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Upcoming Protea Changes!


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à l’instant, Drachnyn a dit :

Esta habilidad aún no tiene sentido. Elimine la necesidad de colocar el ancla en primer lugar.

                                                                          translate to english


Mmm I say that the time anchor should be like this: by giving a single click to 4 we activate the ability obviously and then we return at the end of this or when we collapse, and by double clicking at 4 we activate the ability and not only that, but when we go back in time we stay in the same place where the skill ended and we will not have to go back to the place where we activated them.

                                                                           traduccion al español (original)

Mmm yo digo que el ancla temporal debería de ser así: al dar un solo click al 4 activamos la habilidad obviamente y después volvemos al finalizar esta o al derrumbarnos, y al dar doble click al 4 activamos la habilidad y no solo eso si no que al volver en el tiempo nos quedamos en el mismo sitio donde finalizo la habilidad y no tendremos que volver al sitio donde los activamos.

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à l’instant, Magus_Tahir a dit :

La capacidad toma instantáneas de todo el sonido y las imágenes en un lapso de tiempo muy corto para que funcione a través de la reproducción. Tendrían que reconstruir la habilidad desde cero. No veo a Pablo deshaciendo esto dado todo el trabajo que puso en ello. Los jugadores pueden tener que adaptarse a esta habilidad siendo lo que es. 

La cantidad de potencia de procesamiento / memoria necesaria para grabar constantemente para que esto funcione siempre es la razón por la que esto no sucederá. Al menos no de la manera que uno esperaría. Tengo algunas ideas. Tengo que ver al Doctor Who un poco más para entenderlo todo.


Mmm I say that the time anchor should be like this: by giving a single click to 4 we activate the ability obviously and then we return at the end of this or when we collapse, and by double clicking at 4 we activate the ability and not only that, but when we go back in time we stay in the same place where the skill ended and we will not have to go back to the place where we activated them.

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Good work but not enough,u guys should think about what's really problem of protea 

Grenade might be a great control skill instead of a damage skill

U don't want blaze artillery become a AFK tool but when the turret finally have damage it's about run out of time, u can put 3 turret ,why just let them stack multiply in the same time, so we can stack multiply faster, x3 speed will help a lot. 

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Ive been playing her on pc


Idk where the argument of an afk tool came from but there are multiple frames that can pull that off already. Just make the turret fun to use and i do think that means a long duration, a drain over time or even an ammo count and the turret stays up until all ammo is spent. Scaling damage needs to be standard for all abilities

Right now she is just a worse Hildryn. Hildryn can balefire, crowd control, create energy orbs and give shields to the team in a large area, volt can nuke the map and give shields to the team, with Protea ppl have to find her shields when she waypoints them or you have to try and stick someone.. but they dont activate till they stick to a surface. When Protea uses the shield ability it should automatically stick one to her and your companion and when a teammate picks 1 up it sticks to their companion too, so the old animation of throwing 3 can cover the whole team.

I like others ideas of her 4 being reworked to an emergency rewind whenever needed ability

I like xxswatelitexx idea of a loot explosion based on a kill counter for the dispenser

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I never had too much of a problem with protea. 

She was nice out of the box, she was still nice with 2 forma. 

These changes might push her into good by freeing some duration mods (as long as I can get the grenades to near 25 to 30sec duration) 

Her blaze Artillery will definitely be better with the increased duration and doubling of the damage - I assume this still also doubles with every successful hit, that can make some serious damage at the last shot. 

3 is pretty much unchanged. 

Her 4 is still underwhelming. 


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8 hours ago, -Haxboi- said:

Good start of her improvement! 

Keep on going and thanks 🙂

you know they likely won't her current improvements are already a joke took 7 pages of feedback and gave her nothing that we really asked for and they are seemingly satisfied with how little they changed her cause muh design 

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Fantastic plans for changes overall. I would be very happy with them as is but I think if you go a bit further with the QoL protea would go from good to fantastic.

  1. Grenade fan and Blaze artillery should be one handed. At the very least Blaze artillery should be given its intent to be used for quick damage. Its current 2H nature makes it the players ONLY damage source for a short period of time, especially when casting multiple turrets which kind of goes against its more reactive nature.
  2. Shrapnel grenades needs to have the visuals toned down. OR a hard limit placed on the max number of grenades. Right now its just a visual mess if the protea is spamming.
  3. Dispensary is nice but it would be fantastic if a passive supercharged dispenser dumps energy orbs first
  4. Abilities supercharged by her passive should have BIG visuals so players can tell what's been affected
  5. Temporal anchor needs to have its visual FX decreased significantly. Its a visual mess especially if the protea's movement path overlaps on itself.
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9 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Increased Shield Satellite grenade count from 3 to 4 to accommodate max Squad sizes.

