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Warframe Revised: Update 27.2.0


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14 minutes ago, Jendays said:

Literally the worst patch in gaming history. Like I've never seen so many nerfs in one game for the sake of... what? Balancing? In a PvE game??? Imagine all damage to where corrosive is the only good damage type. Nerfing shotguns which were already fairly unpopular to being poop nerfing armor so you can cheese them with corrosive being the only good damage type now. Nerfing gas to literally be unusable when it was actually not even the best status but the most enjoyable. Warframe is NOT a hard game. Releasing patches just to please casuals and at what I assume is a sorry attempt to make more money off of newer players is a nice uninstall from me. Never touching this trash again lol. Before it was like 1 weapon getting ruined every patch. Now it's literally like.. every weapon that had innate MS got ruined and if it isn't good with corrosive it's trash. GG DE. 

1. Whole point of the update was to make damage types other than Corrosive / slash status appealing. So don’t understand why you say only corrosive is good now.

2. Shotguns unpopular? No, they’re pretty popular.

3. Gas damage got nerfed, but you’ll get the same performance with anything by switching to a toxin 60/60 and a 90 status mod.

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2 hours ago, .cat said:

Corrosive Projection, Shield Disruption and Infested Impedance new Rank values are:

  • Unranked: -3% 
  • Rank 1: -6% 
  • Rank 2: -9% 
  • Rank 3: -12% 
  • Rank 4: -15% 
  • Rank 5: -18% 

so how are we gonna kill enemies with 9999lvl when they have armor. even with 1 k armor enemy will have almost 90% dmg reduction. gonna take hydroid then and use ohma to kill tanky enemies cool cool

Armor scaling changed for one 

People already can kill those enemies solo now for two

You have to go so far out of your way to see enemies of that level that DE already said that is not an intended way to play for three

So all in all if you cant kill level 9999 that sounds like a you problem


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Why does deferred rendering look worse than in the tennocon demo?

In the demo lighting was also significantly improved but in this version lighting is the same it's just reflections and shadows..

Edited by aspeedninja
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1 minute ago, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

1. Whole point of the update was to make damage types other than Corrosive / slash status appealing. So don’t understand why you say only corrosive is good now.

2. Shotguns unpopular? No, they’re pretty popular.

3. Gas damage got nerfed, but you’ll get the same performance with anything by switching to a toxin 60/60 and a 90 status mod.

Gas damage didn't get nerfed, it got ruined. Tox no longer scales into gas procs anymore on top of banes and gas procs not triple dipping. So it's actually trash. EHP got reduced so corrosive cheeses literally any content. There's no reason to use anything other that corrosive because nothing has faster TTK.

And yes Shotguns are very unpopular. How often did you see people running around with Boar/Strun/Bronco/etc. The only shotgun that was popular was Kohm.

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4 minutes ago, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

1. Whole point of the update was to make damage types other than Corrosive / slash status appealing. So don’t understand why you say only corrosive is good now.

2. Shotguns unpopular? No, they’re pretty popular.

3. Gas damage got nerfed, but you’ll get the same performance with anything by switching to a toxin 60/60 and a 90 status mod.

Corrosive is so strong that a Javlok with Corrosive literally can almost 2 shot a 165 CHG...

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb [DE]Megan:

  • Fixed an extremely specific method of Melee coptering (hello 2015) by interrupting a slide attack with a dodge roll.

Wow. The only thing rewarding for using dagger(s) is now gone. I now have multiple daggers with no appeal to use them anymore. I even have a Zaw Balla Riven.

Why do you guys always patch the fun stuff out? This "bug" gave me some hot fast-paced gameplay, which I could sharpen my reflexes on and hone some advanced skills, while soaring at 250 meters in 3 seconds through the air above obstacles to cover my casual scrub team from dieing (I am a Trinity), because they camp outside my EXP range.

Jesus, not even bullet jumps can reach that mobility. And I don't even want to tear "Parcour" 2.0 apart for now, as I am already angry.

Now it's boring slow cookie-cutter casual melee play again. E Up+E E E E Up+E E E E E (*yawn*) E E E E E instead of advanced wierd button combinations, which would be used in the 80's as cheat codes and requires some brain-hand frame perfect coordination to actually use reliably.

I played GunZ in K-Style and after I recently discovered on my own, how I can trigger what you call "coptering" reliably (Still wonder, why people need a dodge roll to have it trigger, my method doesn't require that, lol) it opened a whole new world to me. 

Now I can't beat my speedrun record of 1m 44s in Void Tear Capture again. Yeah, I tore the world apart to get a record in a niche speedrun category only a few people do. GG, now I have to try a different strat.

Considering the spaghetti code Warframe is sometimes victim of, I wonder what's broken now instead. We will see in the next days.

Patch that back in, please. 

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These bugs are still existing.

Arcane changes are totally meaningless and nerfing arcanes like arcane tanker or arcane energize is nothing but punishing the players, besides pushing players farm more arcanes is not a good idea for content revision nore it makes this action a new content. Arbitration reward table is still a mess, Rhino Prime and Frost Prime or Nidus didn't get any armor buff but most tanky frames revenant and inaros are getting an armor while they don't even needed.  

Aura nerf is probably making imposible to do endurance runs and from the look of it you took the feedback of youtubers who can't do any endurance runs which is a very bad thing for comunity.

Nerfing the area damage of explosive weapons removing the whole meaning of that weapons class , now I even want self damage back so I can kill arbitration drones with my kuva ogriss without try to target them in 10s of enemies. 

