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Chroma needs a rework


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27 minutes ago, Kialandi said:

Ugh, I guess I have to break my word.

Yes, DE certainly did desing Draco and Viver with all abilities in mind. Same goes for Nuke-Trinity. We are just using the "features" we have, right? DE gave us the option so it's okay, right? It's just the desing, right? It's not broken at all, right? There is no need to change OP things, right? 

Proof of what? If he bought the access and said that Chroma is fine would that change your mind? Paying for something does not make you better or give you more credibility. It just shows that you either want to support the game or that you don't want to farm.

I'm not going to call him a spoiled kid because unlike you he understands that there are more pressing matters than Chroma rework. I've never said that Chroma doesn't need a rework/tweaks. I said that he doesn't need it right now.


He doesn't have the priority? And so what have the priority? An open world on venus That no one has ever asked? This is also looking away from things really important, such as having fun using warframe that now sucks and need to return as before with changes in skills, cit Chroma Or need buff cit woukong Or a rework cit Titania and Nyx. 

But no, there are more important things

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14 minutes ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

He doesn't have the priority? And so what have the priority? An open world on venus That no one has ever asked? This is also looking away from things really important, such as having fun using warframe that now sucks and need to return as before with changes in skills, cit Chroma Or need buff cit woukong Or a rework cit Titania and Nyx. 

But no, there are more important things

This is what I saw long time ago but nobody wanted to see:   Warframe is very big game and there is too much stuff that need fixing.  I dont know if they are a big or small team but it is obvious they are unable to attend all warframe's needs unless you wait 1 or 2 years.  Yet they keep on releasing new warframes with broken skills and that.

But still warframe is the best game at the moment in my opinion.  That team needs to grow in number so they can attend warframe's needs in less time.  HIRE MORE PEOPLE DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!

Edited by AnGeL_KRoM
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13 minutes ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

He doesn't have the priority? And so what have the priority? An open world on venus That no one has ever asked? This is also looking away from things really important, such as having fun using warframe that now sucks and need to return as before with changes in skills, cit Chroma Or need buff cit woukong Or a rework cit Titania and Nyx. 

But no, there are more important things

You probably didn't follow my exchange with Yatazanami.

We all have the same "priority" but he gives "paying customers" more weight. He said that someone paying for PA and not being happy with Chroma is a "proof" that Chroma needs a rework.

By more important things I meant Nyx, Vauban or Wukong rework. We can agree on that. Chroma is definitely not at the top of that list.

Fortuna is important as well because without new content this game would quickly die. It's already pretty stale for a lot of older players. You have been playing for just a year so I don't think you can see it the same way I see it.


Edited by Kialandi
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4 minutes ago, Kialandi said:

You probably didn't follow my exchange with Yatazanami.

We all have the same "priority" but he gives "paying customers" more weight. He said that someone paying for PA and not being happy with Chroma is a "proof" that Chroma needs a rework.

By more important things I meant Nyx, Vauban or Wukong rework. We can agree on that. Chroma is definitely not at the top of that list.

Fortuna is important as well because without new content this game would quickly die. It's already pretty stale for a lot of older players. You have been playing for just a year so I don't think you can see it the same way I see it.


  2 things 1) sorry, I realized that I misread the exchange of posts between you 2) I think Chroma has the same importance of all the others (only being a main Chroma I'm more sorry for him than for others). DE should (after luck of course, because now they have done) get out 1 single update with all these rework ... I do not know, it does not seem impossible to me, would certainly 1/10 of the time wasted on this new open world (surely appreciated but not required and placed before more important things)  

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1 hour ago, Kialandi said:

By more important things I meant Nyx, Vauban or Wukong rework. We can agree on that. Chroma is definitely not at the top of that list.


they're not even thinking of reworking the last frame (khroa) and you want me to believe you they will rework later after nyx , vauban , and wukong ? 

and can i ask you what they're doing now ? what frame you think they're reworking atm , if even the prime access that generate money didnt save this lizard ,then

what will ?

