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Can two saryns just not matchmake with eachother?


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The way another player's spore can interfere with your's is just way too annoying. Every time I'm playing with saryn and another saryn joins the squad I feel forced to leave so my fun is not ruined. Can't saryns just be made to never join a squad that already has a saryn in public mode?

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7 minutes ago, Cerenax said:

Can't saryns just be made to never join a squad that already has a saryn in public mode?

How about no?

7 minutes ago, Cerenax said:

Every time I'm playing with saryn and another saryn joins the squad I feel forced to leave so my fun is not ruined.

It seems that is more of your problem. Stuff dies is all that matter. Who is killing it is less important. 

PS: Is it just me or there are many topics recenly forcibly seeking problems, where there are none.

Edited by Zakkhar
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This isn't just a Saryn problem. It's a general issue across the whole game. There are lots of other examples of players interfering with each other, e.g. Chroma trying up to soak hits to his HP to charge Vex Armor, while other players just mow down those enemies or grant Chroma shields or overguard.

Edited by SteveCutler
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two Saryns work great together. if it's planned, that is.
one can be focusing on the Stats for Miasma, and then two Saryns together deal more Damage than just one by itself.

but even just random Matchmaking, Saryns don't conflict with each other, you're Killing the same Enemies. if one Casts Miasma before another, the Enemies are still dead, and all that matters is that the Enemies died.
FYI: getting a really high Number on the Spore counter is not an indicator of playing Saryn correctly. it's about Enemies dying. don't play with your Food, "Eat" it. playing correctly is Enemies dying quickly. infact getting a really high Spore Counter is often counterproductive to Killing Enemies quickly, if it's too high then you have trouble actually spreading the effect in order to buff Miasmas' Damage and debuff the Enemies a little bit before you Cast Miasma to Kill everything

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Its same old suggestion to as any other matchmaking.

Want to avoid random shenanigans, form a special squad- either by inviting friends or in recruit chat with specific demands.

Yet, if i play grendel there better be noone else with nourish, or grendel for that matter, if i use room cleaning set up , there better be noone else who can do it, this post has same energy to it.

You need to accept fact that there always be situations where for most part game becomes walking loot collection simulator from time to time, so let out your inner leech and get the free loot. If it not be saryn, it be mesa, or other of countless tileset clearing builds ... 

Or just play solo or invite only, so you can enjoy your build to the fullest, but miss out of drops. Sadly there are no other options. Even survival missions is more about hiding in corner nd do nothing while room cleaners simply kill all , before you can move if play in public.

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16 hours ago, Cerenax said:

The way another player's spore can interfere with your's is just way too annoying. Every time I'm playing with saryn and another saryn joins the squad I feel forced to leave so my fun is not ruined. Can't saryns just be made to never join a squad that already has a saryn in public mode?

i wish they would add a toggle for frame duplication in their matchmaking. both vermintide and deep rock galactic have this option.

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10 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

i wish they would add a toggle for frame duplication in their matchmaking. both vermintide and deep rock galactic have this option.

I'm pretty confident WFs matchmaking favors putting four distinct frames together.   

An option to disallow it completely would be interesting. But without safeguards would  frustrate players who forgot it was toggled on. 

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36 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

I'm pretty confident WFs matchmaking favors putting four distinct frames together.   

An option to disallow it completely would be interesting. But without safeguards would  frustrate players who forgot it was toggled on. 

Dunno where you got that from. In my experience, I almost never find saryns on ESO when I'm playing as other warframes, but when I go in as a saryn I get matched with other sayrns like 10 times in a row.

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1 minute ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

Why not fix Saryn so that multiples on squad allow multi spore infection?

So one doesn't 'starve' out the other

Saryn is kinda OP. It's unlikely they would rework her without giving spores some kind of nerf.

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Just now, Cerenax said:

Saryn is kinda OP. It's unlikely they would rework her without giving spores some kind of nerf.

I don't see what that has to do with anything.


Currently multiple squad members are allowed to hit the same Target with their damage dealing abilities simultaneously.

Why should the fact that two of those squad members happen to be the same WF be an exception?


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5 minutes ago, Cerenax said:

Dunno where you got that from. In my experience, I almost never find saryns on ESO when I'm playing as other warframes, but when I go in as a saryn I get matched with other sayrns like 10 times in a row.

I don't have anything from DE if that's what you mean.   I first got the idea from my experiences with Banshee.  Rarely used frame, but in all the time she's been my most played--which is about 6 years now--I've only played her and been matched up with another Banshee twice.  When I'm not playing her, it's still rare for me to see her, but I'd estimate it's more like  20 or 25 times.  But I've had a similar experience with other, more common frames in normal missions.  Like Wukong when he was crazy popular.  I was only matched up with another WK once when I was playing him, in the same era when I'd be playing Banshee and often see two monkeys in the same squad. 

