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Dev Workshop: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack


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The most fun thing about drifting was circling (horizontally or vertically) your target.  This lets you simultaneously dodge while laying down continuous fire, a core mechanic for other dog fighting games with similar movement (example: Descent).  Pilots even got a damage boost via intrinsics to pull it off.   Now we can circle endlessly but not shoot...   Not liking that idea, have to see if the turret placement lets a team mate do it right.  More importantly we need enemies that this mechanic is useful against.  Something beefy enough to circle a few times with out dying or one shot from another weapon.

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vor 34 Minuten schrieb Vavency:

What counts as wreckage? Does does it count repaired components currently in the inventory or it's total repaired even the ones that are no longer exists in the inventory?

How it works: You play Railjack, get random "named" wreck parts: example: Lavan Photor MK1 or Zetki Shield Array MK3.  These you have to repair and store them in your inventory. Which means you have to spent Platinum until you can fit a total of 30 "named" wreck parts. Dont forget that the Dojo stuff like Sigma and the normal Photor etc. do not count! Thus you will have to get over 30 slots to place all 30 "named" wreck parts.

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Player has completed at least 30 Wreckage: Tier 3

Yeah this is crazy. It should include valenced scrap (so each part would count as 3-4). I have 10 different guns, every shield, every engine, and every reactor (spending plat to be able to additional slots) and I have... 17. Barely half.

Should I just be building scraped parts like crazy? Does it count if I can't claim them?? I'm not going to spend plat to get additional spots just for an umbra forma and legendary core.


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It looks like I and others have questions about the tiered rewards for rebuilding scrap! Does it include things we've bought and sold already? Does it include Sigma stuff that's taking up slots? Does it include Valance in some capacity since those take half of the resource cost and is where most of us put our resources? Please, we need clarity on this!

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21 minutes ago, caustik said:

The most fun thing about drifting was circling (horizontally or vertically) your target.  This lets you simultaneously dodge while laying down continuous fire, a core mechanic for other dog fighting games with similar movement (example: Descent).

This, so much!

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I don't think amount of wreckages would mean anything, some people already suggested other ways of knowing if a player really played this gamemode, like the intrinsics level, mk3 weapons, and others.
Meanwhile I already put 30 wreckages to repair to feel safe xD

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A lot of people have already asked this, but I do think you need to clarify the wreckage bonus rewards ASAP.

When I read it yesterday I read it as though you just needed to build 30 wreckage of any kind to get a tier 3 reward.

Re-reading it today, it seems like the first bundle of rewards is from either a clan BP or a tier 1 wreckage. The 2nd bundle is only counting tier 2 wreckage and the third bundle is only counting tier 3 wreckage. 

The way you wrote it is ambiguous because you put a colon and then tier 1-3. It could either be calling the bundle of the reward tier 1-3 or it could be specifying that the wreckage itself has to be tier 1-3 in order to get the below rewards. 

A lot of people thinking it was the first thing likely went out and started possibly wasting tons of resources spam building tier one wreckage because of that ambiguity. Or perhaps it isn't a waste and that actually does count. It really isn't clear and should be clarified in the original post. 

IE: "Player has completed at least 12 Wreckage: Tier 2"

The way it is written would suggest any 12 wreckage results in a Tier 2 reward. However, the wreckage itself also has three tiers so it could just be poorly written and mean that Tier 2 wreckage only is what is counted towards the below reward and that the reward bundles aren't what it's referring to when using the word tier. 

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1 minute ago, Borg1611 said:

A lot of people have already asked this, but I do think you need to clarify the wreckage bonus rewards ASAP.

When I read it yesterday I read it as though you just needed to build 30 wreckage of any kind to get a tier 3 reward.

Re-reading it today, it seems like the first bundle of rewards is from either a clan BP or a tier 1 wreckage. The 2nd bundle is only counting tier 2 wreckage and the third bundle is only counting tier 3 wreckage. 

The way you wrote it is ambiguous because you put a colon and then tier 1-3. It could either be calling the bundle of the reward tier 1-3 or it could be specifying that the wreckage itself has to be tier 1-3 in order to get the below rewards. 

A lot of people thinking it was the first thing likely went out and started possibly wasting tons of resources spam building tier one wreckage because of that ambiguity. Or perhaps it isn't a waste and that actually does count. It really isn't clear and should be clarified in the original post. 

