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Why Rhino?


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Too many times I see Rhino mains claiming Rhino is a great team synergy for missions like SS, Plague, Eidolons, Profit Taker, etc.

Is it once to have a small damage boost? Yes but most of the time you don't need a damage buff for the mission or there are other frames that do a better job.

Is he needed to boost the speed of the objective? No

There are so many other frames that will help out the entire team.

I believe Rhino's are damage hoarders and self protectors instead of groups synergy driven. They want to solo the mission but in a group setting.

What are your thoughts? Does he need a change?

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In fact when tennos are saying he is good at team synergy its mostly not because of the buff ( its good but not that good ) .

Most of the time its more linked to his tankyness and his ability to crowd control to be honest ^.^ 

Edited by trunks013
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Nah, don't change Rhino, mate. I'm a Rhino main myself although i agree with you of actually my Rhino is built to withstand any high level content solo and in a team, in which it's actually not team oriented, unless it's a 'this mofo is the last person standing' in a team... .

But, you don't need to change anything for team purpose. Nidus solo mains are out there, too... .

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Rhino used to be THE new player frame to build after excalibur.

It could tank , CC . buff and do decent damage with little to no effort needed (i once accidentally ran a Sortie with him without any mods with minor issues),


Edited by 0_The_F00l
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Rhino is unfortunately viewed as a greedy-frame for noobs due to being the thing easiest to clear the starchart with and farming the index, but this neglects his broframe builds.

Built for damage buff and CC, if hes doing his job, Rhino bar none is still an S-tier broframe.

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24 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

He’s a reliable source of tanking, damage buff, and CC. While he’s not the best at any of them, he’s good enough to be usable.

Well, his buff boosts all kinds of damage so I would say in terms of damage buffing, it's the best. Some warframes only boost your weapon damage or your ability damage but Rhino buffs both and you can take advantage of both in missions.

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Because he's the most basic form of a supporting frame and has a kit generic enough to literally fit into any and all content the game can offer. Plus he has the most straightforward damage buffing ability while there aren't many of these to begin with. Ones like Oberon's Smite Infusion requires aiming, Chroma and Mirage require standing on top of others to maintain the buff, Nidus can only buff one person, Vauban can only buff one person at a time and requires micromanaging, Harrow requires facetanking just for a delayed and situational buff, etc. All while Rhino just needs to press one button in the general vicinity of his team to give everyone more damage.

All other buff frames: NOOOOO!!! You can't just buff your entire team with no effort!!! Rhino: haha roar machine go reeeee

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52 minutes ago, kwlingo said:

Too many times I see Rhino mains claiming Rhino is a great team synergy for missions like SS, Plague, Eidolons, Profit Taker, etc.

Lemme tell you this much: I WISH my clanmates would run Rhino more often. I spent more time yesterday reviving my clanmates (a level 29 Trinity Prime, and a Mirage Prime with 300 health) than actually shooting at Profit Taker

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Stomp is excellent CC along with Roar for extra group damage. The armor soak is especially useful for Index as a point carrier.


Also, staying alive > versus faceplanting generally means the mission is successful. I'd rather they survive versus someone trying to res them and getting killed themselves.

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37 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Lemme tell you this much: I WISH my clanmates would run Rhino more often. I spent more time yesterday reviving my clanmates (a level 29 Trinity Prime, and a Mirage Prime with 300 health) than actually shooting at Profit Taker


Part of being a team player is not being annoying.

Having to rezz people repeatedly is annoying.



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Rhino definitely has his place in a team composition (buffer for ESO, carry for index), but probably not in any of the places that you listed. That being said, most of the missions you listed can be solo carried pretty easily with a good setup, so I wouldn't care if someone brought a rhino. The only exception is Eidolons, but a properly built Rhino can still be a good DPS, so even that is debatable.

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2 hours ago, kwlingo said:

I believe Rhino's are damage hoarders and self protectors instead of groups synergy driven


that statement isn't always true, rhino is pose to be the original meat shield bag that pose to get all the enemies aggro on him but instead his roar does share enough with the group of players and rhino iron skin was actually for himself to defend against the enemies who attended to break him down.  The one who is damage hoarders and self protective instead of the group is Chroma for players attended to use the corrupted mods to have negative in range to actually hoard that dmg for themselves for that is more greedy then Rhino for the truth.

