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1) Launching enemies into orbit at relativistic speed with Rhino's Iron Shrapnel augment.

2) Original pre nerfed Wolf wrecking people in hydron because they were just trying to level MR fodder. 

3) the bugged out level 300+ steel path netracell missions that briefly existed if host had "steel path" selected when starting it. 

4) feeling like the stalker was an actual threat. 

5) seeing bugged out planet sized pets in railjack.


The funniest thing about 1) for me was back when that was a thing i barely new how to play this game and would often run into enemies in the plains that i had found difficult or impossible to kill. But i could send them to the moon. And then they werent my problem.

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Mostly trade stuff for me, since our trading system sucks bigtime as-is.

  1. We used to have no cap on ignores, so I could mute scammers, lowballers, and generally just people who waste my time (such as people who refuse to honor trade requests they sent themselves and were accommodated immediately).  The new cap is way too low and I can't pay plat to get more slots (and believe me; I would).
  2. A sensible disposition system before the dispo made rivens for all new weapons useless until about about 4.5 years after their release when the dispo may finally rise to just a little below average (but the weapon has become long forgotten).
  3. Folren discord riven pricing bot, so riven trading has at least a reasonably grounded basis for pricing and negotiation.
  4. A world pre-alecaframe constantly spamming the market servers with superfluous requests and grinding performance to borderline-intolerable levels much of the time.


Honestly, I also miss the time before crossplay.  I'm finding the console players have a very... umm... relaxed stance towards warframe gameplay than I can't particularly appreciate.

Edited by sly_squash
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5 minutes ago, ECCHOSIERRA said:

1) Launching enemies into orbit at relativistic speed with Rhino's Iron Shrapnel augment.

2) Original pre nerfed Wolf wrecking people in hydron because they were just trying to level MR fodder. 

3) the bugged out level 300+ steel path netracell missions that briefly existed if host had "steel path" selected when starting it. 

4) feeling like the stalker was an actual threat. 

5) seeing bugged out planet sized pets in railjack.


The funniest thing about 1) for me was back when that was a thing i barely new how to play this game and would often run into enemies in the plains that i had found difficult or impossible to kill. But i could send them to the moon. And then they werent my problem.

You score a Z5c68.gif they were all fun, well not for new players when 2) happened to spawn in, he was truly an ammo sponge before DE made him easier, it was funny to watch everybody running around like a headless chook.

1) You can still do it to an extent.

4) Stalker was a threat way back then, I remember fighting him on Earth for about 40 minutes trying to stay alive and chipping away at him, so green back then MR0 weapons. lol

5) Was fun.

I miss trolling the mates with breaking the Corpus ship windows and creating a lockdown. :devil:

There is more but I can't think right now with the gaming computer having a stroke and thinking about it. 

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Old Draco

Gian Point

Pre-AoE Meta

CC frames actually being viable options

Void Towers*


*There was something special about spending 20 waves in a T4 Def and actually having to consider what frames to bring, because the lack of AoE weapons meant that you actually had to prioritize targets.

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mele-ing through walls
self damage
void dash
Zenistar being a good weapon.
Old gas city updrafts making the "get x headshot kills in a single aimglide" riven challenge effortless.
The old gas city tile with two elevators like an actual reasonable building.
The old corpus ship tile with a vent that lets you bypass the elevator
void dash
Zephyr's tailwind not softlocking you against a wall for 5 seconds in an un-cancelable animation.
Desecrate and Pilfering swarm stacking with eachother. (I guess they reverted this)
prime releases feeling like a big deal
Being able to clip outside the map by just using transference while bullet jumping into a ceiling.
and void dash.

Edited by PollexMessier
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26 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

Desecrate and Pilfering swarm stacking with eachother.

Wait what? Ik pilfering swarm and Pilfering Strangledome don't stack cause they're both loot on kill, but desecrate should cause it's loot on corpse. Unless they changed it during the hydroid rework?

  • Loot while alive: Ivara's Prowl

  • Loot on Petrified kill: Atlas' Petrify with the Ore Gaze augment

  • Loot on kill: Khora's Pilfering Strangledome OR Hydroid's Pilfering Swarm

  • Loot on corpse: Nekros' Desecrate OR Chesacrate

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11 minutes ago, stormy505 said:

Wait what? Ik pilfering swarm and Pilfering Strangledome don't stack cause they're both loot on kill, but desecrate should cause it's loot on corpse. Unless they changed it during the hydroid rework?

  • Loot while alive: Ivara's Prowl

  • Loot on Petrified kill: Atlas' Petrify with the Ore Gaze augment

  • Loot on kill: Khora's Pilfering Strangledome OR Hydroid's Pilfering Swarm

  • Loot on corpse: Nekros' Desecrate OR Chesacrate

Oh they undid it? How tf did nobody ever tell me that till now? it's been 4 years.

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1 hour ago, ECCHOSIERRA said:

3) the bugged out level 300+ steel path netracell missions that briefly existed if host had "steel path" selected when starting it.

