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DO NOT nerf Saryn because of ESO


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I am afraid this is just another clumsy attempt at balancing from a very disconnected developer team. They are working hard on the wrong places. First of all, it makes no sense how does Pablo sees her OP on this particular game mode but not the rest of the game. You see, Saryn stats do not change depending on where you play her, it is the same across the board. The problem is not Saryn, the problem is the game mode. The amount of spawns. That being said, I also fail to see how they will buff her every where else, but nerf her there, when again, it is not Saryns numbers, it is the amount of spawns. Am I insane? Logic seems to not be existent. And I am not meaning to insult the devs but seriously? 


Overall my opinion on this rework is horrendous. They made her very bad in regular missions, I just see this as another attack at the AOE in the game. This has been following a trend. Everything that does good AOE gets nerfed to the ground on a horde killing game. The love and care, the passion, is no longer there. I do not understand the goals of all of these nerfs, and I have a nagging suspicion they don't either. Because to do quality improvements you first need to play your game.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

Hilarious.  I don't have a favorite.  But both saryn and mag are really dear frames to me.  And I'm not taking an issue with how either are being handled.

Unfortunately, the rest of us aren't into masochism and as paying customers would really rather the mishandling of the game be stopped.

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21 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

Unfortunately, the rest of us aren't into masochism and as paying customers would really rather the mishandling of the game be stopped.

Sorry I don't handle people with entitlement well.  So i'm just not going to respond further.  Should probably quit while your ahead if you're not comfortable with change.  Games not for you.  Have a good day.

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9 hours ago, Lyricallee said:

So they are going to redesign Saryn because people with 4 forma and 2 high level arcanes in her are just too good in ESO.  You finally made her fun and a legitimate choice for the average player but might ruin her for that same player.

The target should be making each frame usable, with a cohesive kit that can be used by average players with average weapons and maybe 1 forma in each in the majority of content.  The reaction to a frame being "OP" on current content when fully forma'd, carrying fully forma'd weapons that are available only at he higher MR ratings and equipped with max'ed arcanes should be to offer content that challenges the players who have put the investment into getting their frame and weapons to that state.  You shouldn't take away what is finally a well designed frame from everyone else.  

I have 2 formas in Saryn only. And I don't own a single rank 3 arcane. But playing solo I could breeze to zone 10 in EOS without even trying, and make it two more zones to zone 12 before efficiency ran out.

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9 hours ago, XaoGarrent said:

Maybe your favorite frame should be next in line for a "revisit." Seems like some people need to learn the hard way.

I don't have a "favorite" frame. You play the frame that gets the job done for the mission type. If something changes, then you adapt and use another frame.

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No offence here,but i was told by some friends that youtubers are putting up videos of how great/powerful something is only for DE's balance team to look at it and nerf it to the ground a week later. just because something is great for 1% of the game -that 1% being ESO- dosent mean that thing is not also good for the other 99% of the game.
Personaly i suggest DE keep Saryn the way she is dont touch her,dont mess with her,just because shes in a good spot now dosent mean she needs the nerf bat within a week.
Yet again look at people with nuke trin, using the frame in a compleat opposite the way shes ment to be used,yet theres no info/news on when that is gonna be changed,but then Saryn here we have a frame ment for killing groups of mobs the devs sees she dose that very well and now there proposing a nerf for something that people are using right but not proposing a nerf for something people are using wrong...come on now...
as for other less used frames,frames that needs a buff like Nyx buff those frames up while leaveing the frames at the top the same close the gap of bad-decent-good, bring bad frames up to good dont bring good frames down to decent.

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well, if Saryn ends up anything like Ember is now, I'm gonna be disappointed. balancing a frame based on a game mode that isn't actually functioning properly (mainly on consoles) is a pretty bad idea. I'm just waiting for the inevitable Trinity nerf, even though she's been hit multiple times already and Castanas should take the fall instead (maybe only nerf the self-damage on Castanas? then Castanuke Trin can't use them and they become safer for everyone else to use!).

I just wish they'd hurry up and hotfix ESO on consoles, rather than make us wait all the way up until the next update for something that would take 2 minutes to do any time.

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25 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

Sorry I don't handle people with entitlement well.

You don't seem to understand how a business works, either. To you, entitlement is a dirty word. To everyone else, it's a basic reality. You shouldn't be telling me to leave. Because I might, and so may so many other people. Business is cyclical, be very careful what you wish for, I doubt another Vivergate would be good for the long term health of the game.

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1 hour ago, Seir said:

I am afraid this is just another clumsy attempt at balancing from a very disconnected developer team. They are working hard on the wrong places. First of all, it makes no sense how does Pablo sees her OP on this particular game mode but not the rest of the game. You see, Saryn stats do not change depending on where you play her, it is the same across the board. The problem is not Saryn, the problem is the game mode. The amount of spawns. That being said, I also fail to see how they will buff her every where else, but nerf her there, when again, it is not Saryns numbers, it is the amount of spawns. Am I insane? Logic seems to not be existent. And I am not meaning to insult the devs but seriously? 


