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Most boring frames


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14 minutes ago, pavlo555 said:

Simulor doesn't even drag in alive enemies, only loot, what are you talking about?

It's a pick your poison deal. Either they're dead and all the loot is sucked up or they get sucked up along with any loot nearby. Most people would prefer them dead first. And it's pretty redundant when you could just throw down a bastille and call it a day.

Edited by (PS4)Tactless_Ninja
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1 hour ago, kgabor said:

Why not both?

The only problem with Trinity is that the frame only really shines at clutch situations.

Your teammates are dying and f.ex. the enemy mobs are scaled to the point they would oneshot the extractor? You just cast Bless+Link and wipe the map with your melee.

Mot? You cast Bless every 30 seconds and kill like normal while keeping a team of paper frames alive, it's inconvenient but it's possible.

I would like some tweaks to Trinity too btw., like extending Link's duration or changing WoL to something useful, like something that gives a bit of both power strength, overheal and armor (scaling on power strength)to make Trinity's kit complete.

why not both? because the other frames are much more efficient and fun for a particular role.

and im not saying Trinity should be kept on basement she does best in some situation Im just saying she can be really boring when you find yourself useless being a support.

the tweaks I'd like about her are:

# passive: immune to energy drain (when those leech eximus starts spawning you know you're just a squishy shell running around)

# well of life: strips off enemy hp by the % of hp loss your team has at the moment of cast and disperse it to the team healing them back to full hp. give it a blood effect like *skoosh* blood flows out of enemy, trinity consumes it, process it and disperse it to her team mates and herself. that would be visually satisfying as heck also giving her a little bit more offense ability.

# energy vampire: ofcourse no target required to cast but force her into animation for like 2 or 3 seconds like harrow covenant.

I know a lot of people will say its broken but lets give Trinity some love and shine and see more Trinity in PUBs. such an amazing frame forgotten by most because her gameplay is boring. My first prime was ash because bladestorm is one of the most visually appealing skill and next was Trinity because i love support role but my hype went down from 100 to 0 real quick when i found out you don't need her at all in most gameplays and soon forgot about her. Now i mostly play valkyr moded with hunter adrenaline and i can easily wipe the room with my zaw polearm and maiming riven with range. but i got tired of it and now i want to experience a different playstyle with different frames and for that i need more trinity in my team. we can get this done with or without Trinity its just that it will be more fun and efficient with her around. 

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Frost, ember, banshee, limbo, gara.

Frames defined by using one or two abilities and switching brain off.

Limbo mostly because using his entire kit pisses everyone so you are limitd to a gimped 2&4 combo.


I like nekros shadow build, as its hugely versatile depending on what enemies you summon. And being selective on kills to get the summons you want takes quite a bit of effort.

Edited by (PS4)ForNoPurpose
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For me it is likely Nyx. Not because she is bad, contrary she is actually incredibly good, but her playstyle is quite passive. What you do is take enemies attention away from you and your team, protect yourself from damage with your ultimate or disarm your enemies. All good CC of course, but too passive. I wish there were more to her kit. Not that I have a solution because her abilities do fit her theme, and honestly I don't know how you could make that theme more active than it is, maybe it does not even need to be, but it is not a playstyle I opt into often.

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19 hours ago, Isca said:

It saddens me that people think Banshee is only useful for her 4. I never it. A resonance sonar build is so much more fun if you enjoy shooting stuff as it makes any weapon viable against higher levels, and it's always a pleasant surprise for your team mates too.

That and the stun on her Silence ability is actually quite useful if you want to go for melee instead. Sure it comes with a drawback and honestly the two abilities should do pulses in my honest opinion but Banshee has actually a rather good kit. She could be slightly more durable in my personal opinion, but overall she is great.

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1 hour ago, BETAOPTICS said:

She could be slightly more durable

Or Sound Quake could just be changed for a better ability, something like Molecular Prime to avoid damage altogether and add a more reliable cc to slow enemies at endgame content which works with Banshee's kit unlike the current Quake/RQ.

Not every frame needs to be a tank, high skill ceiling high reward frames can also be balanced and Banshee is designed to be a glass cannon, it's just not designed really well as you get oneshot insta noscoped by sortie shotgunners on tiny maps without any way to counter it. (unless you spam Sonic Boom at every corner while your team is waiting for you at extract because they pressed 4 with ez frames)

For melee Banshee, Arcane Trickery seems like a must have if you're actually doing finishers.

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What i think is a bit overlooked:

Wukong is mentioned here often, but he can actually become pretty silly with the iron vault augment. Its a gimmick, but fun. The cloud can be pretty fun if you abuse it as well, especially in some tilesets and mission types. His 4 leaves a lot to be desired though.

Banshee - generally all her abilities are great. One of not so many frames where all abilities are really damn good. Synergy is questionable though.

What i find boring myself:

Octavia.... basically the 'i dont care how good she is' situation for me. Despite the seemingly interactive song mechanics, its just annoying.

Nekros - no matter how many times they make his minions stand out, they are still annoying and they never do much damage just like any similar interaction in the game. Soulpunch is great, but you dont really use it much either. He needs some synergy going on.

Gara - i dont know what it is, but her abilities are just not fun. Her 4 is pretty effective, but then you have annoying visual block. Great. Other 3 abilities... blergh.

