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The Worst Builds You've Witnessed in Public Matchmaking


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On 24/03/2018 at 2:50 AM, Eureka.seveN said:

Anyways the farmers called they want their straw back.

Are you unaware of the fact that your response was the only strawman?

On 24/03/2018 at 2:21 AM, Eureka.seveN said:

Yes great idea, lets not help the team with a base dash polarity warframe by reducing armor in the entire map with the best aura in the game. And jsut puddle in a section that takes 1/10000th of the map and say. "Yea im viable"

I mean seriously? You even copied this quote into your post.

I'm racking my brain right now trying to figure out why you'd mock someone for a strawman when that's the only thing you've posted, and quite frankly the only explanation is that you get real salty whenever someone even hints at arguing with Voltage.

It's not the first time someone's countered something Voltage has said and you've rode in to try and argue... "try".

Now I get it, you want to support your friend and that's great. But when you have no argument and all you're posting is salty nonsense... maybe time to let them speak for themself?

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15 hours ago, motorfirebox said:

It was yesterday. I really hope we were on the same squad, because the alternative is that it happened more than once...

from doing enough tridolon pub-muchmakings, yes this happens more than you'd hope for,

I mean you would hope for non, but you still get about 5% of people with inaros/loki/ash or other frames that do not buff or heal

Edited by NotWhoItSeems
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This is actually kind of interesting with the CP talk.


CP is the best Aura, hands down, no way around it. It gives you an insanely high damage boost with 4x and if everyone knew how good 4x CP actually was, it would be more common to run into it. However, 4x CP is not the end-all be-all of Warframe. You can go into level 200 missions with no CP and still come out on top. This is not to say 4x CP would not have made killing enemies trivial, just to say not necessary. Only time I would say CP is not the way to go is Infested. Yes, having CP just for Bursas and Oxium Osprey is worthwhile in later content.

Then of course there is the magic of that fourth CP. One CP does make some noticeable differences, it is about one free Corrosive proc on every enemy, but it does not do that much. And, subsequently, the next two CPs (total of three) do continue to add effective corrosive procs (around 10 corrosive procs but it varies), but that magic is that fourth CP. Going from some armor, even the tiniest amount, to no armor is a huge jump. And, furthermore, if you get to this point you can change what elementals you use to capitzliae on even more damage.


Buuuuut, if you don't have that fourth CP then your builds should have different elementals. And if you are tailoring your build around stripping/bypassing armor then that CP slot you have feels less useful so maybe you drop it. And of course given that you never know what your random squad mates will have for their Aura, for many CP feels like a pointless gamble.


So it is kind of like both sides are right in their own way. CP is, bar none, the best aura when combined with your team mates. However, due to never being able to know what others may bring something that brings other QoL feels more useful. And of course, in general, Auras are unnecessary. I really hope that DE backs down from keeping non-scaling Kuva in Kuva Survival, but as long as there is no reason to see any enemy higher than level 100 Auras in general make such little difference in TTK that there is not much reason to even consider them in a "worst" build.

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My Excalibur is range-maxed to rush around the PoE with his first ability. I can get from a to b really fast, but once there, the energy is usually depleted and I have to rely on my equioment alone. Work pretty well for Missions up to level 40, but woe the random squad that get's me on higher level missions, when I forget to switch to something less fast, that's more tough and harder hitting :)

Edited by thor_sten
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The worst build I have ever seen was probably one of my own. Nezha with sprint boost, rush, speed drift, and as much power strength as would fit after that. If you ever wonder why a grate or fan was so easy to break, it was probably because I faceplanted onto it. Roughly as much speed as a speed Volt, with none of the fine control.

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1 hour ago, Nomayonnaiseinireland said:

The worst build I have ever seen was probably one of my own. Nezha with sprint boost, rush, speed drift, and as much power strength as would fit after that. If you ever wonder why a grate or fan was so easy to break, it was probably because I faceplanted onto it. Roughly as much speed as a speed Volt, with none of the fine control.

How is this in any way the worst build? Friction Glider Nezha was one of the things that re-sparked my enjoyment of the game!

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Well, I did form my opinion of it as the "worst build" pre-Plains, so some of the opinion may need a second look, but my reasoning was

  • I couldn't use my entire kit as Nezha to any degree of practicality due to the sacrifices made in the name of power strength
  • I couldn't control my speed though the twists and turns that comprise most warframe maps, and would often see more of a wall than I would see of an enemy
  • and I was only marginally faster than I would be if i just used parkour.

That is not to say that it wasn't extremely fun; it was extremely fun. It was also a bad build. Those two things can go hand in hand, which is perhaps a good thing for those in this thread to keep in mind.

P.S. Corrosive Projection < Shield Disruption for fighting Corpus and you might as well use Loot Detector or Energy Siphon for Infested, barring an armor enhancement sortie.

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18 minutes ago, Nomayonnaiseinireland said:

That is not to say that it wasn't extremely fun; it was extremely fun. It was also a bad build. Those two things can go hand in hand, which is perhaps a good thing for those in this thread to keep in mind.

There's always the engineer's rule: "If it looks stupid, but it works, it isn't stupid."

