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So Kuva in the Fortress Was a Thing?


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I don't think the argument of them forgetting is invalid. At first they didn't because burnout or because loot tables would get watered down if they were put in like that. Or they couldn't get some specific container or device to work or place itself properly for launch. So they shelved that idea because they had more important things to worry about. There is a valid argument to something being "good enough" and the current kuva system is just that. By no means perfect, but it works. 

So they put it aside for later and then a number of other things came along that needed the attention of the devs. So the thing got pushed further and further back until people legitimately forgot about it. Even with constant reminders from the us it'd be insane to expect them to drop whatever they are working on right now to fix what is honestly a quality of life (and logic) issue. 

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I wonder if they'll also "forget" about bringing Raids back later on..... it's fine they made a mistake, but I would have thought they would have at least written down all the things that people want fixed (like that "Bourbon list" from a while back) and kept it safe on a computer or whatever, then whenever DE aren't sure what to work on next they can look it up. the power of a comprehensive list... it should never be underestimated.

still, at least we're not left wondering anymore. roll on endless Kuva runs!


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3 hours ago, ThorienKELL said:

Who cares? Or .... look - I don't think that team of  developers, like dozen people, who work actively on one of most balanced and updated game in existence as full time job can "forget" about anything really. They just left that "for later" and bit more time passed then they planned. Not that we got nothing to do or play in meantime. They did, rebalanced and introduced bunch of stuff in meantime. 

Games are like a bunch of spoiled children, like rich guests in a restaurant of finest chef that makes you five course meal from heaven and then you get upset because he forgot to put sparkly colored sugar on your icecream. 

I'm sorry, where do I sound like a spoiled child? I wanna work on that you see... 

3 hours ago, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

People seem to forget that they're the size of an indie team producing one of the largest games around on 3 different platforms. But yeah "forgot" while juggling a thousand things isn't a good excuse, I guess.

also, for all of you saying it's ok because they have tons of things to worry about and work on....they literally said that it's finished and they only need to submit it. it's already done, there's basically no dev time needed to put it on 

"we forgot" can only work so many times, it doesn't work if you say it everytime you messed up. there's a lotta ways to make sure you don't forget, hell Sheldon even set a reminder after the talk on the devstream was over, so why no reminder when they finished it? XD 

and like some people said, they're getting constantly reminded by us, they even answered the same Q a few devstreams ago (100 iirc?) so why act like you forgot right now? 

1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

I remember the Void was the new shinny of U8. Then it was years of the same titleset and they had to change it with relics because seeing the same white and gold titles for what we wanted from keys was, for me, a chore!

They likely dont want a repeat of that.

but aren't they repeating that with poe? this is just inevitable, plus it won't be like the void since you could have both kuva siphons/floods and fortress farming, if they're both equally rewarding then you can switch between the 2, now you'll add another tileset to the list of kuva-viable planets 

in theory, we're still getting primes from the void, since sometimes fissures appear there, so it's the same kinda thing to an extent  

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6 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

Because they forgot to put it in.......


  I’m sorry but....I don’t even know what to say to this, thoughts like “are they that incompetent/irresponsible..etc” just come to mind, and they really aren’t-for the most part-but this is still bothering me for some reason

S#&$ happens people forget S#&$.


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4 hours ago, ThorienKELL said:

Games are like a bunch of spoiled children, like rich guests in a restaurant of finest chef that makes you five course meal from heaven and then you get upset because he forgot to put sparkly colored sugar on your icecream.

More like you ordered food and have been waiting for over a year now, and it's been finished they just forgot to bring it out to you.

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Either they make it more profitable than kuva siphons and players feel forced to play that tileset or they make it less profitable and players feel like it's a waste of time when they can get more from a siphon.

It really doesn't seem like an easy decision to make. 

Personally, I wish they did something like a Kuva treasury raid when we can get like 10k for a special alert or something. 

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57 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

"We forgot" may not be the most professional, but at least it's 100% honest.  

I can excuse that since they are a small team tackling not only a huge project like warframe but are also doing work on other games at the same time. 

Stop being reasonable. They aren't allowed to forget

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4 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

but aren't they repeating that with poe? this is just inevitable, plus it won't be like the void since you could have both kuva siphons/floods and fortress farming, if they're both equally rewarding then you can switch between the 2, now you'll add another tileset to the list of kuva-viable planets 

in theory, we're still getting primes from the void, since sometimes fissures appear there, so it's the same kinda thing to an extent  

No... at this point, I dont believe its by choice, like when we had just the Corpus Ship as a titleset, think about it: the plains are the FIRST Landscape they put out with a number of unique resources, as it is, its the only area we can grab those materials.

One thing they could do with the Venus Landscape is make a trading system between the 2 colonies, its Venus, they dont have, say: Maricos, Iradite, Fish Oil, all those things and they might want to make trades.

50 Iradite for 50 *Insert Venus item of equal value here*, and vice-versa, you would need to go to the PoE anymore if you go to other places. This system might be avalible for every other Landscape they make.

