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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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I think this interpretation is a bit flawed:

  • Teshin did not outright disobey the scepter. He bent the rules and did things the Queens did not specifically forbid whilst knowing they would not approve. It was shown fairly clearly in the quest that he literally could not disobey the scepter (hence the sequence where you fight him), and that once you retrieved the scepter his obedience shifted to you.
  • Rather than making the jump to "It's Teshin's Nikana," I think it makes more sense to note that the sword in the trailer was set up to allude to the imagery of Arthur first pulling the sword (though strictly speaking it was not Excalibur) from the stone.
  • To me, the sounds of life-support from the trailer imply someone is near-death and that in order to acquire Excal Umbra players will need to choose between saving the ally (and doing the "right" thing) or claiming the Umbra (seizing power).

Just some thoughts.


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4 hours ago, LordOfScrugging said:

Exalted blade would still be stronger. It pulls off of power strength and and the melee mods. blood rush and body count aren't necessary for exalted weapons due to the strength they get from pulling from 2 sources of mods. I never said it should be removed, but it's default mode shouldn't be "fluctus-on-a-stick"

Blood Rush and Body Count will always outshine Exalted Blade especially if it's attached to a hybrid status/crit weapon.

In your opinion it shouldn't be "fluctus on a stick", but in mine it is perfectly adequate. It is the main reason why people use the blade in the first place. It's not going to be changed. He's been nerfed far too much already.

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Another overexcited person that got hyped over 30 seconds teaser and a cryptic message, that gives us little to none information whatsoever.

My speculation? I'm not really into building conspiracy theories out of nothing and I'm not into searching some kind of sacramental reason when there's none.

I think message referes to particular Lore section, something about Umbra and (possibly) Stalker origins. Since Stalker isn't a Tenno, but kinda Warframe at the same time, and it's very depressing yadda-yadda.

I mean why would you want to "trade" and "trade" for what exactly? Let's start with this one.

1 hour ago, LYoshiiro said:

Feel free to post your opinions below or correct anything i may have gotten wrong

Since it's a speculation and theorycrafting you might as well got everything wrong, and we don't have enough information to correct you.

P.S. Not trying to sound like a d1ck, I'm kinda excited but somewhat sceptical... Sorry if I managed to offend you in some way.


Edited by Haxa6
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Just now, Haxa6 said:

Another overexsited person that got hyped over 30 seconds teaser and a cryptic message, that gives us little to none information whatsoever.

My speculation? I'm not really into building conspiracy theories out of nothing and I'm not into searching some kind of sacramental reason when there's none.

I think message referes to particular Lore section, something about Umbra and (possibly) Stalker origins. Since Stalker isn't a Tenno, but kinda Warframe at the same time, and it's very depressing yadda-yadda.

I mean why would you want to "trade" and "trade" for what exactly? Let's start with this one.

Since it's a speculation and theorycrafting you might as well got everything wrong, and we don't have enough information to correct you.

P.S. Not trying to sound like a d1ck, I'm kinda excited but somewhat sceptical... Sorry if I managed to offend you in some way.


haha im pretty new to theorycrafting, i can't really remember war within to the T but thx for clearing up, after reading the replies i realised my theory is pretty flat.

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3 minutes ago, LYoshiiro said:

haha im pretty new to theorycrafting, i can't really remember war within to the T but thx for clearing up, after reading the replies i realised my theory is pretty flat.

Always double check facts before theory posting so later on you don't get stuck in your own headcannon and rage when DE puts out something that contradicted it.... Like the loud minority that hate the fact the operator is a teen.

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Just now, SilvaDreams said:

Always double check facts before theory posting so later on you don't get stuck in your own headcannon and rage when DE puts out something that contradicted it.... Like the loud minority that hate the fact the operator is a teen.

Guess, i got too excited. Haha though i would still like for DE to release a cinematic for interaction between ballas and margulis's interaction and also her execution, that we heard during 2nd dream.

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Here is my speculation going off of what I heard in the trailer, you hear the life support going on in the background. What if that was for the tenno (the one you play), as a result one of your parents in an attempt to save you has their body taken, infested, then molded to become a warframe.

Remember, it wasn't until the second dream happened and you reawakened that you were aware that you were a tenno. You were stuck in a pod controlling your warframe(s).

But that is only a theory. We won't know until the quest comes out.

