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The MR9 test is one of the biggest player bleeders in the game


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1 hour ago, Crusher4881 said:

Then why shouldn't we enable abilities in the MR9 test, so that players having trouble with it can build the appropriate stealth warframes to adapt and deal with the test?

There's plenty of reason why someone would quit because of the MR9 test but wouldn't quit in the rest of the game, and most of them boil down to having many reasonable options to deal with other challenges.

wisp passive + skiajati has free invis in the test.

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2 hours ago, Corvette590 said:

Furthermore, mr tests do get worse from here .

Tell that to the MR20 test.


Flying an Archwing trough some slow moving circles in a straight line. Takes less than 15 seconds.

Amazing, innit?



Also, on another note, y'all could just do the MR practice as Simaris. It's there for a reason. I'm on MR20 right now and far as I can remember there was only one test I had problems with, years ago. And, while I'm a Veteran around here, I am by no means a "pro". So if I made it through all those tests relatively easy, y'all can, too.

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MR9 test IS awful.

I almost quit the game when I reached it... I only didn't quit because while using practice mode I found out crazy heavy slams doesn't make sound, so I got a huge weapon, and went around slamming people bypassing walls and whatnot. Also no need to even avoid getting in front of them... you hit the ground in front of the guy, he dies anyway.

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i have no idea why anyone would quit over it, look at videos, practice, play the game. the test takes like 2 mins if that and if you fail, continue playing the game and try again later. its not like some super special content occurs once you pass it. you need... MR 5? i think. to beat the game currently. and anything you do applies to your future rank once you complete the test, so nothing at all is lost. 9 and 19 suck, all the others i remember almost nothing about so they dont need much explanation.

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I remember MR 9 and it was difficult for me at the time, but I passed it.  It was a piece of cake compared to MR 19.  The line of sight in enemies in MR 19 is the entire map.  So, that made MR 19 impossible for me until I discovered how to cheese it.

I found the line of sight considerably short in MR 9 when at least twice I ran out in front of an enemy or beside one and it didn't detect me.  If they changed that test to be more like MR 19, I'd suggest cheese it, forget it and move on.

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9 часов назад, Crusher4881 сказал:

Then why shouldn't we enable abilities in the MR9 test, so that players having trouble with it can build the appropriate stealth warframes to adapt and deal with the test?

There's plenty of reason why someone would quit because of the MR9 test but wouldn't quit in the rest of the game, and most of them boil down to having many reasonable options to deal with other challenges.

literally just get yourself banshee and redeemer

thats ALL you have to do, thats ALL the adaptability you have to think through

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I was also scared of this test. But this test also taught me to Practice every test in Simaris! I made about 10 practices and I made it with dagger (and enemy radar), no tricks. And it was quite fun.

The most difficult test for me was MR11 - Time trial with red orbs. It is quite difficult for gamepad users. I teleported myself over half of the test with Loki.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)shann_cz said:

The most difficult test for me was MR11 - Time trial with red orbs. It is quite difficult for gamepad users. I teleported myself over half of the test with Loki.

Also got stuck on this one for a few days, due to silly mistakes on my part. Played on that account for a little over a year after that.

When I started a new account, beating that test was the most casual thing, probably because of the extra time I spent in the game.

Both times played on PS4 with a controller.

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Just now, JackHargreav said:

If stealth would work better there would be no problem.

But anyways It's still doable. Especially if you practice before.

Yeah. I recently tried it again after threads kept popping about how hard it supposedly had gotten. A few failed runs in and I made it again, and you know what? It kinda felt satisfying. Yes, enemy reaction time could be a smidge slower, I'd say about 0.5 seconds after you hear their audio tells letting you know they got suspicious, but other than that there wasn't much to complain about from where I'm standing.

I do think that DE will eventually remove them tho, cause they up on stealth and up until MR9 nothing in the game tells you or encourages you to be stealthy, then you have a 10 MR gap before having to do it again. THe game trains you to run in and spam abilities while flinging yourself from one corner of the room to the next, so I get that it's kinda grating for new players that are suddenly told to show their expertise by playing well in a way they never did before.

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12 hours ago, Crusher4881 said:

I'm MR12 right now, and from what I've heard, the MR19 test is the only other absurdly difficult test, and, you guessed it, it's also a stealth test.

Protip for anyone struggling: Unless they changed it, I'm pretty sure you can go wisp and kill all the enemies with bullet jump damage while remaining invisible for the entire test due to her passive. Not the method I used, and wisp is pretty expensive, but it's a guaranteed success, and it's possible to get before MR9.

No need to kill anyone, just maintain invisibility until you bust the prisoner out, then cheese it to the finish point.

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Honestly I just don't like how the stealth changes worked out, and I've cleared both of the big "wall" MR tests, I seldom ever felt during my practice attempts "I messed up" and was more often wondering "How the hell did that enemy see me through a wall/floor?".

The thing about the stealth is that I never feel like there is any consistency on enemy detection radii, I can sometimes stand near adjacent to enemies and not get noticed but I can be standing on a pipe near the ceiling of a large room and I'll hear a Grineer yell "TENNO SKUUM" from the other end of the room.

I just miss how it was before, I haven't done a true non-invisible stealth run in ages because of the changes.

