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Update 30.5: Sisters of Parvos & Kuva Liches Feedback Megathread (Read First Post!)


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Biggest issue I've had with this system so far is mostly in my normal lich roadblocks-

Getting the bastard to show up once I know all 3 symbols so I can properly test/out him. I understand that we have a new Nubbin to force him out, but I would really appreciate increased rage generation if all symbols are known. 

Secondly, I'd appreciate it if People-without-Liches can host/show up to the showdown. Attempting to help a few of my friends so we can go Sister hunting is proving... surprisingly frustrating. 

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i'm sorry but WHAT?

your kuva lich is still a broken RNG grindfest SINCE IMPLEMENTED where to even LOCK a desired weapon is an RNG grindfest where you are presented with an RNG weapon, requiring you to do the same cassini runs god knows how many times for 16 weapons (now 19), and now you want people to grind for a mission, insert token, do a timed mission that you can fail, wait for a sister to spawn, kill it, only to be presented with MORE RNG weapons

why? what do you need players to prove? our resilience? our hard work? a sense of pride and accomplishment?

why can't players choose their own weapons? why can't there be 3 different weapons in a pool at least?

why? why do you feel the need to punish players repeatedly? i once had to do 100+ cassini runs just to lock a damn magnetic kuva nukor because the RNG kept giving me the same damn weapons like 3 times in a row, and now i am 4 hours doing that after update and i am still not encountering any of the new kuva weapons

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2 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

You are now required to fight the Lich/Sister a second time after "killing" it with the correct sequence so you can then fight in Railjack in order to properly kill it. It pretty much negates some of the time you're saving by farming a lower amount of murmurs.

DE, why? Why do you have to circle around things instead of making things flat, total, unquestionable improvements?

This. I was going to report this as a bug until I saw that I NOW have to go into railjack. Wellll, railjack gives me migraines so yay for being forced YET AGAIN into a game mode I didnt have to play before. If you wanted to add this for sister of parvos, fine....but the supposed reduction in time is being negated by NOW having to go into RJ...and I take it still no way to ditch a lich? I hated lichs before and hate them even more now.

Edit: Just finished the space fight...and that's a triple no thank you. if you are in a full squad you have to also now wait to fight everyone's lich (RiP if they are all radiation). Why didn't you guys test server all this stuff? :( PLEASE play this game as you have it set for everyone else. You need to experience this as a player. What a mess this is.

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The new final showdown is a nice mission but the update imo failed to fix the core problem of liches. The fun and unique part about doing this content is fighting the liches themselves but that is tediously locked behind a boring murmur grind which while it did become less in quantity is still just as bad in terms of quality. It's just boring old missions like we've done for years. For liches to become good one of two things need to happen (maybe both):

  • Thralls need to show up in regular missions including fissures, nightmare, steel path, open worlds, railjack, etc.
  • The showdown mission needs to always be available at any point.
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are we also going to gloss over the fact that after spending hours grinding cassini to get the weapon you want then 30-40 minutes(if youre lucky) to get your lich to fk off into that god awful railjack mission that you then have to spend 5 minutes holding mouse one on a level 2 lich that, for some unknown reason, has a 99.995% damage reduction. 


i get it DE, you dont like people trivializing your "content". but taking an enemy and having them take literally SIX damage instead of 10,000 doesnt make the game more fun, it makes it frustrating and boring. trivializing content is what was fun about this game. the fact that you guys dont seem to know that just proves that the people making decisions do NOT even play this game.



an annoyed beta tester

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10 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

The new final showdown is a nice mission but the update imo failed to fix the core problem of liches. The fun and unique part about doing this content is fighting the liches themselves but that is tediously locked behind a boring murmur grind which while it did become less in quantity is still just as bad in terms of quality. It's just boring old missions like we've done for years. For liches to become good one of two things need to happen (maybe both):

  • Thralls need to show up in regular missions including fissures, nightmare, steel path, open worlds, railjack, etc.
  • The showdown mission needs to always be available at any point.

I think I wouldn't mind the showdown either if we could go right for this lich and being able to bypass thrall hunting. Id even be okay with some kind of penalty for getting the combos wrong by guessing. Can still hunt like normally to get the thralls and test order. That unnecessary fight once you have the right combo needs to go too. I just don't see why the kuva liches were changed. If the goal was to make the fight worse so we'd want the old and also long/busted way of hunting them back, that's unfortunate.

