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Veilbreaker: Update 32


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43 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • In-Game Surveys are being added to better understand players’ experiences. Some players will receive an in-game survey upon attempting to close Warframe. While the survey is optional and players can skip it if they would like to, we strongly encourage participation as it helps with continued game development.


This might be one of the biggest things you have done in the past decade!

The change in leadership is really doing wonders.


The rest of the changes are also fantastic,

I have only one gripe , there is no change to the weapon pickup with large ammo pool and low damage per shot (like the twin grakata, twin gremlins etc.) they greatly suffer because of the ammo and it would be great if their override was equal to half their magazine? seems fair.


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54 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Archon Intensify: 
+30% Ability Strength. Restoring Health with abilities grants +30% Ability Strength for 10s. 

I'm curious, does this Ability Strength buff only have one stack? And does this work with Molt Reconstruct?

Edited by TomCruisesSon
word better thsnks
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Please get an additional proofreader to double check content! Launcher has "accouterments" in Protea's fashion blurb!

Also "3 exta slots" in one of the various loading screens.

Trifling details and not directly related to this amazing update, but some people (or pups) are really easily niggled by these things!

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With all the armour stripping attention in this update, and as you have taken a look at "all" of the armour stripping related abilities, I must ask if you gave Mag's polarize a look? I cant see it mentioned in the notes here, though maybe I missed it.

The stripping amount from Polarize still has no information listed in the arsenal as far as I can see, and as far as I can tell from a quick test, its still a flat number strip and not a percent based strip. Her polarize falls short compared to other strip abilities by comparison, especially now that so many just got better.

If I am mistaken, then please disregard my comment. If you purposefully left the ability unchanged, then I'd like to ask why?

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16 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

Unimpressed with that I gotta say, I didn't think AOE would affect us normal players, once again I've been screwed over by spammers. 😱 :facepalm:

Exactly - they really must not believe there are normal people like us out here that still played the game instead of farmed it as fast as possible. I'm an Ivar a main... I like slow, stealthy precision. As such, I used a lot of weapons that aren't just woefully underpowered, but also have ridiculous ammo pools (throwing stars or single pistols, to name a couple). 

This is like destroying an entire house to fix the floor in one room. I don't care what changes were made to ammo drops, because we'll still be limited and unable to use resource pads everywhere, and there's also times that there's just no ammo dropping. 

1 million percent uncalled for. And you're right, once again the mindless spammers ruin things, somehow, for everyone else. 

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55 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Mesa’s Ballistic Battery Changes: 

  • Increased maximum stored damage from 1.6k to 5k.  
  • Changed the casting animation to be only upper body and use one hand. 
    • This allows casting to be done without interrupting shooting. 
  • Changed damage accumulation to be shown as a buff indicator instead of % on ability. 
    • The refresh buff indication now calls out ‘Ballistic Battery’ outright and uses its ability icon while accumulating. 
  • Mesa now has the ability to use Ballistic Battery during Peacemaker. 
  • Buff indicator refreshes when the shot is fully charged. 

meh...still will always be helminthed out....until its changed to a DURATION ability like the rest of her kit, its stil la waste of a slot.

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Primal Fury Changes:

  • Melee stance has been reworked to modern standards - bigger hits in the combos now have larger damage multipliers built in. 
  • Added a short duration vortex pull at the end of his forward combo when he slams the floor. Does not scale with Ability Strength Mods. 

What happened to bringing back the mechanic where Primal Fury gains additional range based on melee combo? That's a mechanic I was really looking to returning that would make Primal Fury stand out from the other Exalted weapons like it used to. You guys said during the Devstream this mechanic would return.

Edited by DawnoftheWhiteFury
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after some time into game, my mouse and keyboard suddenly can't do any input into game. it just stuck there. what's left is just using the basic windows key functions like alt + tab, nvidia shadow play keyboard shortcut etc... just can't do anything in game. can't control warframe, can't esc, can't chat, can't even alt + f4. i need too alt+ tab and force close via task manager and start game again.
very random very frequent. experienced it 3 times, first in mission, then in orbiter, then in clan dojo. i'll wait around until there's a hotfix. literally unplayable for me now.
need guide to get logs so that it can be fixed.

Edited by -IK-KurokoNiiChan
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4 minutes ago, I.V.A.R.A said:

Exactly - they really must not believe there are normal people like us out here that still played the game instead of farmed it as fast as possible. I'm an Ivar a main... I like slow, stealthy precision. As such, I used a lot of weapons that aren't just woefully underpowered, but also have ridiculous ammo pools (throwing stars or single pistols, to name a couple). 

This is like destroying an entire house to fix the floor in one room. I don't care what changes were made to ammo drops, because we'll still be limited and unable to use resource pads everywhere, and there's also times that there's just no ammo dropping. 

1 million percent uncalled for. And you're right, once again the mindless spammers ruin things, somehow, for everyone else. 

Yes I like my slow and steady gameplay as well, I'm going to have to re look at a lot of my weapons with lower damage but high output, this is like a wrecking ball imo, penalise the spammers weapons not us normal players, some of my guns might not be viable now. :sad:

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Ah, of course, mericless and various off-meta weapons get to suffer now. Not interfering with other playstyles should've been a priority with AoE nerfs, but it seems someone just couldn't help themselves.

Ah well. Since the AoE weps were a symptom, and not a core issue, I guess we're going back to the days of simulor, tonkor and exalted blade of all things. 

Until we get to face fewer, stronger enemies, nothing will change. 

I kindly urge, and sincerely hope, that the developers choose to tackle the actual fodder enemy issue instead of making a weapon hitlist and vaguely threatening update notes. This one basically says "Glaive users, you're next!" already.