The fact why players don't use roar is because reason:

1. players always thinking zooming or just running away as they "Think their fist and not their brains"

2. When no one is around basically you cannot blame your teammate for not sharing the rhino roar because the fact is you players attend to leave the rhino behind and don't give a :poop: when Rhino trying share that loving roar.

3. As for the time being do you think everyone is going say "oh blessed the rhino warframe in the game giving me the roar" for the fact no one does say it because they turn away rhino with in a second and rely on either A. the Riven Mod they had installed in their gun, B. they got their own warframe boost their own dmg, C. they install their own best mod and they didn't need Rhino's roar.  Technicality its the players base on Rhino that they discriminate Rhino players and not Rhino Prime for the fact is Rhino's roar is shorter then before and Rhino Prime has longer roar in duration which this is the reason why they discriminate regular Rhino because baby rhinos just wanted stay in turtle mode all day long as for Rhino Prime just hangry for the bloodthirsty kill.

Most likely when someone who isn't new to the rhino the veterans will not use roar because that would be the last result to use it on enemies because what they do if they are in a pickle for they use 4 button then roar as they gun down every single enemies in the room.  Unlike chroma he hoarded all that buff for himself for I mean HOARD IT LIKE TYRANT DRAGON HE IS! 


Just be glade that Rhino still able share their roar with players unlike Chroma just flip the bird at us all day long even Chroma Prime.

P.S I did discuss about this that Rhino can cast it once until his roar duration is done for I would like DE to try give Rhino re-cast his roar ability but it seems that  they don't want too and also they don't want "Vauban" to able cast wide radius buffing for the dev prefer single buffing.

Edited by ChaoticEdge
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2 hours ago, trunks013 said:

In fact when tennos are saying he is good at team synergy its mostly not because of the buff ( its good but not that good ) .

Most of the time its more linked to his tankyness and his ability to crowd control to be honest ^.^ 

I don't think this is accurate.  Rhino is most frequently requested for a damage boost in ESO or, with the Chroma nerfs, Eidolons.  His only other meta place would be an Index carrier, but Revenant is steadily dethroning him there.  His Roar is a fantastic ability.  Rhino shifts from tank to support at higher levels of play, if those terms even mean anything in a game like this.

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7 minutes ago, sunderthefirmament said:

I don't think this is accurate.  Rhino is most frequently requested for a damage boost in ESO or, with the Chroma nerfs, Eidolons.  His only other meta place would be an Index carrier, but Revenant is steadily dethroning him there.  His Roar is a fantastic ability.  Rhino shifts from tank to support at higher levels of play, if those terms even mean anything in a game like this.

Well i jumped to that because of that part "great team synergy for missions like SS, Plague, Eidolons, Profit Taker, etc." to be honest .

How can i phrase that properly ....

Its a red mage ^.^ . Rhino is a red mage ! 

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Rhino is a tankframe with a hard-lockdown crowd control ability, CC immune ability, damage booster ability, and EASY TO ACQUIRE which makes him available to all but the newest of players.  On top of that he is also new player friendly in regards to abilities and you don't really need to worry about the newer less experienced player needing a rez every other minute...so yes, reliable and team friendly.  +damage is always welcome until they introduce a way to utilize our damage against us (RIP self-damage). 

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Wide AoE Hard CC

On average, a 30 second 150 to 250 damage buff

And a conal AOE CC pushback.

And once again: just because a frame does something better doesn't mean absolutely anything.

What.....are you gonna erase rhino from the game because hes not good enough for you? 

Why are you even making the post? 

The game has a variety of ways to play. Deal with it.


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2 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Lemme tell you this much: I WISH my clanmates would run Rhino more often. I spent more time yesterday reviving my clanmates (a level 29 Trinity Prime, and a Mirage Prime with 300 health) than actually shooting at Profit Taker

that fight is something else I have a high PS build on Oberon and I am destroyed during the fight by the adds if I stand still for a second.  the build has 111HP/sec and 600+ armor and it still gets melted you need a very tanky frame for the fight and even then I have seen chroma's (with renewal I might add) go down during it heck even my Valk has issues and she has 14k ehp.  I honestly don't mind rhinos nearly as much as I do other frames (saryn, mesa, ember...) but that is due to them interfering with my frames kit (Oberon needs to take damage to heal and cast abilities) 

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