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[PC Update 23.5] Revenant Feedback Megathread


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This frame is fun to use has great potential but need some more changes.

This frame need some state changes:


  • Its range need to be increased
  • Need to have some visual effect and  sound effect due to unable to see when the passive going to be activate


  • The pillar need to have its base duration or range to be increased 
  • Thralled enemies need some kinda threshold mechanism so that they cant be destroyed as soon as they being control unless by Revenant himself  
  • Need small increased in casting time - too slow for high level missions 

Mesmer Skin

  • Increase the base amount of Mesmer charges - given that in high level ,enemies swarm the place and its hard to survive the with just 14 charges (214 power strength) because its being used up very fast especially if there is long range enemies
  • It's cast time need to be reduce- this his main survival skill and it takes a lot to time for him to cast this ability, making this ability not reliable in high level missions


  • This ability need it's speed to be reduced or enable us to change direction while in this ability 
  • Need to increase the life steal of this ability because its not practical to use first skill every time to maximize this ability

Danse Macabre

  • Change the energy consumption to 15 energy per second  rather than 20 energy per second - 20 energy per second is too high for this ability 
  • Overshield count per pickup  need to be increased additional 10 overshield -not worth the effort I spend to get this much small amount of overshield 
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16 minutes ago, Meshugganah said:

I'm quite satisfied with the changes.
7 thralls are good enough to work, which makes this ability actually viable
The increased energy cost of Danse Macabre is not really that much of a problem, you just have to mod accordingly.
What I wish for would be the following: please deactivate friendly fire on thralls, so only the one who possesses them can actually kill them since your often braindead teammates ruin your lil horde.

i also will throw my hat in for disabling friendly fire on them. they can simply make them act like mind control (absorb damage then die after deativate or duration end). the energy drain of DM isnt noticeable atleast for me because i dont try to keep it active. mesmer skin still needs the health conversion treatment. only thing i dont like about reave is having to deactivate it so i dont go clear across the room. range is too far, activation is too slow for a dash. its clunky for an escape power.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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danse macabre is unuseable now because its cost 20 energy per sec even if you add best mods for lower it its only lower at 5 this mean when you boost it its gonna drain 10 energy like energy leech is around and its soo necessary when you fight against armoured lvl 100 enemies

NOTE: I dont have problem with his strength on danse macabre but if you want to add strength you need to sacriface the duration and you cant kill enemy in 10 sec

Edited by generalkaptadeil
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I feel like his 1 needs some work on spreading seems a little inconsistent. his 3's animation needs a lot of work its too stiff and the smoke effect is literally a rectangle and its super off putting, and his 4's animation suffers from the same problem as his 3 to stiff looks very unnatural.

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1 minute ago, Abyssshy said:

I feel like his 1 needs some work on spreading seems a little inconsistent. his 3's animation needs a lot of work its too stiff and the smoke effect is literally a rectangle and its super off putting, and his 4's animation suffers from the same problem as his 3 to stiff looks very unnatural.

Reave no longer has the giant fog rectangle, as of the latest update.

Edited by Frostyinferno
update, not hotfix
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I've played with him for about a few days now and i think it would be great if we got rid of friendly fire for his thralls at least from the team mates. Maybe im just getting confused but my thralls seem to die from my team's attacks which is annoying since whats the point of having them if they arn't gonna live long enough to damage or convert anyone making the entrall thing pretty pointless and useless. Also not my idea but someone did say it would be amazing if there was cap on thralls but instead something that stopped the number from being able to increase like after a certain amount the dps the thralls deal is too high so they end up killing the enemy instead of making them a thrall.

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Okay, i have tried the new Revenant. Here is what i think:

Passive: ok, i didn't even know he had a passive. Please, consider replacing it with an Eidolon shout. When Rev depletes the shield, make him shout and stun (or fear or disarm) nearby enemies for x seconds. A nice VFX would make it awesome and Eidolon like.

1) Thanks for the increase on thralls cap, very nice, and closer to what we have seen in the cinematic. But please, consider making them invulnerable because on public this ability is totally useless, as other players will kill them immediatly, or even i with random melees, and if they/i do, you lose the already forced synergy in the kit. Instead of invulnerability you could highly increase their armor (same way as Trin 1), and would be very good if they could draw aggro from other enemies.

2) The tweaks are good, imho. Maybe making it recastable would be a good step but it's fine as it is. Actually i think of 2 tweaks: make it recastable. And second, leave the animation long as it is, but start the invulnerability at the start of it. So it's balanced: this skill is the survival skill of the Rev, you will be protected but if you use it poorly you'll start with less charges (as you already got hit). (The invulnerability since the beginning of the cast would be awesome for Rhino too).

