect?).
  • btw, the crewships still can one shot an AW with their homing main-weapon (and yes, it still home on us ^^)
  • another point to crewships: they should be destroyable even with 'normal' attacks from the ships guns, missiles and also from AW-weapons, not only by using the forward artilery or by blowing up their reactor - takes far more time, but that is ok.
  • after shooting out their drives, it should take them a bit longer to 'reboot' them (or whatever they do ^^).
  • we should be able to also deactivate the the CSs guns from outside, just like we can do with the drives - that should then make them stop firing for a while.
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2 minutes ago, KenthNisshoku said:

really i cant use a rush repair drone on mk3 parts???

Pablo was talking about that the other day, and said that one of the first things coming is the ability to cancel on going repairs.

Once you can cancel it, you can then rush repair if that's what you want to do.

For now .. I guess you will have to wait or finish the repairs.

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4 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

Pablo was talking about that the other day, and said that one of the first things coming is the ability to cancel on going repairs.

Once you can cancel it, you can then rush repair if that's what you want to do.

For now .. I guess you will have to wait or finish the repairs.

the canceling should have been available day 1 instead of further patches...

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My guess is that Universal Blink was introduced so that we can keep up with the enemy ships. That has not been the case in any of the RailJack missions that I've run. My ArchWing can't keep up. And even if I blink, I won't have enough time to damage the enemy because they already got away by the time I get there. The weapons that I do own with all the rest of the arsenal for this task do almost nothing to none damage. It might take an entire mission just to get rid a maybe a couple enemies at max, while in the mean time doing nothing but chasing, trying to keep up with their speed. Blinking doesn't clearly help.

This makes RailJack suck because the only viable ways to damage enemies are through boarding the only two ships that spawn after 10 mins or so and the giant ship. That is one steering and damaging while the others do nothing and occasionally get rid of enemies boarding and or fixing the ship. While I love the idea as a whole, this aspect and the one aforementioned clearly sucks and makes the whole experience not enjoyable at all. One does the experience while the others are sitting ducks.


And Why is it so expensive to make and so long to wait for to experience it. From Rising Tides and to Erra ...

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I just had an epiphany. Remove all grind out of railjack...why? Allow me to elaborate. Depending on intention you can get wildly different results. The design philosophy is built around grind thus clouding the game design itself.  I say design the game first where its complete and fun to play (a whole experience) then break it down in slices.

The same infection that gave ghost recon breakpoint its haneously unacceptable mtx is now having Congress with warframe...DE needs to visit the clinic and get treated before the whole body succumbs? ......Keep playing with fire? 

I hope everyone at DE acknowledge that time is life and why are u so hellbent on wasting it. There has to be a moral quandary here? Given the grind expected actually makes warframe pay to play? No one but deadbeats and those Not handling their business can keep up with excessive grinding and time gating!

I heard somewhere there was free platinum to be earned. Earning free ( oxymoron ).!? "Who said that" 

Refinement, a.i. and balance is the only thing going forward that needs to be added to warframe. Essentially back filling the content to be fully integrated and operational.  

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The time gates in front of empyrean are a literal slap to the face! 

Heres how the opener quest for empyrean goes, go here, defend, kill enemy wait 12 hours, repeat 5 times. THANKS

Just take them away or add a rush option, it's so disingenuous to think this will keep people playing, especially when the product we work towards is full of game breaking bugs that render unplayable.

No hate just frustration. Empyrean would've been received much  better if it wasnt trapped behind a week of wait times, 6 12 hour increments? 

Only hardcore players will be able to get to this in 3 days time. It's disheartening, it really is.



I'm not even saying warframe is getting stale, because its not, but DE is getting stale gating people from content like this. 

Sure you can matchmake and join another player's railjack, but can you use it? Nope, too bad the gun bugs are even more prevalent now!


DE if any of your employees read comments, please consider lifting the gates, fixing the buds and making warframe more marketable.

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Gunners have a dreary job and battle avionics being usable from all seats can create chaos.

Here is my two cents on making this better:

  1. Have dedicated Battle avionics. For example: Pilot gets [1]1Flow Burn (moved from tactical)/[1]Munitions Vortex/[1]Coutnermeasures, [2]Tether Burn and [3]Fiery Phoenix; Gunners  get [1]Blackout Pulse, [2]Tether/[2]Shatter Burst, [3]Seeker Volley/[3]Void Hole
  2. Have separate Flux pools for the seats, e.g. 75% of current systems pool for pilot, 50% on each gunner seat
  3. Adjust base capacity to accomodate additional slots.
  4. Allow the pilot to switch between the nose turret and the forward artillery (once unlocked, maybe add this through a piloting level)
  5. Allow installation of secondary wing turret armaments. Prevent that two turrets of the same type are in primary and secondary (no matter the house). This would allow the gunners to swap between long range and short range turrets, or whatever combination the owner favors and would open up more possibilities for turret designs.