Edited by Yatazanami
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2 hours ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

  If with "in line" you mean a warframe with the ability to increase the armor to reach damage reductions of not even 90% where it can be affected by stuns and status proc that can further reduce the armor (viral, toxin, slash, puncture, corrosive,) while warframe as mesa, Gara, nezha have a damage reduction of 90-95% (higher with Arcane Guardian) and are NEVER affected by status (apart from nezha, he with warding halo is not even stunned) then yes, we can consider online. Ahahahahah come on, bring back all his armor to before the nerf (why call this stuff rework is an insult to the rework)  

I can see why people would be pissed because Chroma took a lot of legwork to get which IMHO justified him being OP. When he got nerfed I figured that Chroma Prime was in the works. He's still good for eidolons and other stuff but he's no longer the unstoppable tank he was.

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Honestly the whole thing is, Chroma used to be a great bruiser, and no frame could work quite like him in dishing and taking damage upfront. Everyone else relied on invulnerability and/or CC gimmicks, Chroma was the only pure "#*!% you and your gun" type of frame. 

That's gone now, and he gained absolutely nothing in return. 

I mean, if Effigy were to be actually good at something (be it DPS, CC, aggro pulling or whatever) he'd still be nice, but currently he's a bit unsatisfactory 😞

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3 hours ago, maddragonmaster said:

well anyways here's a suggestion for a passive or a side function of effigy. have it were the pelt offers elemental resistance and defense when worn and then have the resistances replaced with a movement speed and attack speed buff when pelt is off.

I was just thinking that aswell, him having elemental resistance adaptation.

Edited by Aleksi134
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7 hours ago, maddragonmaster said:

ok here is a simplistic why to make spectral scream. give it 2 phases. 1st phase is what i like to call inhale where you charge the first ability and chroma charge his breath attack and gather any possible elemental status procs near him increasing the damage of the breath and possible giving him and a helpful buff possible if he can consume the same kind of element he has or it is alone the same alignment, and the 2nd phase is where he exhales and releases a cone of breath to a stream of elements that deals damage and gives any unfortunate mobs that did survive the breath all the statuses he "consumed"


We are going in circles.


I posted this earlier in this amalgamation of threads. I drew this pic years ago. I think every idea in this thread has been posted at least three times. Maybe the moderators wanted this well of confusion. Anyone looking will be daunted by the page number increasing or read far enough to see every thread is being consumed by this one. 

At this point, we might as well snip and quote the ideas we like the most because they have certainly already been proposed somewhere in here.  .Oh, and anyone invested in this thread should go through and actively upvote for the ideas they like the most. 

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So, 1) ONE person buying PA and not enjoying it does not a pattern make.   2) If you went to a restaurant and did not enjoy your free sample of Grilled Chicken off the menu, you most likely will not enjoy any dish that is Grilled Chicken-based, yeah?  Then buying the Grilled Chicken Marsala and being "disappointed" is not on them, at that point, it's on you...because you were offered the chance to try it free and still decided to pay for something you KNEW you'd dislike.

In much the same way, Chroma is available in-game for FREE (as is prime, with some work, of course!) and has been for quite some time.  If the one person who has voiced their disappointment, or really anyone else at this point, felt they were "surprised" by how much they "disliked" Chroma Prime, they have only themselves to blame, as they've had ample time to "try him out".

Does this mean Chroma is perfect? No,  and honestly I'm not sure any frame SHOULD be.  With forums FILLED to the BRIM with constant rants about how "endgame isn't challenging", the last thing we need is frames that trivialize everything by being both "unstoppable tanks" AND "huge damage dealers".   Y'all might THINK you want that, but I assure you, I've been in the gaming world for several decades and it ain't how things work out.

That being said, Chroma is a dragon-themed frame, through and through, and though he may not capture EVERYTHING about YOUR idea of what that should mean, he is what he is.  

I still see him plenty in use, I use him myself on occasion, when the urge hits, and he performs perfectly fine.  I don't see where there's any merit to all this whining about him being "unusable".  At all.

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From Crixus, aka “The Professor” on my Discord.  He’s all about effective builds with concrete numbers to back them up.