We might need to return to Cetus and grab bounties for specific materials like the Eidolon Lens, but as more and more Landscapes are put out, the necessity of the plains will diminish.

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I'm all in for more kuva missions and nodes but it doesn't really make much sense to get kuva from the kuva fortress. The fortress is wandering around to gather kuva from planets, so there's no reason for the fortress to have missions with siphons extracting kuva from the fortress itself O.o. Maybe new missions that reward kuva (like stealing it stored in the fortress storage?) instead of doing kuva extractions.

Edited by Kiwinille
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3 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Either they make it more profitable than kuva siphons and players feel forced to play that tileset or they make it less profitable and players feel like it's a waste of time when they can get more from a siphon.

It really doesn't seem like an easy decision to make. 

Personally, I wish they did something like a Kuva treasury raid when we can get like 10k for a special alert or something. 

This basically. I'm figuring things slowed to a halt when they hed to figure out how to implement it cause it's tricky and it was left to idle. Honestly i'm happy ideally if it's just a drop even in oxium amounts and pop it in as rewards for the endless missions (100 a rotation  b rotation 200 c rotation) and 300 in sabatoge caches. I think that generally might have it turn out ok.

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I've been telling it since the beginning, but it's a shame they didn't come up with the Siphon non-endless alternatives while they easily could, involving 2 unpopular game modes:

  1. They could add the AW Pursuit node there with you retrieving the Kuva (before the ship reaches the Fortress) instead of the Black Box. Kuva Fortress has AW icons on every mission, yet there's no Archwing mission outside the TWW to begin with.
  2. Hijack: make it a set amount of Kuva you need to retrieve in the made of glass-like tank, the Grineer will try to either shoot the tank, thus not letting you escape with Kuva, or the hydraulics to make it stop. Either way, the more damage it sustains, the less Kuva you retrieve, so you won't be chilling out sitting on the top of the tank powering it up to move.


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41 minutes ago, Thundervision said:

They could add the AW Pursuit node there with you retrieving the Kuva (before the ship reaches the Fortress) instead of the Black Box. Kuva Fortress has AW icons on every mission, yet there's no Archwing mission outside the TWW to begin with.

pass....very few people actually LIKE archwing.....the only time my archwings see use is on the plaisn to get around faster lol...

42 minutes ago, Thundervision said:

Hijack: make it a set amount of Kuva you need to retrieve in the made of glass-like tank, the Grineer will try to either shoot the tank, thus not letting you escape with Kuva, or the hydraulics to make it stop. Either way, the more damage it sustains, the less Kuva you retrieve, so you won't be chilling out sitting on the top of the tank powering it up to move.

ehhh....as long as the kuva gained is good amounts (over 1k) because grineer do tons of damage even at kuva level......

as for a way to get kuva....kuva guardians and jesters can spawn in the fortress...like the manics and bursa and juggy do....they should drop kuva in reasonable amounts...with normal kuva enemies having smaller amounts as a rare resoruces.....and then add kuva as rot awards.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

This basically. I'm figuring things slowed to a halt when they hed to figure out how to implement it cause it's tricky and it was left to idle. Honestly i'm happy ideally if it's just a drop even in oxium amounts and pop it in as rewards for the endless missions (100 a rotation  b rotation 200 c rotation) and 300 in sabatoge caches. I think that generally might have it turn out ok.

exactly. if they rushed it, then there could be 10x more complaints of "buff drop rates now DE" or them having to chase the meta with players hyper farming one node to get 50k in one run. The siphon alert style mission makes it easy for them to control how much kuva is farmed in game. you cant do that easily by making it a random drop on a tileset.

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I find it to be completely plausible that they had a system in place and because of other projects it got lost in the shuffle and they forgot. 

However that benefit of the doubt is going to be significantly diminished if it isn't out in the next hotfix as they purportedly have a full system that they have just neglected to launch. So if what they implied in the Devstream was accurate there should be no reason it isn't added to the game with whatever the next minor patch that comes along. 

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Doesn't matter if they are "honest" in that they forget, or didn't forget and just didn't want to. Both look bad.

  • Honest = There is no way they read the forums and all our posting here is a complete waste of time. It pops up almost daily with one gripe or another about rewards for the sorties or the unvaulted relics.  I generally see at least one comment scroll  by in every twitch stream I watch about putting kuva in the fortress.  So if this is "Honest" then they have to fess up to NOT listening to the community at all - and every time they implement a change that was suggested on the forums, it wasn't them listening, it was just happy coincidence.
  • Didn't want to = They just lied to our face about being honest LOL


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If they add Kuva to the rewards tables for all missions in the Kuva Fortress and add rare containers throughout the levels (think a Grokdrul container but Kuva colored) it would make sense. I wouldn't make it drop from basic enemies, though having roving Kuva Guardians in the Fortress would both make the place feel livelier and offer a mob that has a guaranteed Kuva drop (think Oxium ospreys). Obviously doing Kuva siphons/floods is the faster way to grind Kuva, but getting a little while running Kuva Fortress missions would be nice.

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