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The Deadlock Protocol: Re-Imagined Corpus Tileset Feedback Megathread


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The rescue mission... the hole in which we can drop down has invisible platform, I think you guys forgot to widen it to the same hole-size of the drop-down well. I can now stand on air at the side of the well wall.

Also, why isn't it the same as the old one in which both sides of the secret entrance are either open or the grates are breakable. Now 1 side is not breakable. 

Please give standings for freeing captives in the Prison Void.

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10 hours ago, 2ndPersonPlural said:

I played it blind, and watched a few other people do it as well.  It never took more than a few minutes.  Were you listening to the dialogue for instructions?

Yes, I got her health down to zero and when it was time to finish her with the Xoren it didn't seem to work.

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3 minutes ago, WildCard-27 said:

Yes, I got her health down to zero and when it was time to finish her with the Xoren it didn't seem to work.

Xoris need to kill 3 errant specters to full charge it up then throw it and detonate it at Protea for it to work.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb kyori:

Xoris need to kill 3 errant specters to full charge it up then throw it and detonate it at Protea for it to work.

Charging wasn't a problem for me, but the throw and the detonation didn't work. Or they worked delayed and Protea was regenarted already. Took me about 30 minutes to get this fight done.

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Treasurers need to be changed so they just spawn once you hit a tile on the main route to extraction. Having to sit around for 2-4 minutes with nothing to do but wait for them to spawn isn't fun at all and massively inflates the amount of time you have to grind.



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The corpus spy and rescue missions don't have consistent shortcuts, their old counter part rooms always have shortcut options, some rooms are just completely closed off allow only for the direct path instead of the many shortcut paths. The rescue is not consistent either I haven't figured out a visual queue to figure out which one might be open. I just have to check the room.

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So uh, can we get some MOA cabinets of some sort, or some other kind of thing we can hack for a corpus robotic to pop out of? This goes for the Gas City tileset too, since there aren't any MOA cabinets there either since that was redone.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but it feels like this might be some sneaky way of phasing MOA cabinets out of the game. If I'm right, is there a reason this is happening? If I'm wrong, will we see a replacement in the future?

Another thing I noticed that's kind of hmmm.

The particular tile with the big hecc'in laser cannon firing over and over? I wouldn't expect to see Nef Anyo on the banner in that one if it's a ship at Jupiter, or Pluto. After all, you'd expect Alad V or Frohd Bek to kind of just, make some modifications to that. Sure, maybe Nef is trying to push that he ordered the refit, like slapping a sticker saying 'I did this' on the side, but I'm pretty sure Alad wouldn't go for it, knowing Alad. Not sure about Frohd, Frohd is 50/50. Plus, any other board members we don't know about.

(*Just me nitpicking based on what some solaris have even said, 'other corpus don't like Nef.' You ask me, he's too theatrical, doesn't really have a sense of being a proper businessman, like Frohd Bek, or Alad V. And I'm sure there are some other lovely examples among the board, but I haven't seen the rest of the board, so... basically he's a good model of what to avoid, what not to do. Unsustainable business practices.)

So those are my criticisms.

Now my positive feedback. Like seeing the ships that are soon-to-be Railjack enemies taking off and landing, also like the room with another ship that I'm sure we will be seeing soon in the future. Lots of new corpus text that you've given people to work on translating, very nice. Really like the new tileset, feels more like the way the ships should be, minus the uh, overtheatrics and gaudy-ness that's clearly part of Nef's influence. Anyway, Yeah, otherwise really nice. New enemies are pretty neat too. (See above*) (Off topic but I also, as the leader of a corpus clan, REALLY love Parvos Granum. he's great. Just wanna say that.)

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Ship Sabotage mission now has it that when I insert a Fuel Cell (which previously caused patches of lava on the ground) there is no more patches of lava on the ground, and it became magnetic low-gravity hazard instead.

Oh.. also I can no longer insert the Fuel Cell back into its original hole, now I have to insert it into the hole at the opposite side. 

What is going on?!?!

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I'm working on a dangerously low amount of sleep and will probably try to get more coherent and well reasoned thoughts out tomorrow but:


Aesthetically, I like the tileset, although it can be a bit maze like at times. Not good for collecting syndicate medallions. I don't mind these being hidden, but I don't like having to spend 30+ seconds worming my way through vents and pipes to get to an area. Same thing with the Jupiter tileset and the medallions behind hidden lab doors. Reward vs. time investment just isn't there.