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Since spawning a Candidate requires a Granum Crown, the situation for the poor Solaris prisoners that are scattered on the Corpus ships has become even more dire than it was before.

With 5 Solaris prisoners and only up to(!) one Treasurer per mission, saving them is hopeless. Please consider having Treasurers spawn every 5 minutes in endless missions, and upon objective completion in non-endless missions (so people can't force extraction before the treasurer spawns, because apparently no one wants to wait for him)

This is something that I care very deeply about.

Leaving them hanging is incredibly frustrating.
I don't even care about the standing, I just want to save a soul

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 I feel like the new lich influence regions are kind of okay for keeping high level liches out of low level murmur hunts, but it means that now we have to murder thousands of high level enemies to hunt murmurs on elusive liches.

 It was extremely convenient to join missions anywhere and have a good chance of a normal fight.  Now if my Lich or Sister has been elusive I have to build specifically for genocide just to get the last few murmurs.  The speed that we learn our requiems helps but it still means we will at times be going into missions to prepare to get a weapon that would have no reason to be anywhere near that mission.

 The rewards are again, in most cases way below the quality and power of what is needed to earn the reward in the first place.

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Putting this behind the already really bad Granum Void mechanic was a horrible idea. Granum Void is pretty to look at, but is not a fun minigame to play.

Kuva Liches were good because Larvae were quick and snappy, you find one, you check the weapon, and you move on if you don't like it.

Now you need to do a long mission to farm one piece of currency per mission to enter a minigame that you have to play on the highest difficulty that you have to win to get the chance to spawn one Larvae that may or may not have what you're looking for.

I love Kuva Liches, the system is fun. This is such a MASSIVE disappointment though. Please ditch the Granum Void requirement entirely. It's bad enough having to play it to get Protea (still don't own any Protea parts because Granum Void sucks that badly), but this is just absolutely horrible.

Please, PLEASE ditch it and go back to the regular spawning system used for Kuva Liches.


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My wife and I have enjoyed Warframe together for almost 900 days now, each. This update drops and locks a defeated lich or sister behind a rail jack mission. My wife hates the rail jack. "if I wanted to play star wars, I would have bought star wars. 

Your change in the flow has forced an entire dearth of content away from these 2 players at least. There shouldn't be game content locked behind a single mode. 

I like space warfare. The Railjack is a slow lumbering slug of a ship. It's really not the zippy ship, like our parkour jumping Warframes. Alone it's crazy hard, together there's not enough players to use all the weapons and systems on a ship that big. You don't build a ship to only use half it's systems at a time. 

Please allow us another way around to get to our final lich/sister battle. 

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so the tenet diplos' unique ability is absolutely garbage, and the weapon should not be aimed when firing bc of it. the auto pistols fire about 2 bullets per enemy marked, which do very very low damage and vastly worsen the weapon in comparison to hip-firing it. please make it so you can continue you auto-firing the weapon while aiming

currently you have to spend a zenith granum coin, and do the granum void just to see what the weapon will be. this is made even worse by the current bug where the candidate just doesn't occasionally spawn after completing the granum void.

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Tenet Grigori, the newest Scythe gained via Void Storms in Railjack through Glast vs. Reaper Prime and Hate, both from the time of Clans being added to the game.

Tenet Scythe compared to Reaper Prime and Hate

  • Less Crit Chance
  • Less Crit Multiplier
  • Less Base Damage
  • Less Range
  • Less Follow Through
  • More Block Angle
  • A better slide attack damage, with less range and follow through, depriving it of it's use as a slide attack
  • More Status? (Scythes typically use the guaranteed Slash Procs in their stances, not reliant on Status of itself)
  • A unique projectile. But it just kinda goes. It doesn't track hostiles, to my testing. It's not using Glaive logic. It's just... kinda like a really awkward Exodia Contagion
  • Combo saves when holstered. (We would accomplish same end with one combo duration mod or Naramon. That free modslot does not make up for the downsides in comparison to Reaper Prime)

The 59% Heat Scythe that many likely clamored to get like myself left me very... depressed. I'm not going to use it, outside of Mastery, as it cannot compete with the oldest scythes in Warframe. The projectile, status, and passive element bonus, even at 59%, does not entice me to choose it over the old golds. I will be attempting to gather other Tenet Weapons, but my first taste has been sour, in my opinion.

Overall though, I want to give thanks for the comparatively bug-free update.