This is great, a step in the right direction for sure! But it seems forgotten that companions can also use the shield grenades. 

I think the problem here is the exact same one we had for Mesa's shooting gallery a while ago. Eventually, it was changed so that shooting gallery always applied to Mesa, while a second instance cycled through the other teammates. In Protea's case, I think this can work too. We could have a single grenade guaranteed to affect Protea, and 3 other grenades that can be picked up by others. Or at least have the grenades prioritize Protea. Even with 4 grenades, it means that Protea is considerably less safe when playing with a team. Don't make Protea anti-synergize with team play!

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Those buff looks cool, but the problem still persists. 

1. Grenade fan's hop has to go away.  Just make her hop when in air only. 

2. Grenade fan supposed to be her most cost efficient-spammable ability to cycle her passive, a slight cast speed increase would be good.

3. The damage boost is good, but the status chance need to be increased as well.

4. Shield satellite pales in comparison to Wisp's health mote. It needs to increase maximum shield, increase its regen, or provide status immunity. Shield satellite also need to just give 1s shield gate whenever it's broken, you could die instantly even with multiple satellites on your feet.

5. The blaze artillery buffs good, but still, just remove the duration being linked with ammo. The turret only goes away after it expend all of its ammo. The point of turret is to cover areas, watch your back. The duration just make it a bootleg peacemaker.

6. Temporal anchor is still useless. Even to spam abilities, Equilibrium with dispenser can provide unlimited energy. The implosion is bad, the range, Los limitation, and blast damage.

Edited by Amadurim
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10 hours ago, Voltage said:

This reminds me of of the time that it was decided that Mesa can't use Arcane Velocity anymore

Wiki doesn't say anything about this -- it even lists Regulators/Peacemaker as an explicit example of something that DOES benefit -- so are you absolutely sure that happened?

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1 час назад, TARINunit9 сказал:

Wiki doesn't say anything about this -- it even lists Regulators/Peacemaker as an explicit example of something that DOES benefit -- so are you absolutely sure that happened?

They didn't have a chance to implement such a change - the uproar was instant and they quickly backtracked their statements.

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12 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Protea is now invulnerable for the first 3 seconds of Temporal Anchor (i.e on cast, to prevent casting animation deaths).

As many players have mentioned, it is the ending rewind-anchor part that caused the problem, not the starting.

So why not let the implosion also happens at the anchored spot, so it will knockdown enemies when we reached our rewind spots.

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Nice little steps. The damage increases for Shrapnel Vortex and Blaze Artillery will directly translate to a more powerful implosion as well. 

It would be nice to throw 4 shrapnel grenades too to make the aiming for Grenade Fan more consistent. I get why you didn't, the visual chaos would be exemplified, but the shrapnel vortex vfx does need work to not be so obscuring in the first place. After all, Grenade Fan is meant to be spammed.

Another thing, it seems allies without innate shield capacity (e.g. Nidus' Maggots, Atlas' Rumblers, etc) will also attract Shield Satellites that disappear without doing anything. It would be interesting if they could, like Corpus Shield Ospreys, give a temporary shield/overshield capacity to that ally.

Regarding Companions and shielding, it seems satellites will fill the initial shield points and not go into the Overshield cap (if there is one for pets). Would appreciate it if this was fixed to give pets the survivability they need.

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Great changes so far! I have a number of suggested amendments:

  • Do away with the little "bunny hop" animation when she chucks her nades, or at least make it much less obvious and time-consuming
  • For Shield Satellite, have the grenades only available to squad-mates. HOWEVER, have the buff extend to whatever companion the individual is using automatically. This way they're not picking up shield buffs intended for players
  • LOVE proposed Blaze Artillery changes, let's hope they scale with higher level content, and keep an open mind if they need any further tweaks upward

Overall, very happy with Protea's kit and am happy to see she's being balanced right away. Now...can we talk about the Bramma? 🤭

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7 hours ago, Aeon94 said:

Blazing Artillery has 6 plasma ammo and 3 ammo/sec firerate, so without duration mods, turrets last for 2 sec. Now that ammo limit is removed with upcoming changes and base duration is increased by 1 sec, turrets will last for 3 sec.