Treasurers are annoyingly tanky. I say this as an MR28 who has basically everything maxed.


I'd like to see better or at least more interesting enemy AI. Make MOAs agile monkeys that jump onto walls and ceilings, have enemies cluster around shield drones, etc. Doesn't necessarily have to be a lot to give it much more interesting gameplay.


I can appreciate the new Jackal fight, but invincible enemies are boring. I'd rather be able to knock him out of his invincible spinning death mode by tipping over pillars onto him and such in addition to it's normal time limit. Basically, give the player some sort of thing to do besides just wall latching above the beams.


Haven't done enough sanctum invasions yet to have much feedback yet.


Please give us something to do with the capture Solaris U agents that doesn't require the crowns. It can be greatly reduced rewards, but I feel bad not being able to do anything because I don't want to farm crowns for hours. But I do like the beginnings of mixing content islands.

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Really am annoyed at how grey everything is..

Ughhh come on this is the best color you could think of??? What happened to the blue and white the Corpus have been known for the last 6 years???

I wanna vomit at this horrible color pallete. Please tell me you can change this 😞 As all these greys are depressing to the eye.

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First off, I love the redesign from an aesthetic viewpoint.  It fits so well with the Corpus tech of the Orb Vallis and the recent Jupiter redesign.  I especially love all the little touches like the open cabinets and lockers with tools and whatnot in them.  Those sorts of flourishes do a lot to help the ship feel like a ship, as in place with people who live and work in it on a daily basis, rather than just a randomly generated labyrinth.  Plus all the bits of tech that are busy doing their jobs while we pass by, and the workers who I occasionally find sitting on a crate taking five before they jump to their feet and try to bash my head in with a giant wrench straight out of Fortuna.

That said, I do have an issue bothering me related to the crowns.  Currently I want nothing more than to dissect every tile I go through looking for all the details in every nook and cranny.  Unfortunately, doing so means I find imprisoned Solaris who I can't free because I have no crowns.  Kind of sucks the joy out of exploration.  I've started actively rushing though levels as quickly as I can without taking even a tiny detour so that I can avoid this, quite frankly, depressing situation entirely.  With abilities like Desecrate not working anymore, there's no way to have enough crowns to free the (likely multiple) Solaris in each mission even after I get all the rewards I want from the void.  I imagine this is less of an issue for teams since they can share coins, but it's rather demoralizing for a solo player.  I'd love the option to pay a Ticker commission or, hell, trade a bunch of debt bonds or something as an alternate payment.

Also, not sure where to report finding what I think is a hole in level geometry.

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The reworked tile set look really nice, big kudos there. Haven't tried with the deferred renderer though.

On the game play department, my biggest gripe right now is with the amount and range of the cameras. While I can see why a money obsessed faction plasters everything with cameras, I'm nominating the Corpus for the next Big Brother award. At some points, when you're traversing the tiles at "normal" (or what we've come to assume as normal) speeds, you could make the laser barriers permanent and no difference would be felt. And compared to the trap activating barriers on the new Jupiter tile set, which can be easily dealt with on the go if you're paying attention, the cameras are pretty small and hanging from the ceiling. Shooting them usually involves slowing down your pace considerably. Maybe you can take a look and make them less flow breaking (as I said, the Jupiter barriers are a good example from my point of view).

There is also that one starting tile, where you have to do a 180 degree turn and go up some stairs. I always run into the dead end first, then see the updated waypoint. Will probably have the muscle memory soon, but this is another case of not so great waypoints.

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2 hours ago, Krylia_Viru said:

I've reported this before on Zendesk or here on the forums, I believe. Can't recall which.

I've stumbled into a loop.  Zendesk says to report on the forums, the forum thread I found for these issues asks for ticket numbers from Zendesk which sends me to the forums which-- oh dear, I've gone cross-eyed.


Back on feedback, I'm kicking myself for not mentioning the sound design.  All the new sound effects are suburb, and I'm really loving the new music.  It strikes a nice balance with being synthesized without being tinny or grating.

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The ammount of enemy spawns in survival probably was not adjusted considering the dimensions of the new tileset. Everything is bigger, so the enemies have to run more to reach us. And they are not enough. During the survival, i was always on the edge, thinking "where are they?". During the survival with protea glyph as reward, even with nekros desecrating, the life support was now going up enough compared to the old model.

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Gas City rework was much better.