Chroma - effective. Abilities are very effective as well. 4th is a mess. Overall hardly any synergy. For a frame that has all the element stuff it isnt even that versatile unless we call a #*!%ing lawnmower ammounts of damage as effective. We can do that, but come on.

Inaros - despite playing him a lot and enjoying his 4 as a great damage reduction buff... what you are actually doing is use his 1 which works great, but yeah there isnt much more to it than that. His 2nd is questionable. His passive is questionable. Sandstorm can be fun, but even as a CC its questionable. More or less its again effective abilities that hardly synergize.

Ember - i like how they talk a lot about design philosophy of lack of interactivity and all they do is just reduce range and increase damage.

Nidus - effective. The casting animation of his flowerstomp makes him feel sluggish. Also lack of builds. You have basically 2. One for missions that last less than a minute and other for those that last longer.

Operator - regardless of what focus school you choose, what amp you have, the playstyle is always the same. Considering how much its being pushed down our throats its really quite troubling.

Saryn - its more interactive than when it was just 4 spam, but in such a lawnmower kind of game, you arent really playing around with stacking stuff.

Vauban - effective 2 abilities. questionable 2 abilities.


Overall its the same issues - 1 ability frames, abilites being effective, but not synergizing with others etc. Then you look at something like Harrow, now thats some synergy right there.... then again it forces you to basically for a single playstyle that depends on how you play is either effective or not. Still, id rather have a rather different playstyle like that than what some other frames have.



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Easily Ivara... only invisibility with a massive movement penalty, pickpocketing only way she keep up with LS since her KPS is so slow. She’s slow boring and has 1 skill that’s useful... prowl. She’s Loki 2.0 with SLOW af movement.


Others would include:

 Wukong he has one job... not to die, one trick pony.

 Chroma 2 & 3 FTW

 Mirage... nuff said




Edited by (XB1)YouBitePi11ows
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what I love about warframe is the diversity that different frames and builds bring to the gameplay.  I think all the frames are fun but they also get boring if you use it too much. 

that being said, the only frame that really just doesn't do it for me is Wukong.  he is fun for a mission or two but after that I wont touch him for months

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2 minutes ago, ghoffman1928 said:

what I love about warframe is the diversity that different frames and builds bring to the gameplay.  I think all the frames are fun but they also get boring if you use it too much. 

that being said, the only frame that really just doesn't do it for me is Wukong.  he is fun for a mission or two but after that I wont touch him for months

Wukong is getting more hate than Mag lol 

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1 hour ago, ghoffman1928 said:

I like mag, i don't get why she is so unpopular with some people

Perhaps they tried an unpotatoed, unlevelled version of her non-prime frame some years ago and couldn't figure out how her kit works, so threw a tantrum and sold her after quickly levelling her to 30 by being carried through infested defence missions, and the only time they think of her is when replying to frame hate threads?

Joking aside, personally I think she's a top frame and her skills have some of the best synergy of any frame's kit, with all 4 being useful problem solvers in a range of situations. A few tweaks to Pull and she'd be darn near perfect! Her augs are also really great. I don't know how anyone could call her boring, of all possible critcisms.

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Wellll I like gara and I don't really see how she's boring if you don't use her for pure defense. her three is useless but so is mesa's 1 so I would say they're pretty much on the same level for me. mesa is pure dps and cc while gara is cc, defense, and has huge dmg capabilities with her 1 and 4 combined.

18 hours ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

Frost, ember, banshee, limbo, gara.

Frames defined by using one or two abilities and switching brain off.

Limbo mostly because using his entire kit pisses everyone so you are limitd to a gimped 2&4 combo.


I like nekros shadow build, as its hugely versatile depending on what enemies you summon. And being selective on kills to get the summons you want takes quite a bit of effort.


Edited by (PS4)i7081277
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  • 3 years later...

For me it is Inaros and Harrow. Harrow is just the "buff frame with some minor CC" who can be strong but is just so dull to play. Inaros, like-wise, is strong but his biggest claim to fame is essentially his health pool. Press 1 if you ever need some more HP and that's about it. His 2 and 3 are barely worth using and his 4 is one of the worst abilities in the game because of the ragdoll which just makes it even more of a pain for allies to kill them and the energy drain. 

To me, even Frost is more fun than these. At least I can throw the odd snow ball and shatter people, clear a hallway with his 2 which looks pretty cool or use his 4 for the occasional AoE. Inaros and Harrow are just utterly boring. I've tried to get into them so many times but I just can't. Proof that it doesn't matter if they are super strong. If they're not fun to play then that's the end of it. I'd rather take a weaker frame that is more fun to play and try to make them work than play a frame that's efficient but a snooze fest.

Edited by (PSN)I_graviton_I
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6 minutes ago, (PSN)I_graviton_I said:

For me it is Inaros and Harrow. Harrow is just the "buff frame with some minor CC" who can be strong but is just so dull to play. Inaros, like-wise, is strong but his biggest claim to fame is essentially his health pool. Press 1 if you ever need some more HP and that's about it. His 2 and 3 are barely worth using and his 4 is one of the worst abilities in the game because of the ragdoll which just makes it even more of a pain for allies to kill them and the energy drain. 

I'd go reread his 4th skill for Inaros, unless you did a typo, reading your post though I'd say you meant to type the 3rd skill.


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