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Why Do We UI Like We UI?


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Ok, I'm cool with the new UI changes. BUT:


This needs to come back in one way or another. Hovering over abilities just to notice different stat changes is a pain in the butt. The ability stats should always be on display, and the videos, descriptions and all that could be hidden behind a hover or a click on the ability, as that would act as giving a more detailed description. Stats however, we need those on display at all times, because at the end of the day, stats are all that matters in this (and most other) game(s), so obfuscating it is just wasting the players' time.

Also, please hide the end of game stats for other players. They only lead to toxicity. Do display the players own end of game stats (Damage dealt, damage taken, total kills, blah blah), but hide what the other players did. We don't need to know that, and neither does anyone else. All it does is create a stupid sense of competition that shouldn't even exist in a cooperative environment, and that sense of competition brings with it toxic behavior. So just hide it. It's unnecessary and doesn't help in any positive way.

Edited by Gabbynaru
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I think a compromise would be to have a "simple" view and an "advanced" view. The simple view is the default on all new accounts... as someone that has started the game later on (early 2018), the information overload was certainly overwhelming at the start.

However eventually you may WANT that info, so being able to toggle between them may be useful.

On that note another idea (for a simple mode): a simple way to display weapon damage (maybe also adding crit to the average, maybe even shooting speed for a general DPS rating) by just showing a damage total and then a cake diagram that shows the exact division of damage types below it.

Edited by D1videdByZer0
clear up I meant damage types
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15 minutes ago, [DE]Pablo said:

And finally we are adding more flavour to it by showcasing your whole squad.



Wait a second.

Remember those old dioramas? The ones even Steve said he misses? Do you think we can have them for end of mission again? 😮Seems like a way to show the squad and also the mission we just did, and more than half of them are hooked up. :3

On the other hand, thanks for the interesting read Pablo. I often wish we had more insights like this, since Devstreams can only cover so much. So kudos.


5 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

This needs to come back in one way or another. Hovering over abilities just to notice different stat changes is a pain in the butt.

What if it worked exactly like now but we could click a button to swap the stats (Health, etc.) with abilities? That way when we're touching certain stuff we can hide info we might not need in that moment. At the end of the day, the abilities showcase all paramaters already (duration, range, efficiency and strength).

Edited by NightmareT12
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Super narrow vertical sliders are horrible.

Grabbing them with cursor is a pain, it's always better to just scroll mouse but it's slower than using slider so.... maybe make the interactive part of the slider larger or diamond shaped?

Overall, Warframe UI is a compromise between PC and what must work on consoles, obviously making PC experience worse. We need to make optional everything which can be improved on PC for maximum functionality and visibility. I hope Switch players enjoy the game but I refuse to suffer only because someone ad DE decides all versions must look the same.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Pablo said:

Our logic was that 90% of our items have very recognizable icons, we looked at some of our contemporaries at the time and none of them had labels for items, and most of them had smaller, less unique icons than we did, so we felt comfortable removing labels. Of course I said 90%, the other 10% is not so great, clear cases are Relic icons and weapon component icons, for the latter we do have a desired solution that adds the resulting item icon to a corner, but this task keeps getting pushed further and further down the queue, it is in the wishlist tho. And for the Relics we force the labels on always. 

This is good and all until you realize that we are getting more and more universal weapon skins and the skin images replace the default icons. his increases that 10% and will only continue to increase it as time goes on. IMO, either the custom skins should not update the icons, the labels should be on by default or there should be toggles for both to allow the players to chose with either the custom images turned off or the custom labels turned on by default.

Also, until that other 10% is fixed they should be on all the time. Once everything has a unique icon or you are forcing labels on all displays that do not have icons this is going to be a user experience issue.


Also, any chance we can get hotkeys for the orbiter functions on PC. Would be nice to not have to navigate through menus and submenus to get to things like the arsenal, mods, foundry, decorations, etc.


One final edit, why not push the items and affinity further up the page so more can be displayed, decrease the opacity and make the gaps in between completely see through and grab the dioramas that are gathering dust in the codex and show them in the backround. with the warframes that we are using like they used to display before missions.

Edited by xRufus7x
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50 minutes ago, [DE]Pablo said:

And finally we are adding more flavour to it by showcasing your whole squad.