1Denotes the slot that the ability uses

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I'm sure these have been mentioned before in this thread, but they're important so they bear repeating:

1. Projectile speed on archwing guns is very slow, the Imperator feels more like a flamethrower than a machine gun.

2. The railjack lobby system is very strange- I now have two ships and a dojo, mission completion sends me in/out of all three differently and confusingly.

3. Archmelee not target locking feels like a glitch. Without it, archmelee doesn't function.

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There's a railjack ability that forcefully warps the whole squad onto the railjack (I don't know what the name is) and it needs to be removed!!! This is a major troll ability that just needs to fk off.

I was mid flight to the reactor when someone in the squad had used the ability, forcing me back onto the ship and retry getting to the reactor again; then again after I destroyed the reactor and wanted to gather the remaining resources on the ground. You have no idea how much this annoyed me.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Exigy said:

Projectile speed on archwing guns is very slow, the Imperator feels more like a flamethrower than a machine gun.

I literally fly faster than projectiles from my Fluctus. And I am not even using the fastest Archwing. And some of the enemies fly faster than me.

If I wanted to hit them, I'd have to anticipate their path and blink in front of them, then let them fly into my projectiles (which effectively travel backwards) as they catch up to me.

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The fact that flux energy is something that has to be restocked and how much resources it takes to replenish, discourages use. Because of that, bonuses for flux capacity are a bit less worthwhile.

We also need to be able to empower our flux abilities, at the cost of more flux energy, so they'll be stronger.

Edited by (PS4)ObsidianJackal_
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The different locations need some form of control for the captain as i have had players that will sit at the pilot chair till you get up to man the big gun, or to launch an archwing into objective.  They will immediately take control and fly the railjack right into objective or at a crewship which you were trying to avoid either for ramsled reasons or getting to torn to bits by a ship killer platform.  I don't appreciate being teabagged for not heading for objective just because i don't want to fix more on the ship than I have to already.

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things i would love to have in Railjack

1. Side guns auto fire at nearby enemies without needing to be mounted by an ally

2. resources dropped in space should be auto picked up instead of vacuumed

3. some npcs or hired non player helpers

4. forge does not go on cooldown when you craft a single item. it should go on cooldown when you craft 4 items.

5. remove refine function bec when one person refines all resources needed for repairs and ammunition disappear resulting in mission failures

6. increase certain resource amounts in some cases (crafting requires 600 asterite but the mission gets you 12 or less per run) 

7. less bullet sponge enemies and maybe limit the amount of enemies at a time

8. have veil proxima prevent players that dont have mk3 guns on railjack from entering bec i hate it when people bring their mk1 railjack and expect everyone to carry them

9. lessen the nodes bec they only contain like 1 game mode...

Edited by KenthNisshoku
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I know this is something that idk has been said or probably wont be added be added but hear me out.

I have played for nearly 1K hours in warframe and I enjoy this game quite a lot. However I kno many people out there would agree that railjack is most defiantly end game. With the amount of resources and how much farming it takes there's no denying it. However DE I want to ask to please take into account people who love to play the game but literally cant make any time to play/farm for a lot of resources. I'm an Environmental server worker at a hospital ( Housekeeper for short ) and I get called into work nearly every day and a few days off to which I can actually play warframe. Its very difficult for someone or anyone in a similar predicament to actually get to "End Game". There has to be a real way for people to buy a railjack tbh idc how much it is cause anyone would agree that this game is worth supporting. I just don't have the time like I use to to farm for all the neccssy resources and wait 12 hours per piece to play it. Please DE give it some though.

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Railjack is a spaceship. Yet, for some reason, it has a "horisontal" state.
Meaning: when I roll into the orientation at which I desire to engage the enemy, and release the controls, after a bit the ship "snaps back" into its preditermined "horisontal" position.

Why this should be changed: space combat is not the same thing as plane combat, even though many space-centered games struggle to grasp this simple truth.There is no "up" and "down" in space, and undersanding this, as well as learning to use this to their advantage, would benefit many pilots. Maneuvers that are not doable in an "oriented" environment, aligning ship to see enemies best while exposing yourself the least, and dodging in relation to enemies rather than in relation to some absolute "ground" are bread and butter of space combat. This is why I would desire to have persistent roll, rather than global "horison-bound" roll. This is also why I lack roll controls in the new Archwing flight system.

Fixing this can be done as an optional thing, and if the development team thinks current system is easier to understand, they could as well make this a toggleable setting. But for users who want more depth to their space combat, and these who think with no "up" and "down", allowing to roll as we please could really increase the usability of the Railjack.

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