“Chroma in total isn't bad, but he is dramatically overrated. His buffs are decent. The damage buff is extremely lackluster. The only benefit it has is the fact that it can reduce mandatory mods, which is also a curse because it lowers the usefulness of damage stats on rivens and other damage buffs. The only benefit it has is that it applies on certain abilities, other than that, if enemies weren't walking wet noodles, he'd be greatly overmatched.
His tankiness is another issue. After the changes, he went from tankiest frame to LEAST tankiest frame. His ehp stats are pitiful compared to other warframes with much better overalls. His ehp will not go much higher than 30k. Gara can go higher than 30k, mesa, nekros, and trinity are all in the 200k line. And because it is armor base, it is extremely vulnerable to corpus enemies, or any enemy with corrosive or puncture damage
All 3 have better buffs. Gara has more scaling damage, better protection, and better team protection, all she doesn't do is give a damage buff to allies, which unless they have an epeen and chip on their shoulder, won't matter as long as the dps is there, which gara has in spades.
Mesa is a similar story, but has more CC and an operator buff without much team buffs. Trinity has scaling damage, MUCH better support, and so much synergy with any frame.
Nekros has extremely good cc, a ton of team support, and all he needs is some dps.
These are just a few frames that outclass chroma at what chroma does.
His only niche is eidolon hunts, which he really isn't that needed for. I can get an octavia, ivara, or really any high damage frame to replace him. He's not needed.”

Once I Post this, Crixus may back it up with numbers.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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The fact is nothing will probably change till after Fortuna. They have all their people focus solely on Fortuna. It is all about Fortuna right now just as it was before POE came out. 

They have ignored him for years before they "fixed" Vex Armor. I would love if the team did do a full nice Nezha quality rework. But even with Nezha it took time for them to come up with the superb ideas that have made Nezha amazing. 

They have stated that NOTHING has been planned for Chroma. Maybe maybe when Mesa Prime comes out at the end of the year maybe then they will do something. But it could be longer. For the moment I will get my Chroma Prime to where he is usable if ever I have the itch. But I might be shelving him along with Ember for the forseeable future. 

I want them to do a Nezha quality rework not a half attempt. But until Fortuna is released my hopes of enjoying Chroma again are slim. @[DE]Rebecca and @[DE]Steve, I truly was looking forward to Chroma Prime. He is my favorite frame. And many times I have defended him, your change of Vex Armor, and have given several rework ideas to make him feel more the power of a true Elemental Dragon. All in the hopes that there would be a God Tier Rework before his Prime.

I also know that Fortuna is something that is shaping to be amazing. But I had hoped to have a reworked Chroma Prime to tide me over till Fortuna came out. As of right now I am suffering major burnout, with nothing to keep me in the game till Fortuna. 

So Rebb and Steve, I truly hope that Fortuna is all that it is hyped up to be. I understand the strain you are under to make it a blast. I am hoping that it is fun and I truly look forward to it. But as a veteran that has been here since the beginning of the game, I had hoped that you would do something for Chroma Prime. That I would have something to do that I would enjoy as I formaed and experienced the power of a reworked Chroma until Fortuna. And I have nothing. 

Personally I love the Prime Access and the Armor and Energy boost. But otherwise I am majorly disappointed. 

Rebb and Steve if you read this (which isn't likely) know that I love Warframe. It is one of my favorite games of all time. Take the above not as a whining kid. But as an 28 year old man that has enjoyed a product few could create. A passionate Chroma fan that only wants to see his frame become a great frame. Just like the Nezha's who finally got their dream come true.

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15 hours ago, Rocheval said:

Have his 4 give him a JoJo like stand ability. Except it's not outside his body, but overlaps his body like a giant projection that mirrors his movements for the duration, or flies above him sorta like a guardian angel. 

that actually sounds like an amazing idea for reworking effigy but also keeping the 2 form aspect.

