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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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Lock on navigation controls = yes.  

Lock out battle avionics from side Gunner = yes

Create separate alternate ammo pool for side gunners distinct from pilot position.  As pilot, I depend on my arc gun, I don't want some jerk on side running out of ammo.  If that cannot happen because require foundary rework, just remove it from side gunners.  My favorite is the arc gun which is close range only.  Really only good for pilot.  Even missiles are best used by pilot.  Just give each gun an alternate fire mod that operates on timer, no ammo.

I don't understand why lock out foundary, even if I had that option, I'd allow anyone to use.  I've got piles and piles of resources, build everything missing please!  

I also would not lock out artillery gun.  As long as they cooperate with me, the pilot, and we hit, great.  If they waste charges, who cares.  I get XP when build more.  

While I agree pilot should be able to decided when leave, after all, he needs titanium the most, he should not hold people hostage either.

When I'm running public and people join, I let them know ahead of time if I plan to stay after.  I know there are jerks, but most people will either stay or leave right there.  I can't trick them to help me and then make them sit through 5-10 minutes of nothing.  

Hell, if they go afk, they don't even get the resources!  So basically your asking people to move mouse every minute or so with nothing else.  

Just let them know as soon as they join.  It's been my experience most people are cool.  The jerks can be ignored.  

The best solution is if DE added another terminal for clients to leave after mission but only pilot can select destination.  

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What you expect people to do in PuG (play the way they want) is different from the way they should play (things they at least should do).

Dunno how people defend "you play how the #*!% you want in PuG", I, at least, can always turn OFF and ON again the router.

Edited by MPonder
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il y a une heure, Educated_Beast a dit :

Lock on navigation controls = yes.  

Lock out battle avionics from side Gunner = yes

Create separate alternate ammo pool for side gunners distinct from pilot position.  As pilot, I depend on my arc gun, I don't want some jerk on side running out of ammo.  If that cannot happen because require foundary rework, just remove it from side gunners.  My favorite is the arc gun which is close range only.  Really only good for pilot.  Even missiles are best used by pilot.  Just give each gun an alternate fire mod that operates on timer, no ammo.

I don't understand why lock out foundary, even if I had that option, I'd allow anyone to use.  I've got piles and piles of resources, build everything missing please!  

I also would not lock out artillery gun.  As long as they cooperate with me, the pilot, and we hit, great.  If they waste charges, who cares.  I get XP when build more.  

While I agree pilot should be able to decided when leave, after all, he needs titanium the most, he should not hold people hostage either.

When I'm running public and people join, I let them know ahead of time if I plan to stay after.  I know there are jerks, but most people will either stay or leave right there.  I can't trick them to help me and then make them sit through 5-10 minutes of nothing.  

Hell, if they go afk, they don't even get the resources!  So basically your asking people to move mouse every minute or so with nothing else.  

Just let them know as soon as they join.  It's been my experience most people are cool.  The jerks can be ignored.  

The best solution is if DE added another terminal for clients to leave after mission but only pilot can select destination.  

locking foundary can avoid people to refind ressources when we could need it and avoid them to refill ammo when they just want to spam it when there's no need for exemple: when a warframe slingshot himself into a ship, you told it and somebody still want to burst the ship where the warframe is even if you ask him to stop, that's just annoying for people who see their ressources get used for that, that's annoying for the warframe in the enemy ship, and that's annoying for the captain who fill it up before the mission just to get a second secure in case no one slingshot himself, so lock artillery gun is just a precaution for people who abuse of it even if you ask to stop

Edited by Thaxano
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I mean I don't understand why people don't bother with CC though.. That's pretty much the best solution to prevent them from damaging your ship. Again, I wish there was more development on the enemy behaviour UI in general, but I think nerfing their hp is not the way to go since railjack does not appear to be newbie content. As far as gun relevance goes, I think alot of the guns right now are irrelevant in warframe, and some are in need of a revamp, as well as glaives.


Sometimes players don't necessarily develop a meta that is the best. And given that railjack has such a small existing playerbase (at least from my runs for the past few days), a proper meta hasn't been developed anyway. I am very certain CC frames are actually a really good way to go in railjack. And that is something I would rather be encouraged. Instead of making enemies easy enough to be nuked in seconds. Also a mirage is not exactly gonna survive well for long in railjack. They're pretty much stuck only protecting the railjack at that point if they would rather not die doing railjack objectives.