Too soon. Let us grieve that one a little longer.

23 minutes ago, Letter13 said:

That's a really grate memory.

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Pre-War Within Operator. Felt like some raw power you can unleash on a high cooldown, that you'd understand needed to be canalized through Warframes. Now it's just a child that can complete missions just as efficiently as the Warframes that are supposed to contain their powers. I've always missed losing that, it gave the same feeling as in New War's cinematic trailer: Warframe kneeling, Operator coming out, screaming, screen shaking. It was a bit garbage in terms of damage but I liked the feeling.

Otherwise, I really miss the Telos Boltace (I know it was not removed, but it's just as if). It's a travesty to have nerfed it to the ground, especially when recently DE has not stopped releasing broken stuff that would put "prime" Telos Boltace to shame if it still existed. RIP my boy

Ah, also the possibility to heal defense targets. RIP support frames

Edited by Chewarette
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Nyx and HP heal frames being more relevant.
Void Dash.
Times the Sonicor was more useful? I think they nerfed the ragdoll effect. Might not have been great for dealing damage but it was more fun to use before. Tenet or Prisma Sonicor when?

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1 hour ago, ECCHOSIERRA said:

) feeling like the stalker was an actual threat. 

this. OG stalker has ranged attacks, invisibility, and maybe it's just me but I swear he moved faster, but that could just be the fact that Shadow Stalker has a lot of attacks that stop him from moving altogether. he could easily take a whole squad of newbies down back in the day. 

15 minutes ago, Ersedu said:

Dark sector Rail Conflicts 


they were fun but needed rework and they got removed for a rework

hopefully we finally get a update this year on them 

if you've actually been waiting on an update on those all this time... I don't know whether to be concerned for your health due to the sheer amount of Copium you must have taken, or admire your spirit for never wavering this whole time. they are never coming back. it's been like 10 years.

as for what i miss:

- the old Wall Run: yeah, it would struggle on newer tilesets (no perfectly smooth walls) but it looked SO much cooler than the wall-hopping we have now, like it was straight out of the Matrix.

- Coptering: sure, we don't need it now, but flinging yourself around with a melee will never not be cool to me.

- Castanas Trinity meta. I don't even like pursuing the meta, but this one was just so dumb it was hilarious IMO, and it was nice to see Trinity shine for a while.

- Self Damage. yeah, I said it. treating the Kuva Bramma more like an artillery strike than a bow made it way more fun for me. people were also less liable to AoE spam every room, so public squads were more bearable.

- Kuva Lich's lethal backbreaker move. people hated it at the time, but I kinda enjoyed seeing the Liches do that to people, including myself. it actually made Liches seem like they were a genuine threat to the tenno, and it's not like we don't have multiple revives. now they're just your average bullet sponge.

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2 hours ago, ECCHOSIERRA said:

4) feeling like the stalker was an actual threat. 

Wait... when was that? I'm too old to remember that. However Sentients were huge threat. I still remember years later after I've fought some basic Sentient. I had Limbo so I would hide myself in the bubble. I had no great weapons nor good build (no Helminth at that time). I couldn't reset Sentient's immunity because I had no kid (that sounds weird but it's normal in WF community, heh). That was hectic fight. After acquiring the Kid It was much better fight. I still miss resetting their immunities.

2 hours ago, ECCHOSIERRA said:

1) Launching enemies into orbit at relativistic speed with Rhino's Iron Shrapnel augment.

And Sonicor!

2 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

Old Draco

+ Old Corpus ship tileset

2 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:


CC frames actually being viable options

I miss it so much.

2 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

Being able to clip outside the map by just using transference while bullet jumping into a ceiling.

On one point I hate that they slap teleporting wall everywhere. ON other hand it's SOOOOOOOOOO satisfying to clip outside map. You beat whole sentient *cough* war, you beat Sister/Liches, you keep Murmurs & co away, you destroy big Ships....etc? It's trivial. You clip through walls? Amazing feeling.

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Trials :sad:

This was the only really consistent thing pushing clans & alliance players on working together more beginners and advanced players. And it was a nice rendezvous you could plan daily or multiple times a week.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

if you've actually been waiting on an update on those all this time... I don't know whether to be concerned for your health due to the sheer amount of Copium you must have taken, or admire your spirit for never wavering this whole time. they are never coming back. it's been like 10 years.


They never said they weren’t coming back so I figured they were working on them and had nothing to report 


if they return I hope they utilize railjack ,arch wing and mechs  

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4 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

Pre-AoE Meta

The height of AoE meta was quite stinky, but then again pre AoE meta was just E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E which wasn't great either.

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Old Corpus Ship tileset and, oh I can't stress this enough, the old tutorial, the one that was your first mission ever before that TNW "new player experience" with cinematics and stuff, just regular Earth Forest node. Started in 2019 and still remember them fondly for now they exist only in my memory of the good old days being a wee Tenno lad 😔

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