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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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2 hours ago, JSharpie said:

If "Umbra will have it's own System" means it's just the same powers with slightly different stats, then DE #*($%%@ up big time.

This doesn't make any sense. DE screwed up because people imagine what they want instead of taking what DE says at face value? Excalibur Umbra not coming from a boss and not being built from drops in Relics means it will have its own system for getting it and who knows what else it will have to differentiate it from basic and Prime Excalibur.

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21 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

This doesn't make any sense. DE screwed up because people imagine what they want instead of taking what DE says at face value? Excalibur Umbra not coming from a boss and not being built from drops in Relics means it will have its own system for getting it and who knows what else it will have to differentiate it from basic and Prime Excalibur.

how much time does it take to add an already existing model with some changed stats? not a lot.

and you can try to justify the amount of pushback umbra has had saying they're still coming up with the story, but Warframe's story is mostly garbage anyway, and where it really shines is the gameplay and even that in recent years has hit a lot of potholes, and if this thing they've been dangling in our faces for years now ends up being more of what we already have, only edgy? forget it.

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19 hours ago, Fluttershy750 said:

Should Umbra be a whole new system? 3 warframe types? Normal/Prime/Umbra? Or should umbra be the only one umbra and we keep the basic format of normal and prime? Make your opinion heard! Vote here: http://www.strawpoll.me/14013156

We know that Excalibur Umbra is a new warframe, not a skin, we've been told that.

We have no reason to assume that Umbra Excalibur has any differing abilities, nothing has been said to suggest that the abilities won't be the same as the regular Excalibur. After all, if the abilities aren't the same why is it call "Excalibur" at all?

What has been said is that Umbra is "A dark version of a Prime" and no primes have mechanically different powers.


My guess? Same powers, different inherent ability to the primes (AKA the Void laser-cube energy boost) slightly different visuals to some powers, big lore tie-in that may or may not ruin the game

Edited by SilentMobius
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11 hours ago, LordOfScrugging said:

wrong. They made umbra better than our prime, stat wise. It has the same (pathetic) armor buff that prime got and it got a buff to the energy pool

I never said they didn't make umbra better than our prime. 
Those were just examples; i wasn't listing excal umbras differences from primes, I was just saying they have different stat boosts.
In this case umbra was +armor +energy from the normal variant while prime is just +armor. --- +energy being the different added boost

For all we know the next umbra could have two different +stats than the prime. 

however what I don't know is; 
Did excal umbra come with different polarities or aura slot. 

Edit: Reread what I wrote from what you were replying to, wasn't fully awake so my full thought didn't make it. >-> fixed

Edited by Vesiga
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What we knew of Umbra(s):

-They are new warframes not skin

-Different system of acquirement

-Not every warframe will have an Umbra (as opposed to prime)

-Possibly has unique umbra passive

I think it's possible that the use of Umbra warframes is mandatory in some quests and events like our operator.

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12 hours ago, WhiteCr0w said:

... What? Do you know what Primes are?

So the Orokin just "poofed" them out of thin air did they?

The primes are the peak of Orokin tech, it does not mean they did not produce versions that led up to the Primes we see today.

Everything goes though a prototype phase.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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i didnt wanted to make new post, but i thought this fits here with sacrifice quest

so i dont know if you talked about this, but when i check codex fragments, before they were doing nothing just there i remember, now when check there is now voice which you cant understand, when ordis showed up, and when this dude showed up, i gues its time to finish all codex fragments now,


so i that red vial is kuva? which makes enternal life? ohh and very cool thing your all sounds disapears after leaving codex so that was pleasant thing

ohh so i tried to check if looking at lotus againt would happen, but actualy if you remember assassins creed 2 puzzles where you find specific spot on picture he shows then

Edited by godila2
fixed order of screen shots
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3 hours ago, godila2 said:

now when check there is now voice which you cant understand, when ordis showed up, and when this dude showed up


That's been there since the Fragments were added mid last year, there's nothing new. Also, the hooded guy is Ordis in his original form.

Edited by LazerSkink
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4 minutes ago, WNxMatthew said:

So, Sancti Tigris Prime too? Or what about Latron Wraith Prime?

I think you have a point, but there is no other weapons with Dragon suffix on their name. Anything can happen.

Edited by FAILINIS
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3 minutes ago, FAILINIS said:

I think you have a point, but there is no other weapons with Dragon suffix on their name. Anything can happen.

Dragon Nikana Prime just wouldn't make sense imo (nor flow right). An Umbra Nikana as a spiritual successor to dragon nikana could happen though.

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6 minutes ago, WNxMatthew said:

So, Sancti Tigris Prime too? Or what about Latron Wraith Prime?

Not sure if that comparison truly applies.  Sancti Tigris, Tigris Prime and Tigris all count as the same weapon for Rivens.  Same for Latron, Latron Wraith and Latron Prime.  Dragon Nikana however does not share Rivens with the Nikana/Nikana Prime.  It is classed as a separate weapon.

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Just now, Aveu said:

Dragon Nikana Prime just wouldn't make sense imo (nor flow right). An Umbra Nikana as a spiritual successor to dragon nikana could happen though.

Okay, I guess having an Umbra variant for weapons might be cool as well. However, I think that might put DE into having more work than necessary. How many variants are they going to be making in the future?

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13 minutes ago, FAILINIS said:

It'd be really cool if Dragon Nikana Prime gets released with Excalibur Umbra.

I mean, I think it's a perfect chance, don't you think?

The Dragon Prefix is just kinda like Dex, Vandal, Wraith. The fact we already have Nikana Prime means there will be no further variants.

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15 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

The Dragon Prefix is just kinda like Dex, Vandal, Wraith. The fact we already have Nikana Prime means there will be no further variants.

Dragon is not a prefix, Nikana and Dragon Nikana have separate Rivens. They are not of the same family. Just like Heat Sword and Ether Sword are separate and don't share a "Sword Riven" 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)simit2k30 said:

No read everything there is to read on this tbh, that said im hoping in small part the Umbra turns out just like Helminth charger in that it a choice, do you sacrifice your normal excal to mutate  it to Umbra variant or just stick with what you got

id rather just get another variant through a trial or a test 

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