IE: "Player has completed at least 12 Wreckage: Tier 2"

The way it is written would suggest any 12 wreckage results in a Tier 2 reward. However, the wreckage itself also has three tiers so it could just be poorly written and mean that Tier 2 wreckage only is what is counted towards the below reward and that the reward bundles aren't what it's referring to when using the word tier. 

I really hope its not 30 wreckages mk3 because it doesn't even make sense to do that

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22 hours ago, mikakor said:

Player has completed at least 30 Wreckage: Tier 3

 - Everything in Tier 1 AND Tier 2
 - 3x Rush Repair Drones
 - Legendary Core
 - Umbra Forma
 - Railjack Resource Bundle #3


any clarifications on what completed 30 wreckages mean? does that just mean I have to have 30 wreckages in my inventor? or does that mean I have to fully build 30 parts? does valence fusioning count into those? @[DE]Rebecca

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While not without minor concerns (how many forma will I need to spend to equip the plexus with what the grid used to handle? Will I need to go live in the index for credits to upgrade more mods? Going to miss the bigger ship. Had been looking forward to having my "afraid of space" lich on board with other tenno, even if just as an anti boarder dude.) I am cautiously optimistic about the changes. 


Except the change to frame energy. 

Even if you ignore that tenno are either going to have unlimited energy (zenurik, protea, consumables, etc) or none, it is going to encourage the use of placeholder frames instead of what a person wants for anytime they are not in a seat. 

For me it sounds a lot like how exalted weapons used to use the mods of the equipped weapon. On first pass it may sound like an easy way to integrate the ability weapon with your existing kit but in practice it drove you to using shell kit. "I want to use shotgun mods for Titania's pistols so I guess my primary has to be a shotgun. And it needs to run status with no Riven. And ignore projectile speed." Sure status shotguns are great but I might not want to do that and now I have to.


If there is one thing that comes out of this workshop hopefully it will be flux staying under the new munitions "per tenno, regens but an engineer can build" method. (Much more so than the legendary core and umbral forma even)

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It'd still be nice to be able to know if you qualify for Tier 3 before it's too late too. I have absolutely no idea how many Wreckages I have repaired, I'd imagine a lot of early adopters are in that position. And I'll add in that making it based on Wreckage, much less an insanely high number like 30, is just nuts. Even 10 is crazy pushing it because you do not need to repair 10 Wreckage to have an optimal Railjack. If we'd have to have a cutoff point, it literally should be MK3s, and just a repaired MK3 Wreckage for every slot, meaning two weapons, one engine, one shield, and one reactor. Or better yet it really should just be based on Intrinsics.

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vor 42 Minuten schrieb (PSN)TONI__RIBEIRO:

I did it before they made it so you couldn't earn more, so i already have enough for command, everything rank 10 plus an additional 1024 intrinsic points.

I wasn't exaggerating when I said I was a true early grinder in this.

But no way near 30 wreckage built, not planning on building just for the tier rewards.

You're the first player I've heard that from.

Because there's still an unsolved problem in the equation:

Afaik you need 1023 intrinsic points to get at rank 10: (1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512 = 1023, not 1024).

So you will have a surplus intrinsic point left. Weird. 🥴

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3 minutes ago, __jag__ said:

This poor, poor workshop thread. There's some really good (IMHO) feedback in here, but it's getting drowned out by (valid!) worries about the current criteria for the "early adopter" compensation.


Let's spare a moment to understand the frustration.  You seem to be good with the explanation that there's some substantial base questions.  What is missing is the common sense.


Where are the test servers?

With such a huge change, what are the realistic investments required to participate?

With a back-tracking of something they previously said could not be done, exactly why are we now seeing it touted as a huge step forward?

What exactly are we going to have to grind for?



With so many questions, and less than two weeks left, there's plenty of apprehension.  So it's pretty reasonable to let the few bits of genuine potential be drowned out.  It's especially interesting when you factor in the DE delivery style....basically deliver underbaked and underpowered so you can buff later.  That isn't great, when you're looking at the third total revision of a game mode.

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I don't know... expanding the Railjack missions is a plus but I'm salty about seeing the third speed boost since release, and this time followed by removel of stamina...

