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Dojo QoL Improvements!


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14 hours ago, ABlindGuyPlays said:

Are these going to essentially be static poseable articula, or can you assign functions to them like an NPC that you interact with and access arsenal, or another to access inventory (yea you can do so from the esc menue but still.) Can they be given travel paths and patrol routes? Because this has the potential to breathe life into Dojo's enough so I might actually care about them ESPECIALLY if they can have assignable patrol paths (even if it's just 'npc x goes to here here and here. Here is home room for them.) 

Legitly this has a great potential to add a sense of this being a base of operations instead of a dollhouse... OK it IS a dollhouse and those are the dolls, but the playset is pretty danged boring if you have nobody to put there.

Will we only get relay NPCs? Solaris and cetus Jockies? Can we buy syndicate NPCs? How about our liches?

I require more information!

My best guess is they'll be the NPC's from the Railjack area copy-pasted into other areas, maybe some of the basic Relay/Hubworld NPC's if we're lucky. I'm not expecting them to have any form of interaction outside of the Warframe Articula poses you mentioned, if we even get that.

It'd be sweet as hell if we could add our own Liches as NPC's in the Dojo as well, just walking around and stuff. You'd be able to donate one just for decoration purposes. That or regular faction enemies that help us out like Steel Meridian's Grineer troops, just something more than the basic bodysuit guys.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)PickUpYourJelly said:

A dojo room that connects/transports to other clan dojos would be nice. Would like to travel between other past featured dojos, like having neighbors.  

That would be really useful, and it would be worth the time / resources to build the room since it'll be larger than a mere spawn pad, etc. They may need to have the room built in their dojo to receive visitors that way however.


(Coincidentally, I can't help but think; "Beam me up Scotty" :) )

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On 2020-11-27 at 1:03 AM, [DE]Helen said:

We are also looking at a true rebalance of Decoration Resource costs

Speaking of this "rebalance" some objects like Grass Patches cost Neural Sensors and Climbing Vines cost Gallium as well as some other plants and common furniture.

I think people have quite a lot of control modules, detonite injector and fieldron samples that could replace those rare resources in some cases.

In my opinion rare resources such as the two I mentioned should be only used for interactive/glowy/very large/effects etc. For exemple I have a room with like 100+ grass patches and over 20+ waterfalls; I have a Ghost Clan so I cant even imagine what hell was to build everything for Moon Clans.

Anyway a rebalance overall is already great.

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Personally I'd love to see a cost reduction for personal decorations.
I decided to make a fishing room for the dojo, set up a makeshift fishing rod, a plains corner, an orb vallis corner, and a cambion drift corner, decor to make them look like their respective open world areas, and started grinding mats to make the trophies. I made most of them, started putting them in the fishing room, and had to strip it bare of a lot of decorations because the trophies have a cost of 5 each. A lot of the normal decorations only cost 1, and even a lot of big decorations are cheap, so why is a fish trophy 5?

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On 2020-11-27 at 4:25 AM, Sean said:

Looks like some good steps, but here's some other areas that would be beneficial:

  • Fix the Global vs Local rotation
  • Allow "NoClip" for the Decorate Mode
  • Allow platinum in a Dojo's Vault to be usable on market-items for the dojo

For the love of all the kubrows and kavats yes!!!! The plat especially. Having plat be ONLY for rushing decorations really sticks (to put that in forum friendly terms). I see no reason why it should not be able to be used for Market decoration items for the dojo. Obviously they would be owed by the dojo like anything else donated to keep things honest.

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I would also be nice to add more connectivity between allied clans. Right now alliances don't have a lot of unique features. The ability to visit each others dojo's without having to get an invite would be nice. Just like the featured dojo's, visitors would only be able to take a look around, not interact with anything, but that would still be nice. A few of my alliance mates and I are into dojo decorating and would like to just be able to hope over and see what our game friends are working on.
Perhaps re purposing the solar rail research into building solar rails between allied clans, and having the specter armies be NPC's that hang out and 'guard' your alliance solar rail network? I mean you have the solar rail system in the game, might as well use it for SOMETHING. That would also allow those of us that started a clan after the armistice to have access to that research and the clan points that come with it. Bonus, making the Orokin lab worth having for more then just dragon keys.

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All I'd really like is some smaller empty rooms.  Like garden size, but with the plain normal floor.  Call them "Inspiration Bays" or "Inspiration Decks" or something.  Bonus points for a couple different styles with varying views of space or whatever?  Anyway my rationale is I have lots of ideas for smaller builds I'd like to do that just seem to be a waste to spend one of the large rooms on, but don't fit nicely into a garden.  (I tried tiling over the garden floor with floor plating but it prevents me from putting it in front of the doors.)

Since I'm already posting:
- End-cap rooms, like the dead-end tiny rooms that frequently show up in Orokin Towers.  Neater way of the passage ending than a red-texted door.  Have them cheap, maybe not count towards room count, and have no decoration capacity if that's all a concern.  Maybe have a couple variants of it for flavor: "Computer Terminal", "Circuitry Bay", "External Window", "Outer defense turret control room", whatever.
- More set-pieces.  Glassware to resemble chemical beakers or drinks, more tools, etc.  Broken panels with wires sticking out of them, cable bundles we can run along to floor (we're child soldiers running a space station, jury rigging is gonna happen.)  Just - stuff.
- Interactive furniture?  We don't really like to sit on chairs for some reason.
- Pinball machines, because someone would have fun coding it.  Maybe some of the old Epic Pinball games, but Tenno-ized?  Grendelball Madness?
- Disco balls.  Do we need disco balls? We do not need disco balls.  Except we totally do.


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4 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

If they add that... I finally have a reason to hunt liches again.