Cameras and door lasers everywhere are even more annoying than before, with much higher range of detection (way beyond visible cone) and placed very chaotically. Sometimes lasers disable right before you enter the door, sometimes they turn on just in time to catch you. Old tileset had certain "rhytm" to how cameras were placed so you could intuitively tell that lasers are incoming, even if you're a new player, but in new corpus ships I feel like level designers are trying to bamboozle me and roll through every door just in case. Also abundance of freezing barrels. Jupiter tileset rework dealt with both of those annoyances (traps in doors and different flavors of barrels).

Jupiter also added some nice open/huge rooms you could traverse faster with parkour while Corpus Ship tileset went the opposite way and added lots of tight corridors and maintenance shafts that are only connected to the main area of the room in a couple spots.

Another thing Gas City Remastered done better is having secret rooms to encourage exploration.

I also don't like its dull matte look, previous iteration was much more metallic. I play with Steve's beloved Deferred Rendering and it still looks not as cool and sci-fi-ish just because all walls are painted grey and there's way less metallic parts like grate floors. Corpus environments starting to look so homogenized might become an issue. Great thing about Kuva Fortress was how different it is from default grineer tileset. Good thing about reworked Gas City and Orb Valis facilities was not only that they look good themselves, but how they had different yet still recognizable corpus aesthetics compared to ships and snowy planet outposts.

And why ruining Sabotage with annoying magnetic bubbles instead of fire hazard? Some enemy got magnetic attack as well. STOP.

Not necessarily a bad tileset, but also not really a "net gain" compared to Gas City. Anyway, still can't wait for Ice Planet (with crashed Corpus ships) and Infested Corpus Ship tilesets reworked because those two are irredeemable garbage and any change to them would be an improvement.

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Treasurer definitely has waaaay too much ehp for its level (it took far, far longer to kill it at Lv 38 than a lv 170 eximus with armour...). 

Other than that the new corpus ship looks fine, I hope you learnt from Gas City and left Easter eggs around to explore but that's me. Could've been a bit more parkour inclusive like gas city but ehhh, I'm still pretty happy about it. 


On a side note, the final quest fight is hilariously bad at explaining itself with very weird visual clues but has real potential, after a few blunders it's a really fun fight. Maybe a bit too low on the threat level but it's a quest. I'd love to have other versions of said fight on a higher level tbh. 

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The only thing I would greatly change about this amazing tileset is the spawn rate of Corpus Relief Temple. It rarely shows in few Assassination missions, would love it to show more frequently in every other mission type as well.

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Regarding rescues
Previously the mission was a good way to set players apart, those that practiced and now use side entrances and those that still used the front door.
Now using side entrances is pointless since you have 50% chance of going the wrong way, so entering the main door is the ideal way, it's faster.....well, 50% of the times, i also note that side entrances have a long and narrow passage, so you actually have to walk quite a bit and drop down in order to enter the area, by that time someone already hacked the front door, in other words you're not setting players appart, you're not rewarding effort

The tribute piramid will give only 3000 credits after you collected all the codex lore slabs from the corpus, i understand credits is a theme for the corpus and that 3k credits is a nice addition to mission rewards, but the problem is that the room is so rare, 3k feels like a slap in the face.
My sugestion, make it give something else because i don't think a credit ammount increase will be worth it, even if it's 10x more, it's still a slap in the face given the room's rarity, how many missions will you need to do just to get a small credit ammount? not worth it

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Using Crowns to free the prisoners should reward Vox Solaris standing, not Solaris United standing.

Vox Solaris is their more risky anti-Nef faction, and it was the Vox Solaris that was in the dialogue speaking directly to Nef through the quest.

We have SO MANY WAYS to get preposterous amounts of standing for Solaris United. Open World bounties, creature capture, fishing, mining sales, and even just resource/credit dumps to Ticker. The ONLY way to get Vox Solaris standing, however, is grinding out drops or doing the Orb boss fights. Quills, on the other hand, can be passively farmed by killing sentients that pop up on Lua, in normal missions (New War spawns), or in Veil Anomalies, as well as their primary farm from night cycle in PoE.

It'd just be such a nice little way to build up extra Vox Solaris standing without having to exclusively farm open world.

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my favorite tile set was just replaced. I feel like something was taken from me, because I will never see it again.

as a veteran player, I am very upset about this. and yet, there is nothing i can say or do to get it back...

it takes a lot for me to come on here and post this. because the art team did do a good job on this new revamp.

but it is not for me.

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