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What can DE say on the next Dev stream to appease You?


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15 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Im mature enough to hear what the devs would like to do and differentiate that from what they are able to do. 

I don't want the devs to have to further censor themselves because people are immature or impatient. It was cool to hear things they discussed internally, even if it was a long shot. 

The original Dev streams always had wild ideas that never made it to the game. We were ok with it then. Syndicates were once supposed to be a much bigger and integrated system with lore attached. Didn't pan out, we didn't riot and call them liars. 

Calling someone immature because they have different views then you dosent help your argument be anymore right as I’ve been saying you’re about as productive as those whining and screaming in the forums and reddit and YouTube if you continue such.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Revenant rework.

make shotgun status actually good as they ruined Phantasma, tigris, etc.

Actually reducing the grind.

Rev hopefully 

my Tigris prime sad boi but like I said they should look at the status effect again as a whole but de being de isn’t going to do such

doubt it farmers play free now not ninjas

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Calling someone immature because they have different views then you dosent help your argument be anymore right as I’ve been saying you’re about as productive as those whining and screaming in the forums and reddit and YouTube if you continue such.

I think it's immature to act like the devs lie on purpose. We should be able to hear what's planned for WF without the devs fearing blacklash. That's how you get to super sterile press release sounding Dev streams where they walk on egg shells afraid to talk about anything in development.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I think it's immature to act like the devs lie on purpose. We should be able to hear what's planned for WF without the devs fearing blacklash. That's how you get to super sterile PR Dev streams where they walk on egg shells afraid to talk about anything in development.

Nobody is acting like devs lie on purpose but general rule is to not lie and overpromise in general. And to be fair while I do agree that people shouldn’t be outright  evil to de they can be upset and express such they can be angry. The devs put themselves in such position with buggy updates underperforming content etc. just like you are mature they are mature enough to handle people being mad at them 

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I never get excited for anything DE says anymore, because they tend to promise the Moon, but only deliver a slice of moldy cheese. So they can say anything they want, but I won't care until they actually deliver on their promises.

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1 hour ago, Gabbynaru said:

"We're gonna make rivens untradeable in the next hotfix."

And thus, world peace will be achieved... after the riven mafia stops crying, whining and b*tching, that is.

More like 
"However, the hotfix we had planned for today was not going to be ready in time to match console release. Scarlet Spear launched on consoles at 11 AM (Eastern time), and PC will be hotfixing at approximately 3:30 PM. Therefore, to prevent savvy Riven traders on PC exploiting market knowledge, we are preventing the trading of Rivens on PC until we can hotfix in the disposition changes."

Which means that its only temporary untradeable

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28 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

The original Dev streams always had wild ideas that never made it to the game. We were ok with it then. Syndicates were once supposed to be a much bigger and integrated system with lore attached. Didn't pan out, we didn't riot and call them liars. 

That was the community then, but community now is different. They have enough of DE releasing buggy or unfinished updates. Which is why Warframe Revised received more positive response than the last 3 Major Content updates. It’s more finished, no huge bugs, and address the huge issues the players are having. 

I didn’t said they are lying. It’s just they are doing something that is not promised or even worse than their promised. Which is the cause of the community’s recent outrage.

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That they will tweak flotilla's in scarlet spear to address balancing somehow, here's my suggestion:

1. Reduce ground missions to 15 Condrix and increase credits a little more

2. Allow players to earn credits from both ground and space missions in the same flotilla to discourage 'space hoppers'. By all means impose a cap.

Please don't do it the other way around by nefring space missions they are fine as they are you'll just get grief from players. Just boost ground missions in some way to make them more appealing.

That's all, thanks and at the risk of sounding sanctimonious let's remember this is only a game - real life is where the fighting should be right now stay safe everyone.