I feel something similar could be said for this game: "If it looks like a bad build, but it's fun, then it's not a bad build."

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23 minutes ago, Nomayonnaiseinireland said:

Well, I did form my opinion of it as the "worst build" pre-Plains, so some of the opinion may need a second look, but my reasoning was

Interesting that you mentioned Pre-plains.  My Tenchu Assassin Build Ivara works every mission and mission type I've put it in.  Even on the Plains. 

But due to how the Plains are, missions/bounties, etc, I found myself wanting more enemy/loot radar.  This caused me to make a special high enemy/loot radar build on my second Ivara that's just perfect for my solo stalking Plains needs.  That Plains Stalker build would look very bad outside of PoE, but makes a whole lot of sense in PoE.  

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On 3/24/2018 at 2:16 AM, Raspberri said:

In my case, this was probably over a month ago by now, but I noticed a Rejuvenation aura doing its work during a PoE bounty. I saw that one of my teammates was using a Zephyr, but her aura was Physique. Guess who had Rejuv on? A Nidus. I asked him if he really didn't have a Rifle Amp or something, and he responded that he forma'd his aura polarity to Vazarin so that he can use Rejuv. So... yeah.

What's the cringiest build you've seen in action?

Why is that bad exactly? Am I missing something?

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Imma stick myself here. I run a tank Excalibur. All armor, health, shields. Basically if it increases my ability to smash in a T3 Sortie bonus armor Napalm's helmet with my face and be the one better off afterwards, I'm all over it. 

Why use Excal and not some frame more suited for this? To that I say "If you have to ask, You won't get it." He's my boy and that's that. Now I admit: I run "energy on health damage" because Life Strike is just that stupid good. But ever since I rediscovered the Hirudo's I'm reconsidering that. And the fact that I'm smashing in someone's skull with my foot makes it all the more tasty. 

All that being said. I am basically running nothing as far as arcanes go... I'm really going to need to get on that train because Arcane Guadrian looks absolutely orgasmic. 

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14 minutes ago, grigorije said:

Why is [Rejuvenation on Nidus] bad exactly? Am I missing something?

Nidus has a passive Health regen and his ultimate is a Squad heal
(with both of those also being quite a bit stronger than Rejuvenation), so ...
it's kinda like using Energy Siphon on Trinity / Harrow, you know? Redundant bordering on useless.

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On 3/23/2018 at 10:19 PM, ArcusVeles said:

Every single Hydron Saryn that takes ten casts of Spores to do what they could do in one.

I literally do this out of habit haha. The amount of pads I spend that I have no reason to be spending... oof.

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13 hours ago, (PS4)iQuedas said:

As someone who checks the radar constantly, I'm actually glad when someone use Enemy/Loot radar:
- Enemy radar allows me to see where the next line of enemies is coming from, which Animal Instinct simply doesn't have enough range to do so. Animal Instinct range is so small, that if you look away from your radar for 2~3 seconds, a few enemies might sneak up on you.

- Loot radar is a little bit situational, but I like it because I know where many ayatan sculptures/rare containers spawn. So, being able to just check the radar instead of using a Scanner or checking every room and corner is always nice.

I was just posting to the theme of the thread.

"I" personally see those aura mods as a waste because regular mods cover it.

But, sometimes folks need em since they use their regular slots for whatever.

I normally have Vigilante Pursuit equipped at all times so for "me" they seem like a waste.

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Worst build public... well, I guess back before MR gave you free mod-points, the "worst build" was warframes with only an aura and one or two other mods, and weapons with no mods at all, except stance and pressure point on melee-weapons. Can't be worse than going in naked, huh?

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On 3/23/2018 at 9:50 PM, (XB1)Evilpricetag said:

Did a sortie with a friend, and 2 randoms. the first was a defense. I figured 'eh, went Loki and he went Mesa. Fortunately it was a live defense target, I lured him into the starting zone (hydron tileset) and Buddy peacemakered the corridor, while I disarmed everybody.

One random valkyr was just using hystaria, and decided to call us useless (my buddy was doing 63% team damage) I spawned a bunch of specters to block in the target from walking out, and was just one shotting with vectis anything that decided they could live 3seconds through peacemaker.

Decided to tell my buddy anybody could play Mesa.

Last mission was a mobile defence, and challenge my friend to a dps.

Not sure what his build was but he only did 20% dps while friend still topped 65% while I was f'ing around with Hyrdoid as we were being invaded by a syndicate.


And any Limbo that goes to  Hydron with some type of range duration build making the rounds last 5x longer.

well to be fair anyone can play any frame but lets be honest with mesa its press 4 then turn and click then everything in the reticle dies, mesas essentially a bootleg glorified aimbot, shes effective but that why shes effective, also idk what that valkyr was thinking theres no way a single target frame like her would outdamage a mesa

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3 hours ago, YandereWaifu said:

idk what that valkyr was thinking theres no way a single target frame like her would outdamage a mesa

Did you just call Valkyr a single target frame?

Eternal War
a lot of power strength mods
some mobility mods
Scoliac with meme mod and range riven
press 2
Sortie exterminate in under 2 minutes.
Wait another 2 minutes for Mesa to finally get to the extraction.

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