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21 hours ago, Battle_Mage said:

Does anyone know if Chroma Prime's breath weapon(s) got a visual touch up (Spectral Scream and Effigy) along with the wings? I'm so disheartened with the lack of changes that I'd settle for even that at this point... 😞

can't tell. waiting for my chance to buy the access to show my support for the golden dragon. and my hope for a change that makes his abilities interact with more then just his weapons and place this said baked AI sentry on the ground and hope it focus' on the high priority targets. 

and i honestly want spectral scream or a form of elemental breath in the 4th ability slot because i can see some fun and exciting possibilities better then effigy where all i can see for it is either be turned into a buff, into another aoe of damage and destruction "we want to avoid encouraging set it up and done." (by the way i will never stop with the jabbing at that fact when you say that and then proceed to drop a frame with a set it up and done ability so you guys can have fun nerfing it), and the tiniest sliver of possibility of them actually giving effigy quality AI and a plentiful amount of interactions besides breath, roar, smash ground, and maybe charge, so as you aren't getting tired of him rampaging and killing off enemies. 

plus i want to be the one rampaging and doing the wanton destruction. speaking of that were is the "master of ruin" or "when the land is in ruin, tenno, chroma remains." i kind of feel like he doesn't bring any ruin. he only buffs his weapons and then those do the ruining but not chroma.

edit:just got it today and they added they might of added energy trails comming from chroma primes hands when channeling spectral scream.

Edited by maddragonmaster
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Il y a 20 heures, (XB1)SaitamaPower992 a dit :

then you can do a post for Chroma on the forum, if you're not agree then don't do anything , do not come to write absurd things, if you do not care, just avoid ... Thanks

It seems like a revolution ahahah.

It seems like you don't know that your opinion doesn't matter more than anybody else's and that telling people who disagree with you not to answer and/or debate the subject is not how you start a General Discussion, "ahahah". 

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Ah, lets see here. Where to start. Lets go story mode. Incoming...


Chroma's Development: was during a time where DE started to switch from multiplicative damage buffs to additive. This is shown as Mirage pre-dating Chroma on U14 using Multiplicative and right before Chroma's release the 1st ability Augments were introduced to the game ( Fireball Frenzy, Venom Dose, ect ) U15. These were additive damage buffs but Chroma development was complete or near by this point. Chroma was release U16 after Chroma; most frames started to use Additive Damage buffs.

  • This part is important as it shows a change in development style for frames.

The First  Mishap: began when a mathematical problem occurred in Chroma's code from too much Power Strength being applied to his multipliers causing a negative or 0 result. When DE fixed this flaw they caused a bug with multiplicative damage bonuses causes them to double dip into DoT effects and in Chroma's case dual elemental combos. Similar to the older Gas + Stealth multiplier double dips.

  • The bug caused by this fix to Chroma is a global one and to my knowledge still exists in the game with Rhino and Bane mods.

Chroma's Rework: was a claim to "fix" Chroma as his original design intended but as mentioned I firmly believe he was designed to do exactly what he did. DE changed their development style and that's fine but the bug that was intended to be fixed by this rework was cause by them attempting to fix another bug and said bug still exists in the game. If their intention was indeed to conform Chroma to their new damage buff standard than at least Rhino and Mirage are still at large.

  • This is important as it shows selective standardization which is contradictory in itself. DE even admitted that Chroma was not a problem until Plans of Eidolon. The reason for this is that Chroma has always been a flawed creation. He cannot survive long enough to make use of his damage output due to relying on Armor as his source of survival. His damage output often solved itself but this problem was made worse by changing his armor buff to additive.

They Failed on both Fronts: Not only is Chroma still able to trivialize Eidolons but he's far weaker for one of the two things he was good at. Endurance runs and Boss killing. His ability to survive is pathetic compared to previous multiplicative armor and even that wasn't the tankiest around. They didn't Improve his1st ability or his 4th ability in any meaningful way. They simply changed his roll to a mediocre buff frame that only functions well against Eidolons since there's many better damage multipliers out there that Chroma can't hope to compete with.

