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Shrine of the Eidolon: Hotfix 22.13.4


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  • Disabled special Idle animations when customizing your Warframe Appearance in Arsenal. If a special animation is running when you enter the Appearance screen, it will continue until it's done and further special idle animations will not be played.

Now we are unable to preview animation sets with our weapons equipped. All we get is the unarmed idle animation, whereas before we could equip a single weapon and then preview an animation set to see how it looks holding the equiped weapon. DE please allow equipped weapon to be shown when previewing animation sets.

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Just for clarification, does the ramp up time also include enemies hit by punchthrough ? 

Like for example I'm firing at one enemy, and another one walks in and gets hit by the same beam that is going through the first enemy, does the ramp up time reset  ? Because it feels like it is. 

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Looks like taming the effects of the Eidolons are still not enough. Even as a client, I still get disconnected aka game crashed whenever fighting the 3rd Eidolon. Ram memory slowly went up by each Eidolon fought, then finally at the 3rd one, out of no warning (sometimes fps will drop and it is a telltale sign) then game crashed. After restarting the game and reconnect to the squad, pure bright yellow textures can be found at the Cetus gate building, and also inside of it that gate tunnel on both sides of the ground.

Whenever I see pure bright yellow texture, it will mean that part is not optimizied. I know before I see those a lot before the Harrow Crisis but after the dramatic ram memory reduction, I don't see those anymore in starchart maps, except now in PoE.

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Ramp up per target -- feels bad, man. Why can't you remove it? It was perfectly fine when it worked like a spool up mechanic. If certain weapons were overpowered then you should have just reduced the base damage of those weapons by like 30%. Don't introduce cumbersome mechanics that make the weapon class as a whole feel much worse.


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12 hours ago, SchoolZombie said:

It is if you are ever fighting more than one target at a time.


Somehow it's worse even if you're shooting a single target.

The 0.2 ramp time increase results in 3-4 second increase in kill time on a lvl 155 Napalm.

The difference in damage after 1 second is roughly half what it previously was. It shouldn't be but it is.

Something else has been changed.

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This ramp up per single target actually suffers more vs lower level enemies than it does vs higher level enemies.

And i'm talking about actual missions where you move around not simulacurum

You cannot 1 shot lvl 40 enemies anymore because of the ramp up and it takes about same amount of time to kill a lvl 40 and a lvl 140 with fully beefed Synapse   

something is terribly wrong here....

The system is not working as intended

and its also worth mentioning arcing beams don't ramp up their damage at all which insanely cripples aoe capabilities of beams like Atomos and Amprex

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20 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Shrine of the Eidolon: Hotfix 22.13.4

Beam Weapon Changes and Fixes:

  • Increased the Beam weapon Damage ramp up time from 0.8 to 1 second.
  • Fixed Beam weapon Damage ramp up not happening per target.

Please tell us that the above quoted changes will be reverted soon, yes? Particularly that 2nd one...

EDIT; I also really hate how you guys have tried to hide your fear of the beamguns newfound power as a "bug", considering this quote from the very workshop:

"damage ramping up from 10% to 100% over 0.8 seconds when firing and decays back to 10% over 1 second after stopping."

This is HEAVILY implying that the first implementation of beam damage ramp up was the intended mechanic, because the workshop's quote did not say that it was "when firing at a target", but just firing in general, like a sort of ramp-up. But now you just mask it by using the word "Fixed" in front of the continued sentence. Very shady, and very uncool.

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OMFG!  I just used my Quanta after the update and it is now absolute total crap!  It used to be one of the MOST ammo efficient weapons in the game and now it burns through a whole mag in  just a few seconds and does sweet F/A more damage!!!!!!!  WTF!  How is this a good thing?!  FFS - put it back to how it was and keep ya grubby little hands off stuff that's NOT broken!  If you want to do something useful, try self diagnosing your own prostrate!

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On 2/22/2018 at 3:25 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Improved Eidolon Lure following/positioning logic to prevent them getting right up in your face and disrupting your view.