3) Thanks for the new effects, but may be a good idea to increase the speed of the "preparation" animation.

4) While i understand the nerf to energy cost, as i in the first place complained about this ability, the problem is not the energy cost. The problem is, unfortunately, the ability itself. The part of the overshield is not good, as we said the thralls are extremely situational, they are killed too fast from allies, making the shield drop very unrealiable. I'm sorry, but beside saying this ability should be totally replaced, i can't think of a tweak that would make it interesting gameplay-wise.

Edited by Evhel.nVbs
Added a tweak for 2.
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The idea to turn thralls spectral on death temporarily so they can keep spreading the affliction is a good one.

Not only do they still do their jobs as decoys, but the entire ability isn't abruptly wasted by all thralls dying.

Just wish Enthrall can always be cast by Revenant so he can keep a meat shield nearby when Mesmer Skin breaks.

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While I agree it's far too expensive and completely disagree with the increase (nothing wrong with old value imo) it's still just as strong as before, it just lasts basically half the time....

Edited by LSG501
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Just my two cents here, but I found his 1 to be lack luster (Whether it is 1 badguy you can entrall, or 7), due to the fact that you can't build them up in a PUG without them getting destroyed by your own team.  So if I want a wall of pillars to cause enemy disruption, can't do that.  Pickups are sporadic because they will get killed so fast by my own team.  No reason to use 1 because I literally can't do anything with them.  His 2 is a bit lack luster as well.  In a defense or a survival with tons of enemies, those will vanish fast, so I would literally be spending my entire time bringing up his 2 rather than playing the game.  His 2 became more of an afterthought.  His 3 was lackluster as well.  Going through enemies gave not enough to make the heavy energy expenditure worth while (For a proposed 'vampire frame', this should have been a little nastier or something).  Going through your own entralled badguys didn't work, see my comments above on his 1.  Can't get enemies entralled for long enough in a PUG because they are killed instantly by your own team.  This was used to move around while using his 4.  His 4 was the only nominal ability that could be used, that was useful at all out of the whole package.  A higher energy expenditure for the only ability that is of use for the whole package is not the answer.  Maybe upping it to 15 would have been better than 20 energy.  A better approach, instead of upping the energy cost of his only useful ability, would be to make the other abilities more effective so that there are more than 1 possible build for the frame.  His thralls should not be able to be shot by other players on a team, and they should not count towards enemies still in the field in a defense (Which mine have in the past, which is why I had to kill them to move onto the next stage).  His 2 should be changed to be more like a CC version of Rhino's Iron Skin.  Turn it on and it goes down like that while you take damage, instead of a set number of low charges that will vanish as soon as you get near concentrated fire.  His 3 should be his defining trait.  You wanted a 'Vampire Frame', well that is your trait for that.

All in all, when I saw a warframe that does the whole Eidolon thing, I expected something dangerous and unique.  You don't go near the eidolons unless you are ready, and the same thing should have applied to Revenant.  There is a unique factor, but it is not dangerous.  There are much much more dangerous frames in the field, and unfortunately this is not one of them.  Just my two cents on the frame and its current state.

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Since you don't want him to be an AFK frame, revert the dance macabre energy change and just make it take more energy the longer you use it

(Also buff all of his other abilities they're all lackluster)

Edited by JarlZondai
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1 minute ago, JarlZondai said:

Since you don't want him to be an AFK frame, revert the dance macabre energy change and just make it take more energy the longer you use it

if people didnt try to use it as if its the only thing he has, they wouldnt need to increase its cost in the first place. the cost increase is fine. people should try using their other tools they have at their disposal.

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48 minutes ago, Cyberhazard said:

please, I can still remain under the ult for minutes.

You mean at max 1.5 minute? That the max amount when you have primed flow with high duration and efficiency.

Energy drops are RNG and with this high drain you at best get 10 seconds with an 50 energy drop.

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Spent time trying the frame, which I'd put 5 forma into, last night... and basically if I want any 'fair' level of energy usage (I actually felt the original cost was on the high side) on revenants 4 I need to gimp duration to hit 175% efficiency, before I could run 130% efficiency and focus more on duration which is around 140-150%, so you know the other abilities actually got used or worked for longer... funny how the change to supposedly encourage us to not use 4 actually means I had to focus my build even more specifically on it at the expense of the other abilities because lets be honest most of us press the lmb when using it. 