Edited by DogsConkers
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words mean nothing without the action to back them up, and without actually seeing them do what they say they would, how can we actually believe them? all anyone can do is hope that DE will keep true to their word. but therein lies the problem: we have no control over whether or not they keep their word. people can lie, people can procrastinate, people can just outright refuse anything you ask them. 

what I would like them to say is something along the lines of "we messed up and we admit it, we will on looking more at and adding to the core game and focusing on tying all the current content we have into each other so that at least the content we have is no longer a bunch of "content islands" that don't have much reason to be played other than for grinding's sake. we will also look into issues regarding our interaction with the Design Council and listening to the playerbase as a whole. we haven't been listening as much as we used to and it shows, we want to go back to the kind of warframe players truly used to love: the space ninja experience, because that is what makes this game unique".

doesn't have to be word for word of course, but something along those lines would maybe allow me to drop my cynicism, which at this point is vast and very, very heavy. I don't want to keep hearing "we're listening", I want to hear HOW it is that you are listening. not just what you plan to do, but HOW you plan to do it. yes, the community at large can be a bit.. much... at times, but listening to them is what helped us have updates like Second Dream, and made players feel like they were not just playing warframe, but were a part of it themselves. we want those glory days to come back, we want it so badly we're screaming for it, but DE are not listening, not like they used to.

if they want Warframe to peak again, they need to listen to those outside the office, and take player feedback seriously. if they don't, then we are destined to remain in slow, painful decline.

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Not much to say really, at this point they really just have to deliver. Especially without Reb on there I have no expectations, just give me that potato drop in lack of NW. 


Btw, next week the NW intermission have been going for 6 months. That's not only a half year without a new proper season, but also more time than the Wolf and Emissary COMBINED. 

Edited by SirTobe
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1.Revork scarlet spear from the ground up remove  the bonus aspect and buff the points u get also remove the ridiculous lie thats squadlink. (this probably wont happen)

2.Reduce the Lich murmur farm. (this isntr going to happen either)

3.Start new nightwave (lets just hope this will happen  in  the upcomming monthsXD)

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I don't think there's anything they can say that would help me feel any different about the direction of the game presently, that feeling being we're on a downward trend that it can recover from if DE can get it's act together. Talk is cheap.

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15 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

Not really, the game is too easy rightnow, rivens are useless at this point

So how do you compensate for  all the rivens and kuva farmed yes the game is easy but removing them based off that argument makes no sense I could argue that frames make the game too easy and we should only have our operators and frames are a timed ult by that logic

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I would like to hear that they are committed to try their best to avoid scenarios like we had recently of adding broken, extremely buggy mess and unbalanced updates.

I'm also hoping that even with all the drama and push back from the community, that they keep pursuing their vision and that they understand that the main reason why people complaint so much isn't because they aren't on board with their vision, but rather because of the lack luster execution that leaves a bad taste ( first impressions do matter ), including failure to deliver on promises and watering down of released content as compared with what the previews we get early on show ( or, if you must, don't give us previews of things you aren't committing to so people aren't let down later on ).

On a more "practical" aspect

1) I'd like to know what are the plans for Railjack/Empyrean in general, and specifically what are they thinking regarding breaking the "island" and bringing the "connection" we need. Hoping they don't waste the tremendous potential this has.

2) I'd like to know if what we can expect of the "The New War" is this format of disconnected events like Scarlet Spear that occur every once in a while throughout the year, or if we are actually going to move forward with the Warframe "universe" with an actual all around war with lore and quests.

3) I'd like to know if Squad Link will ever be a thing like the original concept we saw, or if it is going to remain compartmentalized on its own island ( like we have with Scarlet Spear ).

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Faces can have a heart of gold and a silver tongue. When cornered it's easy to be apologetic but the rest of the company simply can't follow through with the face value of promise and change. Either willfully or with hands tied, it doesn't really matter anymore. 

It's no man's sky situation now. Let action and patch notes speak for them. Because people are getting fed up with faces.

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"We are moving our  fashionframe dedicated team to help the developers to:
Fix bugs,

release updates properly tested,

"we are going to take seriously "WE LIFT TOGHETER" instead of "WE NERF EVERYTHING"

Release of raids, More Umbras, New war.

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I would love to believe they could say anything, but like my alcoholic ex, if there's no action that follows the endless promises to improve there's no need to waste any time waiting/hoping.

Last year's "white board" stream was the last time I was willing to give them a little benefit of the doubt. And here we are, a year+ after and everything is in flames. The grind has gotten a lot worse, the updates have been awful, yet cosmetics keep being rolled out for revenue.

I hope the stream goes well. What I would like to hear is that Tennocon will not be a scripted fake demo this year and that precious dev time will be spent elsewhere but... it's their biggest marketing platform so I fear not a lot will happen in our favor for the next few months.

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