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DE's questionable lRoadmap


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1 hour ago, (PS4)ChaosTheNerd said:

I thought they teased this like last year


you mean this.

Look closely again. 

  • Duviri is missing
  • New War is missing
  • Difficulty is missing (Liches aren't difficulty, they were supposed to be Empyrean enemies)
  • Rest of Melee is missing
  • haven't touched Empyrean yet, but I think we are at 2/3, so still missing some things

to conclude: DE only did about half what they promised/showed

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
missed a word
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Oh, I remember.  I super remember.  

I run through the "new player experience" nearly monthly.  I've watched dozens of people quit out of frustration with certain aspects (This game is not free, I do not care what anyone says.  If you don't spend money to get slots in your first few MR ranks you are going to have a BAD time.) like slots, time-gates, and the sheer grind of getting through the star chart, which is the same handful of missions on the same handful of tilesets over and over, just so they can get to the late game fun, like Railjack and Eidolon hunts and living the power fantasy of nuking the whole map. 

I watch them quit because of how confusing everything is, and how little of it is explained.  I'm a wiki guy.  I love wikis, and I use them all the time, so this wasn't a problem for me, though it did cause me to spoil a few things for myself.  A lot of people are not wiki people, and the fact that so little is explained and even more is explained poorly really doesn't help new players out.  Their obsession with hiding things in the UI only makes this worse.  I have explained the modding system so many times at this point that I could give a class on it. 

People don't understand that the only thing new players can do for the first several mastery ranks is just plow through the starchart and farm mods and level gear.  That's the new player experience right now.  Solo playing star chart mission after star chart mission while leveling total MR fodder with no mods and super limited capacity for the mods they do have.  The whole system early on is crafted around getting players to waste potatoes on trash weapons and basic frames just so they can stick a half leveled Vitality or Serration on it.  When you're MR 28 and you can fit half a build on something with one polarity while it's fresh out of the foundry you forget what it was like starting a weapon with literally 4 capacity, running all the way back to the Lith Defense node on Earth because it's the only thing your unranked, unmodded Boltor can handle at MR4.

A sweet new cinematic isn't going to fix any of that.

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36 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:


you mean this.

Look closely again. 

  • Duviri is missing
  • New War is missing
  • Difficulty is missing (Liches aren't difficulty, they were supposed to be Empyrean enemies)
  • Rest of Melee is missing
  • haven't touched Empyrean yet, but I think we are at 2/3, so still missing some things

to conclude: DE only did about half what they promised/showed

That's what they hoped to achieve in 2019? Are they nuts? Amazing that they did half of that. That's a ton of work!

Maybe spreading themselves way too thin is the reason for the lack of polish on some of these updates!

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Im hoping for more quest that we are getting soon,new war and specially duviri paradox... if they where planing for the end of the year but we didn't got,so maybe not January but month after that we can get.... But then again we are not that lucky,but we can only hope.

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3 hours ago, nslay said:

That's what they hoped to achieve in 2019? Are they nuts? Amazing that they did half of that. That's a ton of work!

Maybe spreading themselves way too thin is the reason for the lack of polish on some of these updates!

Or you could say they lied to their players. .. hoped to achieve lol  then don't call it a 2019 road map. .

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So at the start of this year there was a road map that mentioned Railjack and new-war in summer-fall and then The Duviri Paradox in end of fall to winter

So was this estimate WAY WAY over exaggerated or did something happen?

like major changes or overall rewords and delays

anyone know anything?

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I'd honestly say they just bit off more than they could chew. It was overly ambitious. Hoping to get 2 new systems in place (railjack & lich) while also creating 2 new cinematic quests, a new tileset, a 2 new enemy factions (more sentients and duviri was supposed to be a 100% new faction), and a new open world was never going to happen.

Edited by (XB1)Demon Intellect
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they need more staff. they must know this. I know it, the community knows it, my fifteen friends who are betting on it know it. the current workforce they have was never going to get even half of the things on that list done in time. they need to recruit, and yes, that takes time and means paying more wages, but they would get it all back and more as increased productivity and more helping hands means we would get smoother updates that keep people playing for longer. in the long term, they would profit.

roadmaps just don't work, because when something doesn't release you face backlash. better to just keep quiet, head down and work on projects, then release once they are ready.


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I am a new player (started 2 September) and indeed the 'new player experience' is lackluster to say the least. There are no explanations about... anything, you must invest a gigantic amount of time just researching 'what/how to do', and I can understand not many people can/are willing to do that. However, I found the game entertaining enough to stick with it and am having fun regardless.
I bet a UI overhaul and thorough explanations for everything would boost the new player retention rates.

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22 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

roadmaps just don't work, because when something doesn't release you face backlash. better to just keep quiet, head down and work on projects, then release once they are ready.

Then tell people who are whining for timelines that they aren't being reasonable. Otherwise you are just knocking DE for listening to the community.

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1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

Then tell people who are whining for timelines that they aren't being reasonable. Otherwise you are just knocking DE for listening to the community.

oh I do. and then people will say I'm wrong and that we need a roadmap to know what's coming and hype. you can't win either way with the community.

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Honestly, I cant remember the last game I played where a roadmap actually ended up being fullfilled within the timeline unless it was a game with barely no points on it. So I tend to never see roadmaps for anything but a "this is what we are/will be working on this year".

edit: Also, out of the things on the roadmap they've missed only two of their points i.e new war and duviri.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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