And even after these changes it still has the exact same problems I mentioned in my earlier posts...so I'll just link them here for convenience rather than typing it all out again.


Edited by LSG501
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Hello DE, 

I am certain you put a lot of effort and time into making revenant, but honestly, it does not feel like a finished product. 

I do not know if you were busy with other work or if your concept did not translate well in regular game play,but Revenant as a whole (after the update) is just too mediocre with nothing truly useful or unique. 

I earlier thought it's a worse Mesa (with a more or less identical builds) and now it's not even that. 

I am truly disappointed with this. 

With that being said I have some suggestions that might make it better, I will go ability wise. 


Not noticeable at all, just like novas passive, most enemies are too far to be affected this is one of those 'good on paper' things. 

Suggestion: change it to have incremental armor growth with damage like chroma vex armor, cause that's what sentients do,they adapt, and if it's not hit for 30 seconds then it starts going down again (there should be a cap of say 5x of base armor) 


The enthralled enemies are pretty much useless unless you take an ancient for their aura effect, they die really fast and their damage and AI is just not worth the effort. 

Suggestion : upon death they enter a ghost/ zombie/ half life stage. With increased speed, and immunity to damage for 10 seconds (like ballistica prime effect). Just like the vomvalysts it will at least feel like a sentient ability. 

It should also change their interaction with Danse Macabre,

if still alive when hit with the lasers then their damage should rise ( still take damage from laser which is slightly reduced) , if the ghosts are hit with lasers then the laser damage will rise or you will gain a charge for your mesmer skin and the ghost will die(can ghosts die?), raving thorough said enemies should have different buffs for them, This will make 1, 2, 3 and 4 better and have more synergy. 

The ghosts will carry over the damage bonus from when alive. 

Mesmer skin: buggy at the moment needs hot fixes more than a rework. 

Suggestion : it needs a means to replenish the charges without recasting, my above suggestion can work or "replenishes charges with finishers while ability is active" option like inaros, this would be ideal. Cause the mesmer stuns enemies and opens them for finishers it would be a perfect means to keep it up.

Reave: it's too expensive, the recovery is minor, the travel is horizontal only and it has no cc potential. 

Suggestion : reduce energy to 35 base, 

Have enemies caught slow down cause they are weakened, as you suck their health (affected by power strength) 

Allow angled travel. 

The enthralled enemies will gain added speed when hit by it but take more damage. 

Ghosts will be absorbed into overshields. 

Seriously this ability is useless in its current state and needs a really big buff to justify its presence. 

Danse Macabre:

I don't understand you DE, on one side you don't like "4 and forget" abilities, on the other you Make something like this, what are you actually trying to do? Stop being so contradictory! 

This is a pretty good ability but I think it has a scope of improvement or it should be replaced completely and not kept as it is. 

It doesnt target any enemies but an overall sweep of area is done, enemies above the revenant cannot be hurt. 

It is expensive to maintain now and with the low base energy of revenant it is no longer sustainable for long.

It is nausea and migraine inducing. 

Suggestion :

Get rid of the ballerina animation, it doesn't make sense, would rather it was more like equinox + itzal,

let the revenant move freely (or with reduced speed like nyx)

and have shards throw lasers in a more diverse pattern like a sinusoidal wave with more verticality (frequency affected by inverse duration, cause math) instead of through fingertips. 

Let there be base 6 shards, two for each of the axis and you get a kind of gyroscope of death with better coverage, range and use. 

Killed enemies will have higher chance of dropping energy. 

That's it for the abilities. 

The base stats of revenant don't need to be changed if the above suggestions are considered, but if they aren't, then he needs more armor,  250 base armor minimum. 




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20 energy per sec? really? Even 40 per sec in charging..?

Comparing to Peacemaker's cost - 15 per sec, does the Danse Macabre work on it's cost?

Already the cost -12.5~25 per sec - gives pressure to players. You should to make a reaction for another way, not to nerf energy cost.

Or make it consume more energy with more channeling, like Valkyr's Hysteria and Ember's World on fire. Ex) 12.5~25, (charge 25~50)


Simple cost 40 per sec, is not the best way, no, the worst way.

Edited by rmseka
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It would be better if others couldn't kill the thralls its so bad to use it on party play and rarely got to make shield pick ups. I dont like it. The energy beam that comes from the thrall deaths need to be increased in range or make it attract enemies to it. The base range on ot just too small I never seen it do damage.

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