Once enemies get brought down to levels that the other 95% of guns can down, people are just gonna settle on nuke frame metas again, and then railjack becomes solo content, much like alot of the rest of the game. Again, I agree that difficulty should not be simply DE cranking the dial on the numbers on enemies all the time (Fortuna-Spaceport lvl 4 bounty being a primely bad example), but instead of nerfing the tanky enemies in railjack, I think they should see the benefit that this railjack system currently brings to CC gameplay, since the rest of the game tends to make them irrelevant.



Additionally, there are a bunch of ways to deal with these mobs with some frames and even pet set-ups. I'd recommend giving the mecha set a go, with a gas/slash status weapon. Vauban's Tesla Nervos + Bastille is another one. 

Edited by 0verridden
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The griefers in empyrean are a problem. 

The way to fix it is the following:

Remove torpedo/missile options from the gunners. They should be only available to the pilot. 

Make a map vote or give access to the map only to the owner of the lobby.

The railjack should have a vote kick system. 3 votes and get kicked from the pilot seat for 30s.

It is incredibly annoying to have people just waste your ammo on the beggining of the mission. Also those same people will never forge it back. Forcing the pilot. The only one ho cares for the mission to get out and run to the back of the ship to make more. For it to be used by that same tard. Or even worse he just hijacks the railjack and rams it into the enemy crew ship. Like wtf. There should be safety measures. 

Edited by ArchangelLegion
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14 hours ago, 0verridden said:

Once enemies get brought down to levels that the other 95% of guns can down, people are just gonna settle on nuke frame metas again, and then railjack becomes solo content, much like alot of the rest of the game. Again, I agree that difficulty should not be simply DE cranking the dial on the numbers on enemies all the time (Fortuna-Spaceport lvl 4 bounty being a primely bad example), but instead of nerfing the tanky enemies in railjack, I think they should see the benefit that this railjack system currently brings to CC gameplay, since the rest of the game tends to make them irrelevant.

Railjack in its current state is a colossal pain in the ass to solo regardless of if you can kill boarders solo or not. A big nuke frame deleting them is different to them deleting a map of enemies since there's still, y'know. Crewships, and Fighters you need to actually deal with. That you can't Nukeframe.

Not to mention, the reason people want to kill things faster in Railjack is purely because there's other S#&$ they need to be doing and the longer they delay, the more the boarding party does.

Leaving them tanky as #*!% like this just encourages one meta over another, but it's just that this meta is far more unfriendly and more restrictive, and the other meta wouldn't even be that damaging or change much.

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Il y a 17 heures, ArchangelLegion a dit :

The griefers in empyrean are a problem. 

The way to fix it is the following:

Remove torpedo/missile options from the gunners. They should be only available to the pilot. 

Make a map vote or give access to the map only to the owner of the lobby.

The railjack should have a vote kick system. 3 votes and get kicked from the pilot seat for 30s.

It is incredibly annoying to have people just waste your ammo on the beggining of the mission. Also those same people will never forge it back. Forcing the pilot. The only one ho cares for the mission to get out and run to the back of the ship to make more. For it to be used by that same tard. Or even worse he just hijacks the railjack and rams it into the enemy crew ship. Like wtf. There should be safety measures. 


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So far my experiences with this are quite positive. Only had one person leech in a veil mission along with a pair of aborts during anomaly runs due to people running off to do it before any other objective was completed and the ship was getting hammered. Haven't had anyone just waste flux or missiles to date and having the gunners actively firing things off to hit ships I'm not seeing while flying that require them has been a big boon. Been much more likely to have no one refill things and having to jump off the controls to warp into the back to get more flux or do repairs.


But my biggest beef with the whole system so far is that after a mission is completed anyone can just hit the button and jump the ship out. Just now I had a mission go well, we were discussing going straight into another one and while I'm hitting the boost to pick up some resources suddenly my controls lock and the ship jumps out to the dry dock before I could get them. Sudden jumps to another area, be it the dock or in some cases another mission has been my biggest source of annoyance with the whole thing. The worst to date was during an anomaly run while trying to get the Erra quest. We completed the objective, got the complete and before I could reach the crystal the other person in the mission warped out and started a jump to the dock, forcing me to abandon the attempt, something that took me nearly half a week longer to finally get it due to timings.

I feel it's a matter of 'my ship, I'm the captain, I say where it goes'. Navigation should either be able to be locked down via settings such as with dojo permissions, or at the very least have a mission vote popup like everything else does, even for the dry dock. Just something to prevent sudden jumps to somewhere unknown like it does now.