Seriously guys these is one of the worst balance patches in entire warframe history

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Everything is great, but glaives are underperforming and their mechanics are bugged

While in dual wield stance Glaive cannot be exploded (Pls revert Power Throw to pre U26) and is not affected by some warframe abilities (like Mirage 1,Volt 3)


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Any reason the Sonicor also received the knockback treatment? And why its not listed? It's not like it was that powerful to warrant being made basically unusable - 'extreme inaccuracy' on a weapon that needs you to stand nearly on top of the enemies is not really a valid reason.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

No damage buffs have been added, but any weapons with AOE are receiving ~20% increase in Radius. Additionally, AOE weapons are receiving a 90% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact. This means on the very outer section of the explosion Radius 10% of the Damage will be dealt. Tactics will be deadly - aim true, Tenno. 

Wow, really?
Everyone has to be punished for using explosive weapons just because few part of the community is terrible at self-damage safety precautions and now they just generally nerf every explosive weapons.

Isn't this exactly why weapons has Self Damage? Why go all this weird way when you can simply just enable cautious shot to be equipped on Lenz and Kuva Bramma? This is way too disappointing. And not to mention you drag even more weapons to this category as well.

For you who has no idea how this changes;


They buff the radius to 120% of the old stats but on each 20% out of that 120% the damage gradually drops by 15%:

0-20% radius has 100%-85% damage,
20%-40% radius has 85%-70% damage,
40%-60% radius has 70%-55% damage,
60%-80% radius has 55-40% damage,
80%-100% radius has 40-25% damage,
and finally on the 100%-120% radius it only deal 25%-10% damage.

So effectively the decent damage range is only half of the current updated radius, or 60% of the old radius,
and even so it was not as good as before since it gradually drops in damage unless you shoot them dead epicenter.
Which is counter-intuitive to why people are using explosive weapon.


Edited by Xsoskeleton
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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Avionics that are over capacity will now appear as “disabled” instead of being outright removed.

Should be added to mods on builds when using a forma. Rather than forcing players to remember or take screenshots.

3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Updated the Mastery Test UI screen with more information and style!

Why is the practice button still out of the way and small. 90% of new players don't even know they can practice a test because it is so over looked. They are the ones always complaining about the 24hr cooldown. Should really be right under the "Begin Test" button. Help the new players! Don't expect them to see a dimmed out small button in the corner when they are excited to rank up.


Edited by Zelmen
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Cautiously optimistic. 

The frames getting some armor is nice.  The changes to enemy stats though are going to require a lot more testing.

Actually listening to all of the issues raised, and releasing a second part to the update data was a pretty reasonable response.  Heck, I even got to have a discussion with someone entirely diametrically opposed to me that resulted in what I hope to be amicable fashion.  That's a sad rarity, and appreciated.


The arcane grind is still a problem.  Let me be a newbie here, and tell you why I'm having issues.  I log in after the Scarlet Spear...and what?  Do I have some new faction that I can grind constantly, and have a definitive effort=reward, or do I have to go back and grind eidolons?  The Eidolon grind is really not good with a 5% drop rate, and the obvious fix here is for eidolons to drop some extra currency that could be traded for arcanes with a known value (ie- 1, 2, and 3 drop respectively from the eidolons, and the costs are 1 for a common, 3 for an uncommon, 6 for a rare, and 10 for a "legendary" like barrier or energize), costed such that you need at least 2 runs to get the highest tiers (so 2*3*21 = 126 total runs to buy all of the rares and more to get everything else).

I know your MO is RNG to extend gameplay, but if you decided to release a direct rewards system on this, and introduced a few new ones yearly, it would be easy to keep people invested in the system without forcing it via Nightwave.  It'd also mean new players could get that radiation resistance immediately, and make the fight much more reasonable.  It also means new players don't get short shrift in three months, when they only have the option to sacrifice 100 D-20s to the fickle god RNGesus to get the rare drop.

Hopefully humorous image aside, maybe the Scarlet Spear is the next Ghoul Purge/Thermia event.  If so, then this isn't going to be a huge deal and I'll be thoroughly satisfied.  It'd go a long way to simply state "We are working on an ongoing means by which arcane rewards will be provided, driven by player choice, and hope to debut this after the upcoming events.  Please stay tuned, and know this is an integral component to the game going forward."


It's not a great solution, there will most assuredly be people unwilling to listen to another promise, but it at least lets us know that arcanes won't become the next Primed Chamber.

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In all my years with Warframe...

... never before have I felt such a desire to have the ability to ''Like, Upvote, Applause, Woah, AND Satisfied'' an Update note forum post as much as that one, @[DE]Megan! ;D

M a r v e l o u s !

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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

In an effort to increase stat exposure and reduce clickthrough scenarios, we’ve made some changes to how Railjack Armament stats are displayed:

  • Railjack Armament stats now show up below the description in the info popup without having to navigate to the second tab. 
  • Upon selecting an Armament that is not equipped, the UI will display it’s comparison stats with your current equipped weapon side by side.
    • c5e8375f27bfd82ae5fd65ea9c6a1fa5.jpg 


I found this implementation a very bad idea!!
The graphical interface is more polluted...
The normal (old) table on the right side has faded...
Why?! would I want to know the table of the previous weapon, if all this data already appeared previously in the table that is now faded!!!

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3 hours ago, --Q--Andy said:

This Update will change alot.
But it is still sad to see that 100% armor stipping is completly gone because of  the 80% hardcap.

Arcane changes feel good. Status is intresting but seems a bit weired and some of them are still underpowered.

Still looking forward to the day you reintrouduce the Machete

it does mean that over stripping doesnt happen anymore, which means you dont lose damage bonus on corrosive damage against armor


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