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The Helminth: Dev Workshop


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26 minutes ago, --Q--FSK41 said:

This System is broken and will break the game completely,it shouldn't come into the game so many broken  combinations,for example mesa and eclipse/roar = who the hell thought of this. its completely unbalanced PLEASE DE do NOT put this into the game,since you made enemies paper the game is already quite easy but with this its literally broken

So glad I'm not the only person thinking this.

These changes are going to make press-4-to-win frames next levels of broken.

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Base Ability Buffed - now has a HOLD or TAP functionality. HOLD to receive original functionality. TAP to suck enemies in a wind Vortex. 

So, does this mean that Zephyr herself will also have this change? It would be a nice little addition to her kit.

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il y a 11 minutes, MoondustStar a dit :

For those wondering, if you try putting another damage buff on one that has something similar (like Rhino or Valkyr, for instance), you can only put ONE damage buff ability on it. Rebecca just mentioned that on the second page and the main page.

But what counts as a damage buff ability ? Since you quote her, Valkyr technically doesn't have any damage boosting ability. Warcry is an attack speed buff, and Hysteria simply has it's own base damage. So does attack speed buffs count as à damage buff ? What about defense reduction abilities ?

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57 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


"Heal your companion and call it to your side."

i'll have to heavily express my negative sentiments toward this. pets are squishy as hell except if with Inaros or Nidus. they should get a full on rework allowing them more health by default, and we're speaking like 5000 health so they can actually survive higher levels without being FORCED to use a high life frame, as well as having invincibility frames when they get resurrected from downed state. please do consider.

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Just now, Sifilicit said:




Base Ability Buffed - now has a HOLD or TAP functionality. HOLD to receive original functionality. TAP to suck enemies in a wind Vortex. 

So, does this mean that Zephyr herself will also have this change? It would be a nice little addition to her kit.

No they said some abilities will get buffed from the Helminth. Not the original frame.

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Now if only I could yeet it out of my ship ... and goodbye to frame uniqueness ..........

Thinking about it for a while now. I dont like the idea behind subsuming other Warframes for their abilities.
Firstly, it ruins the identity and uniqueness of a given Warframe. An ability is made with a specific theme in mind, which is both reflected visually and auditorily. Putting it on another Warframe is not fitting, and is conflicting with the identity.
It feels so wrong having an ability from X Warframe on Y, it doesnt match at all.

Secondly, this has severe potential for screwing the balance over even more, which is unwanted. The abilites brought from Helminth are better in this regard, since it opens up for a different way of adjusting the abilities, instead of having 2 versions of the same ability from a given Warframe (like 2 versions of Null Star). Helminth abilites is the right way to go in my opinion.

Thirdly, I find it to be ever so morally wrong, and that there are planted flowers afterwards is just morbid. Its like you have someone that relies heavily on you, then you just dump them and get them killed. Afterwards to steal their stuff and then plant a flower, but it is you that murdered them while they needed you.
Seeing it on the stream disgusted me.

Id suggest changing it in a way, I think is better. Abilities should not be transferrable at all, instead the selection from Helminth should be expanded (which it probably will). Subsuming Warframes could instead bring upgrades of the sorts to Helminth, but not give abilities.
In this way, the farming for Warframes is not wasted, and it avoids ruining the Warframes uniqueness, while giving better options for balancing due to Helminth abilites being separate. Also because they are new, and can be setup in many ways with balance in mind and mimick existing abilities but with their own theme/spin off.
Helminth abilities are "neutral" so to say, they dont come from any other and therefore are not "trespassing" on themes and the uniqueness of Warframes.

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53 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


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I like the idea of this update but I feel like it really breaks the identity of the game. 

Warframes are supposed to be highly unique for each one and each one is characterised by their abilities. 

We bring each warframe to specific missions because of their specific abilities. Like rhino for example. You're giving up his roar. For a very long time, rhino was defined by his roar and people only ever brought him for his roar. His huge buff potential. 

Now ant warframe can bring that. So what's the point in rhino? 

This update somewhat ruins the identity of future warframes as well now because instead of wondering what cool new powers these new frames will bring, we'll just be wondering what power can we put onto our main warframe we've been using for years now. 

I honestly never thought warframe would ever move in this direction and tbh, while I am hyped for the insane power creep this update will bring, I'm also saddened by more loss of game identity. 

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I would sacrifice 20+ Zephyrs if it meant I could get Tail Wind instead of Air Burst
Or Soul Punch
Or Charge
Or Switch Teleport
Or Fireball
Or Landslide
Or Toxic Lash
Or Link
Or Rip Line
Or Freeze
Or Renewal
Or Devour
Or Warding Halo
Or Paralysis
the list may go on but you get it I'll subsume dozens just to get 1 or more powers

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30 minutes ago, --Q--FSK41 said:

This System is broken and will break the game completely,it shouldn't come into the game so many broken  combinations,for example mesa and eclipse/roar = who the hell thought of this. its completely unbalanced PLEASE DE do NOT put this into the game,since you made enemies paper the game is already quite easy but with this its literally broken

No one cares about a PVE game being broken.  This is what we WANT.

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I'm already seeing certain combinations that are VERY interesting and I'm looking forward this.

I'd like to give a thought though on this: On one hand, I'm a bit sad that there weren't other candidates for certain frames so their abilities got a touch up (ie: Spectral Scream). On the other hand, I understand that the abilities given are far more interesting and exciting for the players to use.

In the end, and always understanding this is provisional till it's shipped, I'm really happy with what I see for now. Crossing fingers everything goes great and everyone has more fun.

Thanks as always Rebecca 🙂

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1 minute ago, Aralicia said:

But what counts as a damage buff ability ? Since you quote her, Valkyr technically doesn't have any damage boosting ability. Warcry is an attack speed buff, and Hysteria simply has it's own base damage. So does attack speed buffs count as à damage buff ? What about defense reduction abilities ?

Hmm... My goof there concerning Valkyr. I meant to mention Mirage, since people are complaining about attack boosts to frames that already have that.

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hace 40 minutos, --Q--Candy dijo:

This is incorrect. You have stuff like Volt - Shock there. With the Augment this is a crazy Ability to increase dmg. Can we get a limitation there too?

shhhhhhh you're ruining my next builds

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The more i think about it, the more this seems like a bad idea. So i'm trying to list possible balances issues that might comes with future ability infusion.

  1. Sonic Fracture and Seeking Shuriken : If these 2 abilities are available, then all warframes can easily have 100% armor stripping. Not to mention that the most used element right now is Viral.
  2. Even within 1st abilities, some abilities are just outright superior than other. CC for example, why would anyone keep soul punch, freeze, smite, etc when you can have Condemn that can CC multiple enemies while giving you shield or Desiccation that can blind enemies while opening them to finisher?
  3. Stacking specialty and removal of weakness : What if tanky warframe like Inaros can even get tankier with ability like Null Star? or now Inaros can easily buff his damage with roar or through armor stripping by using Seeking Shuriken/ Sonic Fracture?. Chroma can easily be more OP just by replacing Spectral Scream with pretty much anything.



It's like DE actually use my post about balance concern and use every possible problems to create this list...

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