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What is your favorite kit/loadout?

(XBOX)Furious Kaiser

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I had a blast during Scarlet Spear using Volt paired with Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger and Balla with Exodia Contagion. 

My most used synergy is probably just Nova's Escape Velocity with Amalgam Serration on a primary, Amalgam Barrel Diffusion on my secondary, and Praedos as a melee.

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@greybones182 I am not here for meta guides. I am here to hear what folks find fun. If it is a meta build, then so be it. Post it. What setup do you find works really well for YOU? It's an open question to the community. I want to hear folks geek out over their kits.

Edited by (XBOX)Furious Kaiser
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I usually run Rev Prime with Shedu (for AoE kills), Epitaph (for crowd control and priming if necessary), Praedos (with mobility evolutions) and Wyrm Prime (with Vulcax modded for vigilante bonuses with over 50% crit chance for the 1.2x final crit multi you get from tenacious bond, and the sentinel has redirection maxed paired with reinforced bond for fire rate boost).

This is my random cooked build I usually run when I want to do most of the missions. Lately I cooked a build for my doggo hound that primes and kills everyone around with me doing nothing at all (cause sometimes I'm lazy lol). 

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Furious Kaiser said:

@greybones182 I am not here for meta guides. I am here to hear what folks find fun. If it is a meta build, then so be it. Post it. What setup do you find works really well for YOU? It's an open question to the community. I want to hear folks geek out over their kits.

🤔 Sometimes I’ll randomise my whole loadout or just go with whatever or design my weapons to suit a role like sniper-and-pistol, and the content I’m doing and the way I’ve built my kit can shift the value of some pieces of it or emergent scenarios can organically arise that I’m not particularly building for but are still enjoyable to deal with the tools I brought, so there’s also the content being done and how fights can unexpectedly play out that can influence the feel.

I guess fundamentally and not particularly tied to ever-shifting content or build, a few things I like doing is using Nova’s Wormhole to shoot some AoE weapons through and drop shots in weird locations or extend where I can shoot weapons like the Simulor or teleport enemies around, or I’ve sometimes done two-player dungeon dives with Wuclone as ranged and me as melee blocking and parrying enemies. I find Dragon Keys like Decaying and Bleeding can add some spice when trying to stealth through a mission as Excalibur with reduced health and shield (generally I equip them for 40-ish and below content even if I’m not stealthing). I’ve been leveling a bunch of stuff lately and status-built snipers with something like electricity can be fun. I like using Loki’s passive (possibly with Patagium, though I don’t often hang around in the one spot long enough to get the full time) to stick to the wall and snipe enemies and in general get a look at the lay of the land

I got every combination of every piece of equipment and mod/arcane/whatever I’ve earned so far and every place to take it to, though I do have some equipment that I’ll gravitate towards like Mesa, Argonak, Lato or Lex/Prime, and a set of sparring weapons or daggers; no particular synergy considered (aside from things like Amalgam Argonak and daggers), but they can be fun to use together

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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I have quite a few which I find fun , and acceptably effective at levels that I play.

I did need to go out of my way to make them work the way I want (helminth and rivens) but it's my playstyle and my loadout.,

Frost prime, prisma lenz , epitaph , sibear , sahasa kubrow,

Atlas prime , prisma Gorgon , prisma angstrum , Furax wraith , Kick Moa (which I have named flint steel) 

Oberon Prime , Proboscis cernos ,vermisplicer secondary kitgun ,  sancti magistar ,  medjay companion ,

Vauban , tenet tetra , tenet plinx , tenet agendus , hound ,

Equinox , felarx , laeton , innodem, panzer vulpaphyla ,

I have many other loadouts , but these are my most liked cause they are thematically apt and effective.

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I usually run missions with Zephyr Prime, Ferrox (Primary), Catchmoon (Secondary) and Skana Prime (Melee).

My Zephyr is built for Duration and survivability, keeping Efficiency and Range at 100 and Power at 155 from Umbral Intensify, 4 of the Archon Shards giving Armor and one giving starting energy.

Ferrox Built focused on pure Damage and Fire Rate to make the most of its Alt-Fire as i used it as another means of CrowdControl and stats priming.

