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Its just me or the devs focus more on cosmetics and way to get money than actualy good content or fixing bugs!


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I`m the only one thinking that the devs kinda stoped to care about good content? I mean the most part of the last few devs streams even before duvri upate was mostly about presenting new cosmetics new things to buy and less and less about actualy fixing bugs and actualy new and enjoyable content. I made my first acount in this game around december 214 when i was in highscool, since than all i see new now are dead zones, tons of useless resources good for only one thing and also only good to anoy new players who will never understand why they exist. There are bugs not adressed or fixed, or a better question, when was the last new content released who never comed without performance problems or bugs? I remember all the comunity cryng about duvri on launch and on devstream they cared about showing and presenting the blue doll in the pack. Now in the last dev stream since i understood from some body duvri got his last update for a while, hmmm dead forget zone already? I looked at the new arena thing also they reused the jackal as the boss, what they dont make enouph money to actualy pay somebody to create a new boss? The game has a ton of problems and all they seem to care are more cosmetics and more ways to get money, i mean yea f2p game need money tu survive, but for hell guys do you realy think they dont get a decent profit? I mean the model of the game who let you farm the plat is making the people actualy buyng plat cause its not some p2w crap, i made this acoutn a few months earlier and dump in ir around 350h and 500$, but it seem i need to find myself a game were new content is actualy new content with no bugs or dead farming zones

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There's people that fix bugs and there's people that make cosmetics, you're not gonna tell a character modeler to help you out with fixing code.

When an update or hotifx releases there's a part at the bottom that lists every bug they fixed so they're definitely fixing stuff

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3 minutes ago, Corvid said:

Point me to an update that has not had bugfixes, please.

If you put 100 bugs into the game with every update, and fix 10 of them over the course of 2 months, personally I don't think that's good enough. But feel free to enjoy your 90 new bugs every couple months.

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27 minutes ago, SovietSilviu said:

, but it seem i need to find myself a game were new content is actualy new content with no bugs or dead farming zones

a game with no bugs at all? good luck with that buddy, your journey is as long as it is futile.

cosmetics appear to be front and centre because they're easy to show off, and the people working on them are not the same people who work on the game's code. it's called an "art team", and blaming them for game bugs is like going into a Burger King and complaining that your Subway Sandwich doesn't taste right.

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I think there is a flaw with your premise. 

A person enjoying a game one update, doesn't mean the Developers are being consumer friendly, sincere, good guys and friends, who are doing their best to give us the player the hivemind what we want, eliminating bugs, making sure we get the best value, pleasing us, having our best interest at heart and as a noble goal, and then that same player not enjoying an update either before that period or after, doesn't mean they become greedy, careless money obsessed over business and trying to suck out all our money with vampiric urgency. 

Whether you are enjoying the game, and finding the update relatively bug free and worth your time and energy, or burnt out, frustrated, unhappy, displeased, the Devs are almost always usually in a similar mindset or attitude, and thats to get money from you, ideally a profit. I mean its more complicated than that, becauyse short term money is nice, but there is also value in satisfying and pleasing a consumer/customer enough so that you may be able to leverage that to get more of their time, engagement and money, and so... different businesses will develop different ideas, standards, practices about how to be appealing to certain people, and that can include being a certain kind of consumer friendly or holding to certain ideals and principles, and that can resonate to some fans. Which a business can like, but there will always generally be a degree of profit orientated business aspect involved. 

Now not all individuals in a business are the same, and sure, some leaders or members can have different priorities, but I think its flawed thinking to imply or infer that the content you may have enjoyed was the result of something more friendly and pure than trying to get money, and the stuff that you frame as negative or more negative, is them not "caring anymore". Whatever updates you may have enjoyed in the past, its a guarantee that there was someone else out there who didn't care and thought it sucked. There may be a fan who thinks that right now, DE is doing their best work ever. Regardless, a lot of its going to be about wanting to get money from people, but also will also be a lot of general creative motivation as well. Its complicated, and may depend a bit about what people exactly. Games or any business involving creativity and art will tend to attract certain people, but business can also attract certain people too. 

Basically don't assign human characteristics/motivations to corporations/businesses, they exist to make money/profit. Also its fine to understand and recognise that businesses also often need to try to appeal and accomodate the people their product is aimed at, but thats another complicated subject. Basically you also don't have to view every business as being purely motivated by the exact amount of greed ether, its more nuanced and complicated than that too. 

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- I am totally against the regal aya/$$ only cosmetics

-All other cosmetic stuff is up to the player if they wanna grind/wait or buy.

-Old content/bugs Vs New Content is a very difficult balance with all online games.  

Everytime I play I generate a laundry list of bugs and or old content I would love to see fixed/rebalanced.   Everytime they say screw you to Scarlet Spear im think to myself that people just want that alternate path to getting arcanes than through the stupid eidolons.   Then I think about Orphix Venom event which also had all the arcanes and how fun it was.   Then I think about how badly they butched that mode when they stuck it in Railjack.   Jesus Christ,  just put it back to the way it was in event and let people get arcanes and people will stop asking about Scarlet Spear...  