Your experience never finding Saryns in Onslaught when you're not playing her  doesn't match mine in the slightest.  I don't play her, so I can't speak on that, but I'd say there's roughly one in 50% of the pubs I do there on other frames, usually Equinox.

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On 2023-10-17 at 9:40 PM, Zakkhar said:

PS: Is it just me or there are many topics recenly forcibly seeking problems, where there are none.

Frost mains called.  They feel personally attacked by this.

Also OP, while I'm sure you like marking your territory when it comes to damage with a slow-nuke frame that Saryn is, there are other ways to play her that can kill enemies even faster.  I hear that her Toxic Lash is pretty good to work with for good slam melee weapons.  Could always try that.

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I mean, I kind of get it, but this is one of the prices you might pay when you consent to matching with randoms. plus it's a slippery slope: it'd only be a matter of time before people say "I don't ever want to be matched with Limbo" or something like that.

best compromise is for the saryn users to compare who has the highest power range for spores and let them do the spreading, and focus on using melee and AoE to help spread their spores across the map: a Saryn is only as effective as the amount of enemies she infects, so if you aren't causing the disease, at least help to spread it!

...and maybe don't take that last piece of advice literally IRL lol.

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On 2023-10-18 at 11:27 AM, EinheriarJudith said:

i wish they would add a toggle for frame duplication in their matchmaking. both vermintide and deep rock galactic have this option.

Any well designed online game with distinct characters either disallows duplicates as a baseline design, or has a toggle the player can enable at their own discretion.

Vermintide has the former, while DRG has the latter. Both are incredibly well designed games, so it isn't surprising at all.

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On 2023-10-18 at 12:15 PM, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

Why not fix Saryn so that multiples on squad allow multi spore infection?

So one doesn't 'starve' out the other

I initially thought this too, but this actually might result in both Saryn's being "starved".

If two Saryn's could both have Spores on a single enemy, then to ensure that this wasn't an automated plague, the rule would need to be that (outside of Miasma) Saryn A's Spore kill can't trigger the spread of Saryn B's spores.  Assuming that situation, it would be much more difficult than normal to trigger Spore spreads before infected enemies died, which seems like it would lead to much shorter and spikier bouts of contagion that never really get off the ground.  I can imagine that might be frustrating for both players, as it would significantly disrupt the cadence of the plague that they had each individually built their Saryns for.

If that would indeed be the case, the design might actually be better currently.  If that's the case, the better solution might simply be to nudge the UI design so that Saryn A has visibility into Saryn B's contagion status, allowing them to better feel like they're accomplishing a shared goal when they Miasma to contribute to getting a big old spread?

Because at the core I think the problem here is that the Saryn gameplay loop is all about looking at your two numbers (number infected and current damage) and managing them, so there's a feeling of loss when your numbers aren't getting off the ground.  But if you could see the other Saryn's numbers, and you can effect those numbers (which you already can, you just can't easily see it), then suddenly those are your numbers too, and you're still playing the Saryn game.

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if you are getting out saryned by other saryns, you need to saryn better.

you havent really stated the issue here. why do you care which player has spores? are you just concerned about your kill count?

heres a saryn pro-tip to get you started. do not mod for strength. high str. kills too quickly and your spores cant spread. the name of the game for saryn is maximum contagion...not max damage. people play saryn like shes a nuke frame, she *can* do that...but if you want to nuke a map...play gara instead. saryn is a dot (dmg over time) frame. so you need to keep those spores alive for as long as possible. the more targets have spores...the more targets SPREAD spores....and then the damage scales up and takes care of itself. you dont need damage on saryn, and as ive explained...you dont WANT damage on her.

as far as i know, a target can only have spores from 1 saryn at a time...if you want that to be you...you need to mod for range. my saryns range is 280...i always out saryn other saryns. i spread spores all over. i almost never kill anything with my weapons. i also have subsumed resonator on her so i can basically just walk around spreading spores and be mostly ignored.

as always...ymmv.

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On 2023-10-22 at 11:14 PM, PollexMessier said:

Pretty much this. let enemies be infected by two Saryns' spores at once and the problem is solved.

that would make the problem worse. none of the saryns would be able to keep their spores up. there is a delicate balance between letting the dmg go higher and recasting spores (which lowers the damage they do). it would be difficult to manage if there are multiple spore sources.

Edited by cha0sWyrM
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