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Anyone else think a Hydroid rework may be incoming soon?


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Hypothetical situation. Let's say they did finish and make a Hydroid Prime Trailer finally. What is the most likely outcome from that?

The last two months in these forums tell me that majority of forum peeps would be complaining on the waste of valuable development resources to make a trailer. And the other side will look at it and say you did this over a rework of Inaros? If there is a trailer and a rework (Hydroid) the the peeps in the forums will say DE is pandering to the old players they already lost and are trying to get them back because the game is dying.

Did I miss anything? Also hail Wednesday. 

wednesday addams adams family GIF


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I am hopeful,

They are also probably gonna ship the deluxe skin soonTM,

People are more likely to buy the deluxe skin if the frame is actually somewhat popular.

Frames are popular when they are effective.

The Vauban and Nezha rework and later tweaks have me hopeful.


Next time i take my hydroid loadout i dont want to take it for the Arrrticulation of a Irate pirate joke.




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They won't rework him because he is operates more or less well. In the line there are still frames what needs more of a rework. They just giveaway him because they want to be "nice". Normally they reworking frames if that really underpeform compared to the stats.


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May be narrow-sighted of me, but I can't think of many changes that would greatly improve Hydroid when it comes to his abilities assuming they remain impact and magnetic damage types.  Just my opinion, but until puncture and impact become valued more, anything with those damage types will remain mostly mediocre with a few exceptions.  I think if a percentage of damage from puncture was direct and if impact functioned similarly to corrosion that it would help balance it out better.  If impact damage functioned this way and his swarm ability dealt impact and magnetic damage it would improve his use and lethality as well as encourage the use of a wider variety of weapons.

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Well, hopefully whenever DE does take a look at Hydroid, they'll realize half of his kit is more annoying than helpful. Ragdolling enemies with your 2 or flailing them around with your 4 is just really not fun to deal with. I'd love for his 4 to just lock enemies in place Harrow Condemn style and for his 2 to serve ... any kind of purpose really. Maybe have it regen his Shields or something. His 1 could also really use some form of scaling, so it can actually deal damage outside of its Augment. His 4 also doesn't help any of his abilities out at all since enemies are lifted into the air, so why not lock them down and make it easier for his 1 to hit them (for example, enemies locked by tentacles are focus-fired upon by Tempest Barrage, with each enemy CC'd by a Tentacle taking the damage, Khora Strangledome style) while also making them easy targets for his 3 and 2. I'd love it if Tentacle Swarm acted as another form of True Damage for Hydroid as well, or at least made enemies more vulnerable to incoming damage, maybe have every enemy CC'd by his 4 get dragged into mini puddles and released upon its expiration,  you get the idea.

I also understand the puddle is his strongest ability, but I think it may be best to have a stationary "water trap" sort of thing Hydroid can summon. Hydroid can stay in the puddle, increasing its size and grab range, allowing him to move it and use it as he normally does. However, if Hydroid wanted to, he could leave the puddle behind while still having the ability active. Hydroid would receive a 50% DR buff, with the puddle automatically grabbing anything closeby, but now Hydroid still has to deal with the Energy drain at an increased drain or something.

TL;DR, give him more options outside of the puddle, make his abilities synergize a bit bitter than they currently do, and if you're going to keep the puddle, maybe add a function to it that allows players to still stay mobile. Half of his abilities also have the whole "charge to use" functionality (not too certain as to why they all don't, but whatever), so it really should be worth the extra time it takes to cast them. I honestly feel that Hydroid's rework was only successful for the short time it was because he received the Armor Strip augment for his 1, and without the complete Armor removal that ability provided, Hydroid fell to the wayside. Maybe that's an indicator of him still not being in a good place since all they really did was minor tweaks in the end.

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8 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Hydroid's image is being plastered all over the TennoCon 2020 advertisements as this years Twitch reward and his deluxe skin will probably be shown during the show. This makes me slightly optimistic for a rework. Anyone else thinking the same?

Doubt it. There isn't much time left between now and tennocon and as far as i know frame reworks have always been shown off ahead of time for feedback.

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On 2020-07-22 at 6:49 PM, DrivaMain said:

Knowing DE not reworking Chroma, Inaros, Mesa, Atlas, and Ivara on their prime release? I doubt it.

They always tell the player in advance in a devstreams on what are their plans for the rework.

Then again, this isn't a prime release but a giveaway

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On 2020-07-22 at 6:29 PM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Yeah, those buffs were made irrelevant the moments DE added ESO and changed the meta.

Well, the point of ESO is not to rely on any powers too much, so i dont think it change the meta, just the meta for ESO.

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