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The reason players arnt playing railjack isnt becouse they cant make it its what comes after that is making people burn out of the game mode 

The RNG/Grind and the repetitivity of missions/ lack of content i mean all the missions are the same kill 30, 60, to 90 enemys then kill 3, 4 or 6 crewships whial doing 1 to 2 side objectives and then after that RNG gives you usual disapointment with 1 relic, or some new endo and very rarely a wrekage you realy dont need  and a small amount of resourses after weeks of doing this it became increasingly unfun to do and burnt out 88% of the people playing the game mode the other 10% still play the game mode and another 2% were the ones that cant build there raikjacks

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For enemies with status immunity, I think instead of straight up immune, they can be made more resistant with status effect being only 50% effective against enemies with this resistance compared to normal enemies

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tether avionics need to have a manual detonation. first tap will send tether out, second tap detonates it. Currently railjack guns can shoot down the tether which limited the avionics' effectiveness as squad mates can shoot down tether before it restricts enemy fighters, intentionally or unintentionally.

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I was looking into the Railjack Sigma series of gear, and they should basically work like mods where the next tier requires the previous one, and they upgrade in place.

In other words, the upgrade path goes:

Start => Tier 1 => Tier 2 => Tier 3

I think this would help make the Sigma series feel better, especially since they're basically useless outside of T3.

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On 2020-03-02 at 2:22 AM, (XB1)toughdragon17 said:

The reason players arnt playing railjack isnt becouse they cant make it its what comes after that is making people burn out of the game mode 

The RNG/Grind and the repetitivity of missions/ lack of content i mean all the missions are the same kill 30, 60, to 90 enemys then kill 3, 4 or 6 crewships whial doing 1 to 2 side objectives and then after that RNG gives you usual disapointment with 1 relic, or some new endo and very rarely a wrekage you realy dont need  and a small amount of resourses after weeks of doing this it became increasingly unfun to do and burnt out 88% of the people playing the game mode the other 10% still play the game mode and another 2% were the ones that cant build there raikjacks

This is why I stopped playing Railjack content.  I was really excited when it was announced, I went through all the insane requirements to get my Railjack built for release, we did all the research in the Dojo and when released I played a lot of it.  The problem was that it swiftly became boring, you spend more time looking for loot than you do playing the actual missions, the progression is super slow, there doesn't seem to be any reason to use any loot that drops as it's all worse than the gear you get from the clan. (I understand the final zone has better drops but I stopped playing Railjack before then).

Lets also talk about the intrinsics, yay another massive grind wall that DE has erected between players and content.  I really wanted to like Railjack but the amount of grinding required to level up intrinsics as compared to the kind of rewards that it gives is just not worth it.

So I stopped playing Railjack content before I got to the final zone, I know this means I don't get to see the new quest or anything in there, but ultimately I'm fine with that, the content was just boring, I was having no fun playing it and felt no satisfaction running what is basically the same two types of mission over and over again.

I assume this means I won't be able to participate in the upcoming new operation, unless you can take part by only playing the 'Ground' side of the squads.  

It's a real shame as I was super excited for the release of Railjacks and hoping that they were going to add more awesome content to the game and a whole new way to play it.  It's a shame it turned out to be another dull grindwall.

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5 hours ago, Uber.Munchkin said:

This is why I stopped playing Railjack content.  I was really excited when it was announced, I went through all the insane requirements to get my Railjack built for release, we did all the research in the Dojo and when released I played a lot of it.  The problem was that it swiftly became boring, you spend more time looking for loot than you do playing the actual missions, the progression is super slow, there doesn't seem to be any reason to use any loot that drops as it's all worse than the gear you get from the clan. (I understand the final zone has better drops but I stopped playing Railjack before then).

Lets also talk about the intrinsics, yay another massive grind wall that DE has erected between players and content.  I really wanted to like Railjack but the amount of grinding required to level up intrinsics as compared to the kind of rewards that it gives is just not worth it.

So I stopped playing Railjack content before I got to the final zone, I know this means I don't get to see the new quest or anything in there, but ultimately I'm fine with that, the content was just boring, I was having no fun playing it and felt no satisfaction running what is basically the same two types of mission over and over again.

I assume this means I won't be able to participate in the upcoming new operation, unless you can take part by only playing the 'Ground' side of the squads.  