Yeah, I'd of course want them to have their own animations, maybe say stuff when we come by. Yet I'd be content with reused ones if we at least got to see them, maybe hanging in the Crimson Branch messing with buttons and walking around. It'd be a nice little personal touch to Dojo's, and I doubt they'd be all that hard to add.

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My wish list, 

3d veiwing for dojo room placement, it would have been so useful when placing large rooms eg dry dock, and great halls but also room under the obstacle course.

End rooms or blanks for those doors you cannot build behind because theres a room side there. 

A maximum room counter when building ie 230 out of 260 230/260 not actually sure what current maximum is. I have dojo energy from reactors to spare.

As a clan leader a better way to see members joining dates, donation dates to vault not just total amounts, decoration completed (so the work done can be rewarded by leaders with promotions)  the current log shows information like clan rank up and last rooms built permanently but very little room for recruitment information which for me is far more important than 2yr old information (nice to see and should be there but only as a archive not in recent activity).

I do promotion based on time in clan and donations. I feel you earn rank in clan not a right because of mastery you may have when joining. The decorators deserve recognition which currently is unknown by any records available to clan leaders.

A place/page for clan and alliance rules 3rd party ie psn pages aren't really that good and motd is not big enough or the place for clan rules.

Dry dock  would be nice to have more than just rail jack but seeing as the devs already linked other orbiter changes with the docks lets see them in there to maybe in the vertical same as relays or under rail jack dock? 

A mixed feelings idea but bigger clans may find useful a automatic removal tool (optional) for inactivity that can be set by warlords eg 15 days 30 60 365 but also a bypass to said automatic removal if say prearrange notice of inactivity eg. Student or overseas job post. It dose not sit right that clan logs always show y playyer was removed by x especially when the reason is inactivity. I Would want to see x removed y still as a leader if it was of rule infraction in case of appeal by y

Lastly we all like cheaper but maybe decoration costs should be lowered for larger clans 300, 1000 members very rarely donate to the decoration work it is normaly a small but very talented and generous lot of tenno that decorate and donate.

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My wishlist:

1. Would it be possible for Clan Founder to get a dupe of unique/event orbiter decorations, so we can have them on both our orbiter and dojo?

2. Yooka Floof is not donatable currently, but was in the past.  Can the dev team revert that?

3. The ability to store your decorated rooms to place them somewhere else when we want to restructure the dojo (I know this might be too much to ask, but one can dream)

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Il y a 21 heures, (PSN)camwyn-xenos a dit :

A maximum room counter when building ie 230 out of 260 230/260 not actually sure what current maximum is. I have dojo energy from reactors to spare.


Yes it's a invisible hard cap at 128 rooms, you have no indications about it anywhere, it's a really "nice" surprise when you have fun to build your dojo the first time ! ...

Replacing the dojo capacity which is totally useless and indicate the hard cap of 128 rooms will be a good change (don't need too much things to changes)

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6 hours ago, Alpha56 said:

Please add Dojo remaster trophies (bronze - silver - gold) to the decoration Menu for everyone.

Are you talking about the trophies for winning the contests? If so, why would they be available to dojos that haven't won in any position?

They are already pretty much participation trophies as it is. If they do what you're talking about, they really would be nothing but that.

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Can we have an option ( another role for exemple or by character name or a toggle option on the console room) for each room to lock all decoration. So decorators can only decorate rooms not locked.

Another possibility, give this option to the architect role or clan master role

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My Wishlist for Dojo improvements:

  • no clip mode for decorations
  • ability to make custom blueprints to allow the replication of decoration sets (structures built out of several decorations, for example)
  • ability to adjust pivot points on objects , if possible
  • ability to toggle on/off the sounds of atmospheric effects (smoke, fire, etc)
  • fixes for architect obstacle course objects - the death wall objects can currently be bypassed by abusing the shield gating mechanic, and does not display red when it can't be placed
  • pens / kennel room for companions (could donate unwanted companions to it, especially since consigning them to the lotus doesnt make sense anymore, not that it made much sense to begin with)
  • fish tanks where caught fish could be donated/placed into
  • a "Guest Key" that you could give out to friends that may not be in your clan/alliance to allow them to visit your dojo whenever they wanted without requiring a clan member to be present, and options to grant some small permissions such as ability to make donations to the clan's vault and place decorations (but not rooms, personal decorations, and can't fund or deconstruct things).
  • ability to select/place statues of other warframes besides Loki.
  • our COUCHES
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I had this idea to use the Hollow Pipes from the Fortuna set to make some slides in my dojo..............

-1st I discovered there were ZERO 45-90 degree elbow joints that were hollow so that was kind of the first huge blow to my dream.

-2nd I tried to use the straight pieces and just make slight angle changes and stuff.... but they must be like coated in rubber!!!  You can not slide through them hardly at all..  Even at a 45 degree down angle you slide very very slow lol.   


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December 17, 2020 Update:

Update 29.6.0: Orphix Venom approaches with the end of 2020! So what does the timeline look like for our next wave of Dojo fixes? Here’s what to expect at the start of the new year!

Our next Dojo milestone is a Resource Rebalance. We’ll be reducing Decoration Resource costs by 25% and taking a second look at how Morphics, Gallium, and Control Modules distribute across Recipes. Resource costs of the recent Entrati Orokin and Infested Decorations from Update 29.5: Deimos Arcana demonstrate the kind of levels you can expect.

Once they’re fully ironed out, we’ll update you with a rundown of compensation plans for Decorations built with pre-Rebalance Resource costs. Your Clan Vaults are in for a treat!

We’ll also return with details about which Cosmetic Additions to expect first! More Skybox options for the Open Room, Placeable NPCs, Cetus Decorations, and Kuva Fortress Decorations are all on the table and lookin’ scrumptious.

See you in the 2021, Dojo aficionados. Until then, happy decorating!

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