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"Move operations to Dormizone", like Orbiter/Drifter Camp


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Dormizones have been around for quite a while now, launching with the Angels of the Zariman as the ship passed back into our reaches, annddd.... I haven't honestly interacted with it beyond TNW scene and maybe twice since Duviri, to access intrinsics/trader without starting a full mission. It's disappointing, honestly.

I'd love to see the place get more use again, beyond being another spot to chuck down decorations I'll see very rarely. I know at launch some players were requesting this same thing: making it a spot to spawn into on login/mission end, and now with the Duviri launch, it feels... off, coming back to the orbiter after spending time in Duviri, so I'm doubling down in wanting to see this become available. Even if it has fewer features than the normal orbiter, making it an OPTION at least would be a great step in the right direction.

There are already 3 empty consoles outside the Dormizone itself, these could easily be repurposed and made into a Navigation console, Foundry, and perhaps a Syndicate console. Maybe, if we wanted to get a little crazy, even make the third one split into Nightwave/Codex/Syndicate hub, into 3 parts similar to the UI that the "Prelude to War" quest is in the Codex. As for the news/hotfix feed, perhaps a projector could light up and display it on the blank wooden wall to the left of the 3 empty consoles.

Also on a more controversial note I reckon, to add to the sense of "progression" that we are actually making a change to the Zariman, give us the option (since some people will probably like it how it is now), to clean up a little and tidy the hanging cords and random pieces of wood outside the Dormizone as we level up with the Holdfast standing, to bring back life to some of the dead plants and leaves, and maybe someone could learn how to use a mop once and a while... (The "outdoors cleanliness could probably be added as a customizable option within the Vistagraph menu, unlocking all the previous options should one desire the original and worn-down look.)

There is obviously a lot of work put into the Zariman tilesets, textures, mood, and theming, and it just piled on even more with our new Drifter customizations and Duviri and allll this other stuff, it is such a shame to see the Dormizones remain... somewhat useless... because very rarely I will find myself going out of my way to go to a place that doesn't have my main decoration and effort, just to walk back and forth to look at things. Adding some functionality to the Dormizones would be incredible, and I would immediately move operations to settle down in the Zariman if I was given the option. Looking back on Devstream 161, it is mentioned that there are further systems for such things, but whether these such things were put on the backburner, forgotten about, or scrapped, I'd like to show my own and hopefully some other players' love for the Dormizone.

The Zariman was our old home in a way. Maybe we could return to that home once more.qC4y6bW.png

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The Zariman is what first gave me the idea that the Tenno should be able to do something to help these people build up their settlements.  On the Zariman, it would be as much for the Tenno to find and reclaim their past as it would be to help the people still there move on, and build - no matter their current state of being.

The Dormizone most certainly has the capacity to serve as a hub, and the Zariman itself would have room to expand, if the Tenno had options to expand it.

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It was addressed in the last Devstream, Kary replied something like "I don't want to rebuild everything", speaking of the foundry, mod & pet station, etc...; don't want to rewatch the whole stream just to find the exact quote

EDIT: To which I would say: You designed this whole room & made it possible to decorate & modify, you created your own problem

Edited by -Krism-
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Yes, please. 

As much as I like the Drifter camp, I'm enjoying the Dormizone quite a bit but find the loading times on Switch to be an effective deterrent on a lot of things I do.  Really dislike I have to plan around loading times.

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1 hour ago, -Krism- said:

It was addressed in the last Devstream, Kary replied something like "I don't want to rebuild everything", speaking of the foundry, mod & pet station, etc...; don't want to rewatch the whole stream just to find the exact quote

EDIT: To which I would say: You designed this whole room & made it possible to decorate & modify, you created your own problem

Yeah that was pretty disappointing.  The Dormizones have a neat concept to them and I would love to engage with it more. But even with Duviri adding in that mirror that let's you mess with your gear.... I barely touch the place.

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Yeah, I'm kinda surprised and slightly annoyed that this wasn't a thing from the start.

Also would be nice if we had either a more direct route from the orbiter or drifter camp to Cavalero or if we could just upgrade the incarnon weapons in the orbiter or drifter camp.

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10 hours ago, -Krism- said:

It was addressed in the last Devstream, Kary replied something like "I don't want to rebuild everything", speaking of the foundry, mod & pet station, etc...; don't want to rewatch the whole stream just to find the exact quote

EDIT: To which I would say: You designed this whole room & made it possible to decorate & modify, you created your own problem

Interesting, I wasn't aware they had mentioned it again previously.

I'm no professional in game development and map making, but I can't imagine the entire thing needs to be rebuilt, and just scrap the whole idea of "improving it as we progress", just having a couple of interactable nodes out the front of the Dormizone is all that is really necessary to make it functional as a spawn location, they seemed to do it well enough with the Duviri doors...