Fissures, Railjack,  Zariman...even duviri has some economy issues like enigma stones and decorations, resources, arcanes....  

BUT new stuff is what brings people back, keeps them playing,  keeps the money rolling in.....but not fixing things makes the game sickly and overall a bad experience.  Like tons of people burned through Duviri content in a week.... now they will probably revert back to older content that isnt in the best shape...  


I am pretty excited for AI to revolutionize gaming.   

  • Biggest thing would be an AI that can sift through lines of code and fix bugs.  Or look at data and adjust balance.
  • An AI that could generate maps/dungeons so they are unique and fresh everytime you do them.
  • AI controlled NPC's that bring the game to life in ways that are impossible to do now.
  • AI that could generate art/animation

AI's might kill off some jobs...but I see them as tools that would still need human guidance,  

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3 hours ago, SovietSilviu said:

I`m the only one thinking that the devs kinda stoped to care about good content? I mean the most part of the last few devs streams even before duvri upate was mostly about presenting new cosmetics new things to buy and less and less about actualy fixing bugs and actualy new and enjoyable content. I made my first acount in this game around december 214 when i was in highscool, since than all i see new now are dead zones, tons of useless resources good for only one thing and also only good to anoy new players who will never understand why they exist. There are bugs not adressed or fixed, or a better question, when was the last new content released who never comed without performance problems or bugs? I remember all the comunity cryng about duvri on launch and on devstream they cared about showing and presenting the blue doll in the pack. Now in the last dev stream since i understood from some body duvri got his last update for a while, hmmm dead forget zone already? I looked at the new arena thing also they reused the jackal as the boss, what they dont make enouph money to actualy pay somebody to create a new boss? The game has a ton of problems and all they seem to care are more cosmetics and more ways to get money, i mean yea f2p game need money tu survive, but for hell guys do you realy think they dont get a decent profit? I mean the model of the game who let you farm the plat is making the people actualy buyng plat cause its not some p2w crap, i made this acoutn a few months earlier and dump in ir around 350h and 500$, but it seem i need to find myself a game were new content is actualy new content with no bugs or dead farming zones

Quality appears to have dropped. Releases have been rather buggy in the last year or two, but Duviri was really an embarrassing mess at launch and bugs still persist.

Looking past the bugs, the Duviri update would be like some F1 racing game dropping a new update in which players get to drive  sedan in a traffic jam towards the race: It is slow, rather plain and lacks depth. While it appears as though DE wanted to introduce a slower, more methodical type of combat style, they only got the slow part right, as the methodical part is not necessary due to rather bad balancing again.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb SovietSilviu:

I`m the only one thinking that the devs kinda stoped to care about good content? I mean the most part of the last few devs streams even before duvri upate was mostly about presenting new cosmetics new things to buy and less and less about actualy fixing bugs and actualy new and enjoyable content. I made my first acount in this game around december 214 when i was in highscool, since than all i see new now are dead zones, tons of useless resources good for only one thing and also only good to anoy new players who will never understand why they exist. There are bugs not adressed or fixed, or a better question, when was the last new content released who never comed without performance problems or bugs? I remember all the comunity cryng about duvri on launch and on devstream they cared about showing and presenting the blue doll in the pack. Now in the last dev stream since i understood from some body duvri got his last update for a while, hmmm dead forget zone already? I looked at the new arena thing also they reused the jackal as the boss, what they dont make enouph money to actualy pay somebody to create a new boss? The game has a ton of problems and all they seem to care are more cosmetics and more ways to get money, i mean yea f2p game need money tu survive, but for hell guys do you realy think they dont get a decent profit? I mean the model of the game who let you farm the plat is making the people actualy buyng plat cause its not some p2w crap, i made this acoutn a few months earlier and dump in ir around 350h and 500$, but it seem i need to find myself a game were new content is actualy new content with no bugs or dead farming zones

especially on REAL warframe content. because for many months there has only been a very bad single player updates for grandmas and grandpas. and we don't live in the 1990s anymore......

so if the goal was to reset complete progress in the game and frustrate almost all players, then they have achieved the goal!

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oh no its on its way.


we are nearing D2 levels of content islands, player disconnect, monetization focus, jump the shark lore.

its crazy how it went so downhill over a few updates.


i do somewhat blame the leadership transition.

its nothing against anyone doing their job right now, im sure everyone is decently competent. but in that transition, you did lose people with creative direction, vision, and focus.


so now rather then someone that been working at DE for 10 years going "ahh yes this is my baby i know whats going on" you have new people being given the keys to an already established and profitable IP and told "go crazy its all your!"

as dev heads leave or move on people that were previously just working on weapons or monsters now find themselves dictating the direction of warframes live development.


and maybe they dont even want to work on warframe? they would prefer to play hades or ff14 or something. 

well maybe they can change warframe to make it more fun for them?