Catchmoon being my main source of damage, build for Crit, it benefits significantly from both my Zephyr's Turbulence and Airburst with their Augment which boosts its max Range and Damage.

Skana Prime because its pretty strong, has Incarnon form and bragging rights. I use the Augment for it that gives extra damage and heals my frame wile proccing AoE Viral from time to time. <3

I dont do Meta.

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My go to is just stug as secondary. Well because why not , and if get to utilize vaubans vortex one can even keep even in dmg departament and enjoy the flying corpse lunches.

Hirudo as melee. Breakdancing through the star chart while healing.

Grendel and using  pulverize augment - catapult and nourish augment and subsumed gloom. Lazy facetanking, and while having enemies in gut and nourish buff active and gloom active passive healing + extra ech time casting abilities. And nourish augment helps to deal with statuses, so even more lazy facetanking for casual plays up to 1h, which nowadays are long enough.

Primary mostly anything which gives stats for pet to hit close to 100% both of cc and sc. Mostly go for kuva quartakk- Due to sound when shooting and actualy can do heavy dmg with alt fire. Or convertrix and enjoying the 200+ of fire and slash procs. within a few seconds.

Pet vizier predasite with the crit bond and have it be fire slash, or toxin slash. Via mecha mod you get close to 100% status so status proces are good . 

     Pre pet nerfwork . Hunter recovery worked well with gloom, since hunter was 30% life steal . So your dmg with active gloom healed pet, all ability casts as grendel healed pet, having enemies in gut healed pet and yourself. And Pet on its own healed by dmg enemies and beeing with in gloom`s range. Now pet dies more often... and you need melee enemies to heal with pack leader... 

Of course always bring in missions perliac pods and specter of grendel.  To have roll off competition and remind people perliacs exist.


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Right now I have 4 frames that I tend to revisit mostly.

Lavos with high range, high strength, Roar instead of Vial Rush. Using a Viral+Heat Torid, Heat Furis and Exodia Contagion hammer build for maximum crit and damage. Accompanied by either a status spreading Hound or a stat stick Panzer for crit damage and fire rate. Avenger and Grace used as Arcanes. 5x Strength shards. Unairu focus.

Dagath built around scything, dooming things and beating them with dead horses. Fractured Blast instead of her #3 buff. Same weapons as Lavos but they are practically never used. Pet is a status spreading hound. Blessing and Augmented as Arcanes. She is practically a Necrotech Death Knight, absurdly tanky through shield gate combined with Health Conversion, Fractured Blast and Blessing. Cast speed and armor shard mix. Unairu focus.

Revenant with a high strength build. Roar instead of Enthrall. Using same ranged weapons as the others but running Dual Ichor as melee on him mostly. Stat stick panzer as pet. Avenger and Augmented as Arcanes. He will likely end up as my dedicated melee frame when TennoKai and melee arcanes arrive in the update. So will likely set up specific Panzer modding for him, right now just using my regular stat stick without any health sustain for the pet itself. Will probably drop shield+fire rate bond and use primed pack leader and something else for him. Some duration, some strength and cast speed shards iirc. Naramon focus.

Hydroid gun platform/debuff build with barrage and plunder augments in a Umbra setup. Gas+Cold Torid, Heat Furis and the same max crit/damage contagion as the other frames. Stat stick Panzer, though it never dies due to the plunder augment. Avenger and Blessing as Arcanes. Cast speed and duration shards, might have an armor shard in there aswell to hit 90% DR when plunder is maxed, or I might have that covered with Unairu and Umbra modding.

I also swap in Garuda from time to time if I plan on doing Disruption, and Khora or Atlas aswell when I wanna rely on skills and dont feel like playing Dagath.

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Warframe: Volt

- Nourish replaced Shock

- 4 Azure Shards for Armour

- 1 Amber Shard for casting speed

Primary: Paris Prime (Incarnon)

Secondary: Ocucor

Melee: Ceramic Dagger (Incarnon)

Companion: Raksa Kubrow



Volt self regenerates energy thanks to Nourish and Archon Stretch. Thanks to his high Armor from Archon Shards and mods (full Umbral set), this enables him to survive anything except for Toxin one shots, which can be still prevented with Electric Shield. Speed and Sentient Surge allow me to quickly move through the maps while constantly shooting and killing everything.