Wish they were more clear about stats in OP.

Okay, I missed the comment where they said they change it to duration only. (good, or okay, one of the two possible solutions)

yeah, but see for an optimal build, where you still want range also, so it can actually fire at stuff, you get about ~200% duration.. and is 6 seconds really that impressive and fun to use? does this warrant the use of the ability?

I really don't think so, and I am not at all satisfied with this change, its makes it 33% less spam, where it still was the most I ever spamed an ability... for an ability mind you that is suppose to be chill in the head of EVERY gamer out there, because turrets are chill, they do work for you, not the other way around.. this thing makes you WORK to use it.. and that is just terrible design for an ability like this. where I am better of just shooting myself in 90% of all scenarios.

its a glorified first ability in effect and usefulness, for double the energy


especially considering the argument that DE does not want it to be an "afk", "fire and forget" kind of ability, when we already have PLENTY abilitys that do that exact same thing, but MUCH better, EVEN If it had a base duration of 10 seconds non the less.

it is so damn cool because of its flavor, beeing an actual turret.. and this is what I and many other people want DE. give us an actual turret! PLEASE!

it is already hindered in so much other ways.

Edited by SmokinDice
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3 hours ago, Amadurim said:

1. Grenade fan's hop has to go away.  Just make her hop when in air only. 


18 minutes ago, StarGeezerTim said:

Do away with the little "bunny hop" animation when she chucks her nades, or at least make it much less obvious and time-consuming

but guys, guys... DONT remove the hop! their animations are SO cool! the only problem is that the ability just does not feel rewarding enough to warrant the long animation, just fix the ability (as you are there 90% now) and then the animation NEEDS to stay, it is so flavorful and adds so much character to the frame!

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Blaze artillery should work, feel and behave like an actual sentry gun. But right now its limited by number of shots, time and a shooting zone. That is way too much limitation. I know you guys don't want the game to play itself or to create too powerful abilities but thats a really weak argument here. We have Mesa who can use aimbot to murder whole armies, Saryn can slaughter everyone just by pressing 4, Inaros cant die, even without arcanes and so on. My point is make it a reliable ability. I love Protea and the concept of engineer and playing an engineer frame but right now all I do is spam my 2 and hope that something happens. Just give the artillery a solid 15 seconds at least and maybe decrease the damage a bit.

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Il y a 7 heures, Aeon94 a dit :

Blazing Artillery has 6 plasma ammo and 3 ammo/sec firerate, so without duration mods, turrets last for 2 sec. Now that ammo limit is removed with upcoming changes and base duration is increased by 1 sec, turrets will last for 3 sec.

I don't think that will be the case, just a buff to duration and a display change from ammo to duration, but while keeping ammo based turrets.



On another point, please buff Temporal Anchor base range by 1, 2, or even 3 meters to compete with the highest dps !

Edited by dwqrf
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53 minutes ago, SmokinDice said:

Okay, I missed the comment where they said they change it to duration only. (good, or okay, one of the two possible solutions)

yeah, but see for an optimal build, where you still want range also, so it can actually fire at stuff, you get about ~200% duration.. and is 6 seconds really that impressive and fun to use? does this warrant the use of the ability?

I really don't think so, and I am not at all satisfied with this change, its makes it 33% less spam, where it still was the most I ever spamed an ability... for an ability mind you that is suppose to be chill in the head of EVERY gamer out there, because turrets are chill, they do work for you, not the other way around.. this thing makes you WORK to use it.. and that is just terrible design for an ability like this. where I am better of just shooting myself in 90% of all scenarios.

its a glorified first ability in effect and usefulness, for double the energy


especially considering the argument that DE does not want it to be an "afk", "fire and forget" kind of ability, when we already have PLENTY abilitys that do that exact same thing, but MUCH better, EVEN If it had a base duration of 10 seconds non the less.

it is so damn cool because of its flavor, beeing an actual turret.. and this is what I and many other people want DE. give us an actual turret! PLEASE!

it is already hindered in so much other ways.

We got Wukong and his clone that is almost immortal and aimbot, than we have Mesa an actual aimbot, Inaros cant die, Nidus cant die, Equinox just stands still, Nekros can be immortal if properly built, Ivara can be invisible till judgment day and so on and on. They can at least give Protea a solid turret with some duration.

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