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3 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

If you put 100 bugs into the game with every update, and fix 10 of them over the course of 2 months, personally I don't think that's good enough. But feel free to enjoy your 90 new bugs every couple months.

You are NOT allowed to use common sense on this forum. 

You are NOT allowed to make intelligent posts on this forum. 

You are NOT allowed to be smart and competent writing logical remarks. 


WHO THE PHk do you think you are? (/sarcasm)

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4 hours ago, SovietSilviu said:

I looked at the new arena thing also they reused the jackal as the boss, what they dont make enouph money to actualy pay somebody to create a new boss? The game has a ton of problems and all they seem to care are more cosmetics and more ways to get money, i mean yea f2p game need money tu survive, but for hell guys do you realy think they dont get a decent profit?


To add to your argument, DE promised a roguelike game mode with Duviri, what they ended up delivering is the the same old game mods with RNG buffs and called it a day, not to mention the glorified 6 stage bounty that Duviri has become, what people don't realize how absurd warframe content had become, This is not the game I fell in love with many years ago, most of the time I don't even wanna log in and play like I used. 

Maybe it's just me since I'm in my late 20s, and I no longer have time for repeating the same 6 stages bounties to fight a boss 5 times to unlock a single weapon and if you're fancy you could repeat this 5 times to get all 5 weapons of the drifter, I ended up paying with plat to the most of Duviri in a short period of time, and still the game feels repetitive and lack soul lately, I personally find this disrespectful to my time.  

my advice to you is to just find a new game, there are plenty of F2P games that are actively updated with new fresh content, I personally will wait to see what's in tennocon and I Really hope it's not more of the same.

In the meantime I'm having the time of my life playing single player games, FF16 is insanely good, do yourself a favor and play it. 


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I can come up with a rational and "common sense" explanation for everything DE does that has its basis in good-will towards making a good game and fostering a good relationship with the community.

If you can only see things through a cynical lens then that is on you. That is not to say that a cynical lens may not be representative of truth, but you can't be certain. You chose to look at a situation and see the bad in it, or at the very least you refused to consider a positive interpretation. At the end of the day there are many ways to rationalize something, there are many ways to interpret actions, "common sense" is just subjective  rationalization, at this point I just pity people who only see the negative in the world.


Does DE care more about cosmetics than fixing bugs? I don't see it that way. They have an extremely rushed development timeline that gives us more content, faster, at the cost of a very short QA cycle. Cosmetic additions are an entirely separate pipeline that conveniently has very little need for QA. The long list of bug fixes in every hotfix shows to me that there must be quite a few people working on that part of the game, so while the fate of every update is to be buggy due to that short dev cycle there is an effort to retroactively get things up to par. Art is generally not bottleneck by other departments, someone working on a new Warframe's abilities is beholden to a lot more people than someone making a new model.

I also think the armchair comments of "Durviri was just copy-paste" are incredibly ignorant takes on the realities of game dev. Almost as ignorant as suggesting that changing engines is technically feasible.

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quality has been dropping even further than before ever since we got crossplay

now everyone is on console cert schedule, major bugs that need a code change need to go through cert so it takes longer to fix.

this is not me blaming console players but seeing the quality drop even more than before is disheartening.

Also, yareli.

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5 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

If you put 100 bugs into the game with every update, and fix 10 of them over the course of 2 months, personally I don't think that's good enough. But feel free to enjoy your 90 new bugs every couple months.

Do you experience 90 bugs every time you play? 

Might be your hardware.

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4 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Completely agreed. These releases seem to be more about what can be bundled as purchases with them then to deliver actual quality content. I'm not saying it's all bad but it's pretty obvious quality isn't a priority.

This is the main critique. 

In just one sentence you resumed more than ten thousand threads. 


2 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Do you experience 90 bugs every time you play? 

Might be your hardware.


Duviri Paradox Patch History says otherwise. 



Is this common in video games in general? 

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2 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

No, literally thousands of bugs. They piled up over the years. I'd be hard pressed to come up with one single thing that has no bugs at all.

Yea crazy that people can go from cavemen to creating the internet. 

It's almost like people are trying and things just happen and aren't intentional or malicious. 

But I get it, it's easier to have a target to be mad at.

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6 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Yea crazy that people can go from cavemen to creating the internet. 

It's almost like people are trying and things just happen and aren't intentional or malicious. 

But I get it, it's easier to have a target to be mad at.

I have no clue what you're even trying to say, but it doesn't appear to have any bearing on the topic at hand. So you agree that the game is full of bugs that don't get fixed then? I mean, it's an obvious fact, but even so having people like you agree with obvious facts feels like a great step forward. A problem needs to be identified before it can get addressed after all.

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