  • In his current state Chroma lacks the survivability to be a good endurance frame and his buff is sub part for majority of the game. Only in Eidolons who are immune to debuffs and status effects can Chroma find a purpose these days. In an attempt to hinder his ability to one-shot Eidolons they made it pretty much the only thing Chroma is good at. 


On 2018-02-02 at 2:03 PM, [DE]Connor said:

Vex Armor - Fixed a longstanding issue with number calculation being multiplicative. Boosts now apply before upgrades instead of after, making the ability consistent with all other damage boosting abilities. Overshields are now considered for Vex Armor. Chroma's Vex Armor remains one of the top performing damage-multipliers in the game - and it's now an aura! Instead of just being focused on Chroma, it can now benefit allies in range.

  • In the time up to Chroma's rework DE seemed careful with their wording. Separating Damage Buff as it's own category from other damage boosts like Blind, Sonar, ect. They made claim it was still one of the best damage buffs in the game. Which was accurate but on patch day they said multipliers which is not accurate nor is the claim that it's in line with other damage buffs as exampled by Mirage and Rhino.

So where is Chroma now? Chroma is a mediocre frame that takes less skill than previous to use. He's contradictory to his mechanics now that you can simply refresh his buff. He's still a press and forget frame and he still relies on the weakest form of mitigation in the game to survive ( Armor ). I'm astounded that Nezha is getting a 90% mitigation buff and Chroma is stuck with one Bleed proc from dead syndrome. Chroma is not a bad frame at all but he was and still is highly exaggerated in his ability to take abuse thanks to being Armor reliant. His ability to deal damage has never really been in question but now requires the group to mod their weapons a very specific way to gain maximum value which no one outside an Eidolon pre-made is going to do.

For those interested in why armor is so bad....


Damage modifier double dip into armor. Puncture for example has a +50% modifier against Ferrite which is Warframe armor. This mean Puncture not only gains 50% damage bonus but ignores 50% of your armor value. This creates an armor penetrating effect than is only be reduced by greater amounts of armor. Chroma being able to get very high amounts of armor was the only thing saving him from suffering more at the hands of this double dip. A formula for calculating how modifiers interact with Armor is here

damage = baseDamage * (1+damageTypeModifier) * (300 / (300 + armorRating * (1-damageTypeModifier)))

As an example 100 Puncture damage to 663 armor ( 68.8% mitigation )..

damage = 100 * (1 + 0.5)  * (300 / (300 + 663 * (1- 0.5)))
damage = 100 * 1.5 * (300 / (300 + 663 * 0.5))
damage = 100 * 1.5 * (300 / 631.5)
damage = 100 * 1.5 * 0.475
damage = 71

If not for this double dip the resulting damage of 100 +50% would be 47 damage.

I like to show this video to people to give a visual example of Chroma's survival state. Chroma takes 15 hits while Nova takes 18. Of course higher energy pool for Chroma Prime will improve his survival when using QT but also keep in mind Nova isn't using her strongest ability which is effectively 75% addition mitigation against most enemies.




TLTR:  Armor mitigation sucks and so does Chroma's rework.

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8 hours ago, Xzorn said:

Ah, lets see here. Where to start. Lets go story mode. Incoming...


Chroma's Development: was during a time where DE started to switch from multiplicative damage buffs to additive. This is shown as Mirage pre-dating Chroma on U14 using Multiplicative and right before Chroma's release the 1st ability Augments were introduced to the game ( Fireball Frenzy, Venom Dose, ect ) U15. These were additive damage buffs but Chroma development was complete or near by this point. Chroma was release U16 after Chroma; most frames started to use Additive Damage buffs.

  • This part is important as it shows a change in development style for frames.

The First  Mishap: began when a mathematical problem occurred in Chroma's code from too much Power Strength being applied to his multipliers causing a negative or 0 result. When DE fixed this flaw they caused a bug with multiplicative damage bonuses causes them to double dip into DoT effects and in Chroma's case dual elemental combos. Similar to the older Gas + Stealth multiplier double dips.

  • The bug caused by this fix to Chroma is a global one and to my knowledge still exists in the game with Rhino and Bane mods.