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12 hours ago, -Krism- said:

It was addressed in the last Devstream, Kary replied something like "I don't want to rebuild everything", speaking of the foundry, mod & pet station, etc...; don't want to rewatch the whole stream just to find the exact quote

EDIT: To which I would say: You designed this whole room & made it possible to decorate & modify, you created your own problem

They don't even have to "rebuild" anything, just an itneract button to bring the UI needed, unless the UI is ingrained into those orbiter models, which sounds absolutely impossible and kinda ridiculous TBH. Really lame excuse imo.

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They said that they wouldn't do this unless a lot of people wanted it, which is weird considering that they're spending resources on a gardening system. Not sure how many people were requesting that one, whereas this feels like one of the more common reoccurring suggestions.


Edit: Also, the fact that you'd need to rebuild everything for this single space is proof that you need to go back and overhaul the system to be easier to work with. If you do that, you can expand the different menus to different places, such as Relays and Open World social areas. With that, you can start making player homes for the player to buy with platinum (or standing if you want to be nice), which would be a huge platinum sink for anyone who cares about that sort of thing.

Edited by (XBOX)Ampathetiic
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I made a similar post not too long ago: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1342378-with-the-upcoming-release-of-duviri-paradox-dormizones-needs-a-change/

(OP, do you wanna meld out topics into one big one?)

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Ampathetiic said:

They said that they wouldn't do this unless a lot of people wanted it, which is weird considering that they're spending resources on a gardening system. Not sure how many people were requesting that one, whereas this feels like one of the more common reoccurring suggestions.

This is really dumb, so they won't do this because what, only a few handfuls of people want it and they consider it as a waste of resources, yet are happy to spend them on GARDENING? Of all things, who the hek asked for a Plant Life Simulator? 

This has been asked on DAY 1 and was even flagged as DOA when they found out, it was NOT a log-in place, atm the Dormizones, serve no purpose, besides for people who "Love" to decorate and DE has catered to them for a while now and now they suddenly don't want to do it?. This makes zero sense.

DE added a option to fast-travel to the  Dormizone from the Durvri Navigation, they added a Mirror, and 2 pointless stuff they added, cuz they wanted to make the new gamemode for New Players, where do you think New Players are gonna want to spend most of their time in if they started Durvri, that's right, the Dormizone. DE could have easily just put the New Players right into the start chart after finishing the Quest and not bothered with "Oh, but you wanna stay?" 

16 hours ago, -Krism- said:

It was addressed in the last Devstream, Kary replied something like "I don't want to rebuild everything"

To which I would say: You designed this whole room & made it possible to decorate & modify, you created your own problem

Really, Kary said that?...

You took the words right out of my mouth, HE created that problem, not US and he's upset that he has to decorate all his stuff? This is why I don't do that, cuz I know a new update will add something to the Ship that I'll have to move.

People who over-decorate, even outside of Video games, only create their own problems

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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5 hours ago, Gallerine said:

I'm no professional in game development and map making

You don't have to be, it's simple in some retrospect, I am no professional either, but I have done -some- map-making in the past (Yes different engine entirely, but still) 

OP and I have added clear examples of how the Nodes can be added even outside of the Dormizone itself, with the screens and consoles outside of the Door and I am willing to learn and put them there myself if I had the tools at my disposal, but to be fair, I think everyone else will say the same. Clean up the outside of all the mess and add a few consoles here and there tucked away, outside of possible spots where people have "Decorated" In my post, I even suggested that the Navigation is a new console added near the Lift, so you got a choice to go right to the Zarmain stuff or go to the Start chat.

I'm sorry, this is a bit heated, but it really baffles me how they are so eager to try to make a gardening system and not do stuff like this, Did they say where the system is even going to be placed? As far I recall they said there will be a console in the Dormizone itself but that was a long time ago.

If they do add it to the Dormizone itself, cool more functions to it, but still not make it an operations spot? Uh, Why?

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18 hours ago, Gallerine said:

The Zariman was our old home in a way. Maybe we could return to that home once more.qC4y6bW.png

From an out-of-character perspective I respect and encourage DE to make Dormizone a new hub...

In-character the Zariman was never and will never be my home. I was on that ship for like three days tops, the only memory I have of that time is watching my parents die before taking out my stress by bullying Rell. If Yonta would let me I would be piloting that cursed wreck straight into the Sun at maximum speed. The Orbiter is my home; the Zariman is just a slice of Hell come back to taunt us

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6 hours ago, Gallerine said:

Interesting, I wasn't aware they had mentioned it again previously.

I'm no professional in game development and map making, but I can't imagine the entire thing needs to be rebuilt, and just scrap the whole idea of "improving it as we progress", just having a couple of interactable nodes out the front of the Dormizone is all that is really necessary to make it functional as a spawn location, they seemed to do it well enough with the Duviri doors...

5 hours ago, vanaukas said:

They don't even have to "rebuild" anything, just an itneract button to bring the UI needed, unless the UI is ingrained into those orbiter models, which sounds absolutely impossible and kinda ridiculous TBH. Really lame excuse imo.