I usually use Ocucor to clean trash mobs and switch to Paris for Eximus, bosses, and such. Acolytes, Archons, and similar get the dagger.

The main reason why I use Paris Prime is because I can make it into a viable weapon and a stat stick for my Kubrow. It starts with 230%CC and 310%SC (it can go higher but then it stops being a viable weapon for me), which translates into 110%CC and 191%SC for my Kubrow. So, if and when it hits something, it will inflict massive double Slash proc on the enemy with the potential to kill even Acolytes. Another reason is for it to activate Tenacious Bond which raises CD on all my weapons by 1.2. Lastly, I can use it to heal myself thanks to Bhisaj-Bal.

Tandem Bond increases my Dagger's Initial Combo by 6 whenever my Kubrow hits anything (this is achieved by negative combo duration), which already starts at 80 thanks to my mods. With the Gun and Blade Evolution, this makes the weapon retain max combo count after a few kills. This is used for healing through Life Strike and to kill anything I need dead asap. With additional bonuses from Vigorous Swap and Electric Shield, the daggers heavy attack and the subsequent AoE projectiles each deal millions of damage. It requires a few seconds of downtime between the attacks for the Initial Combo to recover though. I was trying to replicate what Kullervo can do but on Volt.


So, it's a bit complicated and takes ages to setup but I'm super happy with this and often return to Warframe just to play with this particular load out.

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My absolute favorite go to setup is


Warframe: Garuda Prime with Nourish instead of Blood Altar

Primary: Torid or Strun Incarnon

Secondary: Epitaph

Melee: Quassus, Hate Incarnon, or Ceramic Dagger Incarnon

Companion: Nautilus + Vulklok

Nourish on Garuda is nuts because it basically buffs her 1, 3 and 4. The 3 ends up giving way more energy, even at negative efficiency, and then her 1 and 4 can now proc viral since they are coded as weapon damage. So now you have a viral slash ability nuke with infinite energy (I use Molt Reconstruct for easy and fast heals). I really just love frames that can DPS with their abilities alone, and Garuda is THAT frame lol. Not only that but she basically doubles as a weapons platform with her amazing passive and slash debuff from the 4th ability. With Nourish+Seeking Talons, you don't even need to mod for viral+hunter munitions and can do more unique weapon builds with otherwise impossible status combos like toxin/corrosive + viral. I also use 5 cast speed shards on my Garuda because I honestly don't see a need for anything else on her. She's very flexible with modding and her real only big downside is how slow and clunky her abilities are, and 100%+ cast speed completely fixes that.

I use a Primary Blight pure Toxin Torid Incarnon with this setup and sometimes a Corrosive Heat 655% status Strun Incarnon build because I find those weapons the most fun currently and they're just so powerful too. I have been using Epitaph literally since it was added to the game. It's my all time favorite secondary purely because of its utility and priming capabilities. I always have Amalgam Barrel Diffusion for the faster rolling/dodging, and I can fit both Augur Mods on my build too for shield gating. If I ever need to deal more damage with my main weapons, I just spam the quick fire a few times to prime enemies and then go to town on them. As for melees, I really enjoy heavy attack builds since they can deal damage quick and effectively. All 3 of those melees are exceptional for heavy attacks and I frequently change between them although I'd probably say Ceramic Dagger is my favorite cus of that insane incarnon passive that gives you a ton of initial combo. I also sometimes use the Praedos if I'm speed running a mission because of its evolutions that buff your sprint speed and parkour velocity.

My new favorite companion is the Nautilus. I used to exclusively use a Panzer, but I find the Nautilus just so much more useful now after the rework. Constant grouping from Nautilus just makes a ton of builds even better since enemies are grouped up right in front of you. You can land abilities and weapon shots more easily and conveniently without having to move around much or reposition. It's just so handy in nearly every mission and I don't think I'll be using anything else for a while. I use the Vulklok purely for buffing my critical damage with the new Tenacious mod, although if I for some reason use a secondary other than Epitaph, I have a slightly different Nautilus build for priming enemies with the Helstrum.