Chroma's Rework: was a claim to "fix" Chroma as his original design intended but as mentioned I firmly believe he was designed to do exactly what he did. DE changed their development style and that's fine but the bug that was intended to be fixed by this rework was cause by them attempting to fix another bug and said bug still exists in the game. If their intention was indeed to conform Chroma to their new damage buff standard than at least Rhino and Mirage are still at large.

  • This is important as it shows selective standardization which is contradictory in itself. DE even admitted that Chroma was not a problem until Plans of Eidolon. The reason for this is that Chroma has always been a flawed creation. He cannot survive long enough to make use of his damage output due to relying on Armor as his source of survival. His damage output often solved itself but this problem was made worse by changing his armor buff to additive.

They Failed on both Fronts: Not only is Chroma still able to trivialize Eidolons but he's far weaker for one of the two things he was good at. Endurance runs and Boss killing. His ability to survive is pathetic compared to previous multiplicative armor and even that wasn't the tankiest around. They didn't Improve his1st ability or his 4th ability in any meaningful way. They simply changed his roll to a mediocre buff frame that only functions well against Eidolons since there's many better damage multipliers out there that Chroma can't hope to compete with.

  • In his current state Chroma lacks the survivability to be a good endurance frame and his buff is sub part for majority of the game. Only in Eidolons who are immune to debuffs and status effects can Chroma find a purpose these days. In an attempt to hinder his ability to one-shot Eidolons they made it pretty much the only thing Chroma is good at. 


  • In the time up to Chroma's rework DE seemed careful with their wording. Separating Damage Buff as it's own category from other damage boosts like Blind, Sonar, ect. They made claim it was still one of the best damage buffs in the game. Which was accurate but on patch day they said multipliers which is not accurate nor is the claim that it's in line with other damage buffs as exampled by Mirage and Rhino.

So where is Chroma now? Chroma is a mediocre frame that takes less skill than previous to use. He's contradictory to his mechanics now that you can simply refresh his buff. He's still a press and forget frame and he still relies on the weakest form of mitigation in the game to survive ( Armor ). I'm astounded that Nezha is getting a 90% mitigation buff and Chroma is stuck with one Bleed proc from dead syndrome. Chroma is not a bad frame at all but he was and still is highly exaggerated in his ability to take abuse thanks to being Armor reliant. His ability to deal damage has never really been in question but now requires the group to mod their weapons a very specific way to gain maximum value which no one outside an Eidolon pre-made is going to do.

For those interested in why armor is so bad....

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Damage modifier double dip into armor. Puncture for example has a +50% modifier against Ferrite which is Warframe armor. This mean Puncture not only gains 50% damage bonus but ignores 50% of your armor value. This creates an armor penetrating effect than is only be reduced by greater amounts of armor. Chroma being able to get very high amounts of armor was the only thing saving him from suffering more at the hands of this double dip. A formula for calculating how modifiers interact with Armor is here

damage = baseDamage * (1+damageTypeModifier) * (300 / (300 + armorRating * (1-damageTypeModifier)))

As an example 100 Puncture damage to 663 armor ( 68.8% mitigation )..

damage = 100 * (1 + 0.5)  * (300 / (300 + 663 * (1- 0.5)))
damage = 100 * 1.5 * (300 / (300 + 663 * 0.5))
damage = 100 * 1.5 * (300 / 631.5)
damage = 100 * 1.5 * 0.475
damage = 71

If not for this double dip the resulting damage of 100 +50% would be 47 damage.

I like to show this video to people to give a visual example of Chroma's survival state. Chroma takes 15 hits while Nova takes 18. Of course higher energy pool for Chroma Prime will improve his survival when using QT but also keep in mind Nova isn't using her strongest ability which is effectively 75% addition mitigation against most enemies.

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TLTR:  Armor mitigation sucks and so does Chroma's rework.

Keep it coming...between you and Crixus...I personally find his play to be mediocre in power and lackluster in terms of entertainment value.  Which is sad because he looks AWESOME and his “1” could be visually remarkable and fast-paced and stack.

DE needs to know.

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