YES! Thank you! You have no idea how annoying that was to deal with. (Actually, you obviously did have an idea about that! :] )

Also this:

"Disabled special Idle animations when customizing your Warframe Appearance in Arsenal. If a special animation is running when you enter the Appearance screen, it will continue until it's done and further special idle animations will not be played. "

It's like you read my mind just the other day. My Chroma wouldn't sit still while I was trying to customize my Supra Vandal colors. Thanks again, guys.
Scratch that. Idle animations with weapons are still a thing and still annoying. Why can't we just have the weapon float in mid-air so we can rotate and customize it, like any other game has already done? QoL.

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3 hours ago, White_Matter said:

Just for clarification, does the ramp up time also include enemies hit by punchthrough ? 

Like for example I'm firing at one enemy, and another one walks in and gets hit by the same beam that is going through the first enemy, does the ramp up time reset  ? Because it feels like it is. 

It certainly feels like it.

I brought Amprex, Ignis W, and Quanta to Hieracon, Pluto and could definitely feel a difference.

Quanta absolutely struggled. When another infested darted in front of the one I was currently aiming at I saw my damage reset and ramp up on the new target. This "damage ramp up per target" mechanic killed Quanta dead in the water.

Amprex wasn't too bad off but I could feel and see a significant change in output on my crit, hybrid status/crit, and status builds. (the chaining effect seemed a lot weaker).

Ignis W probably had the least trouble but like with Amprex I saw myself holding down the trigger longer and consuming more ammo. I honestly didn't mind the punchthrough change, but geez. Both weapons now feel less ammo and damage efficient.

1 hour ago, Azamagon said:

Please tell us that the above quoted changes will be reverted soon, yes? Particularly that 2nd one...

EDIT; I also really hate how you guys have tried to hide your fear of the beamguns newfound power as a "bug", considering this quote from the very workshop:

"damage ramping up from 10% to 100% over 0.8 seconds when firing and decays back to 10% over 1 second after stopping."

This is HEAVILY implying that the first implementation of beam damage ramp up was the intended mechanic, because the workshop's quote did not say that it was "when firing at a target", but just firing in general, like a sort of ramp-up. But now you just mask it by using the word "Fixed" in front of the continued sentence. Very shady, and very uncool.

That's super shady and really insulting to players who love beam weapons. For shame, DE, for shame. I'm not surprised anymore that they have the audacity to lie to our faces.

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So after all the nice buffs and changes to beam weapons u destroy them instantly again? Oh i would be so salty as a youtuber making videos that are worth nothing after a few hours... :clap: well done


Just roll back, best u can do if u dont really know where to go, make up ur mind DE.

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58 minutes ago, LazyBunnyKiera said:

They just showed on the twitch stream about how many people started using Beam weapons after the fix... I wish they would have shown the usage after yesterday's patch.

It seems that everyone in DE just seems to be ignoring the huge nerf that just happened. Even their "Stats" seem a bit off as it was only usage for that 1 single day it was good

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18 hours ago, Borg1611 said:

Don't insult people by phrasing this like it was a bug fix when it was a panic nerf. You panic nerfed after seeing what a few of the weapons could do. This change makes the already lackluster single target ones even more lackluster and clunky.

You increased their ramp up time. You made the ramp up happen per target rather than per firing of the weapon, which is what any normal human being would have expected and is how it worked. Then, if you move your cursor off a target even for a split second it starts over on top of taking longer to ramp up? Amprex is still really good, all these panic nerfs phrased as bug fixes did was mess up some of the single target beam weapons. 

edit: Oh, and you specifically contradicted your original statement also:

You know very well that per target ramp up is NOT what you intended. Don't try to claim that it was anything other than a ridiculous panic nerf that doesn't make sense. 

My thoughts exactly. Any other game would give players at least 7 to 15 days to test major changes, even if they seem to be "unbalanced" after release. Stop panic nerfing stuff. Also, It's ok to revert some of the changes, just because this nerf was a mistake doesn't mean beam weapons should stay at trash tier for another 2 years.

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