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Looks good from what I've been able to see.


Appreciate the amount of characters being able to be pasted for Clan Ads having been increased.

Possible to allow a linebreak to be pasted too? Currently if you paste two sentences with a break in between, the break gets ignored so it looks like a large clump.


Some bugs I've come across so far:

  • Right-clicking on a player's name does not have the option 'Invite to Clan'.
  • The right-click-player menu is scaled too high and looks pretty bad now.
  • Cannot purchase the new warframe's animation set.
  • Sigils and other energy effects are using their Default Blue for Drifter.
  • No way to hide the overlay hint of "L for Legend".
    • The overlay hint should be optional for those that don't need to be told that pressing L pulls up the Legend.



Edited by Sean
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Problematic Kuva Bramma: 

Where to begin. The weapon that a lot of people still generally use, has now been nerfed to the ground with undocumented changes. 

Merciless being nerfed is terrible for all primary weapons, especially for the Bramna, but this doesn't even take the cake. 

Field Test: Nidus Larva, good 10-15 enemies within it, point blank shoots a Bramma arrow into the bunch, not all the enemies are taking damage. 

The first arrow shot by the Bramma also seems to sometimes do no damage upon direct impact on enemies, resulting in some of the explosions doing next to no damage. 

Status proccing for the Bramma is also faulty, and I mean beyond faulty. Max stacked with Galvanized Chamber and Primary Merciless, enemies procced by slash AND viral (on top of the blast as well), the slash tics are doing next to no damage, if any at all. 

The Bramma also has the undocumented LOS change that was 'rumored', and not 'CONFIRMED', to be in this update, ruining how it functions. 

If there were undocumented changes to the Bramma, they should be made aware to the player base by next week, or some sort of hotfix to address this issue with the weapon as a whole to fix how it functions. 

Primary Merciless being nerfed as a whole ruins primary weapons and will revery the player base to returning back to the old strategy of "melee-only" like way back ion the day. Players who want to have fun with explosive weps being targeted was not one of the greatest things done to this, at all. 

Please don't punish people who actually like or love using explosive weapons due to spammers who actively go out of their way to ruin the game for others. If this was the approach to explosives as a whole, on top of the Bramma being exponentially broken right now, then this was not the right way to go about it. 

The last thing myself and others who sit in Q&A chat need to do is divert every single person asking "what's the best AOE wep to use in the game?" to just not use them because they ALL got flat out nerfed. 

Edited by Halo
Be nice to players who like explosives.
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Wait why did you guys simply nerf Weapon Arcanes without giving them a different buff? ):

Now people have yet another reason to never use Dexterity. I feel like it's a recurring trend that a good few mods and other things were caught as collateral and received changes that people won't really feel any advantages from. If the goal was to nerf AoE, why nerf other things to the ground that fostered healthier playstyles?

Negatives aside, there's a lot of good changes in this update I just feel like it's hurting people who didn't spam AoE a little too much by catching everyone else in the crossfire. Also am surprised at the 5/5 Kuva Zarr ammo - personally I feel like that'll make it not viable for later game content that can tank many shots.

Overall it's the random mod / arcane nerfs that are gonna be felt the hardest i feel like despite the focus not at all being on them. 


Edit: In my opinion the Felarx Incarnon form needed way more than a slight damage increase and radius to make it even vaguely worth using. Realistically the Incarnon form has profoundly less DPS, doesn't explode despite looking like it should, and is super super slow firing compared to how snappy the normal form typically feels. The only thing I've ever used it for is for sniping long range enemies, but realistically isn't at all worth the time spent changing forms and fishing for awkward shots to get 1 distant enemy to half when i could've instead obliterated 10 enemies in that amount of time with the normal form. I'm very glad you guys have noticed the Felarx and are willing to help it actually be worth using, but a slight stat change is not gonna stop literally everyone from laughing at it. Sadly.

Edited by ShadonicX7543
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"We had aspirations to do a “Relay Rebuilding” event, but to get Cross Play sooner than later, we’ve decided to forgo that idea." This actually makes me really sad. I was just looking at the list of destroyed relays thinking how cool it would be for rebuilding them to be a prerequisite to cross-play coming out.


Come on DE, it's not like we're getting cross play this year, and the even already exists, you just need to kick it off again, probably very little coding required. Please? Come on, we have MONTHS left til cross play, you can still totally go back on this and decide to have the event. Pleeeeease?

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Bubonico stealth nerfed? Alt-Fire now consumes 9 ammo PER "bomb", which means one press on Alt-Fire consumes 3x9=27 aka the entire magazine. So you Alt-Fire once and then have to wait for it to recharge before you can fire any primary shots. Is this intended? This + the massive recharge nerf completely dumpstered the Bubonico, which WAS one of the most fun and well designed weapons in the game. What a damn shame! 

Edit: Decided to try out Kuva Zarr in Steel Path. Did 10 min with Vigilante Supplies in exilus slot. This update changed nothing. Didn't run out of ammo once. Didn't change weapons once. Didn't play any different than pre update 32. So Bubonico is dumpstered and Kuva Zarr is unchanged. Neato. 

Edited by Koed
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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

We are aware of the way Glaive/Thrown Melees behave and are reviewing closely to see if their dominance will require a revision pass as well. But as always, we’ll be watching for your feedback. So bring your AoE weapons into a mission and get a good feel for it (with all of the above in mind) before you share your thoughts. 

They're painfully bad now, couldn't even kill a lv15 Corpus crewman with my previously-room-clearing build.

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