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Dog Days - reminder to DE to improve the gameplay


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The summer is coming and with it Dog Days event is supposed to return. And while there's no doubt this event is a true masterpiece from narration perspective it's also a complete disaster from gameplay perspective. Absolutely boring, repetitive gameplay that forces players to do exactly the same things again and again with zero variety. The worst kind of grind that could exist! And I ask, I beg DE to improve it, to add a couple more gameplay mechanics to this mode to make it more enjoyable.

Here's just a few things from the top of my head that could improve the game mode:

  • Secondary weapon: water balloons. Using the same mechanic as Pox - dealing short-range AOE damage upon hit.
  • Melee weapon: pool noodles. Big, silly, colorful bat for smacking those friendly Grineer faces.
  • Pick-up bonuses: water jetpack (same mechanics as Kahl's jetpack, but different skin), fire hose (archgun that shoots water and has very limited ammo supply), protective bubble (protects from a few hits, then pops).

As you can see most of that are just reskins, requiring little to no new animations, minimal coding and just a bit of 3D modelling. But the gameplay effect from having those things in Dog Days event will be amazing!

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Only if the enemies can use them too. Part of what fun there is is the more symmetrical gameplay, and I long for the sheer fear in people when they see Garesh bearing down on them at mach 3 with a pool noodle.

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

The Office Reaction GIF

they bring back that garbage every summer but won't rerun Plague Star or Scarlet Spear... you know, events that are actually FUN and REWARDING.. smh.

Scarlet Spear was cancelled indefinitely and frankly that's for the best. Plague Star, wouldn't call it rewarding but I agree it should happen more often so new players can experience it

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I hope they don't add any new rewards to it. I like skipping it 

This is my hope.


2 hours ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

As you can see most of that are just reskins, requiring little to no new animations, minimal coding and just a bit of 3D modelling. But the gameplay effect from having those things in Dog Days event will be amazing!

While your suggestions would likely improve the game mode, I have another suggestion that requires far less effort from DE.  It's simple.  Don't add anything new to the reward store.  It's a loathsome game mode that has absolutely zero redeemable factors.  Please, DE, stop putting new stuff in that reward store.


I would prefer it if the game mode were to be improved.  But that takes developer resources.  I think it's far more likely that DE will put a few new cosmetics in the reward store and call it a day.  But it could be even easier, DE!  Just don't add anything new.

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42 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

The Office Reaction GIF

they bring back that garbage every summer but won't rerun Plague Star or Scarlet Spear... you know, events that are actually FUN and REWARDING.. smh.

Scarlet Spear was a nightmare. The rewards were great but it was a grindfest and buggy as all heck. Instead they implemented its successor, Orphix Venom, permanently in RJ. Plague Star also sucked, tbh, people just go nuts at the thought of free built forma and seem to forget how dull the actual event is.

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9 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

Scarlet Spear was a nightmare. The rewards were great but it was a grindfest and buggy as all heck. Instead they implemented its successor, Orphix Venom, permanently in RJ. Plague Star also sucked, tbh, people just go nuts at the thought of free built forma and seem to forget how dull the actual event is.

Game Show Thank You GIF by Kinda Funny

I'm glad others recognize this too.

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The dream would be to see it turned into event proper with arcane offerings.

There are so many things you can implement from the latest mainline update into dog days to spice it up and warrant becoming an actual proper event such as decrees and drifter combat which would help spice up the gameplay from pew pew shoot.


At the very least please give us a dual wielded pistol skin, I have been waiting for AGES to get one.

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7 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

Scarlet Spear was a nightmare. The rewards were great but it was a grindfest and buggy as all heck. Instead they implemented its successor, Orphix Venom, permanently in RJ. Plague Star also sucked, tbh, people just go nuts at the thought of free built forma and seem to forget how dull the actual event is.

I agree both were terrible fun wise.

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9 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

Scarlet Spear was a nightmare. The rewards were great but it was a grindfest and buggy as all heck. Instead they implemented its successor, Orphix Venom, permanently in RJ. Plague Star also sucked, tbh, people just go nuts at the thought of free built forma and seem to forget how dull the actual event is.

>do regular cetus bounty

>kill leph- I MEAN hemocyte four times

>rinse repeat

peak gameplay /s

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Just do what I did, quit when Dog Days comes out. I'm MR Legend 3 and played periodically since Ash Prime Access release. I still haven't done Dog Days yet, but I plan to do it this year for the first time!

Plague Star I have done, and I agree it burned me out, too. I think after one of the events, I quit playing Warframe after the Plague Star event, from burnout.

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16 hours ago, cute_moth.npc said:

I think having some pearl sharing mechanics for multiple players who tag one enemy or having a team based reward instead of players pearl sniping each other would also be nice?