Overall my opinion on this rework is horrendous. They made her very bad in regular missions, I just see this as another attack at the AOE in the game. This has been following a trend. Everything that does good AOE gets nerfed to the ground on a horde killing game. The love and care, the passion, is no longer there. I do not understand the goals of all of these nerfs, and I have a nagging suspicion they don't either. Because to do quality improvements you first need to play your game.

It's not her power that's the issue.  it's that she has that power with her spores without doing effort.  She can AFK in ESO because the spores feed themselves in a constant cycle.  The devs have been very consistent in being against low player interaction but high player power for awhile now.  So this being addressed shouldn't be a surprise.  And spores are not only an issue in ESO.  they are in the start chart as well.  Just in a different fashion.  They smother themselves and thus don't spread well.

As i've mentioned to a different reply they can change the ramp up method.  instead of it ramping based on # of infected it can ramp based on popping spores themselves.  This would make the spores ramp up faster in the star chart and spread more consistently because you're popping them constantly.  And it would still retain the power in ESO.  But requiring Saryn to actually be playing.

The rework is near perfect outside of spores and miasma/lash not interacting well with another saryn's spores.  Lash is absurdly good.  Molt was just straight buffed.  And miasma makes more sense now.

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Disagree with OP, yes she is spastic in ESO... but Jesus... Her only issue in a normal mission is that she kill so fast with spores, they don't spread as fast...
I love Saryn, and I mechanically love her latest changes, but she is off the chart ATM with the power. Press 1 and everything is dead in any mission... except maybe index...

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Saryn do need fix cause DE once again don't what they are doing with the "balancing" and create yet another OP skill set.

Why bother make Sayrn 1 and 4 again able to affect enemies outside LoS while the trend these days that all other warframe skills and weapons can't? 

Its like they don't have decent testers at all, wait...... WE are the testers, so that make sense.

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On 2018-05-20 at 2:44 AM, eXotic said:

I wanted to state that ESO was just a Data collecting game mode designed to Weed out the most fun/efficient ways to speed up the farming process..  but i refrained myself for some reason..

Let's be Fair. Simarus even says this is a Test bed and we are supposed to inflict as much suffering as possible. He just never said what the data was going for.

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35 minutes ago, (PS4)chubbslawson said:

If we keep talking like this we are going to bring the wrath of the monkey in here on us 

I'm already here.

People are being 'relatively' civilised, and you're certainly all entitled to an opinion. 

You're all spared my wrath today.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I'm just waiting for the inevitable Trinity nerf, even though she's been hit multiple times already and Castanas should take the fall instead (maybe only nerf the self-damage on Castanas? then Castanuke Trin can't use them and they become safer for everyone else to use!).

They might not nerf either, but nerf the combo instead.  That's how they stopped the Ivara + Arca Plasmor combo.  They just made the fall off of the projectile cause Navigator to stop controlling the projectile of the Plasmor and Sonicor.  

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This begs the question, why was she reworked to begin with? Minor tweaks here and there would've been fine. Now look what's happened. Minus the glaring sore thumbs she had before, her mechanics were sound. Minor fixes here and there and a decent education about how to play her (because 95% of players don't know) and she would've been complete. Don't get me wrong, i love the idea of the new changes, but i knew this would happen. I predicted it. Check page 26 of the saryn workshop thread for my comment on it.

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We know. The psychology behind onslaught shows very clearly. I wouldn't be surprised if this data is aggregated and sent straight to DE. 

Some logic:

Simaris wants to know everything. Simaris likes to collect data. Therefor it shouldn't be surprising if Simaris wants to diversify the data he collects. 

It makes it seem like a completely normal thing but you are being watched by more than just Simaris. I could also pose a supposition that Simaris is a self inserted avatar of DE. 

The conclusion is that you should not use anything in onslaught that you want to keep using. 

Edited by CupcakesMoo
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just revert spores to old build. idgaf about its element but dmg from toxin proc was very cool and gave a weapon build <-> frame synergy like no other. also it was good in late and early game and having a good spread was real easy. -__- but we all know now that the "rework" was just to bring down the hammer on this; won't be reversed.

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7 hours ago, Twilight053 said:

Conveniently leaving out the fact that she will be BUFFED in 99% of the content, I see.

Conveniently didn't read any of my other posts, i see..


9 hours ago, (PS4)IroncladBomber said:

Let's be Fair. Simaris even says this is a Test bed and we are supposed to inflict as much suffering as possible. He just never said what the data was going for.

Yeah, but changing a frame and her stats/abilities based on a game mode designed for mass murder because she does just that seems a bit weird, don't you think?

Not to mention, my biggest issue was the changes being brought because of the data collected in ESO, which is completely different from every other mission in this game..

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