It's a real shame as I was super excited for the release of Railjacks and hoping that they were going to add more awesome content to the game and a whole new way to play it.  It's a shame it turned out to be another dull grindwall.

I actualy think you dont half to do the space if you dont want to you can do the ground only if your not comfterbul with doing space with your railjack 

Or if you want to do the space part i think it pairs you with a group so it wont half to be your railjack it could be another players 

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Tactical UI and its operation needs some changes:

--  With numerous hazards (fires, electrical, pressure breaches) on the tactical UI, it is very difficult to select stations to move to because the hazards are literally right on top of the station

--  How about hotkeys for the stations like our fishing gear hotkeys?  Or even something like the gear wheel.  At least hotkeys for tactical abilities like breach quanta, void cloak etc.

--  Switching some stations should put you RIGHT in the seat of that station:  example:  select slingshot and your are IN the slingshot, not behind it and facing the wrong direction.

--  Speaking of facing wrong directions, switching station should always reorient your camera to face the station when switching to that station.  When I switch to the cockpit I want to be looking out the cockpit, not at my frames face.  This applies to forge/slingshot/guns......everything.

I'm currently sitting at like 9/8/9/9 and mostly enjoying the mode, but almost always solo.  Anxious for the command intrinsic.  Thanks for all the free stuff and keep up the good work.





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Joining Railjack missions was fun until it lasted, but since i do not own a Railjack, i cannot access the console to manage scrap parts. When i click a mission i'm being told that i am over the wreckage limit, but i have absolutely no way to go under that limit and continue playing, since:

1st) I'm locked out of the wreckage management console

2nd)When i click the "Scrap Wreckage" button, it takes me to a crippled menu, where i can mark components but i cannot scrap them, the only button available there is "Ask me later"

So, i'm effectively completelly locked out of railjack until i make my own one, i can't even join somebody's else. Why is that?

I figured out you get prompted repeatedly for scrapping after marking each next component that would be under the limit, why is it made in such a weird way? I was 8 components over the limit, so it wasn't apparent at all that it would work like that. Can't there just be a button to scrap instead of it just throwing a prompt at you with each marked component?

Edited by R3kDeD
new discovery
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I had high hopes for RJ and did enjoy it a great deal until the only thing left for me to do (actually for the whole game) is grinding for Intrinsics. I really don't mind the grind to be clear, IF only there was something else to do than Gian Point ad nauseum. 

I am 9/10/8/10 now but just logging in to drag myself for another boring space extermination mission immediately kills the mood for me. So I barely play WF now because of the frustrating lack of "interesting" things to get busy with while waiting for the the next installation.

What comes next may not be purely RJ feedback but I have to say it nevertheless. From what I observed, the piecemeal strategy to release rushed content is your biggest Waterloo. I think it is best not to oversold future release if you know you're going to fail deadlines and just stumble on another bug filled one that usually eat most of your time. Cramming just to please the player base with hotfixes. Hotfixes for me is a sign of ill planning to be frank and leaves only a lasting poor taste even when things do get fixed. I did the initial RJ grind upon release, but everything was cut off short with the nerfed RJ parts (reactor). Now I learned not to ever fall for hyped expansions again, be played for a fool and just participate when you're done using players as beta testers. Your long history of grind nerfs is actually appalling at this point and should be stopped or continue bleeding players. Losing time and effort is a great insult for loyal players tbh, quit making it a habit.

Edited by Alpha_Tango
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Just gotta share this idea here. Hope it gets read.

Command Feature

Companion Defense force

Assign up to 5 Companions as defenders against boarding parties inside your railjack.

Inside the Railjack you will use the same feature as making a specter. Saving a Warframe for the Companions to link to, including mods.

With those stats the Companions will move around the Railjack, rushing to areas where the enemies have boarded to defend your Railjack. When downed you have the same Down timer that happens with your own companions that travel with you. So you have time to rescue. If you fail that companion will be unavailable for the rest of the mission. 

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I did a quick skim and didn't see a lot of this so I want to take a moment to +1 any thought along the lines of:

Give the Omni a dedicated hotkey.


Let us dedicate a Gear slot to the Omni. (So that we can assign a hotkey to that slot.


You use the omni so much, and while I"ve gotten good at Q+move mouse a centimeter to the left+click, I still over or undershoot when in the moment for something that could be, a button.


Secondary idea: make tac menu inherent to the map maybe? it seems to perform a much similar function to the expanded map as is.

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