Edited by iiReapzx
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Mag + Nataruk + exodia contagion zaw

Mag build I replaced polarize with nourish for near infinite energy and free viral damage. Nourish + Equilibrium + synth set on any companion works great.  Combat Discipline + Arcane Avenger has always been a favorite of mine, It pairs well with Molt Reconstruct for self heal every time I pull enemies into my infinite blender that is Magnetize + Nataruk. Greedy pull is flex slot, I sometimes run more range. I could also run a vigilante mod in that slot and stat stick a sentinel for 25% but crits are already crazy. Crush to reset shield gate. 

I am running 3x regular duration shards and 2x tau faster cast. 



Nataruk with infinite body punch through was made for Mag's magnetize bubble. Basic hm/crit build with cd/fire rate/multi shot/- riven.

I also really like a gas build where I swap hammer shot and amalgam serration for 60/60 tox/heat mods. Self proccing lingering gas clouds inside the bubble blender.



Melee I go a Kronsh machete exodia contagion build because zaw projectiles make it through my magnetize bubble. I can break overguard on eximus outside of my bubble then drag them in with pull. Kronsh has high diso and I have a melee dmg/cd/- riven.



If DE would fix this Kompressa bug in Mag's bubble this loadout would be perfect. 

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8 hours ago, (XBOX)Furious Kaiser said:

I want to hear what you find fun. A frame is nothing without the weapons and pets to support it. What crazy synergies have you guys found that work for you between warframes, weapons, and pets that make you go the distance?

Well, here's my "poster" setup:

Frame: Frost Prime with very high eHP build, arcane Grace and Arcane Guardian

Primary: Trumna or Veykor Hek (the sounds and power of there two are glorious achievements!).

Secondary: Incarnon Atomis or Incarnon Synoid Gammacor. Chaining or raw damage, both are absolute UNITs.

Melee: Incarnon Sancti Magistar or Dual Prisma Cleavers. Wide range hitter that heals or a massive slash proc, high damage monster. Both are fire.

Companion Pet: Turbo, the Moa. Tethering CC, shield restore, VERY high damage dealing with Verglas beam weapon, can take hits and is great aggro reduction.

Companion Sentinel: Helios Prime. Catches scans, destroys everything from a distance with Verglas, and the new cloning precept mod makes him just ridiculous. 

Archgun: Larkspur Prime. Insanely far reaching and chaining, great for team CC and stat proc support, very high ammo count and efficiency.

Focus School: Vazarin. Great for team and objective health management, co-tether support with Moa, REALLY effective against a certain two Acolytes who like to lift/slash proc or radiation proc the entire damn team!!

Anywho, this is my default go-to. 😁

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Well, here's my "poster" setup:

Frame: Frost Prime with very high eHP build, arcane Grace and Arcane Guardian

Primary: Trumna or Veykor Hek (the sounds and power of there two are glorious achievements!).

Secondary: Incarnon Atomis or Incarnon Synoid Gammacor. Chaining or raw damage, both are absolute UNITs.

Melee: Incarnon Sancti Magistar or Dual Prisma Cleavers. Wide range hitter that heals or a massive slash proc, high damage monster. Both are fire.

Companion Pet: Turbo, the Moa. Tethering CC, shield restore, VERY high damage dealing with Verglas beam weapon, can take hits and is great aggro reduction.

Companion Sentinel: Helios Prime. Catches scans, destroys everything from a distance with Verglas, and the new cloning precept mod makes him just ridiculous. 

Archgun: Larkspur Prime. Insanely far reaching and chaining, great for team CC and stat proc support, very high ammo count and efficiency.

Focus School: Vazarin. Great for team and objective health management, co-tether support with Moa, REALLY effective against a certain two Acolytes who like to lift/slash proc or radiation proc the entire damn team!!

Anywho, this is my default go-to. 😁

Forgot about the shards and subsume.