This image right here showcases people's main issue with your current progress towards your rework of the UI. This screen as a whole looks really nice, but: Those items at the bottom? Yeah, I have no idea what 3 of those are without hovering because items labels are disabled by default. Other games can get away with this because their items are visibly different from each other, but in Warframe every single part of the same type looks exactly the same (don't even get me started on the relics themselves). Reworking your UI to make it functionally and visibly better is great, but removing information from the user is not. Several UIs in the game that have been remastered have this issue. Lots of space to use, but nothing in that space, instead all the info is hidden behind a hover, such as the market; why do I need to hover over "Buy" to see a weapon's stats? It should be right there for me to see without jumping through hoops.


I'll be honest, I missed this on my first read through:

50 minutes ago, [DE]Pablo said:

Our logic was that 90% of our items have very recognizable icons

Are we playing the same game here? This is a joke, right?

Edited by iPeer
90% recognisable icons... lol
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Interesting thing to read through Pablo! I will touch on a couple things, with opinions or answers throughout your post.

In terms of Item Labels. Cleaner isn't always better. Sure I like something being organized, however with item labels, it's a nightmare with having them off. At least we do have the option to turn those on and I will always leave them on while we have the option.

Hold to confirm. I'm indifferent about this one. There are times where it's okay, however there are times where I absolutely don't like it. Let's use revolite for the omni tool. We run out, so we're sitting there +50 at a time 6 times in a row refilling it. If it was just click to confirm, much better or at least top it off completely if we're in the dry dock. I can't say I would like this for other things, for example the foundry. If I'm crafting energy pads, ciphers, the Plague Star things or gems. I don't want to have this hold and watch some slow animation every 60 seconds for 5 different items I'm crafting. It's as simple as click + enter, great it's crafting.

The extractor idea is appealing, would there be a claim all and redeploy type of option? I would craft extractors and start using them.

The end of mission thing, I'm a bit iffy on. I like the squad. I like the idea of showing how many mods we have in the result screen. However it feels a little busy. That's just from a screenshot though, so I would be curious to see it first hand at some point.

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I don´t like a hold to confirm option; for console games it´s kinda okay, but I really dislike it in PC games since it feels mostly clunky and unnecessary.
For me PC inputs have to be clear and fast, on console I have more problems beeing as accurate as on PC so I don´t mind a "failsave" over there.

But I like the idea of making the UI more uniform across the board.

Edited by Dark_Lugia
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I don't like that the entire top half of the end of mission screen is functionally wasted. I don't need to see who my squad is, I just played with them. That just leads to forcing that scroll bar on the affinity gained section which if someone wants to quickly check in-mission using Tab or P (or whatever the console bind is) they have to spend more time fiddling around with something that is current at-a-glance.

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These new UI changes are actually looking pretty sick. I look forward to the clean up!

Right now we can only see progress for weapons if we have a blueprint. By hovering over a blueprint I can see it's resource costs, parts cost, if I've mastered it before, if I own one already etc. In the context of prime weapons, I'd like to see this extend to their parts, so that when I hover over a Paris Prime String (for example) the same box shows up telling me what's necessary for the Paris Prime, rather than it just telling me the String is a part used for the Paris Prime. This way I can easily track progress on the parts I have/need for my prime items without needing the blueprint first. This can be said for Warframes as well.


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15 minutes ago, [DE]Pablo said:

The choice that drives us

The two most common types of feedback we get are

     1. Need more information
     2. This is overwhelming



I want to say here, more important than both those to a user is ALWAYS, "Convenience"

The main objective to a UI as far as design considerations are in question, is to have the user click mouse or press buttons, or move their cursor as few times as possible. One of the examples of a bad change in said regard is the Tab switching when viewing weapon stats or details regarding costs, description and stats of weapons in markets or cred store, etc. Unlike the previous system where when you clicked on a weapon, the stats and every useful info needed was right there. Now one has to click through 2-3 stages to get to the info they want. Worse yet, switch back and forth if they want to revisit any information.

While overwhelming UI is a bit of a problem, its far less of a problem than inconvenience and wasted time needed to sift through unnecessary stages of a UI. Extra information can be disregarded. For example, if I need to look at and compare a weapon's primary and secondary fire stats, if its a single step UI, all I do is click on the weapon and all the information I need is in front of me. I can simply choose to not look at the weapon cost, blueprint cost, resources needed to craft it, etc. Thats a choice for the user. Now if I had to see the resources needed for the BP, again, one click and I have the info I need and disregard the stats. 

You can make bolder or glowing titles for each section so that the user can navigate by sight on which section they want to look at and where its located, but making the user, click, press buttons, hover around just to look at a small bit of information is not good UI design.


Hope you consider this in your design choices. 

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