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The most frustrating part of liches/sisters hasn't changed: you still have to do fifty bajillion missions to get them to frickin' spawn so you can figure out the stabbing order. It's not really an improvement having a final "guaranteed" mission to kill them—it's not saving you any effort, it's an additional mission you have to do on top of everything else you had to do. The faster whisper grind helps, yes, but at least with the whispers there's always a tangible sense of forward progression. Doing eight missions in a row for zero progress after your grind is not super awesome, never has been.

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8 hours ago, XHADgaming said:

Having to go through what appears to be 6 cards each with 5 different requirements to complete

Only 5 runs are required, the last one is a prex. You complete all 25 tasks to get the BP, the parts are bought (I assume for credits) from the new dojo lab. This one is not a RNG grind fest (assuming you have enough experience playing or cheesing k-drives)


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58 minutes ago, DarkQuill said:

still don't own any Protea parts because Granum Void sucks that badly

Mirage and prism with max range makes the protea farm trivial. I solo'ed it with that build and only failed to get Protea simply because I ran out of my saved coins and the RNG is so bad.

Your point about the granum void stand though, its corpus RJ levels of tedium only to get a chance of nothing at the end. The minimum they should do is make it so you can enter the granum void without using a coin, for none of the usual drop rewards, only the sister spawn.


22 minutes ago, Denosaurus813 said:

weapon should not be aimed when firing bc of it

And so DE introduces arcane and mods that give you bonuses when aiming, You couldn't make this up. I always felt the "change the wqay a gun fires when aiming" was stupid (eg Kuva Quartakk - full auto hip fired, force changes to bigblast alt fire when aiming. No!)


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Might be a little off topic, but I'm REALLY disliking the way we choose our Lich. Some history to make sure people understand where I'm coming from. When  Liches were originally released it was terrible, because you wouldn't know what weapon you were getting and it was random. They changed it, let you see what you were getting AND they had redundancy protection so that you'd only get a new weapon you hadn't gotten yet. This worked really well.

Flash forward and they added the Valence Transfusion system so we could fuse up our weapons and max out their potential. Fantastic! But, they killed the redundancy system as a necessary part of allowing you to get the weapons again so you can fuse them. So, now with this update, we've added a bunch of new Kuva weapons on top of an already big list. Guess who can't get a Kuva Grattler to save his life but has gotten the Kuva Brakk to pop up like 10 times? THIS GUY!

It'd be really nice if we could get a redundancy blocking system again. Even if it's something as simple as you won't see the same weapon again until you claim a Lich or go through the full rotation of weapons.

Edit: I've thought about this issue some more and I think I have a better solution: Move certain weapons to specific planets AND have the weapon rotation (won't see the same weapon until you go through the full rotation). We've got 4 planets/zones (Saturn, Uranus, Sedna & Kuva Fortress) where we can run into the appropriate level enemies, so why not split up the weapons into groups and then put them on a redundancy preventing rotation in different areas

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So, I took out my current lich to make room for a sister, and she had the vengeful charge ephemera, which I already acquired before with a previous lich... and yet I still received a vengeful charge ephemera. No different pattern of bolts or sparks firing off, not even a different default color, exact same as the previous ephemera. So I now have a duplicate that I cannot trade, sell for credits, or even just toss away cluttering up my menu. I was with my friend who also had a lich at the time (we were trying out the lich confrontation railjack mission), his lich had the vengeful magnetic ephemera, had also previously acquired it, and also received a duplicate, so I'm not the only one experiencing this. I'm pretty sure this is a bug or something because I don't think anyone would like to worry about getting "unlucky" with their lich having an ephemera.unknown.png

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Why is Kuva Lich so impenetrable now? like all the mobs in this location? (in the simulacrum everything is ok, in normal missions everything is ok) my Mesa Prime hits ordinary mobs instead of 10k per shot - 1k. As for the lich: why does Mesa hit him for 20 damage? A Stropha using a heavy attack - hits 200 damage (orange crit), Balla + Mirage (+ 700% damage) - does not damage Kuva Lich at all. This is normal? 

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Just now, TerribleDamage said:

Why is Kuva Lich so impenetrable now? like all the mobs in this location? (in the simulacrum everything is ok, in normal missions everything is ok) my Mesa Prime hits ordinary mobs instead of 10k per shot - 1k. As for the lich: why does Mesa hit him for 20 damage? A Stropha using a heavy attack - hits 200 damage (orange crit), Balla + Mirage (+ 700% damage) - does not damage Kuva Lich at all. This is normal? 

If you're talking about in the final showdown in the Railjack mission, they tweaked it to make it not over in a few seconds.

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