I run 5 Azures: 4 for Armor and 1 for health. Armor ratings greatly boost the Bubble's health and now my Frost sits at 1955 Armor, 1612 Health and 1137 Shields.

I subsumed Frost's ice ball with Nourish. On SP mission squads, I always activate Nourish and drop an energy pad at the start of the mission and at every other objective point a bubble is needed. Squads love that. 😂

For Power increases, I only boosted power strength to 192%. All other values are at 100%. Armor strip is at 100% and Nourish provides plenty. I think Frost's range and durations are at a good spot by default.

All in all, the setup is designed to tank, stall, weaken and take over aggro. 

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I play Hydroid Prime 🌊, through control + tanking + farm (even before the rework 2023 year).

Primaries: Attica. Not many people know that Attica is Hydroid's main weapon. She came out with it in update 13. That's why I go with her. She handles the Steel Path well, even without Riven Mod.

Secondaries: Lato/Pyrana (not prime). I used to use Pyrana because it's a reference to Piranha, but now I go more with Lato because he looks really nice with Hydroid + I got the Riven Mod.

Melees: ZO Nikana - I was so tired of maintain the combo multiplier, but in 2022, I started playing through "Heavy Attack". To do this, I made myself a Zo Nikana with a maximum crit chance (127.5%) and inserted a mystifier - Exodia Brave. Very comfortably.

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Garuda Prime, infused gloom for CC, nuking etc. + quick thinking because being on 2 health while destroying everything is satisfying

Nataruk built exclusively for headshots with high fire rate is my go to primary. I love bows, need I say more?

Laetum for secondary because I like the basic pistol skin firing rockets. 
Also do a healing Panzer without viral (no space) that can somehow deal good damage in Steel Path… yea no that’s weird

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All frames, least up to 5 years ago could "go the distance". You just might not enjoy the play method required.
Examples would be Volt Shield camping, Mag Bubble hopping or drinking 5 energy drinks before playing Banshee.


My favorite to play has changed over 10  years. Nyx with BRaton MK 1 used to be great in Damage 1.0.
These days I like Brawler frames. (frames with big eHP that make your weapons good)

  • Rhino has been a pretty consistently good frame. Use with any Bleed weapons since Roar double dips.
  • Nidus is a great kit also but now that you can't fully strip armor via Pox or Torrid his stomp lost power.
  • Nova is still a premium frame though Antimatter Drop got out power creeped hard so Helmith that crap.
  • I tend to always make use of Nekros despite his need for multiple augments. Melee works best for him.
  • Gara is quality in many way. I favor status melee due to her AoE damage.
  • My current most used is Chroma with 340% Power, Incarnon Torrid and Helmith Xacu's buff on his first.
  • Kullervo is a quality melee frame. Though I got Valkyr to 97.7% DR.
  • I like Wisp for her quality kit and high skill ceiling at higher levels.

Fixing the Armor double dip for Puncture/Toxic opened a lot more doors for me.

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Generally speaking I've been playing:

  • Mag Prime (3=Gloom)
  • Paris Prime Incarnon / Torid Incarnon / Braton Incarnon
  • Kunai Incarnon
  • Bo Incarnon / Ack & Brunt Incarnon / Innodem
  • Zenurik
  • Dethcube Prime


Though they're really not my focus, there are a few synergies here:

  • When Mag needs headshots to charge Incarnon, just aim your weapon at the top of her Magnetize bubble.
  • Pull sets up groups of enemies for ground finishers, which Innodem is great for with its large range and 0.9 follow-through.


But other than that, these are just all the toys I love playing with.

  • Mag really hits the sweet spot where fun meets power for me.  Pull is the most delightful ability in the game, Magnetize is so practical, and with its augment Crush solves 99% of the problems I could conceivably have.
  • Kunai Incarnon is hands-down my favorite secondary.  It feels so good, it charges so fast, and it hits so hard.
  • Bo Prime's attack sound effects gently target the pleasure centers in my brain.
  • Mag, Paris, Kunai, and Bo were my starter gear, so it feels nice to have it be effective.  I've come so far in my Warframe journey, and it's nice that these initial tools have wrapped around so they can come with me on it.
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