Edited by (XB1)RAG is NAROK
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59 minutes ago, LYoshiiro said:

Right off the bat, we are shown of a crashed miniature Cephalon Ship.

i don't know if you know it but the trailer was made in one of the Lua rooms, it's a side room where you can find that ship, and if you, if you know where to bulletjump, reach the top of the room there's a breakable wall that hide a room with usually inside only a container. But don't go into the light, you'll have to do all the jumps again

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Just now, Fiftycentis said:

i don't know if you know it but the trailer was made in one of the Lua rooms, it's a side room where you can find that ship, and if you, if you know where to bulletjump, reach the top of the room there's a breakable wall that hide a room with usually inside only a container. But don't go into the light, you'll have to do all the jumps again

oh? any image? kinda interested now. Thankx btw.

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6 minutes ago, LYoshiiro said:

oh? any image? kinda interested now. Thankx btw.


quite hard to find because ppl used the "secret room" also for the special ones, why?!?! btw it existed since lua came out, but still, hope it have somenthing useful with umbras now, or it's just to be a place where i'll have to look for medallions or crates

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I like how almost everyone thinks that we'll have to sacrifice something to get Umbra without even considering the possibility that "The Sacrifice" will actually be telling us how the original Warframes were sentient and made a choice to sacrifice their lives (free will) for us. Giving up their bodies because ours were too unstable at the time. Perhaps they were human, maybe even our Tenno's parents.

The life support heard in the background is more than likely going to be a flashback scene.

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I like how almost wvrryone thinks that we'll have to sacrifice something to get Umbra...

Oh you should see AGGP video about that, r3t4rd3d to the core, though we all know he's a views wh0re.

Edited by Haxa6
sorry about l33t speak
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25 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I like how almost wvrryone thinks that we'll have to sacrifice something to get Umbra without even considering the possibility that "The Sacrifice" will actually be telling us how the original Warframes were sentient and made a choice to sacrifice their lives (free will) for us. Giving up their bodies because ours were too unstable at the time. Perhaps they were human, maybe even our Tenno's parents.

The life support heard in the background is more than likely going to be a flashback scene.

idk if it would have anything to do with the tenno's parents, cause from the lore as far as i can understand, all our parents went nuts and tried to murder us on the zariman 10-0 while it was trapped in the void.

one of my theories is that excalibur umbra was a high ranking tenno (the descriptions for some of the syandanas indicate that fancy scarves = respected), and he or she realized that the orokin were gonna get everyone killed in their war with the sentients, so they decided to sacrifice their honor to save their brothers and sisters lives. cause we know that the tenno betrayed the orokin, and presumably destroyed the outer terminus rail that leads to the tau system, so maybe the umbra frames decided to sacrifice themselves, and took the blame for instigating that betrayal? the line in the teaser says that "all miracles require a sacrifice" and it would have taken a miracle to end the war with the sentients.

or, my other theory, possibly it's talking about margulis, and how she gave up her life to keep the tenno safe. who knows. it's too vague to really be sure.

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2 minutes ago, Haxa6 said:

Oh you should see AGGP video about that, r3t4rd3d to the core, though we all know he's a views wh0re.

I don't watch AGGP. There's only so much arrogance I can handle.

1 minute ago, Podge said:

idk if it would have anything to do with the tenno's parents, cause from the lore as far as i can understand, all our parents went nuts and tried to murder us on the zariman 10-0 while it was trapped in the void.

one of my theories is that excalibur umbra was a high ranking tenno (the descriptions for some of the syandanas indicate that fancy scarves = respected), and he or she realized that the orokin were gonna get everyone killed in their war with the sentients, so they decided to sacrifice their honor to save their brothers and sisters lives. cause we know that the tenno betrayed the orokin, and presumably destroyed the outer terminus rail that leads to the tau system, so maybe the umbra frames decided to sacrifice themselves, and took the blame for instigating that betrayal? the line in the teaser says that "all miracles require a sacrifice" and it would have taken a miracle to end the war with the sentients.

or, my other theory, possibly it's talking about margulis, and how she gave up her life to keep the tenno safe. who knows. it's too vague to really be sure.

Well there is a possibility that one of our parents could have survived, or maybe it was another family member. It was obviously someone who valued the Tenno very much if they were willing to become empty shells for them to occupy.

The leaked script from TWW actually showed Ballas and Umbra talking, with the former saying the exact same "All miracles require sacrifice" line. He was talking to Umbra about the Tenno in that scene.

