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Why are you changing the focus trees?


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Why is DE taking away the focus tree? Some players are really upset about this and feel DE is taking away time,plat,money. Seems that this is just another grab by DE.This isn't the first time we have devoted time,plat,money to something in the game only to have it taken away.

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Just now, (PS4)pwm7 said:

Why is DE taking away the focus tree? Some players are really upset about this and feel DE is taking away time,plat,money. Seems that this is just another grab by DE.This isn't the first time we have devoted time,plat,money to something in the game only to have it taken away.

They said they will refund the earned focus points. Calm your t-.. you know what I mean.

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Because 2 trees were overpowered, 1 was OK, and the and rest sucked. And all that work isn't going away, it will be refunded/converted into the new focus system. Perhaps you should wait until sometime comes out, or at the very least do some basic research, before you complain about something. 

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They will not take away the focus tree, they will rework it, and keep the same Focus points and refund them.

Now, if you complain about the fact people formated they stuff around focus passives, that's sad but that's exactly the same as what's happened to OP weapons that was nerfed. It was OP, people abused of it and now, it need some balance, so DE balance it.

Because no, 4 energy/second regen, instant rez or constant invisibility while have an innate 30% crit chance cumulable with Blood Rush is clearly not balanced.

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Because shadow step was broken and energy overflow needed a tweak. Also, 90% of the abilities in the trees are trash and that comes from someone who has 4 of the 5 focus trees at a decent level.

Furthermore, we are going to get all of our points refunded, so let's just wait for PoE to hit before we complain about the new focus system shall we.

Edited by Radagosh
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20 minutes ago, (PS4)pwm7 said:

Why is DE taking away the focus tree? Some players are really upset about this and feel DE is taking away time,plat,money. Seems that this is just another grab by DE.This isn't the first time we have devoted time,plat,money to something in the game only to have it taken away.

I dont see the reason for the whinning, all focus obtained will be refunded for the players to redistribute when the new Focus tree comes in. That means ZERO losses for both your precious time and said Plat/Money if any was invested in it considering how often Lens drop from Sorties.

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29 minutes ago, (PS4)pwm7 said:

Why is DE taking away the focus tree? Some players are really upset about this and feel DE is taking away time,plat,money. Seems that this is just another grab by DE.This isn't the first time we have devoted time,plat,money to something in the game only to have it taken away.


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3 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

I dont see the reason for the whinning, all focus obtained will be refunded for the players to redistribute when the new Focus tree comes in. That means ZERO losses for both your precious time and said Plat/Money if any was invested in it considering how often Lens drop from Sorties.

That is not quite correct. If you indeed build your Warframes for example around energy heavy builds you grow kinda dependent on Energy Overflow for example.
In other words. If they take that away from me in its current form, they kinda do indeed destroy a whole build there. Time, Effort and maybe even Money was put into it.

I am not exactly against the update to the focus system, as it is more than needed. Just some things i hope not to be changed too much.

And yes. My current Chroma build has a extremely high energy consumption. Without Energy Overflow i could not use that build anymore. Which does indeed force me to make a new build and "nerf" it to sustain the energy consumption again.
About the other focus trees... well yeah. The stealth ninja crit roflstomp one...  i could really not care any less about it, since that is literally a cookie cutter focus tree. But Energy Overflow? It does not buff you or anythign else. It just provides a steady stream of Energy. Which can also be negated by a enemy with energy drain. Completely disabling the whole tree till the enemy is defeated. Nothing "Overpowered" there. 
A bit tweaking maybe. I could agree to reducing it to half of it. Should still be enough to get my energy back up if i have my 2 and 3 activated in time. But taking it out completely? That would indeed break my build.

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I will only be mad depending on how Vazarin is changed sence it's my main focus tree. Oh my Lord, someone who doesn't use Naroman or Zenurik, impossible right? Actually I do but rarely. Why? Vazarin can increase affinity range, give overshields, heal, heal objectives, give INSTA REVIVES, revive multiple allies at once, make you more or less invurnable for a bit (like Turbulance)...of course I would use it over Zenurik and Naroman, because. Zenurik is all about energy...hello, ever heard of parasitics Eximus units? Naroman is selfish and I am a team player...even when my team is full of Genjies.

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ah, I see people have been in a tizzy over the focus rework.

as a major Zenurik user, I SHOULD be really peeved that Energy Overflow is disappearing, and frankly I will be for real if there's no replacement of some kind in the new system, even if it means you have to kill/headshot for energy. but I'm choosing to keep an open mind until we see more of the new system. if every school has a way to gain energy back by performing certain actions, that'll be fine. if not, then we need to have some pretty decent powers to compensate for having less energy efficiency overall.

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7 minutes ago, DualParadox said:

4 energy/sec is OP? Are we playing the same game? 

I didn't say it was OP, I said it is unbalanced.
Because yes, 4 energy per second is super strong when you are playing warframes with huge energy consumption and dont use Rage and unbalanced as something passive while a full squad with Energy Siphon (that use a mod slot) only go up to 2.4 energy per second.

You could says "but there is Trinity" but the problem is that Trinity's EV is OP and deserve a nerf. Trinity herself is fine but how duration affect her second power need to change. 

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I bet money that nobody complaining about the focus rework (which has been talked about for months now, and in exactly this tone - tear it all down and build it anew) uses Unairu as their primary focus. Everybody uses Naramon and Zenurik. We're mere rats. They're taking our mazes away and now they're taking our cheese away. I personally am excited about the focus change. Sure, those two schools are imbalanced and make the game a cakewalk... but they're boring. Both of them are boring. All focus is boring. 

This is DE's main problem - they release things they know are broken, but they allow them to stay here until they become meta. Then a year after that, they decide to fix them. I still love DE, but they do that a lot. Remember the Tonkor? 

But for the past 4 months we've known focus will get torn down completely. This is not new. I'm happy as long as they make using focus interesting.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

ah, I see people have been in a tizzy over the focus rework.

Just like with Damage 2.0... and the Orbiter... and the change to Mod looks... and TSD... and Parkour 2.0... and TWW... and Bursas...

I think I'm seeing a trend...

Edited by Kaotyke
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3 hours ago, (PS4)pwm7 said:

Why is DE taking away the focus tree? Some players are really upset about this and feel DE is taking away time,plat,money. Seems that this is just another grab by DE.This isn't the first time we have devoted time,plat,money to something in the game only to have it taken away.

...Why did you spend plat on lents?

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