This I think is the one change that needs to happen. I personally like Dog Days' simple gameplay, and don't mind playing it, even if the grind is likely to be overwhelming to newcomers. What annoys me every time is when I fight an enemy and get no rewards, because they died to another player's last hit. Last-hit mechanics in general exist elsewhere and are one of the game's many baffling design decisions, as Warframe is meant to be cooperative and shouldn't be pitting us against one another in that way. It's particularly bad in this mode, as most people only play it to grind out pearls, and the kill mechanics are incredibly disruptive to the mode: at best, players do this awkward dance out of respect for one another to avoid kill-stealing, and at worst you have people who deliberately go about obstructing others and stealing their kills just to maximize their pearl income.

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20 hours ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

The summer is coming and with it Dog Days event is supposed to return. And while there's no doubt this event is a true masterpiece from narration perspective it's also a complete disaster from gameplay perspective. Absolutely boring, repetitive gameplay that forces players to do exactly the same things again and again with zero variety. The worst kind of grind that could exist! And I ask, I beg DE to improve it, to add a couple more gameplay mechanics to this mode to make it more enjoyable.

Here's just a few things from the top of my head that could improve the game mode:

  • Secondary weapon: water balloons. Using the same mechanic as Pox - dealing short-range AOE damage upon hit.
  • Melee weapon: pool noodles. Big, silly, colorful bat for smacking those friendly Grineer faces.
  • Pick-up bonuses: water jetpack (same mechanics as Kahl's jetpack, but different skin), fire hose (archgun that shoots water and has very limited ammo supply), protective bubble (protects from a few hits, then pops).

As you can see most of that are just reskins, requiring little to no new animations, minimal coding and just a bit of 3D modelling. But the gameplay effect from having those things in Dog Days event will be amazing!

I hope they don't change it. It is a great first time experience type of thing and new players can get great stuff from it. Vets can show support by assisting new players and build the community a bit. 

Vets shouldn't be expecting anything really serious from it.

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21 минуту назад, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 сказал:

I hope they don't change it. It is a great first time experience type of thing and new players can get great stuff from it. Vets can show support by assisting new players and build the community a bit. 

Vets shouldn't be expecting anything really serious from it.

You have some serious self-deprecating issues if you think that you, as a vet, don't deserve to have fun playing the game. You might need to seek for processional help. Robbing yourself of fun and enjoyment is a worrying sign.

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4 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I hope they don't change it. It is a great first time experience type of thing and new players can get great stuff from it. Vets can show support by assisting new players and build the community a bit. 

Vets shouldn't be expecting anything really serious from it.

"Assisting" new players by trailing them and taking their pearls is what happens ^^;

It needs adjustments..

9 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

This I think is the one change that needs to happen. I personally like Dog Days' simple gameplay, and don't mind playing it, even if the grind is likely to be overwhelming to newcomers. What annoys me every time is when I fight an enemy and get no rewards, because they died to another player's last hit. Last-hit mechanics in general exist elsewhere and are one of the game's many baffling design decisions, as Warframe is meant to be cooperative and shouldn't be pitting us against one another in that way. It's particularly bad in this mode, as most people only play it to grind out pearls, and the kill mechanics are incredibly disruptive to the mode: at best, players do this awkward dance out of respect for one another to avoid kill-stealing, and at worst you have people who deliberately go about obstructing others and stealing their kills just to maximize their pearl income.

The dark secret is that if they don't fix it, that's going to be me stalking the weak in my hunger for pearls.. Those floofs are expensive.

I have a malignant evil within, and I know it.. FIX THE KILL STEALING PLEASE.

It should be Dog Days, not Dog Eat Dog Days.

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5 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I hope they don't change it. It is a great first time experience type of thing and new players can get great stuff from it. Vets can show support by assisting new players and build the community a bit. 

Vets shouldn't be expecting anything really serious from it.

Oh yes, the vets should be "helping" and "assisting" new players by trailing after them and stealing all the kills because only the last hit counts and nothing else matters meaning that the "proper" way to play is to either:
A) Play only solo and never engage in the multiplayer so that you can actually get more than 5 pearls per run
B) Play multiplayer and only jump around and focus on stealing the kills from everyone else because why should you put in the effort to get through the first 80% of the enemies healthbar when that scores you literally nothing and gets you zero pearls, meanwhile if you just steal everyone elses kills you'll easily get massive amounts of pearls every single run


This is a very anti-cooperative game mode....and really needs to be changed so that it is more cooperative instead of what it currently is.

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8 hours ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

You have some serious self-deprecating issues if you think that you, as a vet, don't deserve to have fun playing the game. You might need to seek for processional help. Robbing yourself of fun and enjoyment is a worrying sign.

We have 99.999% of the rest of the game, including a brand new world with a vets exclusive SP Circuit with tons of rewards to play with. Having DE to then take the time to remake (still fun) annual events that cater to newer players just for us to still complain about the rewards and repetition every single year sounds like an unnecessary dev headache.

Instead, I offer we let the new kids enjoy the always prepared annual experiences (while also allowing vets to enjoy with friends and complete missing rewards) so the devs and resources can remain focused on giving the rest of us new and different experiences. I'm having a hard time wondering why that is not an understandable proposition.

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