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1 hour ago, Podge said:

idk if it would have anything to do with the tenno's parents, cause from the lore as far as i can understand, all our parents went nuts and tried to murder us on the zariman 10-0 while it was trapped in the void.

one of my theories is that excalibur umbra was a high ranking tenno (the descriptions for some of the syandanas indicate that fancy scarves = respected), and he or she realized that the orokin were gonna get everyone killed in their war with the sentients, so they decided to sacrifice their honor to save their brothers and sisters lives. cause we know that the tenno betrayed the orokin, and presumably destroyed the outer terminus rail that leads to the tau system, so maybe the umbra frames decided to sacrifice themselves, and took the blame for instigating that betrayal? the line in the teaser says that "all miracles require a sacrifice" and it would have taken a miracle to end the war with the sentients.

or, my other theory, possibly it's talking about margulis, and how she gave up her life to keep the tenno safe. who knows. it's too vague to really be sure.

I'll dare to remind you that Frames are not sentient and there's no info saying they are. Also everyone kinda ignored "trade" part. Who trades? Why?

War with sentients was technically over when Orokin implemented Old Path weapons, straight ballistics instead of fancy-arse guns. It was done until Til Regor uncovered Sentients Tomb. Tenno slaughtered Orokin Emperors during Old War victory celebration, so scrap your theory, and give us another one.

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1 minute ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Well there is a possibility that one of our parents could have survived, or maybe it was another family member. It was obviously someone who valued the Tenno very much if they were willing to become empty shells for them to occupy.

The leaked script from TWW actually showed Ballas and Umbra talking, with the former saying the exact same "All miracles require sacrifice" line. He was talking to Umbra about the Tenno in that scene.

i think it's more likely to be a sibling or close friend than a parent. im pretty sure all the adults went a little bit nuts. also, maybe ballas was talking about how the tenno would be sacrificing themselves to win the war for the orokin? that sounds plausible. if i remember correctly (i may very well be wrong) but margulis was just trying to save the tenno, and give them a peaceful life, but it was someone else who wanted to turn them into weapons to wage the orokin's war.

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13 minutes ago, Haxa6 said:

I'll dare to remind you that Frames are not sentient and there's no info saying they are.

Actually there is a hint at the end of the Second Dream when our Warframe pulls the sword out of it's own accord. The Rhino Prime codex entry also seems to hint that the Warframes are somewhat self-aware. Also the leaked first script for the TWW showed that Umbra could speak.

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6 minutes ago, Podge said:

i think it's more likely to be a sibling or close friend than a parent. im pretty sure all the adults went a little bit nuts. also, maybe ballas was talking about how the tenno would be sacrificing themselves to win the war for the orokin? that sounds plausible. if i remember correctly (i may very well be wrong) but margulis was just trying to save the tenno, and give them a peaceful life, but it was someone else who wanted to turn them into weapons to wage the orokin's war.

So we have fully grown adults siblings? The Warframes aren't exactly small.

I think everyone seems to miss the fact that when Ballas was talking about sacrifice, Umbra came onto the screen. As in, he was talking about how someone probably sacrificed their own well being to become Umbra. I believe that this new line of Warframes, were the true "first" ones. The Primes probably came after.

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1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Actually there is a hint at the end of the Second Dream when our Warframe pulls the sword out of it's own accord. The Rhino Prime codex entry also seems to hint that the Warframes are somewhat self-aware. Also the leaked first script for the TWW showed that Umbra could speak.

Let's not refer to leaked pieces of code for starters. It's a subject to change.

About pulling sword out - what makes you think it wasn't about Tenno's remote control?

About Rhino codex - got nothing to say about that, re-read etc.

I've no idea, not much info either. Oh well, since we're dreaming about upcoming update, everything is possible.

Also, it looks like DE writing the plot on fly...

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15 minutes ago, Haxa6 said:

Let's not refer to leaked pieces of code for starters. It's a subject to change.

Why can't we talk about something that was leaked nearly two years ago? Also seeing as how Ballas repeats the exact same line from that script in The Sacrifice trailer which is coincidentally focused on Umbra like how it was in the script, it doesn't appear like much has changed.

15 minutes ago, Haxa6 said:

About pulling sword out - what makes you think it wasn't about Tenno's remote control?

Because the Tenno has already shown it needs to be in contact with the Warframe for it to do anything. Every time we use our Focus ability our Warframe ragdolls to the floor and when we walk around it simply stands completely still.

Since the Operator was being strangled by the Stalker about three metres away from it's Warframe, I don't think it was their doing. 

15 minutes ago, Haxa6 said:

About Rhino codex - got nothing to say about that, re-read etc.

What do you mean re-read? The Rhino codex entry shows that Warframes or at least a creature similar to them were rabid beasts, only calming down when near the Zariman children.


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