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NEW ‘Q&A’ Chat Channel + Use Guide


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Can't help but notice the allowed kind of questions are all gear related, maybe the chat name should be Gear Q&A for there to be less people misusing it... or Builds Q&A so people don't assume gear also means cosmetics xD


But if the intention is to allow questions like:
- "Best place in OV to get hesperon?"

- "How do I defeat the sergeant boss?"

Then maybe some Game Q&A might be more suitable :}

Either way, simply Q&A is not specific enough 😛

Edited by HunterDigi
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35 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

How does my Warframe look? [LOOKLINK]”



35 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Who do you think would win in a 1v1 match: Tyl Regor or Alad V?


35 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

“Do you think Konzu gets tired of talking about his early lunches every day?” 

I hope yeah.



Definitely a welcome addition to the chat system 🙂 

Edited by ---Swaggi---
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vor 3 Minuten schrieb HunterDigi:

Can't help but notice the allowed kind of questions are all gear related, maybe the chat name should be Gear Q&A for there to be less people misusing it... or Builds Q&A so people don't assume gear also means cosmetics xD

they are examples. in general it´s for "in-game systems questions" and then the word "build" would be missleading.

but I guess you were just a little joking anyway.

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What about if someone asks "is nezha male or female?"

I'm kidding, i'm kidding.

You may see troll questions from time to time, will moderators be separated between region and the new channel to keep things troll free?

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Thank you for this small Guide and "What are players supposed to do in this new channel"-text Danielle!
I am looking forward how all of the lovely Warframe-Community are gonna make use of this Channel. Let's help each other out and let's help especially new player so they can enjoy the game even more! (It's on us veterans, this is true endgame 😄

For anyone out there asking "but is this new channel really nice and cool and awesome for me? Should I use it?"
You want to help others out or receive helpful answers?
- Use this upcoming channel to do exactly that!
You want to throw a few words - without an explanation - at a completely new player & therefore not really provide any actual help when the player reads your answer?
- I think you should not use this channel! 

vor einer Stunde schrieb [DE]Danielle:


  • “Is this a good build for Lecta? [MODLINK]


vor 58 Minuten schrieb Kylo.:

If I answer to that with a simple 'No.', that's cool right?

I am not surprised for someone asking this (and thinking it is funny/witty), so thank you for your question! Overall I think the main focus is to be helpful.
If you see a question (even if it is a yes/no question) think a little bit about it.
Imo if you want to simply answer with "no", I suggest you follow up with a short explanation and tell the new player what in detail could be improved in his build.
Show a little bit heart & help, I know everyone of us can do that 🙂


How this Channel develops is completely up to the Community.
Share & Care XctPENl.gif (and pls, for the love of god, do not troll)

Edited by Fabpsi
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Hope DE puts this "guide" in game somewhere so people can access it to help understand why kickbot keeps booting them from the channel. Maybe add the guides right next to the Lore section in game.

3 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:
  • The Q&A Channel is not for casual conversations. Region Chat is better suited for more off-topic discussions. 

ROFLMAO....oh man...that is a good one...Region Chat...we know who wins DE stand up comedy nights...

Hope this new Q&A channel works even with the incoming chat changes...

New player asking about fashion frame...

Noob Tenno: Is this a good look for my frame? [LOOKLINK]

New Chat OverLord: You have been kicked from Q&A Channel for improper questions.

A new player wants to learn about a Kinetic Siphon Trap...

Noob Tenno: How do I use a trap?

New Chat OverLord: You have been banned from chat until 2035...thank you for playing!

A new player wants to build Nyx...

Noob Tenno: How do I build to use Assimilate?

New Chat OverLord: You have been banned from chat until 2035...thank you for playing!


Edited by GreyDeath789
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I'm ready for at least 5 hot-fixes for this because updates, updates never change grant us bugs many bugs progression freezes etc.
At least ayyyyy more content that i will grind for 2 weeks and leave again.

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