Parkur 2.0... anyone? But I guess this is more like sprinting with the Railjack rather than what Parkur 2 did...

Still I was happy with the idea that the Railjack was a Dropship rather than a fighter... Since it's release we've seen it one-shot Grineer crew ships and become as nimble as a fighter. This is that kind of q.o.l. update that rules out the possibility of introducing actual fighter jets in the future... because Railjacks are fast and F and can one-shot Grineer Crewships... but hey, let's just shove more power fantasy into Warframe, right?

If this sounds like overreacting, consider this: We can't have decent vehicles in open worlds because Archwings exist.

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36 minutes ago, Tazemi said:

I really hope its not 30 wreckages mk3 because it doesn't even make sense to do that

I'm also hoping it's 30 of any wreckage. I can't imagine why anyone would have built 30 MK3s, but I stopped playing RJ mostly after I got MK3 weapons and my ship was pretty decked out. Not sure if people kept playing it and building more for some reason?

It took me very little time to build like 20 tier 1 wreckage yesterday already though, so I thought maybe that third reward was reserved for something more time consuming, then I re-read the workshop and couldn't decide what it meant. 

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24 minutes ago, __jag__ said:

This poor, poor workshop thread. There's some really good (IMHO) feedback in here, but it's getting drowned out by (valid!) worries about the current criteria for the "early adopter" compensation.

I couldn't agree more.

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23 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


 This is an FAQ Follow Up to our Dev Workshop:

What about these Early Adopter Tiers?

Tenno - this is the hottest question, and we are seriously reviewing the Wreckage schema to make it more user friendly to know what you are eligible for at a glance vs. having to remember what you’ve built, Valence Transferred, Scrapped, etc. We are changing this, as seen here. All original posts will be edited to reflect this: 

Tier 1:
-4 Avionic Grid Slots Maxed+ 1 Wreckage Built

Tier 2:
-7 Avionic Grid Slots Maxed + 3 Wreckage Built

Tier 3:
-Full Avionic Grid Maxed+ 6 Wreckage Built (i.e all Slots have something you’ve made).

These changes were made to give the players instant recognition of what they are eligible for,  and the tiers are a bit more generous. 
If you are going on a crafting frenzy in the meantime, as you wait 12 hours between repairs, remember that Railjack Components and Armaments are unique in that you can break them down to regain a generous amount of the Resources it required to build them. 

What about Lavos / Hildryn, and why Warframe energy - seems scary!
Firstly, Lavos and Hildryn are all up and running with cool downs and Shield-as-energy on Railjack, respectively. Secondly - yeah, it is scary! It’s a big change, and the Warframe Energy economy is a much different world than Flux. There have been some seriously great responses to this part of the Dev Workshop, and when we caveated everything in the workshop with ‘expect changes’, we had it in the back of our minds that this part would be most at risk for thrash. This answer serves one purpose: to let you know what we are reviewing this right now, and we will provide details on any plan revisions when they are final. 

You mentioned Necramechs in all missions, why just Railjack missions in this update?
We have Railjack missions set up in such a way that Necramechs are compatible in virtually all environments (hence Orphix coming back, etc). We still aim to deliver on our goal of game-wide Necramechs in a future update. In order to make sure this new feature doesn’t cause major issues, we need more time to test Father’s Old War toys before we fully let them loose! 

Crew - Affinity? Competencies? How do those work?
We have some minor changes here - as this is a new feature, it’s not really a change to anything you’ve experienced, but we wanted to clarify how this works. 
Crew Member Competency Points change: 
- Current workshop: “Crewmates will gain Affinity like you’re used to, which can be spent to increase aptitude in certain roles as ‘Competency Points’. 
- Change: On launch Competency Points will be earned through Intrinsic Ranks. You get one point at Rank 2, 4, 5, and 6. In later updates we will include Affinity gain for Crew Members, but for initial implementation Intrinsic Ranks will be the way to earn Competency Points. 

Is the Orphix Venom vendor also coming back?

No, Arcanes will be within the Orphix mission rotations themselves in new Reward Tables. 


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Player has completed at least 30 Wreckage: Tier 3


Can we change this to intrinsics ? something like all intrinsics at least at level 6 or so ? because wreckage is really: 1) not something you can keep count of 2) not indicative of your level ( i have all the best gear but just crafted that and not spent anything on tier 1 and 2 

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