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11 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

I have tried it several times after hearing the tales and I have to say it is quite inconsistent, right now enemies in regular nodes take a bit to spot and react to you but enemies in the mastery test seem to have the PoE omniscience setting instead.

Same issue on MR19 or what ever it was, it's way too much and hard without Meta setups and even then an SINGLE mistake fails the test outright.

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I managed the test before the changes but I redone it and it is harder slightly but doable. The first 2 part is easy you just need some awareness to do it. In the third phase you need patience, awareness and brain to recognize their move pattern. I suggest to bullet jump to the middle griiner up on the watch spot and finish him first. Then wait a little till they not face with you then choose any side you wish and when you killed them go up and wait till the last 3 is finishing their router, then kill them when they starting again. This is how I done it with ether sword and with trinity.

Edited by Otaku_Hyen
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If this is the stealth one where you start on top of a platform with the enemies off in the distance, I think I used the sarpa to hit them from as far as possible. Redeemer would probably be better but I didn't have one at that time.

I watched a video and reproduced it. It took me a couple tries but was able to eventually pass it

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vor 15 Stunden schrieb Crusher4881:

The game would have a significantly higher playerbase if the MR9 test was replaced with something more appropriate for the modern state of the game, such as a spy vault test. Then, players wouldn't be getting roadblocked and quitting at MR8 before being able to experience much of the game's content.

i mean having a little bit of hardship in this game for once is not that bad. You can literally "train" for it. The internet is full on guides on how to do that. If you wanna complete it taks 1 google search + 5-10min reading/ watching video, then few tries to get it done.

when u have to redo the same mission cause u want ur 1 reward but even after 50times you still dont get it, you keep on doing that mission. So how is it unacceptle to do the same for a mr test ?

the only part that makes it feeling "bad" is the can only try once a day, but there is the option to try it beforehand a couple of times.

iam not saying they shouldnt change mr test. They completly go past the whole game. I personally think they should personally test actual game. depending on what the next mr rank unlocks they should be forced to complete it solo.

other test that dont unlock anything specfic should just "test" game mechanics. lua spy, or drift mod tests. the time people fail any spy mission is too high anyway.

ever went public profit taker or eidolons ? 90% of the people you meet actually have no clue what to do. if they put those into mr test you dont have those peoples. also it forces them to actually have a decent amp or they ill never be able to complete the test.

Its a win for everyone. Everyone inaros ignis wraith player gets handheld through any sort of "mechanic" that there is in the game and as such is atleast shown it once. For everyone else once completed they can just hop into those missions to refresh there memory after a break.

and the people who dont want to complete these test would just have to accept that they cannot go into profit taker mission, or eidolons hunts. They show no interest in completing the mr test or dont have even close to it the right items, then why would they be allowed to go into those missions public.

(and i am not saiyng here they should straigth up have to figth real profit taker, could be a "easier" version, main point is to "teach" the mechanics of the fights aswell as have a "minimum" loadout requirement

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tests should be completed with skills like "enemies can be killed only with headshots" or with warframe abilities like aoe etc.

so gear would be important and you could train for it. i done mr9 in 2014 and always watches tutorials on youtube. because some of them didnt make sense at all. thats not ok for me...

i would even add an option to skip tests with plat. so new players could sell their stuff in trade chat and get 100% unlock.

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You know what would solve a lot of the frustration with the MR tests while still retaining both the "skill" and time gating aspect

Just move where the cooldown timer triggers from "On Attempt" to "On Completion" 

There you go problem solved, players can just keep trying until they complete the challenge, they still need to complete the challenge and thus have "proven" themselves AND DE gets to retain the 24hr cooldown between MR levels so people can't just blitz through pretty much the whole game in a single weekend. 


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13 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

Tell that to the MR20 test.


Flying an Archwing trough some slow moving circles in a straight line. Takes less than 15 seconds.

Amazing, innit?

I thought this was a joke after I finished it. Like... really? Is that it? Have I not seen this test's FINAL FORM?

yes. yes i had.

I think the only test I failed was the first disappearing platform one. I was tired and emotional at the time. I tried again the next day and did it easy.

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30 minutes ago, shadyadie said:

I thought this was a joke after I finished it. Like... really? Is that it? Have I not seen this test's FINAL FORM?

yes. yes i had.

I think the only test I failed was the first disappearing platform one. I was tired and emotional at the time. I tried again the next day and did it easy.

Have you done the test now that its been messed with?

on my main ps4 account i did the test in one shot with ease before it got goofed by de.

But doing it now especially on my fresh pc account is vadtly harder.  Its not impossible.  But the old guide videos don't work completely as the ai have buggy and far better detection then before.  

I had to use banshee snd a gunblade on the last platform and stay back to snipe. Well using the wall to hide every shot.

Ingame the ai don't act like this.  There is no regular mission where we are silenced and stripped of our ranged weapons. 

Again its still doable.  Just harder then is needed for mr 9.

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44 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

Have you done the test now that its been messed with?

I was talking about the first disappearing platforms one. The MR9 test yes I have tried since the detections changes and yes I think it's too harsh. This game is not Thief/Dishonored and doesn't need this test in the way it is right now.

edit: actually the 'ez' one i was responding to was the archwing test. that's a joke. 99% of the tests after MR9 are a joke.

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