I agree with vanaukas, it's just a really lame excuse


1 hour ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Really, Kary said that?...

You took the words right out of my mouth, HE created that problem, not US and he's upset that he has to decorate all his stuff? This is why I don't do that, cuz I know a new update will add something to the Ship that I'll have to move.

People who over-decorate, even outside of Video games, only create their own problems

I found it, it's at 1:17:56 when he says "Yeah, I'm cringing at the thought of having to rebuild all of those machines again unless there's a really good reason"

& as @(XBOX)Ampathetiic pointed out, they say that when they also said they're making a goddamn gardening system with the planters outside the Dormizone, come the #*!% on




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The Dungeon D (tenno apartments or dormizones) ship seems like the place where the Tenno should be. It is a social hub and a world connector to Duviri, Plains, Fortuna, Deimos. At least connecting the orbiter with all the assets to the Dungeon D ship would be great. It's a plausible idea for those who want a more social interactivity between tennos/drifters. I agree with this idea entirely. 

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6 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

What exactly was said about this gardening thing?


Wait, that's interesting. 

VERY interesting as a concept for the dormizone or the Dungeon ship tenno apartment. It could be a small space where architectural miniatures can be placed in one of the spaces in the Dormizone. Reminds me the Dojo rooms a bit. 

Dojos are dead zones right now.  These dormizones may fill in the functions of Dojos. 

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I always hoped the railjack would replace the orbiter using the upper deck of the railjack for the orbiter's interaction panels with all the rooms at the back of the orbiter moved to the dojo.

The orbiter must be very confusing for new players when we now have a railjack to fly around in. You have this orbiter that you can't fly but somehow magically gets to planets when you start a mission and the ship you can fly (railjack) is connected above the orbiter via a tube for some reason! then there's a dropship which you also can't fly but you need it to go down to planets for missions and you also need it to access relay stations (arrival animation) but there's also a railjack dock at relay stations now so.. and where is it stored anyway? there's no sign of it in the orbiter, no hanger for it or even a separate tube! 3 different ships but you can only fly one of them, all very confusing.

The dormizone is an extra home/base/location that doesn't need to exist. I'd be happy with a drastic simplification overhaul and would detail my plan for this but realise it wouldn't get off the ground because such an upheaval would cause too much controversy. 


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21 minutes ago, DogsConkers said:

you also need it to access relay stations (arrival animation) but there's also a railjack dock at relay stations now so

Damn I only now realized how little sense that makes. So every time you arrive at a relay, there are actually two ships which fly to it, but you're inside the the landing craft, and then Cy just flies the Railjack there as well for no reason.

21 minutes ago, DogsConkers said:

and where is it stored anyway? there's no sign of it in the orbiter, no hanger for it or even a separate tube!

They made a very cool and clever system for the Liset, where it serves as a helm of the orbiter, and it's reflected both in the interior, where there's this ramp connecting them together, and in the Drifter Camp where you can see the actual "slot" Liset goes in...

And then they said "screw it!" with the rest of landing crafts, and there's not a trace of explanation on how they are stored. Moreover, in the Drifter Camp it makes no damn sense, you teleport into whichever ship you have equipped, and they all are somehow Lisets from the inside. Even a Grineer goddamn dropship!

Edited by ant99999
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3 hours ago, -Krism- said:

I agree with vanaukas, it's just a really lame excuse, they also said they're making a goddamn gardening system with the planters outside the Dormizone, come the hek on


I can't recall where they said they are gonna make the "goddamn gardening system with the planters outside the Dormizone" but if they're gonna do that, they may as well go all the way and allow us to use it as a base of operations. otherwise, this fancy little plantlife simulator is gonna be DOA, I really can't remember who asked for this. 

Overall, There is simply no excuse. 


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1 hour ago, DogsConkers said:

The dormizone is an extra home/base/location that doesn't need to exist. I'd be happy with a drastic simplification overhaul and would detail my plan for this but realise it wouldn't get off the ground because such an upheaval would cause too much controversy. 

This ^

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1 minute ago, Circle_of_Psi said:


I can't recall where they said they are gonna make the "goddamn gardening system with the planters outside the Dormizone" but if they're gonna do that, they may as well go all the way and allow us to use it as a base of operations. otherwise, this fancy little plantlife simulator is gonna be DOA, I really can't remember who asked for this. 

Overall, There is simply no excuse. 


I can chime in on this,

I never recalled them saying that gardening would be in the Dormizone; but, during the AoZ-launch there was a hint that Gardening was in development on the consoles outside the Dormizone, and someone on the Devstream following confirmed that it was in development.

Funnily enough, they never commited to where it would be, so it being in the cave instead isn't that far fetched. I'd assume that there was already a prototype of the cave considering the Drifter door that was previously locked, and the Tennocon last year was about Duviri as well.

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